/* global window, IDBKeyRange */ const { includes, isFunction, isString, last, map } = require('lodash'); const { saveMessages, _removeMessages, saveUnprocesseds, removeUnprocessed, saveConversations, _removeConversations, } = require('./data'); const { getMessageExportLastIndex, setMessageExportLastIndex, getMessageExportCount, setMessageExportCount, getUnprocessedExportLastIndex, setUnprocessedExportLastIndex, } = require('./settings'); const { migrateConversation } = require('./types/conversation'); module.exports = { migrateToSQL, }; async function migrateToSQL({ db, clearStores, handleDOMException, countCallback, arrayBufferToString, writeNewAttachmentData, }) { if (!db) { throw new Error('Need db for IndexedDB connection!'); } if (!isFunction(clearStores)) { throw new Error('Need clearStores function!'); } if (!isFunction(arrayBufferToString)) { throw new Error('Need arrayBufferToString function!'); } if (!isFunction(handleDOMException)) { throw new Error('Need handleDOMException function!'); } window.log.info('migrateToSQL: start'); let [lastIndex, doneSoFar] = await Promise.all([ getMessageExportLastIndex(db), getMessageExportCount(db), ]); let complete = false; while (!complete) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const status = await migrateStoreToSQLite({ db, save: saveMessages, remove: _removeMessages, storeName: 'messages', handleDOMException, lastIndex, }); ({ complete, lastIndex } = status); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await Promise.all([ setMessageExportCount(db, doneSoFar), setMessageExportLastIndex(db, lastIndex), ]); const { count } = status; doneSoFar += count; if (countCallback) { countCallback(doneSoFar); } } window.log.info('migrateToSQL: migrate of messages complete'); try { await clearStores(['messages']); } catch (error) { window.log.warn('Failed to clear messages store'); } lastIndex = await getUnprocessedExportLastIndex(db); complete = false; while (!complete) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const status = await migrateStoreToSQLite({ db, save: async array => { await Promise.all( map(array, async item => { // In the new database, we can't store ArrayBuffers, so we turn these two // fields into strings like MessageReceiver now does before save. // Need to set it to version two, since we're using Base64 strings now // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign item.version = 2; if (item.envelope) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign item.envelope = await arrayBufferToString(item.envelope); } if (item.decrypted) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign item.decrypted = await arrayBufferToString(item.decrypted); } }) ); await saveUnprocesseds(array); }, remove: removeUnprocessed, storeName: 'unprocessed', handleDOMException, lastIndex, }); ({ complete, lastIndex } = status); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await setUnprocessedExportLastIndex(db, lastIndex); } window.log.info('migrateToSQL: migrate of unprocessed complete'); try { await clearStores(['unprocessed']); } catch (error) { window.log.warn('Failed to clear unprocessed store'); } complete = false; while (!complete) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const status = await migrateStoreToSQLite({ db, // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func save: async array => { const conversations = await Promise.all( map(array, async conversation => migrateConversation(conversation, { writeNewAttachmentData }) ) ); saveConversations(conversations); }, remove: _removeConversations, storeName: 'conversations', handleDOMException, lastIndex, // Because we're doing real-time moves to the filesystem, minimize parallelism batchSize: 5, }); ({ complete, lastIndex } = status); } window.log.info('migrateToSQL: migrate of conversations complete'); try { await clearStores(['conversations']); } catch (error) { window.log.warn('Failed to clear conversations store'); } window.log.info('migrateToSQL: complete'); } async function migrateStoreToSQLite({ db, save, remove, storeName, handleDOMException, lastIndex = null, batchSize = 50, }) { if (!db) { throw new Error('Need db for IndexedDB connection!'); } if (!isFunction(save)) { throw new Error('Need save function!'); } if (!isFunction(remove)) { throw new Error('Need remove function!'); } if (!isString(storeName)) { throw new Error('Need storeName!'); } if (!isFunction(handleDOMException)) { throw new Error('Need handleDOMException for error handling!'); } if (!includes(db.objectStoreNames, storeName)) { return { complete: true, count: 0, }; } const queryPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const items = []; const transaction = db.transaction(storeName, 'readonly'); transaction.onerror = () => { handleDOMException( 'migrateToSQLite transaction error', transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => {}; const store = transaction.objectStore(storeName); const excludeLowerBound = true; const range = lastIndex ? IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(lastIndex, excludeLowerBound) : undefined; const request = store.openCursor(range); request.onerror = () => { handleDOMException( 'migrateToSQLite: request error', request.error, reject ); }; request.onsuccess = event => { const cursor = event.target.result; if (!cursor || !cursor.value) { return resolve({ complete: true, items, }); } const item = cursor.value; items.push(item); if (items.length >= batchSize) { return resolve({ complete: false, items, }); } return cursor.continue(); }; }); const { items, complete } = await queryPromise; if (items.length) { // Because of the force save and some failed imports, we're going to delete before // we attempt to insert. const ids = items.map(item => item.id); await remove(ids); // We need to pass forceSave parameter, because these items already have an // id key. Normally, this call would be interpreted as an update request. await save(items, { forceSave: true }); } const lastItem = last(items); const id = lastItem ? lastItem.id : null; return { complete, count: items.length, lastIndex: id, }; }