// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only export type SplitTextOptionsType = Readonly<{ granularity: 'grapheme' | 'word'; shouldBreak: (slice: string) => boolean; }>; export function splitText( text: string, { granularity, shouldBreak }: SplitTextOptionsType ): Array<string> { const isWordBased = granularity === 'word'; const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter(undefined, { granularity, }); const result = new Array<string>(); // Compute number of lines and height of text let acc = ''; let best = ''; for (const { segment, isWordLike } of segmenter.segment(text)) { acc += segment; // For "grapheme" segmenting, "isWordLike" is always "undefined" if (isWordLike === false) { best = acc; continue; } if (shouldBreak(isWordBased ? acc.trim() : acc)) { result.push(best); acc = acc.slice(best.length); best = acc; } else { best = acc; } } if (best) { result.push(best); } return isWordBased ? result.map(x => x.trim()) : result; }