import { debounce, get, isNumber } from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import { AutoSizer, CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache, List, } from 'react-virtualized'; import { ScrollDownButton } from './ScrollDownButton'; import { LocalizerType } from '../../types/Util'; import { PropsActions as MessageActionsType } from './Message'; import { PropsActions as SafetyNumberActionsType } from './SafetyNumberNotification'; const AT_BOTTOM_THRESHOLD = 15; const NEAR_BOTTOM_THRESHOLD = 15; const AT_TOP_THRESHOLD = 10; const LOAD_MORE_THRESHOLD = 30; const SCROLL_DOWN_BUTTON_THRESHOLD = 8; export const LOAD_COUNTDOWN = 2 * 1000; export type PropsDataType = { haveNewest: boolean; haveOldest: boolean; isLoadingMessages: boolean; isNearBottom?: boolean; items: Array; loadCountdownStart?: number; messageHeightChangeIndex?: number; oldestUnreadIndex?: number; resetCounter: number; scrollToIndex?: number; scrollToIndexCounter: number; totalUnread: number; }; type PropsHousekeepingType = { id: string; unreadCount?: number; typingContact?: Object; selectedMessageId?: string; i18n: LocalizerType; renderItem: ( id: string, conversationId: string, actions: Object ) => JSX.Element; renderLastSeenIndicator: (id: string) => JSX.Element; renderLoadingRow: (id: string) => JSX.Element; renderTypingBubble: (id: string) => JSX.Element; }; type PropsActionsType = { clearChangedMessages: (conversationId: string) => unknown; setLoadCountdownStart: ( conversationId: string, loadCountdownStart?: number ) => unknown; setIsNearBottom: (conversationId: string, isNearBottom: boolean) => unknown; loadAndScroll: (messageId: string) => unknown; loadOlderMessages: (messageId: string) => unknown; loadNewerMessages: (messageId: string) => unknown; loadNewestMessages: (messageId: string, setFocus?: boolean) => unknown; markMessageRead: (messageId: string) => unknown; selectMessage: (messageId: string, conversationId: string) => unknown; clearSelectedMessage: () => unknown; } & MessageActionsType & SafetyNumberActionsType; type Props = PropsDataType & PropsHousekeepingType & PropsActionsType; // from type RowRendererParamsType = { index: number; isScrolling: boolean; isVisible: boolean; key: string; parent: Object; style: Object; }; type OnScrollParamsType = { scrollTop: number; clientHeight: number; scrollHeight: number; clientWidth: number; scrollWidth?: number; scrollLeft?: number; scrollToColumn?: number; _hasScrolledToColumnTarget?: boolean; scrollToRow?: number; _hasScrolledToRowTarget?: boolean; }; type VisibleRowsType = { newest?: { id: string; offsetTop: number; row: number; }; oldest?: { id: string; offsetTop: number; row: number; }; }; type State = { atBottom: boolean; atTop: boolean; oneTimeScrollRow?: number; prevPropScrollToIndex?: number; prevPropScrollToIndexCounter?: number; propScrollToIndex?: number; shouldShowScrollDownButton: boolean; areUnreadBelowCurrentPosition: boolean; }; export class Timeline extends React.PureComponent { public cellSizeCache = new CellMeasurerCache({ defaultHeight: 64, fixedWidth: true, }); public mostRecentWidth = 0; public mostRecentHeight = 0; public offsetFromBottom: number | undefined = 0; public resizeFlag = false; public listRef = React.createRef(); public visibleRows: VisibleRowsType | undefined; public loadCountdownTimeout: any; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); const { scrollToIndex } = this.props; const oneTimeScrollRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(); this.state = { atBottom: true, atTop: false, oneTimeScrollRow, propScrollToIndex: scrollToIndex, prevPropScrollToIndex: scrollToIndex, shouldShowScrollDownButton: false, areUnreadBelowCurrentPosition: false, }; } public static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Props, state: State): State { if ( isNumber(props.scrollToIndex) && (props.scrollToIndex !== state.prevPropScrollToIndex || props.scrollToIndexCounter !