// Copyright 2019 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as React from 'react'; import Quill, { Delta } from '@signalapp/quill-cjs'; import { matchText, matchNewline, matchBreak, } from '@signalapp/quill-cjs/modules/clipboard'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { Manager, Reference } from 'react-popper'; import type { Range as RangeStatic } from '@signalapp/quill-cjs'; import { MentionCompletion } from '../quill/mentions/completion'; import { FormattingMenu, QuillFormattingStyle } from '../quill/formatting/menu'; import { MonospaceBlot } from '../quill/formatting/monospaceBlot'; import { SpoilerBlot } from '../quill/formatting/spoilerBlot'; import { EmojiBlot, EmojiCompletion } from '../quill/emoji'; import type { EmojiPickDataType } from './emoji/EmojiPicker'; import { convertShortName } from './emoji/lib'; import type { DraftBodyRanges, HydratedBodyRangesType, RangeNode, } from '../types/BodyRange'; import { BodyRange, areBodyRangesEqual, collapseRangeTree, insertRange, } from '../types/BodyRange'; import type { LocalizerType, ThemeType } from '../types/Util'; import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { PreferredBadgeSelectorType } from '../state/selectors/badges'; import { isAciString } from '../util/isAciString'; import { MentionBlot } from '../quill/mentions/blot'; import { matchEmojiImage, matchEmojiBlot, matchEmojiText, } from '../quill/emoji/matchers'; import { matchMention } from '../quill/mentions/matchers'; import { MemberRepository } from '../quill/memberRepository'; import { getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions, getTextAndRangesFromOps, isMentionBlot, isEmojiBlot, getDeltaToRestartMention, getDeltaToRestartEmoji, insertEmojiOps, insertFormattingAndMentionsOps, } from '../quill/util'; import { SignalClipboard } from '../quill/signal-clipboard'; import { DirectionalBlot } from '../quill/block/blot'; import { getClassNamesFor } from '../util/getClassNamesFor'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { useEmojiSearch } from '../hooks/useEmojiSearch'; import type { LinkPreviewType } from '../types/message/LinkPreviews'; import { StagedLinkPreview } from './conversation/StagedLinkPreview'; import type { DraftEditMessageType } from '../model-types.d'; import { usePrevious } from '../hooks/usePrevious'; import { matchBold, matchItalic, matchMonospace, matchSpoiler, matchStrikethrough, } from '../quill/formatting/matchers'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { AutoSubstituteAsciiEmojis } from '../quill/auto-substitute-ascii-emojis'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { SimpleQuillWrapper } from './SimpleQuillWrapper'; Quill.register( { 'formats/emoji': EmojiBlot, 'formats/mention': MentionBlot, 'formats/block': DirectionalBlot, 'formats/monospace': MonospaceBlot, 'formats/spoiler': SpoilerBlot, 'modules/autoSubstituteAsciiEmojis': AutoSubstituteAsciiEmojis, 'modules/emojiCompletion': EmojiCompletion, 'modules/mentionCompletion': MentionCompletion, 'modules/formattingMenu': FormattingMenu, 'modules/signalClipboard': SignalClipboard, }, true ); export type InputApi = { focus: () => void; insertEmoji: (e: EmojiPickDataType) => void; setContents: ( text: string, draftBodyRanges?: HydratedBodyRangesType, cursorToEnd?: boolean ) => void; reset: () => void; submit: () => void; }; export type Props = Readonly<{ children?: React.ReactNode; conversationId: string | null; i18n: LocalizerType; disabled?: boolean; draftEditMessage: DraftEditMessageType | null; getPreferredBadge: PreferredBadgeSelectorType; large: boolean | null; inputApi: React.MutableRefObject | null; isFormattingEnabled: boolean; isActive: boolean; sendCounter: number; skinTone: NonNullable | null; draftText: string | null; draftBodyRanges: HydratedBodyRangesType | null; moduleClassName?: string; theme: ThemeType; placeholder?: string; sortedGroupMembers: ReadonlyArray | null; onDirtyChange?(dirty: boolean): unknown; onEditorStateChange(options: { bodyRanges: DraftBodyRanges; caretLocation?: number; conversationId: string | undefined; messageText: string; sendCounter: number; }): unknown; onTextTooLong(): unknown; onPickEmoji(o: EmojiPickDataType): unknown; onBlur?: () => unknown; onFocus?: () => unknown; onSubmit( message: string, bodyRanges: DraftBodyRanges, timestamp: number ): unknown; onScroll?: (ev: React.UIEvent) => void; ourConversationId: string | undefined; platform: string; quotedMessageId: string | null; shouldHidePopovers: boolean | null; linkPreviewLoading?: boolean; linkPreviewResult: LinkPreviewType | null; onCloseLinkPreview?