// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ComponentProps, ReactElement } from 'react'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { getIntl } from '../selectors/user'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import type { Loadable } from '../../util/loadable'; import { LoadingState } from '../../util/loadable'; import { assert } from '../../util/assert'; import { explodePromise } from '../../util/explodePromise'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { InstallScreen, InstallScreenStep, } from '../../components/InstallScreen'; import { InstallError } from '../../components/installScreen/InstallScreenErrorStep'; import { MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH } from '../../components/installScreen/InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep'; import { HTTPError } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; import { isRecord } from '../../util/isRecord'; import { normalizeDeviceName } from '../../util/normalizeDeviceName'; type PropsType = ComponentProps; type StateType = | { step: InstallScreenStep.Error; error: InstallError; } | { step: InstallScreenStep.QrCodeNotScanned; provisioningUrl: Loadable; } | { step: InstallScreenStep.ChoosingDeviceName; deviceName: string; } | { step: InstallScreenStep.LinkInProgress; }; const INITIAL_STATE: StateType = { step: InstallScreenStep.QrCodeNotScanned, provisioningUrl: { loadingState: LoadingState.Loading }, }; function getInstallError(err: unknown): InstallError { if (err instanceof HTTPError) { switch (err.code) { case -1: return InstallError.ConnectionFailed; case 409: return InstallError.TooOld; case 411: return InstallError.TooManyDevices; default: return InstallError.UnknownError; } } // AccountManager.registerSecondDevice uses this specific "websocket closed" error // message. if (isRecord(err) && err.message === 'websocket closed') { return InstallError.ConnectionFailed; } return InstallError.UnknownError; } export function SmartInstallScreen(): ReactElement { const i18n = useSelector(getIntl); const chooseDeviceNamePromiseWrapperRef = useRef(explodePromise()); const [state, setState] = useState(INITIAL_STATE); const setProvisioningUrl = useCallback( (value: string) => { setState(currentState => { if (currentState.step !== InstallScreenStep.QrCodeNotScanned) { return currentState; } return { ...currentState, provisioningUrl: { loadingState: LoadingState.Loaded, value, }, }; }); }, [setState] ); const onQrCodeScanned = useCallback(() => { setState(currentState => { if (currentState.step !== InstallScreenStep.QrCodeNotScanned) { return currentState; } return { step: InstallScreenStep.ChoosingDeviceName, deviceName: normalizeDeviceName( window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceName() || window.getHostName() || '' ).slice(0, MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH), }; }); }, [setState]); const setDeviceName = useCallback( (deviceName: string) => { setState(currentState => { if (currentState.step !== InstallScreenStep.ChoosingDeviceName) { return currentState; } return { ...currentState, deviceName, }; }); }, [setState] ); const onSubmitDeviceName = useCallback(() => { if (state.step !== InstallScreenStep.ChoosingDeviceName) { return; } let deviceName: string = normalizeDeviceName(state.deviceName); if (!deviceName.length) { // This should be impossible, but we have it here just in case. assert( false, 'Unexpected empty device name. Falling back to placeholder value' ); deviceName = i18n('Install__choose-device-name__placeholder'); } chooseDeviceNamePromiseWrapperRef.current.resolve(deviceName); setState({ step: InstallScreenStep.LinkInProgress }); }, [state, i18n]); useEffect(() => { let hasCleanedUp = false; const accountManager = window.getAccountManager(); assert(accountManager, 'Expected an account manager'); const updateProvisioningUrl = (value: string): void => { if (hasCleanedUp) { return; } setProvisioningUrl(value); }; const confirmNumber = async (): Promise => { if (hasCleanedUp) { throw new Error('Cannot confirm number; the component was unmounted'); } onQrCodeScanned(); if (window.CI) { chooseDeviceNamePromiseWrapperRef.current.resolve(window.CI.deviceName); } const result = await chooseDeviceNamePromiseWrapperRef.current.promise; if (hasCleanedUp) { throw new Error('Cannot confirm number; the component was unmounted'); } // Delete all data from the database unless we're in the middle of a re-link. // Without this, the app restarts at certain times and can cause weird things to // happen, like data from a previous light import showing up after a new install. const shouldRetainData = window.Signal.Util.Registration.everDone(); if (!shouldRetainData) { try { await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.removeAllData(); } catch (error) { log.error( 'confirmNumber: error clearing database', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } if (hasCleanedUp) { throw new Error('Cannot confirm number; the component was unmounted'); } window.Signal.Util.postLinkExperience.start(); return result; }; (async () => { try { await accountManager.registerSecondDevice( updateProvisioningUrl, confirmNumber ); window.removeSetupMenuItems(); } catch (err: unknown) { if (hasCleanedUp) { return; } setState({ step: InstallScreenStep.Error, error: getInstallError(err), }); } })(); return () => { hasCleanedUp = true; }; }, [setProvisioningUrl, onQrCodeScanned]); let props: PropsType; switch (state.step) { case InstallScreenStep.Error: props = { step: InstallScreenStep.Error, screenSpecificProps: { i18n, error: state.error, quit: () => window.shutdown(), tryAgain: () => setState(INITIAL_STATE), }, }; break; case InstallScreenStep.QrCodeNotScanned: props = { step: InstallScreenStep.QrCodeNotScanned, screenSpecificProps: { i18n, provisioningUrl: state.provisioningUrl, }, }; break; case InstallScreenStep.ChoosingDeviceName: props = { step: InstallScreenStep.ChoosingDeviceName, screenSpecificProps: { i18n, deviceName: state.deviceName, setDeviceName, onSubmit: onSubmitDeviceName, }, }; break; case InstallScreenStep.LinkInProgress: props = { step: InstallScreenStep.LinkInProgress, screenSpecificProps: { i18n }, }; break; default: throw missingCaseError(state); } return ; }