// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { webFrame } from 'electron'; import { isNumber, noop } from 'lodash'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { batch as batchDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import MessageReceiver from './textsecure/MessageReceiver'; import type { SessionResetsType, ProcessedDataMessage, } from './textsecure/Types.d'; import { HTTPError } from './textsecure/Errors'; import { suspendTasksWithTimeout, resumeTasksWithTimeout, } from './textsecure/TaskWithTimeout'; import type { MessageAttributesType, ConversationAttributesType, ReactionAttributesType, } from './model-types.d'; import * as Bytes from './Bytes'; import * as Timers from './Timers'; import type { WhatIsThis } from './window.d'; import type { Receipt } from './types/Receipt'; import { getTitleBarVisibility, TitleBarVisibility } from './types/Settings'; import { SocketStatus } from './types/SocketStatus'; import { DEFAULT_CONVERSATION_COLOR } from './types/Colors'; import { ChallengeHandler } from './challenge'; import * as durations from './util/durations'; import { explodePromise } from './util/explodePromise'; import { isWindowDragElement } from './util/isWindowDragElement'; import { assert, strictAssert } from './util/assert'; import { dropNull } from './util/dropNull'; import { normalizeUuid } from './util/normalizeUuid'; import { filter } from './util/iterables'; import { isNotNil } from './util/isNotNil'; import { IdleDetector } from './IdleDetector'; import { senderCertificateService } from './services/senderCertificate'; import { GROUP_CREDENTIALS_KEY } from './services/groupCredentialFetcher'; import * as KeyboardLayout from './services/keyboardLayout'; import { routineProfileRefresh } from './routineProfileRefresh'; import { isMoreRecentThan, isOlderThan, toDayMillis } from './util/timestamp'; import { isValidReactionEmoji } from './reactions/isValidReactionEmoji'; import type { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations'; import { getContact } from './messages/helpers'; import { getMessageById } from './messages/getMessageById'; import { createBatcher } from './util/batcher'; import { updateConversationsWithUuidLookup } from './updateConversationsWithUuidLookup'; import { initializeAllJobQueues } from './jobs/initializeAllJobQueues'; import { removeStorageKeyJobQueue } from './jobs/removeStorageKeyJobQueue'; import { ourProfileKeyService } from './services/ourProfileKey'; import { notificationService } from './services/notifications'; import { areWeASubscriberService } from './services/areWeASubscriber'; import { shouldRespondWithProfileKey } from './util/shouldRespondWithProfileKey'; import { LatestQueue } from './util/LatestQueue'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from './util/parseIntOrThrow'; import { getProfile } from './util/getProfile'; import type { ConfigurationEvent, ContactEvent, DecryptionErrorEvent, DeliveryEvent, EnvelopeEvent, ErrorEvent, FetchLatestEvent, GroupEvent, KeysEvent, MessageEvent, MessageEventData, MessageRequestResponseEvent, ProfileKeyUpdateEvent, ReadEvent, ReadSyncEvent, RetryRequestEvent, SentEvent, SentEventData, StickerPackEvent, TypingEvent, ViewEvent, ViewOnceOpenSyncEvent, ViewSyncEvent, } from './textsecure/messageReceiverEvents'; import { VerifiedEvent } from './textsecure/messageReceiverEvents'; import type { WebAPIType } from './textsecure/WebAPI'; import * as KeyChangeListener from './textsecure/KeyChangeListener'; import { RotateSignedPreKeyListener } from './textsecure/RotateSignedPreKeyListener'; import { isDirectConversation, isGroupV2 } from './util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getSendOptions } from './util/getSendOptions'; import { BackOff, FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS } from './util/BackOff'; import { handleMessageSend } from './util/handleMessageSend'; import { AppViewType } from './state/ducks/app'; import { UsernameSaveState } from './state/ducks/conversationsEnums'; import type { BadgesStateType } from './state/ducks/badges'; import { badgeImageFileDownloader } from './badges/badgeImageFileDownloader'; import { isIncoming } from './state/selectors/message'; import { actionCreators } from './state/actions'; import { Deletes } from './messageModifiers/Deletes'; import { MessageReceipts, MessageReceiptType, } from './messageModifiers/MessageReceipts'; import { MessageRequests } from './messageModifiers/MessageRequests'; import { Reactions } from './messageModifiers/Reactions'; import { ReadSyncs } from './messageModifiers/ReadSyncs'; import { ViewSyncs } from './messageModifiers/ViewSyncs'; import { ViewOnceOpenSyncs } from './messageModifiers/ViewOnceOpenSyncs'; import type { DeleteAttributesType } from './messageModifiers/Deletes'; import type { MessageReceiptAttributesType } from './messageModifiers/MessageReceipts'; import type { MessageRequestAttributesType } from './messageModifiers/MessageRequests'; import type { ReadSyncAttributesType } from './messageModifiers/ReadSyncs'; import type { ViewSyncAttributesType } from './messageModifiers/ViewSyncs'; import type { ViewOnceOpenSyncAttributesType } from './messageModifiers/ViewOnceOpenSyncs'; import { ReadStatus } from './messages/MessageReadStatus'; import type { SendStateByConversationId } from './messages/MessageSendState'; import { SendStatus } from './messages/MessageSendState'; import * as AttachmentDownloads from './messageModifiers/AttachmentDownloads'; import * as preferredReactions from './state/ducks/preferredReactions'; import * as Conversation from './types/Conversation'; import * as Stickers from './types/Stickers'; import * as Errors from './types/errors'; import { SignalService as Proto } from './protobuf'; import { onRetryRequest, onDecryptionError } from './util/handleRetry'; import { themeChanged } from './shims/themeChanged'; import { createIPCEvents } from './util/createIPCEvents'; import { RemoveAllConfiguration } from './types/RemoveAllConfiguration'; import { isValidUuid, UUIDKind } from './types/UUID'; import type { UUID } from './types/UUID'; import * as log from './logging/log'; import { loadRecentEmojis, getEmojiReducerState, } from './util/loadRecentEmojis'; import { deleteAllLogs } from './util/deleteAllLogs'; import { ToastCaptchaFailed } from './components/ToastCaptchaFailed'; import { ToastCaptchaSolved } from './components/ToastCaptchaSolved'; import { ToastConversationArchived } from './components/ToastConversationArchived'; import { ToastConversationUnarchived } from './components/ToastConversationUnarchived'; import { showToast } from './util/showToast'; import { startInteractionMode } from './windows/startInteractionMode'; import { deliveryReceiptsJobQueue } from './jobs/deliveryReceiptsJobQueue'; import { updateOurUsername } from './util/updateOurUsername'; import { ReactionSource } from './reactions/ReactionSource'; const MAX_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_AGE = 3600 * 72 * 1000; export function isOverHourIntoPast(timestamp: number): boolean { const HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; return isNumber(timestamp) && isOlderThan(timestamp, HOUR); } export async function cleanupSessionResets(): Promise { const sessionResets = window.storage.get( 'sessionResets', {} ); const keys = Object.keys(sessionResets); keys.forEach(key => { const timestamp = sessionResets[key]; if (!timestamp || isOverHourIntoPast(timestamp)) { delete sessionResets[key]; } }); await window.storage.put('sessionResets', sessionResets); } export async function startApp(): Promise { const idleDetector = new IdleDetector(); await KeyboardLayout.initialize(); window.Whisper.events = window._.clone(window.Backbone.Events); window.Signal.Util.MessageController.install(); window.Signal.conversationControllerStart(); window.startupProcessingQueue = new window.Signal.Util.StartupQueue(); notificationService.initialize({ i18n: window.i18n, storage: window.storage, }); window.attachmentDownloadQueue = []; await window.Signal.Util.initializeMessageCounter(); let initialBadgesState: BadgesStateType = { byId: {} }; async function loadInitialBadgesState(): Promise { initialBadgesState = { byId: window.Signal.Util.makeLookup( await window.Signal.Data.getAllBadges(), 'id' ), }; } // Initialize WebAPI as early as possible let server: WebAPIType | undefined; let messageReceiver: MessageReceiver | undefined; window.storage.onready(() => { server = window.WebAPI.connect( window.textsecure.storage.user.getWebAPICredentials() ); window.textsecure.server = server; initializeAllJobQueues({ server, }); log.info('Initializing MessageReceiver'); messageReceiver = new MessageReceiver({ server, storage: window.storage, serverTrustRoot: window.getServerTrustRoot(), }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations function queuedEventListener>( handler: (...args: Args) => Promise | void, track = true ): (...args: Args) => void { return (...args: Args): void => { eventHandlerQueue.add(async () => { try { await handler(...args); } finally { // message/sent: Message.handleDataMessage has its own queue and will // trigger this event itself when complete. // error: Error processing (below) also has its own queue and self-trigger. if (track) { window.Whisper.events.trigger('incrementProgress'); } } }); }; } messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'envelope', queuedEventListener(onEnvelopeReceived, false) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'message', queuedEventListener(onMessageReceived, false) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'delivery', queuedEventListener(onDeliveryReceipt) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'contact', queuedEventListener(onContactReceived) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'contactSync', queuedEventListener(onContactSyncComplete) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'group', queuedEventListener(onGroupReceived) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'groupSync', queuedEventListener(onGroupSyncComplete) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'sent', queuedEventListener(onSentMessage, false) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'readSync', queuedEventListener(onReadSync) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'viewSync', queuedEventListener(onViewSync) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'read', queuedEventListener(onReadReceipt) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'view', queuedEventListener(onViewReceipt) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'verified', queuedEventListener(onVerified) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'error', queuedEventListener(onError, false) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'decryption-error', queuedEventListener((event: DecryptionErrorEvent) => { onDecryptionErrorQueue.add(() => onDecryptionError(event)); }) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'retry-request', queuedEventListener((event: RetryRequestEvent) => { onRetryRequestQueue.add(() => onRetryRequest(event)); }) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener('empty', queuedEventListener(onEmpty)); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'reconnect', queuedEventListener(onReconnect) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'configuration', queuedEventListener(onConfiguration) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener('typing', queuedEventListener(onTyping)); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'sticker-pack', queuedEventListener(onStickerPack) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'viewOnceOpenSync', queuedEventListener(onViewOnceOpenSync) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'messageRequestResponse', queuedEventListener(onMessageRequestResponse) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'profileKeyUpdate', queuedEventListener(onProfileKeyUpdate) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener( 'fetchLatest', queuedEventListener(onFetchLatestSync) ); messageReceiver.addEventListener('keys', queuedEventListener(onKeysSync)); }); ourProfileKeyService.initialize(window.storage); window.storage.onready(() => { if (!window.storage.get('defaultConversationColor')) { window.storage.put( 'defaultConversationColor', DEFAULT_CONVERSATION_COLOR ); } }); let resolveOnAppView: (() => void) | undefined; const onAppView = new Promise(resolve => { resolveOnAppView = resolve; }); const reconnectBackOff = new