(conversationId: string): unknown; }>; const MAX_LENGTH = 64 * 1024; const BASE_CLASS_NAME = 'module-composition-input'; export function CompositionInput(props: Props): React.ReactElement { const { children, conversationId, disabled, draftBodyRanges, draftEditMessage, draftText, getPreferredBadge, i18n, inputApi, isFormattingEnabled, isActive, large, linkPreviewLoading, linkPreviewResult, moduleClassName, onCloseLinkPreview, onBlur, onFocus, onPickEmoji, onScroll, onSubmit, ourConversationId, placeholder, platform, quotedMessageId, shouldHidePopovers, skinTone, sendCounter, sortedGroupMembers, theme, } = props; const [emojiCompletionElement, setEmojiCompletionElement] = React.useState(); const [formattingChooserElement, setFormattingChooserElement] = React.useState(); const [lastSelectionRange, setLastSelectionRange] = React.useState(null); const [mentionCompletionElement, setMentionCompletionElement] = React.useState(); const emojiCompletionRef = React.useRef(); const mentionCompletionRef = React.useRef(); const quillRef = React.useRef(); const propsRef = React.useRef(props); const canSendRef = React.useRef(false); const memberRepositoryRef = React.useRef( new MemberRepository() ); const [isMouseDown, setIsMouseDown] = React.useState(false); const generateDelta = ( text: string, bodyRanges: HydratedBodyRangesType ): Delta => { const textLength = text.length; const tree = bodyRanges.reduce>((acc, range) => { if (range.start < textLength) { return insertRange(range, acc); } return acc; }, []); const nodes = collapseRangeTree({ tree, text }); const opsWithFormattingAndMentions = insertFormattingAndMentionsOps(nodes); const opsWithEmojis = insertEmojiOps(opsWithFormattingAndMentions, {}); return new Delta(opsWithEmojis); }; const getTextAndRanges = (): { text: string; bodyRanges: DraftBodyRanges; } => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return { text: '', bodyRanges: [] }; } const contents = quill.getContents(); if (contents === undefined) { return { text: '', bodyRanges: [] }; } const { ops } = contents; if (ops === undefined) { return { text: '', bodyRanges: [] }; } const { text, bodyRanges } = getTextAndRangesFromOps(ops); return { text, bodyRanges: bodyRanges.filter(range => { if (BodyRange.isMention(range)) { return true; } if (BodyRange.isFormatting(range)) { return true; } throw missingCaseError(range); }), }; }; const focus = () => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } quill.focus(); }; const insertEmoji = (e: EmojiPickDataType) => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } const range = quill.getSelection(); const insertionRange = range || lastSelectionRange; if (insertionRange == null) { return; } const emoji = convertShortName(e.shortName, e.skinTone); const delta = new Delta() .retain(insertionRange.index) .delete(insertionRange.length) .insert({ emoji: { value: emoji } }); quill.updateContents(delta, 'user'); quill.setSelection(insertionRange.index + 1, 0, 'user'); }; const reset = () => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } canSendRef.current = true; quill.setText(''); quill.history.clear(); }; const setContents = ( text: string, bodyRanges?: HydratedBodyRangesType, cursorToEnd?: boolean ) => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } const delta = generateDelta(text || '', bodyRanges || []); canSendRef.current = true; quill.setContents(delta); if (cursorToEnd) { quill.setSelection(quill.getLength(), 0); } }; const submit = () => { const timestamp = Date.now(); const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } if (!canSendRef.current) { log.warn( 'CompositionInput: Not submitting message - cannot send right now' ); return; } const { text, bodyRanges } = getTextAndRanges(); log.info( `CompositionInput: Submitting message ${timestamp} with ${bodyRanges.length} ranges` ); canSendRef.current = false; const didSend = onSubmit(text, bodyRanges, timestamp); if (!didSend) { canSendRef.current = true; } }; if (inputApi) { inputApi.current = { focus, insertEmoji, setContents, reset, submit, }; } React.useEffect(() => { propsRef.current = props; }, [props]); React.useEffect(() => { canSendRef.current = !disabled; }, [disabled]); const onShortKeyEnter = (): boolean => { submit(); return false; }; const previousFormattingEnabled = usePrevious( isFormattingEnabled, isFormattingEnabled ); const previousIsMouseDown = usePrevious(isMouseDown, isMouseDown); React.useEffect(() => { const formattingChanged = typeof previousFormattingEnabled === 'boolean' && previousFormattingEnabled !