== state.prevPropScrollToIndexCounter) ) { return { ...state, propScrollToIndex: props.scrollToIndex, prevPropScrollToIndex: props.scrollToIndex, prevPropScrollToIndexCounter: props.scrollToIndexCounter, }; } return state; } public getList = () => { if (!this.listRef) { return; } const { current } = this.listRef; return current; }; public getGrid = () => { const list = this.getList(); if (!list) { return; } return list.Grid; }; public getScrollContainer = () => { const grid = this.getGrid(); if (!grid) { return; } return grid._scrollingContainer as HTMLDivElement; }; public scrollToRow = (row: number) => { const list = this.getList(); if (!list) { return; } list.scrollToRow(row); }; public recomputeRowHeights = (row?: number) => { const list = this.getList(); if (!list) { return; } list.recomputeRowHeights(row); }; public onHeightOnlyChange = () => { const grid = this.getGrid(); const scrollContainer = this.getScrollContainer(); if (!grid || !scrollContainer) { return; } if (!isNumber(this.offsetFromBottom)) { return; } const { clientHeight, scrollHeight, scrollTop } = scrollContainer; const newOffsetFromBottom = Math.max( 0, scrollHeight - clientHeight - scrollTop ); const delta = newOffsetFromBottom - this.offsetFromBottom; grid.scrollToPosition({ scrollTop: scrollContainer.scrollTop + delta }); }; public resize = (row?: number) => { this.offsetFromBottom = undefined; this.resizeFlag = false; if (isNumber(row) && row > 0) { // @ts-ignore this.cellSizeCache.clearPlus(row, 0); } else { this.cellSizeCache.clearAll(); } this.recomputeRowHeights(row || 0); }; public onScroll = (data: OnScrollParamsType) => { // Ignore scroll events generated as react-virtualized recursively scrolls and // re-measures to get us where we want to go. if ( isNumber(data.scrollToRow) && data.scrollToRow >= 0 && !data._hasScrolledToRowTarget ) { return; } // Sometimes react-virtualized ends up with some incorrect math - we've scrolled below // what should be possible. In this case, we leave everything the same and ask // react-virtualized to try again. Without this, we'll set atBottom to true and // pop the user back down to the bottom. const { clientHeight, scrollHeight, scrollTop } = data; if (scrollTop + clientHeight > scrollHeight) { return; } this.updateScrollMetrics(data); this.updateWithVisibleRows(); }; // tslint:disable-next-line member-ordering public updateScrollMetrics = debounce( (data: OnScrollParamsType) => { const { clientHeight, clientWidth, scrollHeight, scrollTop } = data; if (clientHeight <= 0 || scrollHeight <= 0) { return; } const { haveNewest, haveOldest, id, setIsNearBottom, setLoadCountdownStart, } = this.props; if ( this.mostRecentHeight && clientHeight !== this.mostRecentHeight && this.mostRecentWidth && clientWidth === this.mostRecentWidth ) { this.onHeightOnlyChange(); } // If we've scrolled, we want to reset these const oneTimeScrollRow = undefined; const propScrollToIndex = undefined; this.offsetFromBottom = Math.max( 0, scrollHeight - clientHeight - scrollTop ); const atBottom = haveNewest && this.offsetFromBottom <= AT_BOTTOM_THRESHOLD; const isNearBottom = haveNewest && this.offsetFromBottom <= NEAR_BOTTOM_THRESHOLD; const atTop = scrollTop <= AT_TOP_THRESHOLD; const loadCountdownStart = atTop && !haveOldest ? : undefined; if (this.loadCountdownTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.loadCountdownTimeout); this.loadCountdownTimeout = null; } if (isNumber(loadCountdownStart)) { this.loadCountdownTimeout = setTimeout( this.loadOlderMessages, LOAD_COUNTDOWN ); } if (loadCountdownStart !== this.props.loadCountdownStart) { setLoadCountdownStart(id, loadCountdownStart); } if (isNearBottom !== this.props.isNearBottom) { setIsNearBottom(id, isNearBottom); } this.setState({ atBottom, atTop, oneTimeScrollRow, propScrollToIndex, }); }, 50, { maxWait: 50 } ); public updateVisibleRows = () => { let newest; let oldest; const scrollContainer = this.getScrollContainer(); if (!scrollContainer) { return; } if (scrollContainer.clientHeight === 0) { return; } const visibleTop = scrollContainer.scrollTop; const visibleBottom = visibleTop + scrollContainer.clientHeight; const innerScrollContainer = scrollContainer.children[0]; if (!innerScrollContainer) { return; } const { children } = innerScrollContainer; for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const child = children[i] as HTMLDivElement; const { id, offsetTop, offsetHeight } = child; if (!id) { continue; } const bottom = offsetTop + offsetHeight; if (bottom - AT_BOTTOM_THRESHOLD <= visibleBottom) { const row = parseInt(child.getAttribute('data-row') || '-1', 10); newest = { offsetTop, row, id }; break; } } const max = children.