BackOff(FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS); window.storage.onready(() => { strictAssert(server, 'WebAPI not ready'); senderCertificateService.initialize({ server, navigator, onlineEventTarget: window, storage: window.storage, }); areWeASubscriberService.update(window.storage, server); }); const eventHandlerQueue = new window.PQueue({ concurrency: 1, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 2, }); const profileKeyResponseQueue = new window.PQueue(); profileKeyResponseQueue.pause(); const lightSessionResetQueue = new window.PQueue(); window.Signal.Services.lightSessionResetQueue = lightSessionResetQueue; lightSessionResetQueue.pause(); const onDecryptionErrorQueue = new window.PQueue(); onDecryptionErrorQueue.pause(); const onRetryRequestQueue = new window.PQueue(); onRetryRequestQueue.pause(); window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue = new window.PQueue({ concurrency: 1, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 2, }); window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue.pause(); window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptBatcher = window.Signal.Util.createBatcher({ name: 'Whisper.deliveryReceiptBatcher', wait: 500, maxSize: 100, processBatch: async deliveryReceipts => { await deliveryReceiptsJobQueue.add({ deliveryReceipts }); }, }); if (getTitleBarVisibility() === TitleBarVisibility.Hidden) { window.addEventListener('dblclick', (event: Event) => { const target = event.target as HTMLElement; if (isWindowDragElement(target)) { window.titleBarDoubleClick(); } }); } // Globally disable drag and drop document.body.addEventListener( 'dragover', e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false ); document.body.addEventListener( 'drop', e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false ); startInteractionMode(); // Load these images now to ensure that they don't flicker on first use window.preloadedImages = []; function preload(list: ReadonlyArray) { for (let index = 0, max = list.length; index < max; index += 1) { const image = new Image(); image.src = `./images/${list[index]}`; window.preloadedImages.push(image); } } const builtInImages = await window.getBuiltInImages(); preload(builtInImages); // We add this to window here because the default Node context is erased at the end // of preload.js processing window.setImmediate = window.nodeSetImmediate; const { MessageDataMigrator } = window.Signal.Workflow; const { removeDatabase: removeIndexedDB, doesDatabaseExist } = window.Signal.IndexedDB; const { Message } = window.Signal.Types; const { upgradeMessageSchema, writeNewAttachmentData, deleteAttachmentData, doesAttachmentExist, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { Views } = window.Signal; log.info('background page reloaded'); log.info('environment:', window.getEnvironment()); let newVersion = false; window.document.title = window.getTitle(); KeyChangeListener.init(window.textsecure.storage.protocol); window.textsecure.storage.protocol.on('removePreKey', (ourUuid: UUID) => { const uuidKind = window.textsecure.storage.user.getOurUuidKind(ourUuid); window.getAccountManager().refreshPreKeys(uuidKind); }); window.getSocketStatus = () => { if (server === undefined) { return SocketStatus.CLOSED; } return server.getSocketStatus(); }; let accountManager: typeof window.textsecure.AccountManager; window.getAccountManager = () => { if (accountManager) { return accountManager; } accountManager = new window.textsecure.AccountManager(server); accountManager.addEventListener('registration', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('userChanged', false); window.Signal.Util.Registration.markDone(); log.info('dispatching registration event'); window.Whisper.events.trigger('registration_done'); }); return accountManager; }; const cancelInitializationMessage = Views.Initialization.setMessage(); const version = await window.Signal.Data.getItemById('version'); if (!version) { const isIndexedDBPresent = await doesDatabaseExist(); if (isIndexedDBPresent) { log.info('Found IndexedDB database.'); try { log.info('Confirming deletion of old data with user...'); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.showConfirmationDialog({ onTopOfEverything: true, cancelText: window.i18n('quit'), confirmStyle: 'negative', message: window.i18n('deleteOldIndexedDBData'), okText: window.i18n('deleteOldData'), reject: () => reject(), resolve: () => resolve(), }); }); } catch (error) { log.info( 'User chose not to delete old data. Shutting down.', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); window.shutdown(); return; } log.info('Deleting all previously-migrated data in SQL...'); log.info('Deleting IndexedDB file...'); await Promise.all([ removeIndexedDB(), window.Signal.Data.removeAll(), window.Signal.Data.removeIndexedDBFiles(), ]); log.info('Done with SQL deletion and IndexedDB file deletion.'); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Failed to remove IndexedDB file or remove SQL data:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } // Set a flag to delete IndexedDB on next startup if it wasn't deleted just now. // We need to use direct data calls, since window.storage isn't ready yet. await window.Signal.Data.createOrUpdateItem({ id: 'indexeddb-delete-needed', value: true, }); } } log.info('Storage fetch'); window.storage.fetch(); function mapOldThemeToNew( theme: Readonly< 'system' | 'light' | 'dark' | 'android' | 'ios' | 'android-dark' > ): 'system' | 'light' | 'dark' { switch (theme) { case 'dark': case 'light': case 'system': return theme; case 'android-dark': return 'dark'; case 'android': case 'ios': default: return 'light'; } } // We need this 'first' check because we don't want to start the app up any other time // than the first time. And window.storage.fetch() will cause onready() to fire. let first = true; window.storage.onready(async () => { if (!first) { return; } first = false; strictAssert(server !== undefined, 'WebAPI not ready'); cleanupSessionResets(); // These make key operations available to IPC handlers created in preload.js window.Events = createIPCEvents({ shutdown: async () => { log.info('background/shutdown'); window.Signal.Util.flushMessageCounter(); // Stop background processing AttachmentDownloads.stop(); idleDetector.stop(); // Stop processing incoming messages if (messageReceiver) { strictAssert( server !== undefined, 'WebAPI should be initialized together with MessageReceiver' ); server.unregisterRequestHandler(messageReceiver); messageReceiver.stopProcessing(); await window.waitForAllBatchers(); } // A number of still-to-queue database queries might be waiting inside batchers. // We wait for these to empty first, and then shut down the data interface. await Promise.all([ window.waitForAllBatchers(), window.waitForAllWaitBatchers(), ]); // Shut down the data interface cleanly await window.Signal.Data.shutdown(); }, }); webFrame.setZoomFactor(window.Events.getZoomFactor()); // How long since we were last running? const lastHeartbeat = toDayMillis(window.storage.get('lastHeartbeat', 0)); const previousLastStartup = window.storage.get('lastStartup'); await window.storage.put('lastStartup', Date.now()); const THIRTY_DAYS = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; if (lastHeartbeat > 0 && isOlderThan(lastHeartbeat, THIRTY_DAYS)) { log.warn( `This instance has not been used for 30 days. Last heartbeat: ${lastHeartbeat}. Last startup: ${previousLastStartup}.` ); await unlinkAndDisconnect(RemoveAllConfiguration.Soft); } // Start heartbeat timer window.storage.put('lastHeartbeat', toDayMillis(Date.now())); const TWELVE_HOURS = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000; setInterval( () => window.storage.put('lastHeartbeat', toDayMillis(Date.now())), TWELVE_HOURS ); const currentVersion = window.getVersion(); const lastVersion = window.storage.get('version'); newVersion = !lastVersion || currentVersion !== lastVersion; await window.storage.put('version', currentVersion); if (newVersion && lastVersion) { log.info( `New version detected: ${currentVersion}; previous: ${lastVersion}` ); const remoteBuildExpiration = window.storage.get('remoteBuildExpiration'); if (remoteBuildExpiration) { log.info( `Clearing remoteBuildExpiration. Previous value was ${remoteBuildExpiration}` ); window.storage.remove('remoteBuildExpiration'); } if (window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.29.2-beta.1')) { // Stickers flags await Promise.all([ window.storage.put('showStickersIntroduction', true), window.storage.put('showStickerPickerHint', true), ]); } if (window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.26.0')) { // Ensure that we re-register our support for sealed sender await window.storage.put( 'hasRegisterSupportForUnauthenticatedDelivery', false ); } const themeSetting = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); const newThemeSetting = mapOldThemeToNew(themeSetting); if (window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.25.0')) { if (newThemeSetting === window.systemTheme) { window.Events.setThemeSetting('system'); } else { window.Events.setThemeSetting(newThemeSetting); } } if ( window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.36.0-beta.1') && window.isAfterVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.35.0-beta.1') ) { await window.Signal.Services.eraseAllStorageServiceState(); } if ( lastVersion === 'v1.40.0-beta.1' && window.isAfterVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.40.0-beta.1') ) { await window.Signal.Data.clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts(); } if (window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v5.2.0')) { const legacySenderCertificateStorageKey = 'senderCertificateWithUuid'; await removeStorageKeyJobQueue.add({ key: legacySenderCertificateStorageKey, }); } if (window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v5.18.0')) { await window.storage.remove('senderCertificate'); await window.storage.remove('senderCertificateNoE164'); } if (window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v5.19.0')) { await window.storage.remove(GROUP_CREDENTIALS_KEY); } // This one should always be last - it could restart the app if ( window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v1.15.0-beta.5') || (window.isAfterVersion(lastVersion, 'v5.24.0-alpha') && window.isBeforeVersion(lastVersion, 'v5.25.0')) ) { await deleteAllLogs(); window.restart(); return; } } Views.Initialization.setMessage(window.i18n('optimizingApplication')); if (newVersion) { // We've received reports that this update can take longer than two minutes, so we // allow it to continue and just move on in that timeout case. try { await window.Signal.Data.cleanupOrphanedAttachments(); } catch (error) { log.error( 'background: Failed to cleanup orphaned attachments:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } // Don't block on the following operation window.Signal.Data.ensureFilePermissions(); } try { await window.Signal.Data.startInRendererProcess(); } catch (err) { log.error('SQL failed to initialize', err && err.stack ? err.stack : err); } Views.Initialization.setMessage(window.i18n('loading')); let isMigrationWithIndexComplete = false; log.info( `Starting background data migration. Target version: ${Message.CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION}` ); idleDetector.on('idle', async () => { const NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BATCH = 1; if (!isMigrationWithIndexComplete) { const batchWithIndex = await MessageDataMigrator.processNext({ BackboneMessageCollection: window.Whisper.MessageCollection, numMessagesPerBatch: NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BATCH, upgradeMessageSchema, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade: window.Signal.Data.getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, saveMessage: window.Signal.Data.saveMessage, }); log.info('Upgrade message schema (with index):', batchWithIndex); isMigrationWithIndexComplete = batchWithIndex.done; } if (isMigrationWithIndexComplete) { log.info('Background migration complete. Stopping idle detector.'); idleDetector.stop(); } }); window.Signal.RemoteConfig.initRemoteConfig(server); let retryReceiptLifespan: number | undefined; try { retryReceiptLifespan = parseIntOrThrow( window.Signal.RemoteConfig.getValue('desktop.retryReceiptLifespan'), 'retryReceiptLifeSpan' ); } catch (error) { log.warn( 'Failed to parse integer out of desktop.retryReceiptLifespan feature flag', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } const retryPlaceholders = new window.Signal.Util.RetryPlaceholders({ retryReceiptLifespan, }); window.Signal.Services.retryPlaceholders = retryPlaceholders; setInterval(async () => { const now = Date.now(); const HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; const DAY = 24 * HOUR; let sentProtoMaxAge = 14 * DAY; try { sentProtoMaxAge = parseIntOrThrow( window.Signal.RemoteConfig.getValue('desktop.retryRespondMaxAge'), 'retryRespondMaxAge' ); } catch (error) { log.warn( 'background/setInterval: Failed to parse integer from desktop.retryRespondMaxAge feature flag', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } try { await window.Signal.Data.deleteSentProtosOlderThan( now - sentProtoMaxAge ); } catch (error) { log.error( 'background/onready/setInterval: Error deleting sent protos: ', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } try { const expired = await retryPlaceholders.getExpiredAndRemove(); log.info( `retryPlaceholders/interval: Found ${expired.length} expired items` ); expired.forEach(item => { const { conversationId, senderUuid, sentAt } = item; const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation) { const receivedAt = Date.now(); const receivedAtCounter = window.Signal.Util.incrementMessageCounter(); conversation.queueJob('addDeliveryIssue', () => conversation.addDeliveryIssue({ receivedAt, receivedAtCounter, senderUuid, sentAt, }) ); } }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'background/onready/setInterval: Error getting expired retry placeholders: ', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } }, FIVE_MINUTES); try { await Promise.all([ window.ConversationController.load(), Stickers.load(), loadRecentEmojis(), loadInitialBadgesState(), window.textsecure.storage.protocol.hydrateCaches(), ]); await window.ConversationController.checkForConflicts(); } catch (error) { log.error( 'background.js: ConversationController failed to load:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } finally { initializeRedux(); start(); window.Signal.Services.initializeNetworkObserver( window.reduxActions.network ); window.Signal.Services.initializeUpdateListener( window.reduxActions.updates ); window.Signal.Services.calling.initialize( window.reduxActions.calling, window.getSfuUrl() ); window.reduxActions.expiration.hydrateExpirationStatus( window.Signal.Util.hasExpired() ); } }); function initializeRedux() { // Here we set up a full redux store with initial state for our LeftPane Root const convoCollection = window.getConversations(); const conversations = convoCollection.map(conversation => conversation.format() ); const ourNumber = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(); const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); const themeSetting = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); const theme = themeSetting === 'system' ? window.systemTheme : themeSetting; const initialState = { badges: initialBadgesState, conversations: { conversationLookup: window.Signal.Util.makeLookup(conversations, 'id'), conversationsByE164: window.Signal.Util.makeLookup( conversations, 'e164' ), conversationsByUuid: window.Signal.Util.makeLookup( conversations, 'uuid' ), conversationsByGroupId: window.Signal.Util.makeLookup( conversations, 'groupId' ), conversationsByUsername: window.Signal.Util.makeLookup( conversations, 'username' ), messagesByConversation: {}, messagesLookup: {}, outboundMessagesPendingConversationVerification: {}, selectedConversationId: undefined, selectedMessage: undefined, selectedMessageCounter: 0, selectedConversationPanelDepth: 0, selectedConversationTitle: '', showArchived: false, usernameSaveState: UsernameSaveState.None, }, emojis: getEmojiReducerState(), items: window.storage.getItemsState(), preferredReactions: preferredReactions.getInitialState(), stickers: Stickers.getInitialState(), user: { attachmentsPath: window.baseAttachmentsPath, stickersPath: window.baseStickersPath, tempPath: window.baseTempPath, regionCode: window.storage.get('regionCode'), ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid, platform: window.platform, i18n: window.i18n, interactionMode: window.getInteractionMode(), theme, }, }; const store = window.Signal.State.createStore(initialState); window.reduxStore = store; // Binding these actions to our redux store and exposing them allows us to update // redux when things change in the backbone world. window.reduxActions = { accounts: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.accounts, store.dispatch), app: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.app, store.dispatch), audioPlayer: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.audioPlayer, store.dispatch ), audioRecorder: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.audioRecorder, store.dispatch ), badges: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.badges, store.dispatch), calling: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.calling, store.dispatch), composer: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.composer, store.dispatch), conversations: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.conversations, store.dispatch ), crashReports: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.crashReports, store.dispatch ), emojis: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.emojis, store.dispatch), expiration: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.expiration, store.dispatch), globalModals: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.globalModals, store.dispatch ), items: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.items, store.dispatch), linkPreviews: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.linkPreviews, store.dispatch ), network: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.network, store.dispatch), safetyNumber: bindActionCreators( actionCreators.safetyNumber, store.dispatch ), search: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.search, store.dispatch), stickers: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.stickers, store.dispatch), updates: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.updates, store.dispatch), user: bindActionCreators(actionCreators.user, store.dispatch), }; const { conversationAdded, conversationChanged, conversationRemoved, removeAllConversations, } = window.reduxActions.conversations; convoCollection.on('remove', conversation => { const { id } = conversation || {}; conversation.trigger('unload', 'removed'); conversationRemoved(id); }); convoCollection.on('add', conversation => { if (!conversation) { return; } conversationAdded(conversation.id, conversation.format()); }); const changedConvoBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'changedConvoBatcher', processBatch(batch) { const deduped = new Set(batch); log.info( 'changedConvoBatcher: deduped ' + `${batch.length} into ${deduped.size}` ); batchDispatch(() => { deduped.forEach(conversation => { conversationChanged(conversation.id, conversation.format()); }); }); }, // This delay ensures that the .format() call isn't synchronous as a // Backbone property is changed. Important because our _byUuid/_byE164 // lookups aren't up-to-date as the change happens; just a little bit // after. wait: 1, maxSize: Infinity, }); convoCollection.on('props-change', (conversation, isBatched) => { if (!conversation) { return; } // `isBatched` is true when the `.set()` call on the conversation model // already runs from within `react-redux`'s batch. Instead of batching // the redux update for later - clear all queued updates and update // immediately. if (isBatched) { changedConvoBatcher.removeAll(conversation); conversationChanged(conversation.id, conversation.format()); return; } changedConvoBatcher.add(conversation); }); convoCollection.on('reset', removeAllConversations); window.Whisper.events.on('userChanged', (reconnect = false) => { const newDeviceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); const newNumber = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const newUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversation(); if (ourConversation?.get('e164') !== newNumber) { ourConversation?.set('e164', newNumber); } window.reduxActions.user.userChanged({ ourConversationId: ourConversation?.get('id'), ourDeviceId: newDeviceId, ourNumber: newNumber, ourUuid: newUuid, regionCode: window.storage.get('regionCode'), }); if (reconnect) { log.info('background: reconnecting websocket on user change'); enqueueReconnectToWebSocket(); } }); let shortcutGuideView: WhatIsThis | null = null; window.showKeyboardShortcuts = () => { if (!shortcutGuideView) { shortcutGuideView = new window.Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'shortcut-guide-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createShortcutGuideModal( window.reduxStore, { close: () => { if (shortcutGuideView) { shortcutGuideView.remove(); shortcutGuideView = null; } }, } ), onClose: () => { shortcutGuideView = null; }, }); } }; document.addEventListener('keydown', event => { const { ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } = event; const commandKey = window.platform === 'darwin' && metaKey; const controlKey = window.platform !== 'darwin' && ctrlKey; const commandOrCtrl = commandKey || controlKey; const state = store.getState(); const selectedId = state.conversations.selectedConversationId; const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(selectedId); const key = KeyboardLayout.lookup(event); // NAVIGATION // Show keyboard shortcuts - handled by Electron-managed keyboard shortcuts // However, on linux Ctrl+/ selects all text, so we prevent that if (commandOrCtrl && key === '/') { window.showKeyboardShortcuts(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return; } // Navigate by section if (commandOrCtrl && !shiftKey && (key === 't' || key === 'T')) { window.enterKeyboardMode(); const focusedElement = document.activeElement; const targets: Array = [ document.querySelector('.module-main-header .module-avatar-button'), document.querySelector( '.module-left-pane__header__contents__back-button' ), document.querySelector('.LeftPaneSearchInput__input'), document.querySelector('.module-main-header__compose-icon'), document.querySelector( '.module-left-pane__compose-search-form__input' ), document.querySelector( '.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation' ), document.querySelector('.module-search-results'), document.querySelector('.CompositionArea .ql-editor'), ]; const focusedIndex = targets.findIndex(target => { if (!target || !focusedElement) { return false; } if (target === focusedElement) { return true; } if (target.contains(focusedElement)) { return true; } return false; }); const lastIndex = targets.length - 1; let index; if (focusedIndex < 0 || focusedIndex >= lastIndex) { index = 0; } else { index = focusedIndex + 1; } while (!targets[index]) { index += 1; if (index > lastIndex) { index = 0; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion targets[index]!.focus(); } // Cancel out of keyboard shortcut screen - has first precedence if (shortcutGuideView && key === 'Escape') { shortcutGuideView.remove(); shortcutGuideView = null; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Escape is heavily overloaded - here we avoid clashes with other Escape handlers if (key === 'Escape') { // Check origin - if within a react component which handles escape, don't handle. // Why? Because React's synthetic events can cause events to be handled twice. const target = document.activeElement; // We might want to use NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem('class') /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ if ( target && target.attributes && (target.attributes as any).class && (target.attributes as any).class.value ) { const className = (target.attributes as any).class.value; /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ // Search box wants to handle events internally if (className.includes('LeftPaneSearchInput__input')) { return; } } // These add listeners to document, but we'll run first const confirmationModal = document.querySelector( '.module-confirmation-dialog__overlay' ); if (confirmationModal) { return; } const emojiPicker = document.querySelector('.module-emoji-picker'); if (emojiPicker) { return; } const lightBox = document.querySelector('.Lightbox'); if (lightBox) { return; } const stickerPicker = document.querySelector('.module-sticker-picker'); if (stickerPicker) { return; } const stickerPreview = document.querySelector( '.module-sticker-manager__preview-modal__overlay' ); if (stickerPreview) { return; } const reactionViewer = document.querySelector( '.module-reaction-viewer' ); if (reactionViewer) { return; } const reactionPicker = document.querySelector('.module-ReactionPicker'); if (reactionPicker) { return; } const contactModal = document.querySelector('.module-contact-modal'); if (contactModal) { return; } const modalHost = document.querySelector('.module-modal-host__overlay'); if (modalHost) { return; } } // Close window.Backbone-based confirmation dialog if (window.Whisper.activeConfirmationView && key === 'Escape') { window.Whisper.activeConfirmationView.remove(); window.Whisper.activeConfirmationView = null; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Send Escape to active conversation so it can close panels if (conversation && key === 'Escape') { conversation.trigger('escape-pressed'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Preferences - handled by Electron-managed keyboard shortcuts // Open the top-right menu for current conversation if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'l' || key === 'L') ) { const button = document.querySelector( '.module-ConversationHeader__button--more' ); if (!button) { return; } // Because the menu is shown at a location based on the initiating click, we need // to fake up a mouse event to get the menu to show somewhere other than (0,0). const { x, y, width, height } = button.getBoundingClientRect(); const mouseEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); // Types do not match signature /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ mouseEvent.initMouseEvent( 'click', true, // bubbles false, // cancelable null as any, // view null as any, // detail 0, // screenX, 0, // screenY, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, false, // ctrlKey, false, // altKey, false, // shiftKey, false, // metaKey, false as any, // button, document.body ); /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ button.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Focus composer field if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 't' || key === 'T') ) { conversation.trigger('focus-composer'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Open all media if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'm' || key === 'M') ) { conversation.trigger('open-all-media'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Open emoji picker - handled by component // Open sticker picker - handled by component // Begin recording voice note - handled by component // Archive or unarchive conversation if ( conversation && !conversation.get('isArchived') && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'a' || key === 'A') ) { conversation.setArchived(true); conversation.trigger('unload', 'keyboard shortcut archive'); showToast(ToastConversationArchived, { undo: () => { conversation.setArchived(false); window.Whisper.events.trigger( 'showConversation', conversation.get('id') ); }, }); // It's very likely that the act of archiving a conversation will set focus to // 'none,' or the top-level body element. This resets it to the left pane. if (document.activeElement === document.body) { const leftPaneEl: HTMLElement | null = document.querySelector( '.module-left-pane__list' ); if (leftPaneEl) { leftPaneEl.focus(); } } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } if ( conversation && conversation.get('isArchived') && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'u' || key === 'U') ) { conversation.setArchived(false); showToast(ToastConversationUnarchived); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Scroll to bottom of list - handled by component // Scroll to top of list - handled by component // Close conversation if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'c' || key === 'C') ) { conversation.trigger('unload', 'keyboard shortcut close'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // MESSAGES // Show message details if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && !shiftKey && (key === 'd' || key === 'D') ) { const { selectedMessage } = state.conversations; if (!selectedMessage) { return; } conversation.trigger('show-message-details', selectedMessage); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Toggle reply to message if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'r' || key === 'R') ) { const { selectedMessage } = state.conversations; conversation.trigger('toggle-reply', selectedMessage); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Save attachment if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && !shiftKey && (key === 's' || key === 'S') ) { const { selectedMessage } = state.conversations; if (selectedMessage) { conversation.trigger('save-attachment', selectedMessage); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } } if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'd' || key === 'D') ) { const { selectedMessage } = state.conversations; if (selectedMessage) { conversation.trigger('delete-message', selectedMessage); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } } // COMPOSER // Create a newline in your message - handled by component // Expand composer - handled by component // Send in expanded composer - handled by component // Attach file // hooks/useKeyboardShorcuts useAttachFileShortcut // Remove draft link preview if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && !shiftKey && (key === 'p' || key === 'P') ) { conversation.trigger('remove-link-review'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // Attach file if ( conversation && commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && (key === 'p' || key === 'P') ) { conversation.trigger('remove-all-draft-attachments'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // Commented out because this is the last item // return; } }); } window.Whisper.events.on('setupAsNewDevice', () => { window.reduxActions.app.openInstaller(); }); window.Whisper.events.on('setupAsStandalone', () => { window.reduxActions.app.openStandalone(); }); window.Whisper.events.on('powerMonitorSuspend', () => { log.info('powerMonitor: suspend'); suspendTasksWithTimeout(); }); window.Whisper.events.on('powerMonitorResume', () => { log.info('powerMonitor: resume'); server?.checkSockets(); resumeTasksWithTimeout(); }); const reconnectToWebSocketQueue = new LatestQueue(); const enqueueReconnectToWebSocket = () => { reconnectToWebSocketQueue.add(async () => { if (!server) { log.info('reconnectToWebSocket: No server. Early return.'); return; } log.info('reconnectToWebSocket starting...'); await server.onOffline(); await server.onOnline(); log.info('reconnectToWebSocket complete.'); }); }; window.Whisper.events.on( 'mightBeUnlinked', window._.debounce(enqueueReconnectToWebSocket, 1000, { maxWait: 5000 }) ); window.Whisper.events.on('unlinkAndDisconnect', () => { unlinkAndDisconnect(RemoveAllConfiguration.Full); }); function runStorageService() { window.Signal.Services.enableStorageService(); if (window.ConversationController.areWePrimaryDevice()) { log.warn( 'background/runStorageService: We are primary device; not sending key sync request' ); return; } handleMessageSend(window.textsecure.messaging.sendRequestKeySyncMessage(), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'otherSync', }); } let challengeHandler: ChallengeHandler | undefined; async function start() { challengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler({ storage: window.storage, getMessageById, requestChallenge(request) { window.sendChallengeRequest(request); }, async sendChallengeResponse(data) { await window.textsecure.messaging.sendChallengeResponse(data); }, onChallengeFailed() { // TODO: DESKTOP-1530 // Display humanized `retryAfter` showToast(ToastCaptchaFailed); }, onChallengeSolved() { showToast(ToastCaptchaSolved); }, setChallengeStatus(challengeStatus) { window.reduxActions.network.setChallengeStatus(challengeStatus); }, }); window.Whisper.events.on('challengeResponse', response => { if (!challengeHandler) { throw new Error('Expected challenge handler to be there'); } challengeHandler.onResponse(response); }); // Storage is ready because `start()` is called from `storage.onready()` await challengeHandler.load(); window.Signal.challengeHandler = challengeHandler; if (!window.storage.user.getNumber()) { const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversation(); const ourE164 = ourConversation?.get('e164'); if (ourE164) { log.warn('Restoring E164 from our conversation'); window.storage.user.setNumber(ourE164); } } window.dispatchEvent(new Event('storage_ready')); badgeImageFileDownloader.checkForFilesToDownload(); log.info('Expiration start timestamp cleanup: starting...'); const messagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp(); log.info( `Expiration start timestamp cleanup: Found ${messagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp.length} messages for cleanup` ); if (messagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp.length) { const newMessageAttributes = messagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp.map(message => { const expirationStartTimestamp = Math.min( ...filter( [ // These messages should always have a sent_at, but we have fallbacks // just in case. message.sent_at, Date.now(), // The query shouldn't return messages with expiration start timestamps, // but we're trying to be extra careful. message.expirationStartTimestamp, ], isNotNil ) ); log.info( `Expiration start timestamp cleanup: starting timer for ${message.type} message sent at ${message.sent_at}. Starting timer at ${message.expirationStartTimestamp}` ); return { ...message, expirationStartTimestamp, }; }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessages(newMessageAttributes, { ourUuid: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(), }); } log.info('Expiration start timestamp cleanup: complete'); log.info('listening for registration events'); window.Whisper.events.on('registration_done', () => { log.info('handling registration event'); strictAssert(server !== undefined, 'WebAPI not ready'); server.authenticate( window.textsecure.storage.user.getWebAPICredentials() ); connect(true); }); cancelInitializationMessage(); render( window.Signal.State.Roots.createApp(window.reduxStore), document.getElementById('app-container') ); const hideMenuBar = window.storage.get('hide-menu-bar', false); window.setAutoHideMenuBar(hideMenuBar); window.setMenuBarVisibility(!hideMenuBar); window.Whisper.WallClockListener.init(window.Whisper.events); window.Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.init(window.Whisper.events); window.Whisper.TapToViewMessagesListener.init(window.Whisper.events); const isCoreDataValid = Boolean( window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid() && window.ConversationController.getOurConversation() ); if (isCoreDataValid && window.Signal.Util.Registration.everDone()) { connect(); window.reduxActions.app.openInbox(); } else { window.reduxActions.app.openInstaller(); } window.Whisper.events.on('contactsync', () => { if (window.reduxStore.getState().app.appView === AppViewType.Installer) { window.reduxActions.app.openInbox(); } }); window.registerForActive(() => notificationService.clear()); window.addEventListener('unload', () => notificationService.fastClear()); notificationService.on('click', (id, messageId) => { window.showWindow(); if (id) { window.Whisper.events.trigger('showConversation', id, messageId); } else { window.reduxActions.app.openInbox(); } }); // Maybe refresh remote configuration when we become active window.registerForActive(async () => { strictAssert(server !