== isFormattingEnabled; const mouseDownChanged = previousIsMouseDown !== isMouseDown; const quill = quillRef.current; const changed = formattingChanged || mouseDownChanged; if (quill && changed) { const formattingMenu = quill.getModule('formattingMenu'); if (!(formattingMenu instanceof FormattingMenu)) { throw new Error( 'CompositionInput: formattingMenu module not properly initialized' ); } formattingMenu.updateOptions({ isMenuEnabled: isFormattingEnabled, isMouseDown, }); } }, [ isFormattingEnabled, isMouseDown, previousFormattingEnabled, previousIsMouseDown, ]); React.useEffect(() => { const signalClipboard = quillRef.current?.getModule('signalClipboard'); if (!signalClipboard) { return; } if (!(signalClipboard instanceof SignalClipboard)) { throw new Error( 'CompositionInput: signalClipboard module not properly initialized' ); } signalClipboard.updateOptions({ isDisabled: !isActive, }); }, [isActive]); const onEnter = (): boolean => { const quill = quillRef.current; const emojiCompletion = emojiCompletionRef.current; const mentionCompletion = mentionCompletionRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return false; } if (emojiCompletion === undefined || mentionCompletion === undefined) { return false; } if (emojiCompletion.results.length) { emojiCompletion.completeEmoji(); return false; } if (mentionCompletion.results.length) { mentionCompletion.completeMention(); return false; } if (propsRef.current.large) { return true; } submit(); return false; }; const onTab = (): boolean => { const quill = quillRef.current; const emojiCompletion = emojiCompletionRef.current; const mentionCompletion = mentionCompletionRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return false; } if (emojiCompletion === undefined || mentionCompletion === undefined) { return false; } if (emojiCompletion.results.length) { emojiCompletion.completeEmoji(); return false; } if (mentionCompletion.results.length) { mentionCompletion.completeMention(); return false; } return true; }; const onEscape = (): boolean => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return false; } const emojiCompletion = emojiCompletionRef.current; const mentionCompletion = mentionCompletionRef.current; if (emojiCompletion) { if (emojiCompletion.results.length) { emojiCompletion.reset(); return false; } } if (mentionCompletion) { if (mentionCompletion.results.length) { mentionCompletion.clearResults(); return false; } } return true; }; const onBackspace = (): boolean => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return true; } const selection = quill.getSelection(); if (!selection || selection.length > 0) { return true; } const [blotToDelete] = quill.getLeaf(selection.index); if (!blotToDelete) { return true; } if (isMentionBlot(blotToDelete)) { const contents = quill.getContents(0, selection.index - 1); const restartDelta = getDeltaToRestartMention(contents.ops); quill.updateContents(restartDelta); quill.setSelection(selection.index, 0); return false; } if (isEmojiBlot(blotToDelete)) { const contents = quill.getContents(0, selection.index); const restartDelta = getDeltaToRestartEmoji(contents.ops); quill.updateContents(restartDelta); return false; } return true; }; const onChange = (): void => { const quill = quillRef.current; const { text, bodyRanges } = getTextAndRanges(); if (quill !== undefined) { // This is pretty ugly, but it seems that Chromium tries to replicate the computed // style of removed DOM elements. 