// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ import { assert } from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import type { ConversationAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import type SendMessage from '../textsecure/SendMessage'; import { updateConversationsWithUuidLookup } from '../updateConversationsWithUuidLookup'; describe('updateConversationsWithUuidLookup', () => { class FakeConversationController { constructor( private readonly conversations: Array = [] ) {} get(id?: string | null): ConversationModel | undefined { return this.conversations.find( conversation => conversation.id === id || conversation.get('e164') === id || conversation.get('uuid') === id ); } ensureContactIds({ e164, uuid: uuidFromServer, highTrust, }: { e164?: string | null; uuid?: string | null; highTrust?: boolean; }): string | undefined { assert( e164, 'FakeConversationController is not set up for this case (E164 must be provided)' ); assert( uuid, 'FakeConversationController is not set up for this case (UUID must be provided)' ); assert( highTrust, 'FakeConversationController is not set up for this case (must be "high trust")' ); const normalizedUuid = uuidFromServer!.toLowerCase(); const convoE164 = this.get(e164); const convoUuid = this.get(normalizedUuid); assert( convoE164 || convoUuid, 'FakeConversationController is not set up for this case (at least one conversation should be found)' ); if (convoE164 && convoUuid) { if (convoE164 === convoUuid) { return convoUuid.get('id'); } convoE164.unset('e164'); convoUuid.updateE164(e164); return convoUuid.get('id'); } if (convoE164 && !convoUuid) { convoE164.updateUuid(normalizedUuid); return convoE164.get('id'); } assert.fail('FakeConversationController should never get here'); return undefined; } } function createConversation( attributes: Readonly> = {} ): ConversationModel { return new ConversationModel({ id: uuid(), inbox_position: 0, isPinned: false, lastMessageDeletedForEveryone: false, markedUnread: false, messageCount: 1, profileSharing: true, sentMessageCount: 0, type: 'private' as const, version: 0, ...attributes, }); } let sinonSandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; let fakeGetUuidsForE164s: sinon.SinonStub; let fakeMessaging: Pick; beforeEach(() => { sinonSandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sinonSandbox.stub(window.Signal.Data, 'updateConversation'); fakeGetUuidsForE164s = sinonSandbox.stub().resolves({}); fakeMessaging = { getUuidsForE164s: fakeGetUuidsForE164s }; }); afterEach(() => { sinonSandbox.restore(); }); it('does nothing when called with an empty array', async () => { await updateConversationsWithUuidLookup({ conversationController: new FakeConversationController(), conversations: [], messaging: fakeMessaging, }); sinon.assert.notCalled(fakeMessaging.getUuidsForE164s as sinon.SinonStub); }); it('does nothing when called with an array of conversations that lack E164s', async () => { await updateConversationsWithUuidLookup({ conversationController: new FakeConversationController(), conversations: [ createConversation(), createConversation({ uuid: uuid() }), ], messaging: fakeMessaging, }); sinon.assert.notCalled(fakeMessaging.getUuidsForE164s as sinon.SinonStub); }); it('updates conversations with their UUID', async () => { const conversation1 = createConversation({ e164: '+13215559876' }); const conversation2 = createConversation({ e164: '+16545559876', uuid: 'should be overwritten', }); const uuid1 = uuid(); const uuid2 = uuid(); fakeGetUuidsForE164s.resolves({ '+13215559876': uuid1, '+16545559876': uuid2, }); await updateConversationsWithUuidLookup({ conversationController: new FakeConversationController([ conversation1, conversation2, ]), conversations: [conversation1, conversation2], messaging: fakeMessaging, }); assert.strictEqual(conversation1.get('uuid'), uuid1); assert.strictEqual(conversation2.get('uuid'), uuid2); }); it("marks conversations unregistered if we didn't have a UUID for them and the server also doesn't have one", async () => { const conversation = createConversation({ e164: '+13215559876' }); assert.isUndefined( conversation.get('discoveredUnregisteredAt'), 'Test was not set up correctly' ); fakeGetUuidsForE164s.resolves({ '+13215559876': null }); await updateConversationsWithUuidLookup({ conversationController: new FakeConversationController([conversation]), conversations: [conversation], messaging: fakeMessaging, }); assert.approximately( conversation.get('discoveredUnregisteredAt') || 0, Date.now(), 5000 ); }); it("doesn't mark conversations unregistered if we already had a UUID for them, even if the server doesn't return one", async () => { const existingUuid = uuid(); const conversation = createConversation({ e164: '+13215559876', uuid: existingUuid, }); assert.isUndefined( conversation.get('discoveredUnregisteredAt'), 'Test was not set up correctly' ); fakeGetUuidsForE164s.resolves({ '+13215559876': null }); await updateConversationsWithUuidLookup({ conversationController: new FakeConversationController([conversation]), conversations: [conversation], messaging: fakeMessaging, }); assert.strictEqual(conversation.get('uuid'), existingUuid); assert.isUndefined(conversation.get('discoveredUnregisteredAt')); }); });