== undefined, 'WebAPI not ready'); try { await window.Signal.RemoteConfig.maybeRefreshRemoteConfig(server); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof HTTPError) { log.warn( `registerForActive: Failed to to refresh remote config. Code: ${error.code}` ); return; } throw error; } }); // Listen for changes to the `desktop.clientExpiration` remote flag window.Signal.RemoteConfig.onChange( 'desktop.clientExpiration', ({ value }) => { const remoteBuildExpirationTimestamp = window.Signal.Util.parseRemoteClientExpiration(value as string); if (remoteBuildExpirationTimestamp) { window.storage.put( 'remoteBuildExpiration', remoteBuildExpirationTimestamp ); window.reduxActions.expiration.hydrateExpirationStatus( window.Signal.Util.hasExpired() ); } } ); // Listen for changes to the `desktop.messageRequests` remote configuration flag const removeMessageRequestListener = window.Signal.RemoteConfig.onChange( 'desktop.messageRequests', ({ enabled }) => { if (!enabled) { return; } const conversations = window.getConversations(); conversations.forEach(conversation => { conversation.set({ messageCountBeforeMessageRequests: conversation.get('messageCount') || 0, }); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); }); removeMessageRequestListener(); } ); // Listen for changes to the `desktop.gv2` remote configuration flag const removeGv2Listener = window.Signal.RemoteConfig.onChange( 'desktop.gv2', async ({ enabled }) => { if (!enabled) { return; } // Erase current manifest version so we re-process storage service data await window.storage.remove('manifestVersion'); // Kick off window.storage service fetch to grab GroupV2 information await window.Signal.Services.runStorageServiceSyncJob(); // This is a one-time thing removeGv2Listener(); } ); window.Signal.RemoteConfig.onChange( 'desktop.storage', async ({ enabled }) => { if (!enabled) { await window.storage.remove('storageKey'); return; } await window.storage.remove('manifestVersion'); if (window.ConversationController.areWePrimaryDevice()) { log.warn( 'onChange/desktop.storage: We are primary device; not sending key sync request' ); return; } await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendRequestKeySyncMessage(), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'otherSync' } ); } ); if (resolveOnAppView) { resolveOnAppView(); resolveOnAppView = undefined; } } window.getSyncRequest = (timeoutMillis?: number) => { strictAssert(messageReceiver, 'MessageReceiver not initialized'); const syncRequest = new window.textsecure.SyncRequest( window.textsecure.messaging, messageReceiver, timeoutMillis ); syncRequest.start(); return syncRequest; }; let disconnectTimer: Timers.Timeout | undefined; let reconnectTimer: Timers.Timeout | undefined; function onOffline() { log.info('offline'); window.removeEventListener('offline', onOffline); window.addEventListener('online', onOnline); // We've received logs from Linux where we get an 'offline' event, then 30ms later // we get an online event. This waits a bit after getting an 'offline' event // before disconnecting the socket manually. disconnectTimer = Timers.setTimeout(disconnect, 1000); if (challengeHandler) { challengeHandler.onOffline(); } } function onOnline() { log.info('online'); window.removeEventListener('online', onOnline); window.addEventListener('offline', onOffline); if (disconnectTimer && isSocketOnline()) { log.warn('Already online. Had a blip in online/offline status.'); Timers.clearTimeout(disconnectTimer); disconnectTimer = undefined; return; } if (disconnectTimer) { Timers.clearTimeout(disconnectTimer); disconnectTimer = undefined; } connect(); } function isSocketOnline() { const socketStatus = window.getSocketStatus(); return ( socketStatus === SocketStatus.CONNECTING || socketStatus === SocketStatus.OPEN ); } async function disconnect() { log.info('disconnect'); // Clear timer, since we're only called when the timer is expired disconnectTimer = undefined; AttachmentDownloads.stop(); if (server !== undefined) { strictAssert( messageReceiver !== undefined, 'WebAPI should be initialized together with MessageReceiver' ); await server.onOffline(); await messageReceiver.drain(); } } let connectCount = 0; let connecting = false; async function connect(firstRun?: boolean) { if (connecting) { log.warn('connect already running', { connectCount }); return; } strictAssert(server !== undefined, 'WebAPI not connected'); try { connecting = true; log.info('connect', { firstRun, connectCount }); if (reconnectTimer) { Timers.clearTimeout(reconnectTimer); reconnectTimer = undefined; } // Bootstrap our online/offline detection, only the first time we connect if (connectCount === 0 && navigator.onLine) { window.addEventListener('offline', onOffline); } if (connectCount === 0 && !navigator.onLine) { log.warn( 'Starting up offline; will connect when we have network access' ); window.addEventListener('online', onOnline); onEmpty(); // this ensures that the loading screen is dismissed return; } if (!window.Signal.Util.Registration.everDone()) { return; } window.textsecure.messaging = new window.textsecure.MessageSender(server); // Update our profile key in the conversation if we just got linked. const profileKey = await ourProfileKeyService.get(); if (firstRun && profileKey) { const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversation(); strictAssert(me !== undefined, "Didn't find newly created ourselves"); await me.setProfileKey(Bytes.toBase64(profileKey)); } if (connectCount === 0) { try { // Force a re-fetch before we process our queue. We may want to turn on // something which changes how we process incoming messages! await window.Signal.RemoteConfig.refreshRemoteConfig(server); const expiration = window.Signal.RemoteConfig.getValue( 'desktop.clientExpiration' ); if (expiration) { const remoteBuildExpirationTimestamp = window.Signal.Util.parseRemoteClientExpiration( expiration as string ); if (remoteBuildExpirationTimestamp) { window.storage.put( 'remoteBuildExpiration', remoteBuildExpirationTimestamp ); window.reduxActions.expiration.hydrateExpirationStatus( window.Signal.Util.hasExpired() ); } } } catch (error) { log.error( 'connect: Error refreshing remote config:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } try { const lonelyE164Conversations = window .getConversations() .filter(c => Boolean( isDirectConversation(c.attributes) && c.get('e164') && !c.get('uuid') && !c.isEverUnregistered() ) ); await updateConversationsWithUuidLookup({ conversationController: window.ConversationController, conversations: lonelyE164Conversations, messaging: window.textsecure.messaging, }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'connect: Error fetching UUIDs for lonely e164s:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } connectCount += 1; // To avoid a flood of operations before we catch up, we pause some queues. profileKeyResponseQueue.pause(); lightSessionResetQueue.pause(); onDecryptionErrorQueue.pause(); onRetryRequestQueue.pause(); window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue.pause(); notificationService.disable(); window.Signal.Services.initializeGroupCredentialFetcher(); strictAssert(server !== undefined, 'WebAPI not initialized'); strictAssert( messageReceiver !== undefined, 'MessageReceiver not initialized' ); messageReceiver.reset(); server.registerRequestHandler(messageReceiver); // If coming here after `offline` event - connect again. await server.onOnline(); AttachmentDownloads.start({ logger: log, }); if (connectCount === 1) { Stickers.downloadQueuedPacks(); if (!newVersion) { runStorageService(); } } // On startup after upgrading to a new version, request a contact sync // (but only if we're not the primary device) if ( !firstRun && connectCount === 1 && newVersion && window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId() !== 1 ) { log.info('Boot after upgrading. Requesting contact sync'); window.getSyncRequest(); runStorageService(); try { const manager = window.getAccountManager(); await Promise.all([ manager.maybeUpdateDeviceName(), window.textsecure.storage.user.removeSignalingKey(), ]); } catch (e) { log.error( 'Problem with account manager updates after starting new version: ', e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); } } const udSupportKey = 'hasRegisterSupportForUnauthenticatedDelivery'; if (!window.storage.get(udSupportKey)) { try { await server.registerSupportForUnauthenticatedDelivery(); window.storage.put(udSupportKey, true); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Error: Unable to register for unauthenticated delivery support.', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } const deviceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (!window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()) { log.error('UUID not captured during registration, unlinking'); return unlinkAndDisconnect(RemoveAllConfiguration.Full); } if (!window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid(UUIDKind.PNI)) { log.info('PNI not captured during registration, fetching'); const { pni } = await server.whoami(); if (!pni) { log.error('No PNI found, unlinking'); return unlinkAndDisconnect(RemoveAllConfiguration.Soft); } log.info('Setting PNI to', pni); await window.textsecure.storage.user.setPni(pni); } if (connectCount === 1) { try { // Note: we always have to register our capabilities all at once, so we do this // after connect on every startup await Promise.all([ server.registerCapabilities({ announcementGroup: true, 'gv2-3': true, 'gv1-migration': true, senderKey: true, changeNumber: true, }), updateOurUsername(), ]); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Error: Unable to register our capabilities.', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } if (firstRun === true && deviceId !== 1) { const hasThemeSetting = Boolean(window.storage.get('theme-setting')); if ( !hasThemeSetting && window.textsecure.storage.get('userAgent') === 'OWI' ) { window.storage.put( 'theme-setting', await window.Events.getThemeSetting() ); themeChanged(); } const syncRequest = window.getSyncRequest(); window.Whisper.events.trigger('contactsync:begin'); syncRequest.addEventListener('success', () => { log.info('sync successful'); window.storage.put('synced_at', Date.now()); window.Whisper.events.trigger('contactsync'); runStorageService(); }); syncRequest.addEventListener('timeout', () => { log.error('sync timed out'); window.Whisper.events.trigger('contactsync'); runStorageService(); }); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(ourConversation.attributes, { syncMessage: true, }); const installedStickerPacks = Stickers.getInstalledStickerPacks(); if (installedStickerPacks.length) { const operations = installedStickerPacks.map(pack => ({ packId: pack.id, packKey: pack.key, installed: true, })); if (window.ConversationController.areWePrimaryDevice()) { log.warn( 'background/connect: We are primary device; not sending sticker pack sync' ); return; } handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendStickerPackSync( operations, sendOptions ), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'otherSync' } ).catch(error => { log.error( 'Failed to send installed sticker packs via sync message', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); }); } } window.storage.onready(async () => { idleDetector.start(); // Kick off a profile refresh if necessary, but don't wait for it, as failure is // tolerable. const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); if (ourConversationId) { routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: window.ConversationController.getAll(), ourConversationId, storage: window.storage, }); } else { assert( false, 'Failed to fetch our conversation ID. Skipping routine profile refresh' ); } }); if (!challengeHandler) { throw new Error('Expected challenge handler to be initialized'); } // Intentionally not awaiting challengeHandler.onOnline(); reconnectBackOff.reset(); } finally { connecting = false; } } window.SignalContext.nativeThemeListener.subscribe(themeChanged); const FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * durations.MINUTE; // Note: once this function returns, there still might be messages being processed on // a given conversation's queue. But we have processed all events from the websocket. async function waitForEmptyEventQueue() { if (!messageReceiver) { log.info( 'waitForEmptyEventQueue: No messageReceiver available, returning early' ); return; } if (!messageReceiver.hasEmptied()) { log.info( 'waitForEmptyEventQueue: Waiting for MessageReceiver empty event...' ); const { resolve, reject, promise } = explodePromise(); const timeout = Timers.setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('Empty queue never fired')); }, FIVE_MINUTES); const onEmptyOnce = () => { if (messageReceiver) { messageReceiver.removeEventListener('empty', onEmptyOnce); } Timers.clearTimeout(timeout); if (resolve) { resolve(); } }; messageReceiver.addEventListener('empty', onEmptyOnce); await promise; } log.info('waitForEmptyEventQueue: Waiting for event handler queue idle...'); await eventHandlerQueue.onIdle(); } window.waitForEmptyEventQueue = waitForEmptyEventQueue; async function onEmpty() { await Promise.all([ window.waitForAllBatchers(), window.flushAllWaitBatchers(), ]); log.info('onEmpty: All outstanding database requests complete'); window.readyForUpdates(); // Start listeners here, after we get through our queue. RotateSignedPreKeyListener.init(window.Whisper.events, newVersion); // Go back to main process before processing delayed actions await window.Signal.Data.goBackToMainProcess(); profileKeyResponseQueue.start(); lightSessionResetQueue.start(); onDecryptionErrorQueue.start(); onRetryRequestQueue.start(); window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue.start(); notificationService.enable(); await onAppView; window.reduxActions.app.initialLoadComplete(); window.logAppLoadedEvent?.