100% reproducible by selecting formatted lines and // typing new text. This code removes the style tags that we don't want there, and // quill doesn't know about. It can result formatting on the resultant message that // doesn't match the composer. const withStyles = quill.container.querySelectorAll('[style]'); for (const node of withStyles) { node.attributes.removeNamedItem('style'); } if (text.length > MAX_LENGTH) { quill.history.undo(); propsRef.current.onTextTooLong(); return; } const { onEditorStateChange } = propsRef.current; if (onEditorStateChange) { // `getSelection` inside the `onChange` event handler will be the // selection value _before_ the change occurs. `setTimeout` 0 here will // let `getSelection` return the selection after the change takes place. // this is necessary for `maybeGrabLinkPreview` as it needs the correct // `caretLocation` from the post-change selection index value. setTimeout(() => { const selection = quill.getSelection(); onEditorStateChange({ bodyRanges, caretLocation: selection ? selection.index : undefined, conversationId: conversationId ?? undefined, messageText: text, sendCounter, }); }, 0); } } if (propsRef.current.onDirtyChange) { let isDirty: boolean = false; if (!draftEditMessage) { isDirty = text.length > 0; } else if (text.trimEnd() !== draftEditMessage.body.trimEnd()) { isDirty = true; } else if (bodyRanges.length !== draftEditMessage.bodyRanges?.length) { isDirty = true; } else if (!areBodyRangesEqual(bodyRanges, draftEditMessage.bodyRanges)) { isDirty = true; } else if (dropNull(quotedMessageId) !== draftEditMessage.quote?.id) { isDirty = true; } propsRef.current.onDirtyChange(isDirty); } }; React.useEffect(() => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } quill.enable(!disabled); quill.focus(); }, [disabled]); React.useEffect(() => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } function handleFocus() { onFocus?.(); } function handleBlur() { onBlur?.(); } quill.root.addEventListener('focus', handleFocus); quill.root.addEventListener('blur', handleBlur); return () => { quill.root.removeEventListener('focus', handleFocus); quill.root.removeEventListener('blur', handleBlur); }; }, [onFocus, onBlur]); React.useEffect(() => { const emojiCompletion = emojiCompletionRef.current; if (emojiCompletion == null || skinTone == null) { return; } emojiCompletion.options.skinTone = skinTone; }, [skinTone]); React.useEffect( () => () => { const emojiCompletion = emojiCompletionRef.current; const mentionCompletion = mentionCompletionRef.current; if (emojiCompletion !== undefined) { emojiCompletion.destroy(); } if (mentionCompletion !== undefined) { mentionCompletion.destroy(); } }, [] ); const removeStaleMentions = ( currentMembers: ReadonlyArray ) => { const quill = quillRef.current; if (quill === undefined) { return; } const { ops } = quill.getContents(); if (ops === undefined) { return; } const currentMemberAcis = currentMembers .map(m => m.serviceId) .filter(isNotNil) .filter(isAciString); const newDelta = getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions(ops, currentMemberAcis); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any quill.updateContents(newDelta as any); }; const memberIds = sortedGroupMembers ? sortedGroupMembers.map(m => m.id) : []; React.useEffect(() => { memberRepositoryRef.current.updateMembers(sortedGroupMembers || []); removeStaleMentions(sortedGroupMembers || []); // We are still depending on members, but ESLint can't tell // Comparing the actual members list does not work for a couple reasons: // * Arrays with the same objects are not "equal" to React // * We only care about added/removed members, ignoring other attributes // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [JSON.stringify(memberIds)]); // Placing all of these callbacks inside of a ref since Quill is not able // to re-render. We want to make sure that all these callbacks are fresh // so that the consumers of this component won't deal with stale props or // stale state as the result of calling them. const unstaleCallbacks = { onBackspace, onChange, onEnter, onEscape, onPickEmoji, onShortKeyEnter, onTab, }; const callbacksRef = React.useRef(unstaleCallbacks); callbacksRef.current = unstaleCallbacks; const search = useEmojiSearch(i18n.getLocale()); const reactQuill = React.useMemo( () => { const delta = generateDelta(draftText || '', draftBodyRanges || []); return ( callbacksRef.current.onChange()} defaultValue={delta} modules={{ toolbar: false, signalClipboard: { isDisabled: !isActive, }, clipboard: { defaultMatchersOverride: [], disableDefaultListeners: true, matchers: [ [Node.TEXT_NODE, matchText], [Node.TEXT_NODE, matchNewline], ['br', matchBreak], [Node.ELEMENT_NODE, matchNewline], ['IMG', matchEmojiImage], ['IMG', matchEmojiBlot], ['STRONG', matchBold], ['EM', matchItalic], ['SPAN', matchMonospace], ['S', matchStrikethrough], ['SPAN', matchSpoiler], [Node.TEXT_NODE, matchEmojiText], ['SPAN', matchMention(memberRepositoryRef)], ], }, keyboard: { bindings: { ShortEnter: { key: 'Enter', shortKey: true, handler: () => callbacksRef.current.onShortKeyEnter(), }, Enter: { key: 'Enter', handler: () => callbacksRef.current.onEnter(), }, Escape: { key: 'Escape', handler: () => callbacksRef.current.onEscape(), }, Backspace: { key: 'Backspace', handler: () => callbacksRef.current.onBackspace(), }, Tab: { key: 'Tab', handler: () => callbacksRef.current.onTab(), }, }, }, emojiCompletion: { setEmojiPickerElement: setEmojiCompletionElement, onPickEmoji: (emoji: EmojiPickDataType) => callbacksRef.current.onPickEmoji(emoji), skinTone, search, }, autoSubstituteAsciiEmojis: { skinTone, }, formattingMenu: { i18n, isMenuEnabled: isFormattingEnabled, platform, setFormattingChooserElement, }, mentionCompletion: { getPreferredBadge, memberRepositoryRef, setMentionPickerElement: setMentionCompletionElement, ourConversationId, i18n, theme, }, }} formats={getQuillFormats()} placeholder={placeholder || i18n('icu:sendMessage')} readOnly={disabled} ref={element => { if (element) { const quill = element.getQuill(); if (!quill) { throw new Error( 'CompositionInput: wrapper did not return quill!' ); } quillRef.current = quill; // When loading a multi-line message out of a draft, the cursor // position needs to be pushed to the end of the input manually. quill.once('editor-change', () => { setTimeout(() => { quill.setSelection(quill.getLength(), 0); quill.root.classList.add('ql-editor--loaded'); }, 0); }); quill.on( 'selection-change', (newRange: RangeStatic, oldRange: RangeStatic) => { // If we lose focus, store the last edit point for emoji insertion if (newRange == null) { setLastSelectionRange(oldRange); } } ); const emojiCompletion = quill.getModule('emojiCompletion'); if (!(emojiCompletion instanceof EmojiCompletion)) { throw new Error( 'CompositionInput: emojiCompletion module not properly initialized' ); } emojiCompletionRef.current = emojiCompletion; const mentionCompletion = quill.getModule('mentionCompletion'); if (!(mentionCompletion instanceof MentionCompletion)) { throw new Error( 'CompositionInput: mentionCompletion module not properly initialized' ); } mentionCompletionRef.current = mentionCompletion; } }} /> ); }, // quill shouldn't re-render, all changes should take place exclusively // through mutating the quill state directly instead of through props // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [] ); // The onClick handler below is only to make it easier for mouse users to focus the // message box. In 'large' mode, the actual Quill text box can be one line while the // visual text box is much larger. Clicking that should allow you to start typing, // hence the click handler. // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events, jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ const getClassName = getClassNamesFor(BASE_CLASS_NAME, moduleClassName); const onMouseDown = React.useCallback( event => { const target = event.target as HTMLElement; try { // If the user is actually clicking the format menu, we drop this event if (target.closest('.module-composition-input__format-menu')) { return; } setIsMouseDown(true); const onMouseUp = () => { setIsMouseDown(false); window.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); }; window.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); } catch (error) { log.error( 'CompositionInput.onMouseDown: Failed to check event target', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } setIsMouseDown(true); }, [setIsMouseDown] ); return ( {({ ref }) => (
{draftEditMessage && (
)} {draftEditMessage?.attachmentThumbnail && (
)} {conversationId && linkPreviewLoading && linkPreviewResult && ( onCloseLinkPreview?.(conversationId)} /> )} {children}
{reactQuill} {shouldHidePopovers ? null : ( <> {emojiCompletionElement} {mentionCompletionElement} {formattingChooserElement} )}
); } function getQuillFormats(): Array { return [ // For image replacement (local-only) 'emoji', // @mentions 'mention', QuillFormattingStyle.spoiler, QuillFormattingStyle.monospace, // Built-in QuillFormattingStyle.bold, QuillFormattingStyle.italic, QuillFormattingStyle.strike, ]; }