import memoizee from 'memoizee'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { getSearchResultsProps } from '../../shims/Whisper'; import { instance } from '../../util/libphonenumberInstance'; import { StateType } from '../reducer'; import { MessageSearchResultLookupType, MessageSearchResultType, SearchStateType, } from '../ducks/search'; import { ConversationLookupType, ConversationType, } from '../ducks/conversations'; import { PropsDataType as SearchResultsPropsType, SearchResultRowType, } from '../../components/SearchResults'; import { PropsDataType as MessageSearchResultPropsDataType } from '../../components/MessageSearchResult'; import { getRegionCode, getUserAgent, getUserNumber } from './user'; import { GetConversationByIdType, getConversationLookup, getConversationSelector, getSelectedConversation, } from './conversations'; export const getSearch = (state: StateType): SearchStateType =>; export const getQuery = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType): string => state.query ); export const getSelectedMessage = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType): string | undefined => state.selectedMessage ); export const getSearchConversationId = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType): string | undefined => state.searchConversationId ); export const getSearchConversationName = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType): string | undefined => state.searchConversationName ); export const getStartSearchCounter = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType): number => state.startSearchCounter ); export const isSearching = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType) => { const { query } = state; return query && query.trim().length > 1; } ); export const getMessageSearchResultLookup = createSelector( getSearch, (state: SearchStateType) => state.messageLookup ); export const getSearchResults = createSelector( [ getSearch, getRegionCode, getUserAgent, getConversationLookup, getSelectedConversation, getSelectedMessage, ], ( state: SearchStateType, regionCode: string, userAgent: string, lookup: ConversationLookupType, selectedConversationId?: string, selectedMessageId?: string // tslint:disable-next-line max-func-body-length ): SearchResultsPropsType | undefined => { const { contacts, conversations, discussionsLoading, messageIds, messagesLoading, searchConversationName, } = state; const showStartNewConversation = Boolean( state.normalizedPhoneNumber && !lookup[state.normalizedPhoneNumber] ); const haveConversations = conversations && conversations.length; const haveContacts = contacts && contacts.length; const haveMessages = messageIds && messageIds.length; const noResults = !discussionsLoading && !messagesLoading && !showStartNewConversation && !haveConversations && !haveContacts && !haveMessages; const items: Array = []; if (showStartNewConversation) { items.push({ type: 'start-new-conversation', data: undefined, }); const isIOS = userAgent === 'OWI'; const parsedNumber = instance.parse(state.query, regionCode); const isValidNumber = instance.isValidNumber(parsedNumber); if (!isIOS && isValidNumber) { items.push({ type: 'sms-mms-not-supported-text', data: undefined, }); } } if (haveConversations) { items.push({ type: 'conversations-header', data: undefined, }); conversations.forEach(id => { const data = lookup[id]; items.push({ type: 'conversation', data: {, isSelected: Boolean(data && id === selectedConversationId), }, }); }); } else if (discussionsLoading) { items.push({ type: 'conversations-header', data: undefined, }); items.push({ type: 'spinner', data: undefined, }); } if (haveContacts) { items.push({ type: 'contacts-header', data: undefined, }); contacts.forEach(id => { const data = lookup[id]; items.push({ type: 'contact', data: {, isSelected: Boolean(data && id === selectedConversationId), }, }); }); } if (haveMessages) { items.push({ type: 'messages-header', data: undefined, }); messageIds.forEach(messageId => { items.push({ type: 'message', data: messageId, }); }); } else if (messagesLoading) { items.push({ type: 'messages-header', data: undefined, }); items.push({ type: 'spinner', data: undefined, }); } return { discussionsLoading, items, messagesLoading, noResults, regionCode: regionCode, searchConversationName, searchTerm: state.query, selectedConversationId, selectedMessageId, }; } ); export function _messageSearchResultSelector( message: MessageSearchResultType, // @ts-ignore ourNumber: string, // @ts-ignore regionCode: string, // @ts-ignore sender?: ConversationType, // @ts-ignore recipient?: ConversationType, searchConversationId?: string, selectedMessageId?: string ): MessageSearchResultPropsDataType { // Note: We don't use all of those parameters here, but the shim we call does. // We want to call this function again if any of those parameters change. return { ...getSearchResultsProps(message), isSelected: === selectedMessageId, isSearchingInConversation: Boolean(searchConversationId), }; } // A little optimization to reset our selector cache whenever high-level application data // changes: regionCode and userNumber. type CachedMessageSearchResultSelectorType = ( message: MessageSearchResultType, ourNumber: string, regionCode: string, sender?: ConversationType, recipient?: ConversationType, searchConversationId?: string, selectedMessageId?: string ) => MessageSearchResultPropsDataType; export const getCachedSelectorForMessageSearchResult = createSelector( getRegionCode, getUserNumber, (): CachedMessageSearchResultSelectorType => { // Note: memoizee will check all parameters provided, and only run our selector // if any of them have changed. return memoizee(_messageSearchResultSelector, { max: 500 }); } ); type GetMessageSearchResultByIdType = ( id: string ) => MessageSearchResultPropsDataType | undefined; export const getMessageSearchResultSelector = createSelector( getCachedSelectorForMessageSearchResult, getMessageSearchResultLookup, getSelectedMessage, getConversationSelector, getSearchConversationId, getRegionCode, getUserNumber, ( messageSearchResultSelector: CachedMessageSearchResultSelectorType, messageSearchResultLookup: MessageSearchResultLookupType, selectedMessage: string | undefined, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, searchConversationId: string | undefined, regionCode: string, ourNumber: string ): GetMessageSearchResultByIdType => { return (id: string) => { const message = messageSearchResultLookup[id]; if (!message) { return; } const { conversationId, source, type } = message; let sender: ConversationType | undefined; let recipient: ConversationType | undefined; if (type === 'incoming') { sender = conversationSelector(source); recipient = conversationSelector(ourNumber); } else if (type === 'outgoing') { sender = conversationSelector(ourNumber); recipient = conversationSelector(conversationId); } return messageSearchResultSelector( message, ourNumber, regionCode, sender, recipient, searchConversationId, selectedMessage ); }; } );