({ processedCount: messageReceiver && messageReceiver.getProcessedCount(), }); if (messageReceiver) { log.info('App loaded - messages:', messageReceiver.getProcessedCount()); } window.Signal.Util.setBatchingStrategy(false); const attachmentDownloadQueue = window.attachmentDownloadQueue || []; // NOTE: ts/models/messages.ts expects this global to become undefined // once we stop processing the queue. window.attachmentDownloadQueue = undefined; const MAX_ATTACHMENT_MSGS_TO_DOWNLOAD = 250; const attachmentsToDownload = attachmentDownloadQueue.filter( (message, index) => index <= MAX_ATTACHMENT_MSGS_TO_DOWNLOAD || isMoreRecentThan( message.getReceivedAt(), MAX_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_AGE ) || // Stickers and long text attachments has to be downloaded for UI // to display the message properly. message.hasRequiredAttachmentDownloads() ); log.info( 'Downloading recent attachments of total attachments', attachmentsToDownload.length, attachmentDownloadQueue.length ); if (window.startupProcessingQueue) { window.startupProcessingQueue.flush(); window.startupProcessingQueue = undefined; } const messagesWithDownloads = await Promise.all( attachmentsToDownload.map(message => message.queueAttachmentDownloads()) ); const messagesToSave: Array = []; messagesWithDownloads.forEach((shouldSave, messageKey) => { if (shouldSave) { const message = attachmentsToDownload[messageKey]; messagesToSave.push(message.attributes); } }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessages(messagesToSave, { ourUuid: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(), }); // Process crash reports if any window.reduxActions.crashReports.setCrashReportCount( await window.crashReports.getCount() ); } function onReconnect() { // We disable notifications on first connect, but the same applies to reconnect. In // scenarios where we're coming back from sleep, we can get offline/online events // very fast, and it looks like a network blip. But we need to suppress // notifications in these scenarios too. So we listen for 'reconnect' events. profileKeyResponseQueue.pause(); lightSessionResetQueue.pause(); onDecryptionErrorQueue.pause(); onRetryRequestQueue.pause(); window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue.pause(); notificationService.disable(); } let initialStartupCount = 0; window.Whisper.events.on('incrementProgress', incrementProgress); function incrementProgress() { initialStartupCount += 1; // Only update progress every 10 items if (initialStartupCount % 10 !== 0) { return; } log.info(`incrementProgress: Message count is ${initialStartupCount}`); window.Whisper.events.trigger('loadingProgress', initialStartupCount); } window.Whisper.events.on('manualConnect', manualConnect); function manualConnect() { if (isSocketOnline()) { log.info('manualConnect: already online; not connecting again'); return; } log.info('manualConnect: calling connect()'); connect(); } function onConfiguration(ev: ConfigurationEvent) { ev.confirm(); const { configuration } = ev; const { readReceipts, typingIndicators, unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators, linkPreviews, } = configuration; window.storage.put('read-receipt-setting', Boolean(readReceipts)); if ( unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators === true || unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators === false ) { window.storage.put( 'unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators', unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators ); } if (typingIndicators === true || typingIndicators === false) { window.storage.put('typingIndicators', typingIndicators); } if (linkPreviews === true || linkPreviews === false) { window.storage.put('linkPreviews', linkPreviews); } } function onTyping(ev: TypingEvent) { // Note: this type of message is automatically removed from cache in MessageReceiver const { typing, sender, senderUuid, senderDevice } = ev; const { groupId, groupV2Id, started } = typing || {}; // We don't do anything with incoming typing messages if the setting is disabled if (!window.storage.get('typingIndicators')) { return; } let conversation; const senderId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: sender, uuid: senderUuid, highTrust: true, }); // We multiplex between GV1/GV2 groups here, but we don't kick off migrations if (groupV2Id) { conversation = window.ConversationController.get(groupV2Id); } if (!conversation && groupId) { conversation = window.ConversationController.get(groupId); } if (!groupV2Id && !groupId && senderId) { conversation = window.ConversationController.get(senderId); } const ourId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); if (!senderId) { log.warn('onTyping: ensureContactIds returned falsey senderId!'); return; } if (!ourId) { log.warn("onTyping: Couldn't get our own id!"); return; } if (!conversation) { log.warn( `onTyping: Did not find conversation for typing indicator (groupv2(${groupV2Id}), group(${groupId}), ${sender}, ${senderUuid})` ); return; } // We drop typing notifications in groups we're not a part of if ( !isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes) && !conversation.hasMember(ourId) ) { log.warn( `Received typing indicator for group ${conversation.idForLogging()}, which we're not a part of. Dropping.` ); return; } conversation.notifyTyping({ isTyping: started, fromMe: senderId === ourId, senderId, senderDevice, }); } async function onStickerPack(ev: StickerPackEvent) { ev.confirm(); const packs = ev.stickerPacks; packs.forEach(pack => { const { id, key, isInstall, isRemove } = pack || {}; if (!id || !key || (!isInstall && !isRemove)) { log.warn('Received malformed sticker pack operation sync message'); return; } const status = Stickers.getStickerPackStatus(id); if (status === 'installed' && isRemove) { window.reduxActions.stickers.uninstallStickerPack(id, key, { fromSync: true, }); } else if (isInstall) { if (status === 'downloaded') { window.reduxActions.stickers.installStickerPack(id, key, { fromSync: true, }); } else { Stickers.downloadStickerPack(id, key, { finalStatus: 'installed', fromSync: true, }); } } }); } async function onContactSyncComplete() { log.info('onContactSyncComplete'); await window.storage.put('synced_at', Date.now()); } async function onContactReceived(ev: ContactEvent) { const details = ev.contactDetails; if ( (details.number && details.number === window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) || (details.uuid && details.uuid === window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString()) ) { // special case for syncing details about ourselves if (details.profileKey) { log.info('Got sync message with our own profile key'); ourProfileKeyService.set(details.profileKey); } } const c = new window.Whisper.Conversation({ e164: details.number, uuid: details.uuid, type: 'private', } as Partial as WhatIsThis); const validationError = c.validate(); if (validationError) { log.error( 'Invalid contact received:', Errors.toLogFormat(validationError) ); return; } try { const detailsId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: details.number, uuid: details.uuid, highTrust: true, }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(detailsId)!; if (details.profileKey) { const profileKey = Bytes.toBase64(details.profileKey); conversation.setProfileKey(profileKey); } if (typeof details.blocked !== 'undefined') { if (details.blocked) { conversation.block(); } else { conversation.unblock(); } } conversation.set({ name: details.name, inbox_position: details.inboxPosition, }); // Update the conversation avatar only if new avatar exists and hash differs const { avatar } = details; if (avatar && avatar.data) { const newAttributes = await Conversation.maybeUpdateAvatar( conversation.attributes, avatar.data, { writeNewAttachmentData, deleteAttachmentData, doesAttachmentExist, } ); conversation.set(newAttributes); } else { const { attributes } = conversation; if (attributes.avatar && attributes.avatar.path) { await deleteAttachmentData(attributes.avatar.path); } conversation.set({ avatar: null }); } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); const { expireTimer } = details; const isValidExpireTimer = typeof expireTimer === 'number'; if (isValidExpireTimer) { const ourId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); const receivedAt = Date.now(); await conversation.updateExpirationTimer( expireTimer, ourId, receivedAt, { fromSync: true, } ); } if (details.verified) { const { verified } = details; const verifiedEvent = new VerifiedEvent( { state: dropNull(verified.state), destination: dropNull(verified.destination), destinationUuid: dropNull(verified.destinationUuid), identityKey: dropNull(verified.identityKey), viaContactSync: true, }, noop ); await onVerified(verifiedEvent); } if (window.Signal.Util.postLinkExperience.isActive()) { log.info( 'onContactReceived: Adding the message history disclaimer on link' ); await conversation.addMessageHistoryDisclaimer(); } } catch (error) { log.error('onContactReceived error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } } async function onGroupSyncComplete() { log.info('onGroupSyncComplete'); await window.storage.put('synced_at', Date.now()); } // Note: this handler is only for v1 groups received via 'group sync' messages async function onGroupReceived(ev: GroupEvent) { const details = ev.groupDetails; const { id } = details; const conversation = await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( id, 'group' ); if (isGroupV2(conversation.attributes)) { log.warn('Got group sync for v2 group: ', conversation.idForLogging()); return; } const memberConversations = details.membersE164.map(e164 => window.ConversationController.getOrCreate(e164, 'private') ); const members = memberConversations.map(c => c.get('id')); const updates: Partial = { name: details.name, members, type: 'group', inbox_position: details.inboxPosition, }; if (details.active) { updates.left = false; } else { updates.left = true; } if (details.blocked) { conversation.block(); } else { conversation.unblock(); } conversation.set(updates); // Update the conversation avatar only if new avatar exists and hash differs const { avatar } = details; if (avatar && avatar.data) { const newAttributes = await Conversation.maybeUpdateAvatar( conversation.attributes, avatar.data, { writeNewAttachmentData, deleteAttachmentData, doesAttachmentExist, } ); conversation.set(newAttributes); } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); if (window.Signal.Util.postLinkExperience.isActive()) { log.info( 'onGroupReceived: Adding the message history disclaimer on link' ); await conversation.addMessageHistoryDisclaimer(); } const { expireTimer } = details; const isValidExpireTimer = typeof expireTimer === 'number'; if (!isValidExpireTimer) { return; } const receivedAt = Date.now(); await conversation.updateExpirationTimer( expireTimer, window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(), receivedAt, { fromSync: true, } ); } // Received: async function handleMessageReceivedProfileUpdate({ data, confirm, messageDescriptor, }: { data: MessageEventData; confirm: () => void; messageDescriptor: MessageDescriptor; }) { const { profileKey } = data.message; strictAssert( profileKey !== undefined, 'handleMessageReceivedProfileUpdate: missing profileKey' ); const sender = window.ConversationController.get(messageDescriptor.id); if (sender) { // Will do the save for us await sender.setProfileKey(profileKey); } return confirm(); } const respondWithProfileKeyBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'respondWithProfileKeyBatcher', processBatch(batch) { const deduped = new Set(batch); deduped.forEach(async sender => { try { if (!(await shouldRespondWithProfileKey(sender))) { return; } } catch (error) { log.error('respondWithProfileKeyBatcher error', error && error.stack); } sender.queueJob('sendProfileKeyUpdate', () => sender.sendProfileKeyUpdate() ); }); }, wait: 200, maxSize: Infinity, }); function onEnvelopeReceived({ envelope }: EnvelopeEvent) { const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(); if (envelope.sourceUuid && envelope.sourceUuid !