// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { memo, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { animated, useSpring } from '@react-spring/web'; export type StoryProgressSegmentProps = Readonly<{ currentIndex: number; duration: number | null; index: number; playing: boolean; onFinish: () => void; }>; function isValidDuration(duration: number | null): boolean { return duration != null && Number.isFinite(duration) && duration > 0; } export const StoryProgressSegment = memo(function StoryProgressSegment({ currentIndex, duration, index, playing, onFinish, }: StoryProgressSegmentProps): JSX.Element { const onFinishRef = useRef(onFinish); useEffect(() => { onFinishRef.current = onFinish; }, [onFinish]); const [progressBarStyle] = useSpring(() => { return { // Override default value from `Globals` to ignore "Reduce Motion" setting. // This animation is important for progressing through stories and is minor // enough that it shouldn't cause issues for users with sensitivity to motion. skipAnimation: false, immediate: index !== currentIndex, // Pause while we are waiting for a valid duration pause: !playing || !isValidDuration(duration), from: { x: index < currentIndex ? 1 : 0 }, to: { x: index <= currentIndex ? 1 : 0 }, config: { duration: duration ?? Infinity }, onRest: result => { if (index === currentIndex && result.finished) { onFinishRef.current(); } }, }; }, [index, playing, currentIndex, duration]); return (