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const child = children[i] as HTMLDivElement; const { offsetTop, id } = child; if (!id) { continue; } if (offsetTop + AT_TOP_THRESHOLD >= visibleTop) { const row = parseInt(child.getAttribute('data-row') || '-1', 10); oldest = { offsetTop, row, id }; break; } } this.visibleRows = { newest, oldest }; }; // tslint:disable-next-line member-ordering cyclomatic-complexity public updateWithVisibleRows = debounce( () => { const { unreadCount, haveNewest, isLoadingMessages, items, loadNewerMessages, markMessageRead, } = this.props; if (!items || items.length < 1) { return; } this.updateVisibleRows(); if (!this.visibleRows) { return; } const { newest } = this.visibleRows; if (!newest || ! { return; } markMessageRead(; const rowCount = this.getRowCount(); const lastId = items[items.length - 1]; if ( !isLoadingMessages && !haveNewest && newest.row > rowCount - LOAD_MORE_THRESHOLD ) { loadNewerMessages(lastId); } const lastIndex = items.length - 1; const lastItemRow = this.fromItemIndexToRow(lastIndex); const areUnreadBelowCurrentPosition = Boolean( isNumber(unreadCount) && unreadCount > 0 && (!haveNewest || newest.row < lastItemRow) ); const shouldShowScrollDownButton = Boolean( !haveNewest || areUnreadBelowCurrentPosition || newest.row < rowCount - SCROLL_DOWN_BUTTON_THRESHOLD ); this.setState({ shouldShowScrollDownButton, areUnreadBelowCurrentPosition, }); }, 500, { maxWait: 500 } ); public loadOlderMessages = () => { const { haveOldest, isLoadingMessages, items, loadOlderMessages, } = this.props; if (this.loadCountdownTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.loadCountdownTimeout); this.loadCountdownTimeout = null; } if (isLoadingMessages || haveOldest || !items || items.length < 1) { return; } const oldestId = items[0]; loadOlderMessages(oldestId); }; public rowRenderer = ({ index, key, parent, style, }: RowRendererParamsType) => { const { id, haveOldest, items, renderItem, renderLoadingRow, renderLastSeenIndicator, renderTypingBubble, } = this.props; const styleWithWidth = {, width: `${this.mostRecentWidth}px`, }; const row = index; const oldestUnreadRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(); const typingBubbleRow = this.getTypingBubbleRow(); let rowContents; if (!haveOldest && row === 0) { rowContents = (
); } else if (oldestUnreadRow === row) { rowContents = (
); } else if (typingBubbleRow === row) { rowContents = (
); } else { const itemIndex = this.fromRowToItemIndex(row); if (typeof itemIndex !== 'number') { throw new Error( `Attempted to render item with undefined index - row ${row}` ); } const messageId = items[itemIndex]; rowContents = (
{renderItem(messageId, id, this.props)}
); } return ( {rowContents} ); }; public fromItemIndexToRow(index: number) { const { haveOldest, oldestUnreadIndex } = this.props; let addition = 0; if (!haveOldest) { addition += 1; } if (isNumber(oldestUnreadIndex) && index >= oldestUnreadIndex) { addition += 1; } return index + addition; } public getRowCount() { const { haveOldest, oldestUnreadIndex, typingContact } = this.props; const { items } = this.props; const itemsCount = items && items.length ? items.length : 0; let extraRows = 0; if (!haveOldest) { extraRows += 1; } if (isNumber(oldestUnreadIndex)) { extraRows += 1; } if (typingContact) { extraRows += 1; } return itemsCount + extraRows; } public fromRowToItemIndex(row: number, props?: Props): number | undefined { const { haveOldest, items } = props || this.props; let subtraction = 0; if (!haveOldest) { subtraction += 1; } const oldestUnreadRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(); if (isNumber(oldestUnreadRow) && row > oldestUnreadRow) { subtraction += 1; } const index = row - subtraction; if (index < 0 || index >= items.length) { return; } return index; } public getLastSeenIndicatorRow(props?: Props) { const { oldestUnreadIndex } = props || this.props; if (!isNumber(oldestUnreadIndex)) { return; } return this.fromItemIndexToRow(oldestUnreadIndex) - 1; } public getTypingBubbleRow() { const { items } = this.props; if (!items || items.length < 0) { return; } const last = items.length - 1; return this.fromItemIndexToRow(last) + 1; } public onScrollToMessage = (messageId: string) => { const { isLoadingMessages, items, loadAndScroll } = this.props; const index = items.findIndex(item => item === messageId); if (index >= 0) { const row = this.fromItemIndexToRow(index); this.setState({ oneTimeScrollRow: row, }); } if (!isLoadingMessages) { loadAndScroll(messageId); } }; public scrollToBottom = (setFocus?: boolean) => { const { selectMessage, id, items } = this.props; if (setFocus && items && items.length > 0) { const lastIndex = items.length - 1; const lastMessageId = items[lastIndex]; selectMessage(lastMessageId, id); } this.setState({ propScrollToIndex: undefined, oneTimeScrollRow: undefined, atBottom: true, }); }; public onClickScrollDownButton = () => { this.scrollDown(false); }; public scrollDown = (setFocus?: boolean) => { const { haveNewest, id, isLoadingMessages, items, loadNewestMessages, oldestUnreadIndex, selectMessage, } = this.props; if (!items || items.length < 1) { return; } const lastId = items[items.length - 1]; const lastSeenIndicatorRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(); if (!this.visibleRows) { if (haveNewest) { this.scrollToBottom(setFocus); } else if (!isLoadingMessages) { loadNewestMessages(lastId, setFocus); } return; } const { newest } = this.visibleRows; if ( newest && isNumber(lastSeenIndicatorRow) && newest.row < lastSeenIndicatorRow ) { if (setFocus && isNumber(oldestUnreadIndex)) { const messageId = items[oldestUnreadIndex]; selectMessage(messageId, id); } this.setState({ oneTimeScrollRow: lastSeenIndicatorRow, }); } else if (haveNewest) { this.scrollToBottom(setFocus); } else if (!isLoadingMessages) { loadNewestMessages(lastId, setFocus); } }; public componentDidMount() { this.updateWithVisibleRows(); // @ts-ignore window.registerForActive(this.updateWithVisibleRows); } public componentWillUnmount() { // @ts-ignore window.unregisterForActive(this.updateWithVisibleRows); } // tslint:disable-next-line cyclomatic-complexity max-func-body-length public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { id, clearChangedMessages, items, messageHeightChangeIndex, oldestUnreadIndex, resetCounter, scrollToIndex, typingContact, } = this.props; // There are a number of situations which can necessitate that we forget about row // heights previously calculated. We reset the minimum number of rows to minimize // unexpected changes to the scroll position. Those changes happen because // react-virtualized doesn't know what to expect (variable row heights) when it // renders, so it does have a fixed row it's attempting to scroll to, and you ask it // to render a given point it space, it will do pretty random things. if ( !prevProps.items || prevProps.items.length === 0 || resetCounter !== prevProps.resetCounter ) { if (prevProps.items && prevProps.items.length > 0) { this.resize(); } const oneTimeScrollRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(); this.setState({ oneTimeScrollRow, atBottom: true, propScrollToIndex: scrollToIndex, prevPropScrollToIndex: scrollToIndex, }); return; } if ( items && items.length > 0 && prevProps.items && prevProps.items.length > 0 && items !== prevProps.items ) { if (this.state.atTop) { const oldFirstIndex = 0; const oldFirstId = prevProps.items[oldFirstIndex]; const newFirstIndex = items.findIndex(item => item === oldFirstId); if (newFirstIndex < 0) { this.resize(); return; } const newRow = this.fromItemIndexToRow(newFirstIndex); const delta = newFirstIndex - oldFirstIndex; if (delta > 0) { // We're loading more new messages at the top; we want to stay at the top this.resize(); this.setState({ oneTimeScrollRow: newRow }); return; } } // We continue on after our atTop check; because if we're not loading new messages // we still have to check for all the other situations which might require a // resize. const oldLastIndex = prevProps.items.length - 1; const oldLastId = prevProps.items[oldLastIndex]; const newLastIndex = items.findIndex(item => item === oldLastId); if (newLastIndex < 0) { this.resize(); return; } const indexDelta = newLastIndex - oldLastIndex; // If we've just added to the end of the list, then the index of the last id's // index won't have changed, and we can rely on List's detection that items is // different for the necessary re-render. if (indexDelta === 0) { if (typingContact || prevProps.typingContact) { // The last row will be off, because it was previously the typing indicator const rowCount = this.getRowCount(); this.resize(rowCount - 2); } // no resize because we just add to the end return; } this.resize(); return; } if (this.resizeFlag) { this.resize(); return; } if (oldestUnreadIndex !