== ourUuid) { window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: envelope.source, uuid: envelope.sourceUuid, highTrust: true, }); } } // Note: We do very little in this function, since everything in handleDataMessage is // inside a conversation-specific queue(). Any code here might run before an earlier // message is processed in handleDataMessage(). function onMessageReceived(event: MessageEvent) { const { data, confirm } = event; const messageDescriptor = getMessageDescriptor({ confirm, ...data, // 'message' event: for 1:1 converations, the conversation is same as sender destination: data.source, destinationUuid: data.sourceUuid, }); const { PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE } = Proto.DataMessage.Flags; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const isProfileUpdate = Boolean(data.message.flags & PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE); if (isProfileUpdate) { return handleMessageReceivedProfileUpdate({ data, confirm, messageDescriptor, }); } const message = initIncomingMessage(data, messageDescriptor); if ( isIncoming(message.attributes) && !message.get('unidentifiedDeliveryReceived') ) { const sender = getContact(message.attributes); if (!sender) { throw new Error('MessageModel has no sender.'); } profileKeyResponseQueue.add(() => { respondWithProfileKeyBatcher.add(sender); }); } if (data.message.reaction) { strictAssert( data.message.reaction.targetAuthorUuid, 'Reaction without targetAuthorUuid' ); const targetAuthorUuid = normalizeUuid( data.message.reaction.targetAuthorUuid, 'DataMessage.Reaction.targetAuthorUuid' ); const { reaction, timestamp } = data.message; if (!isValidReactionEmoji(reaction.emoji)) { log.warn('Received an invalid reaction emoji. Dropping it'); confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } strictAssert( reaction.targetTimestamp, 'Reaction without targetTimestamp' ); const fromId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: data.source, uuid: data.sourceUuid, }); strictAssert(fromId, 'Reaction without fromId'); log.info('Queuing incoming reaction for', reaction.targetTimestamp); const attributes: ReactionAttributesType = { emoji: reaction.emoji, remove: reaction.remove, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, timestamp, fromId, source: ReactionSource.FromSomeoneElse, }; const reactionModel = Reactions.getSingleton().add(attributes); // Note: We do not wait for completion here Reactions.getSingleton().onReaction(reactionModel); confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } if (data.message.delete) { const { delete: del } = data.message; log.info('Queuing incoming DOE for', del.targetSentTimestamp); strictAssert( del.targetSentTimestamp, 'Delete missing targetSentTimestamp' ); strictAssert(data.serverTimestamp, 'Delete missing serverTimestamp'); const fromId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: data.source, uuid: data.sourceUuid, }); strictAssert(fromId, 'Delete missing fromId'); const attributes: DeleteAttributesType = { targetSentTimestamp: del.targetSentTimestamp, serverTimestamp: data.serverTimestamp, fromId, }; const deleteModel = Deletes.getSingleton().add(attributes); // Note: We do not wait for completion here Deletes.getSingleton().onDelete(deleteModel); confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } if (handleGroupCallUpdateMessage(data.message, messageDescriptor)) { return Promise.resolve(); } // Don't wait for handleDataMessage, as it has its own per-conversation queueing message.handleDataMessage(data.message, event.confirm); return Promise.resolve(); } async function onProfileKeyUpdate({ data, confirm }: ProfileKeyUpdateEvent) { const conversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: data.source, uuid: data.sourceUuid, highTrust: true, }); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { log.error( 'onProfileKeyUpdate: could not find conversation', data.source, data.sourceUuid ); confirm(); return; } if (!data.profileKey) { log.error('onProfileKeyUpdate: missing profileKey', data.profileKey); confirm(); return; } log.info( 'onProfileKeyUpdate: updating profileKey', data.source, data.sourceUuid ); await conversation.setProfileKey(data.profileKey); confirm(); } async function handleMessageSentProfileUpdate({ data, confirm, messageDescriptor, }: { data: SentEventData; confirm: () => void; messageDescriptor: MessageDescriptor; }) { // First set profileSharing = true for the conversation we sent to const { id } = messageDescriptor; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(id)!; conversation.enableProfileSharing(); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); // Then we update our own profileKey if it's different from what we have const ourId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const me = window.ConversationController.get(ourId)!; const { profileKey } = data.message; strictAssert( profileKey !== undefined, 'handleMessageSentProfileUpdate: missing profileKey' ); // Will do the save for us if needed await me.setProfileKey(profileKey); return confirm(); } function createSentMessage( data: SentEventData, descriptor: MessageDescriptor ) { const now = Date.now(); const timestamp = data.timestamp || now; const ourId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(); const { unidentifiedStatus = [] } = data; const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = unidentifiedStatus.reduce( ( result: SendStateByConversationId, { destinationUuid, destination } ) => { const conversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds( { uuid: destinationUuid, e164: destination, highTrust: true, } ); if (!conversationId || conversationId === ourId) { return result; } return { ...result, [conversationId]: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: timestamp, }, }; }, { [ourId]: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: timestamp, }, } ); let unidentifiedDeliveries: Array = []; if (unidentifiedStatus.length) { const unidentified = window._.filter(data.unidentifiedStatus, item => Boolean(item.unidentified) ); unidentifiedDeliveries = unidentified .map(item => item.destinationUuid || item.destination) .filter(isNotNil); } return new window.Whisper.Message({ source: window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), sourceUuid: window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(), sourceDevice: data.device, sent_at: timestamp, serverTimestamp: data.serverTimestamp, received_at: data.receivedAtCounter, received_at_ms: data.receivedAtDate, conversationId: descriptor.id, timestamp, type: 'outgoing', sendStateByConversationId, unidentifiedDeliveries, expirationStartTimestamp: Math.min( data.expirationStartTimestamp || timestamp, now ), } as Partial as WhatIsThis); } // Works with 'sent' and 'message' data sent from MessageReceiver, with a little massage // at callsites to make sure both source and destination are populated. const getMessageDescriptor = ({ confirm, message, source, sourceUuid, destination, destinationUuid, }: { confirm: () => unknown; message: ProcessedDataMessage; source?: string; sourceUuid?: string; destination?: string; destinationUuid?: string; }): MessageDescriptor => { if (message.groupV2) { const { id } = message.groupV2; if (!id) { throw new Error('getMessageDescriptor: GroupV2 data was missing an id'); } // First we check for an existing GroupV2 group const groupV2 = window.ConversationController.get(id); if (groupV2) { return { type: Message.GROUP, id: groupV2.id, }; } // Then check for V1 group with matching derived GV2 id const groupV1 = window.ConversationController.getByDerivedGroupV2Id(id); if (groupV1) { return { type: Message.GROUP, id: groupV1.id, }; } // Finally create the V2 group normally const conversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureGroup(id, { groupVersion: 2, masterKey: message.groupV2.masterKey, secretParams: message.groupV2.secretParams, publicParams: message.groupV2.publicParams, }); return { type: Message.GROUP, id: conversationId, }; } if (message.group) { const { id, derivedGroupV2Id } = message.group; if (!id) { throw new Error('getMessageDescriptor: GroupV1 data was missing id'); } if (!derivedGroupV2Id) { log.warn( 'getMessageDescriptor: GroupV1 data was missing derivedGroupV2Id' ); } else { // First we check for an already-migrated GroupV2 group const migratedGroup = window.ConversationController.get(derivedGroupV2Id); if (migratedGroup) { return { type: Message.GROUP, id: migratedGroup.id, }; } } // If we can't find one, we treat this as a normal GroupV1 group const fromContactId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, highTrust: true, }); const conversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureGroup(id, { addedBy: fromContactId, }); return { type: Message.GROUP, id: conversationId, }; } const id = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: destination, uuid: destinationUuid, highTrust: true, }); if (!id) { confirm(); throw new Error( `getMessageDescriptor/${message.timestamp}: ensureContactIds returned falsey id` ); } return { type: Message.PRIVATE, id, }; }; // Note: We do very little in this function, since everything in handleDataMessage is // inside a conversation-specific queue(). Any code here might run before an earlier // message is processed in handleDataMessage(). function onSentMessage(event: SentEvent) { const { data, confirm } = event; const source = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const sourceUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(); strictAssert(source && sourceUuid, 'Missing user number and uuid'); const messageDescriptor = getMessageDescriptor({ confirm, ...data, // 'sent' event: the sender is always us! source, sourceUuid, }); const { PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE } = Proto.DataMessage.Flags; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const isProfileUpdate = Boolean(data.message.flags & PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE); if (isProfileUpdate) { return handleMessageSentProfileUpdate({ data, confirm, messageDescriptor, }); } const message = createSentMessage(data, messageDescriptor); if (data.message.reaction) { strictAssert( data.message.reaction.targetAuthorUuid, 'Reaction without targetAuthorUuid' ); const targetAuthorUuid = normalizeUuid( data.message.reaction.targetAuthorUuid, 'DataMessage.Reaction.targetAuthorUuid' ); const { reaction, timestamp } = data.message; strictAssert( reaction.targetTimestamp, 'Reaction without targetAuthorUuid' ); if (!isValidReactionEmoji(reaction.emoji)) { log.warn('Received an invalid reaction emoji. Dropping it'); event.confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } log.info('Queuing sent reaction for', reaction.targetTimestamp); const attributes: ReactionAttributesType = { emoji: reaction.emoji, remove: reaction.remove, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, timestamp, fromId: window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(), source: ReactionSource.FromSync, }; const reactionModel = Reactions.getSingleton().add(attributes); // Note: We do not wait for completion here Reactions.getSingleton().onReaction(reactionModel); event.confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } if (data.message.delete) { const { delete: del } = data.message; strictAssert( del.targetSentTimestamp, 'Delete without targetSentTimestamp' ); strictAssert(data.serverTimestamp, 'Data has no serverTimestamp'); log.info('Queuing sent DOE for', del.targetSentTimestamp); const attributes: DeleteAttributesType = { targetSentTimestamp: del.targetSentTimestamp, serverTimestamp: data.serverTimestamp, fromId: window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(), }; const deleteModel = Deletes.getSingleton().add(attributes); // Note: We do not wait for completion here Deletes.getSingleton().onDelete(deleteModel); confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } if (handleGroupCallUpdateMessage(data.message, messageDescriptor)) { event.confirm(); return Promise.resolve(); } // Don't wait for handleDataMessage, as it has its own per-conversation queueing message.handleDataMessage(data.message, event.confirm, { data, }); return Promise.resolve(); } type MessageDescriptor = { type: 'private' | 'group'; id: string; }; function initIncomingMessage( data: MessageEventData, descriptor: MessageDescriptor ) { assert( Boolean(data.receivedAtCounter), `Did not receive receivedAtCounter for message: ${data.timestamp}` ); return new window.Whisper.Message({ source: data.source, sourceUuid: data.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: data.sourceDevice, sent_at: data.timestamp, serverGuid: data.serverGuid, serverTimestamp: data.serverTimestamp, received_at: data.receivedAtCounter, received_at_ms: data.receivedAtDate, conversationId: descriptor.id, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: data.unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, type: 'incoming', readStatus: ReadStatus.Unread, timestamp: data.timestamp, } as Partial as WhatIsThis); } // Returns `false` if this message isn't a group call message. function handleGroupCallUpdateMessage( message: ProcessedDataMessage, messageDescriptor: MessageDescriptor ): boolean { if (message.groupCallUpdate) { if (message.groupV2 && messageDescriptor.type === Message.GROUP) { window.reduxActions.calling.peekNotConnectedGroupCall({ conversationId: messageDescriptor.id, }); return true; } log.warn( 'Received a group call update for a conversation that is not a GV2 group. Ignoring that property and continuing.' ); } return false; } async function unlinkAndDisconnect( mode: RemoveAllConfiguration ): Promise { window.Whisper.events.trigger('unauthorized'); log.warn( 'unlinkAndDisconnect: Client is no longer authorized; ' + 'deleting local configuration' ); if (messageReceiver) { log.info('unlinkAndDisconnect: logging out'); strictAssert(server !== undefined, 'WebAPI not initialized'); server.unregisterRequestHandler(messageReceiver); messageReceiver.stopProcessing(); await server.logout(); await window.waitForAllBatchers(); } onEmpty(); window.Signal.Util.Registration.remove(); const NUMBER_ID_KEY = 'number_id'; const UUID_ID_KEY = 'uuid_id'; const VERSION_KEY = 'version'; const LAST_PROCESSED_INDEX_KEY = 'attachmentMigration_lastProcessedIndex'; const IS_MIGRATION_COMPLETE_KEY = 'attachmentMigration_isComplete'; const previousNumberId = window.textsecure.storage.get(NUMBER_ID_KEY); const previousUuidId = window.textsecure.storage.get(UUID_ID_KEY); const lastProcessedIndex = window.textsecure.storage.get( LAST_PROCESSED_INDEX_KEY ); const isMigrationComplete = window.textsecure.storage.get( IS_MIGRATION_COMPLETE_KEY ); try { log.info(`unlinkAndDisconnect: removing configuration, mode ${mode}`); await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.removeAllConfiguration(mode); // This was already done in the database with removeAllConfiguration; this does it // for all the conversation models in memory. window.getConversations().forEach(conversation => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.senderKeyInfo; }); // These two bits of data are important to ensure that the app loads up // the conversation list, instead of showing just the QR code screen. if (previousNumberId !== undefined) { await window.textsecure.storage.put(NUMBER_ID_KEY, previousNumberId); } if (previousUuidId !== undefined) { await window.textsecure.storage.put(UUID_ID_KEY, previousUuidId); } // These two are important to ensure we don't rip through every message // in the database attempting to upgrade it after starting up again. await window.textsecure.storage.put( IS_MIGRATION_COMPLETE_KEY, isMigrationComplete || false ); if (lastProcessedIndex !== undefined) { await window.textsecure.storage.put( LAST_PROCESSED_INDEX_KEY, lastProcessedIndex ); } else { await window.textsecure.storage.remove(LAST_PROCESSED_INDEX_KEY); } await window.textsecure.storage.put(VERSION_KEY, window.getVersion()); log.info('unlinkAndDisconnect: Successfully cleared local configuration'); } catch (eraseError) { log.error( 'unlinkAndDisconnect: Something went wrong clearing ' + 'local configuration', eraseError && eraseError.stack ? eraseError.stack : eraseError ); } finally { window.Signal.Util.Registration.markEverDone(); } } function onError(ev: ErrorEvent) { const { error } = ev; log.error('background onError:', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); if ( error instanceof HTTPError && (error.code === 401 || error.code === 403) ) { unlinkAndDisconnect(RemoveAllConfiguration.Full); return; } log.warn('background onError: Doing nothing with incoming error'); } async function onViewOnceOpenSync(ev: ViewOnceOpenSyncEvent) { ev.confirm(); const { source, sourceUuid, timestamp } = ev; log.info(`view once open sync ${source} ${timestamp}`); strictAssert(source, 'ViewOnceOpen without source'); strictAssert(sourceUuid, 'ViewOnceOpen without sourceUuid'); strictAssert(timestamp, 'ViewOnceOpen without timestamp'); const attributes: ViewOnceOpenSyncAttributesType = { source, sourceUuid, timestamp, }; const sync = ViewOnceOpenSyncs.getSingleton().add(attributes); ViewOnceOpenSyncs.getSingleton().onSync(sync); } async function onFetchLatestSync(ev: FetchLatestEvent) { ev.confirm(); const { eventType } = ev; const FETCH_LATEST_ENUM = Proto.SyncMessage.FetchLatest.Type; switch (eventType) { case FETCH_LATEST_ENUM.LOCAL_PROFILE: { const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(); const ourE164 = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); await Promise.all([getProfile(ourUuid, ourE164), updateOurUsername()]); break; } case FETCH_LATEST_ENUM.STORAGE_MANIFEST: log.info('onFetchLatestSync: fetching latest manifest'); await window.Signal.Services.runStorageServiceSyncJob(); break; case FETCH_LATEST_ENUM.SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS: log.info('onFetchLatestSync: fetching latest subscription status'); strictAssert(server, 'WebAPI not ready'); areWeASubscriberService.update(window.storage, server); break; default: log.info(`onFetchLatestSync: Unknown type encountered ${eventType}`); } } async function onKeysSync(ev: KeysEvent) { ev.confirm(); const { storageServiceKey } = ev; if (storageServiceKey === null) { log.info('onKeysSync: deleting window.storageKey'); window.storage.remove('storageKey'); } if (storageServiceKey) { log.info('onKeysSync: received keys'); const storageServiceKeyBase64 = Bytes.toBase64(storageServiceKey); window.storage.put('storageKey', storageServiceKeyBase64); await window.Signal.Services.runStorageServiceSyncJob(); } } async function onMessageRequestResponse(ev: MessageRequestResponseEvent) { ev.confirm(); const { threadE164, threadUuid, groupId, groupV2Id, messageRequestResponseType, } = ev; log.info('onMessageRequestResponse', { threadE164, threadUuid, groupId: `group(${groupId})`, groupV2Id: `groupv2(${groupV2Id})`, messageRequestResponseType, }); strictAssert( messageRequestResponseType, 'onMessageRequestResponse: missing type' ); const attributes: MessageRequestAttributesType = { threadE164, threadUuid, groupId, groupV2Id, type: messageRequestResponseType, }; const sync = MessageRequests.getSingleton().add(attributes); MessageRequests.getSingleton().onResponse(sync); } function onReadReceipt(event: Readonly) { onReadOrViewReceipt({ logTitle: 'read receipt', event, type: MessageReceiptType.Read, }); } function onViewReceipt(event: Readonly): void { onReadOrViewReceipt({ logTitle: 'view receipt', event, type: MessageReceiptType.View, }); } function onReadOrViewReceipt({ event, logTitle, type, }: Readonly<{ event: ReadEvent | ViewEvent; logTitle: string; type: MessageReceiptType.Read | MessageReceiptType.View; }>): void { const { envelopeTimestamp, timestamp, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice } = event.receipt; const sourceConversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds( { e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, highTrust: true, } ); log.info( logTitle, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, envelopeTimestamp, sourceConversationId, 'for sent message', timestamp ); event.confirm(); if (!window.storage.get('read-receipt-setting') || !sourceConversationId) { return; } strictAssert( isValidUuid(sourceUuid), 'onReadOrViewReceipt: Missing sourceUuid' ); strictAssert(sourceDevice, 'onReadOrViewReceipt: Missing sourceDevice'); const attributes: MessageReceiptAttributesType = { messageSentAt: timestamp, receiptTimestamp: envelopeTimestamp, sourceConversationId, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, type, }; const receipt = MessageReceipts.getSingleton().add(attributes); // Note: We do not wait for completion here MessageReceipts.getSingleton().onReceipt(receipt); } function onReadSync(ev: ReadSyncEvent) { const { envelopeTimestamp, sender, senderUuid, timestamp } = ev.read; const readAt = envelopeTimestamp; const senderId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: sender, uuid: senderUuid, }); log.info( 'read sync', sender, senderUuid, envelopeTimestamp, senderId, 'for message', timestamp ); strictAssert(senderId, 'onReadSync missing senderId'); strictAssert(senderUuid, 'onReadSync missing senderUuid'); strictAssert(timestamp, 'onReadSync missing timestamp'); const attributes: ReadSyncAttributesType = { senderId, sender, senderUuid, timestamp, readAt, }; const receipt = ReadSyncs.getSingleton().add(attributes); receipt.on('remove', ev.confirm); // Note: Here we wait, because we want read states to be in the database // before we move on. return ReadSyncs.getSingleton().onSync(receipt); } function onViewSync(ev: ViewSyncEvent) { const { envelopeTimestamp, senderE164, senderUuid, timestamp } = ev.view; const senderId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: senderE164, uuid: senderUuid, }); log.info( 'view sync', senderE164, senderUuid, envelopeTimestamp, senderId, 'for message', timestamp ); strictAssert(senderId, 'onViewSync missing senderId'); strictAssert(senderUuid, 'onViewSync missing senderUuid'); strictAssert(timestamp, 'onViewSync missing timestamp'); const attributes: ViewSyncAttributesType = { senderId, senderE164, senderUuid, timestamp, viewedAt: envelopeTimestamp, }; const receipt = ViewSyncs.getSingleton().add(attributes); receipt.on('remove', ev.confirm); // Note: Here we wait, because we want viewed states to be in the database // before we move on. return ViewSyncs.getSingleton().onSync(receipt); } async function onVerified(ev: VerifiedEvent) { const e164 = ev.verified.destination; const uuid = ev.verified.destinationUuid; const key = ev.verified.identityKey; let state; if (ev.confirm) { ev.confirm(); } const c = new window.Whisper.Conversation({ e164, uuid, type: 'private', } as Partial as WhatIsThis); const error = c.validate(); if (error) { log.error( 'Invalid verified sync received:', e164, uuid, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return; } switch (ev.verified.state) { case Proto.Verified.State.DEFAULT: state = 'DEFAULT'; break; case Proto.Verified.State.VERIFIED: state = 'VERIFIED'; break; case Proto.Verified.State.UNVERIFIED: state = 'UNVERIFIED'; break; default: log.error(`Got unexpected verified state: ${ev.verified.state}`); } log.info( 'got verified sync for', e164, uuid, state, ev.verified.viaContactSync ? 'via contact sync' : '' ); const verifiedId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164, uuid, highTrust: true, }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const contact = window.ConversationController.get(verifiedId)!; const options = { viaSyncMessage: true, viaContactSync: ev.verified.viaContactSync, key, }; if (state === 'VERIFIED') { await contact.setVerified(options); } else if (state === 'DEFAULT') { await contact.setVerifiedDefault(options); } else { await contact.setUnverified(options); } } function onDeliveryReceipt(ev: DeliveryEvent) { const { deliveryReceipt } = ev; const { envelopeTimestamp, sourceUuid, source, sourceDevice, timestamp } = deliveryReceipt; ev.confirm(); const sourceConversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds( { e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, highTrust: true, } ); log.info( 'delivery receipt from', source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sourceConversationId, envelopeTimestamp, 'for sent message', timestamp ); if (!sourceConversationId) { log.info('no conversation for', source, sourceUuid); return; } strictAssert( envelopeTimestamp, 'onDeliveryReceipt: missing envelopeTimestamp' ); strictAssert( isValidUuid(sourceUuid), 'onDeliveryReceipt: missing valid sourceUuid' ); strictAssert(sourceDevice, 'onDeliveryReceipt: missing sourceDevice'); const attributes: MessageReceiptAttributesType = { messageSentAt: timestamp, receiptTimestamp: envelopeTimestamp, sourceConversationId, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, type: MessageReceiptType.Delivery, }; const receipt = MessageReceipts.getSingleton().add(attributes); // Note: We don't wait for completion here MessageReceipts.getSingleton().onReceipt(receipt); } } window.startApp = startApp;