== prevProps.oldestUnreadIndex) { const prevRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(prevProps); const newRow = this.getLastSeenIndicatorRow(); const rowCount = this.getRowCount(); const lastRow = rowCount - 1; const targetRow = Math.min( isNumber(prevRow) ? prevRow : lastRow, isNumber(newRow) ? newRow : lastRow ); this.resize(targetRow); return; } if (isNumber(messageHeightChangeIndex)) { const rowIndex = this.fromItemIndexToRow(messageHeightChangeIndex); this.resize(rowIndex); clearChangedMessages(id); return; } if (Boolean(typingContact) !== Boolean(prevProps.typingContact)) { const rowCount = this.getRowCount(); this.resize(rowCount - 2); return; } this.updateWithVisibleRows(); } public getScrollTarget = () => { const { oneTimeScrollRow, atBottom, propScrollToIndex } = this.state; const rowCount = this.getRowCount(); const targetMessage = isNumber(propScrollToIndex) ? this.fromItemIndexToRow(propScrollToIndex) : undefined; const scrollToBottom = atBottom ? rowCount - 1 : undefined; if (isNumber(targetMessage)) { return targetMessage; } if (isNumber(oneTimeScrollRow)) { return oneTimeScrollRow; } return scrollToBottom; }; public handleBlur = (event: React.FocusEvent) => { const { clearSelectedMessage } = this.props; const { currentTarget } = event; // Thanks to setTimeout(() => { // If focus moved to one of our portals, we do not clear the selected // message so that focus stays inside the portal. We need to be careful // to not create colliding keyboard shortcuts between selected messages // and our portals! const portals = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('body > div:not(.inbox)') ); if (portals.some(el => el.contains(document.activeElement))) { return; } if (!currentTarget.contains(document.activeElement)) { clearSelectedMessage(); } }, 0); }; public handleKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { const { selectMessage, selectedMessageId, items, id } = this.props; const commandKey = get(window, 'platform') === 'darwin' && event.metaKey; const controlKey = get(window, 'platform') !== 'darwin' && event.ctrlKey; const commandOrCtrl = commandKey || controlKey; if (!items || items.length < 1) { return; } if (selectedMessageId && !commandOrCtrl && event.key === 'ArrowUp') { const selectedMessageIndex = items.findIndex( item => item === selectedMessageId ); if (selectedMessageIndex < 0) { return; } const targetIndex = selectedMessageIndex - 1; if (targetIndex < 0) { return; } const messageId = items[targetIndex]; selectMessage(messageId, id); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } if (selectedMessageId && !commandOrCtrl && event.key === 'ArrowDown') { const selectedMessageIndex = items.findIndex( item => item === selectedMessageId ); if (selectedMessageIndex < 0) { return; } const targetIndex = selectedMessageIndex + 1; if (targetIndex >= items.length) { return; } const messageId = items[targetIndex]; selectMessage(messageId, id); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } if (commandOrCtrl && event.key === 'ArrowUp') { this.setState({ oneTimeScrollRow: 0 }); const firstMessageId = items[0]; selectMessage(firstMessageId, id); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } if (commandOrCtrl && event.key === 'ArrowDown') { this.scrollDown(true); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } }; public render() { const { i18n, id, items } = this.props; const { shouldShowScrollDownButton, areUnreadBelowCurrentPosition, } = this.state; const rowCount = this.getRowCount(); const scrollToIndex = this.getScrollTarget(); if (!items || rowCount === 0) { return null; } return (
{({ height, width }) => { if (this.mostRecentWidth && this.mostRecentWidth !== width) { this.resizeFlag = true; setTimeout(this.resize, 0); } else if ( this.mostRecentHeight && this.mostRecentHeight !== height ) { setTimeout(this.onHeightOnlyChange, 0); } this.mostRecentWidth = width; this.mostRecentHeight = height; return ( ); }} {shouldShowScrollDownButton ? ( ) : null}
); } }