// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { getConversation } from '../util/getConversation'; import { MINUTE, DAY } from '../util/durations'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { explodePromise } from '../util/explodePromise'; import { BackOff, FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS } from '../util/BackOff'; import { checkForUsername } from '../util/lookupConversationWithoutServiceId'; import { storageJobQueue } from '../util/JobQueue'; import { getProfile } from '../util/getProfile'; import { isSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody } from '../util/phoneNumberSharingMode'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { resolveUsernameByLink } from './username'; import { runStorageServiceSyncJob } from './storage'; import { writeProfile } from './writeProfile'; const CHECK_INTERVAL = DAY; const STORAGE_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 30 * MINUTE; class UsernameIntegrityService { private isStarted = false; private readonly backOff = new BackOff(FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS); async start(): Promise { if (this.isStarted) { return; } this.isStarted = true; this.scheduleCheck(); } private scheduleCheck(): void { const lastCheckTimestamp = window.storage.get( 'usernameLastIntegrityCheck', 0 ); const delay = Math.max(0, lastCheckTimestamp + CHECK_INTERVAL - Date.now()); if (delay === 0) { log.info('usernameIntegrity: running the check immediately'); drop(this.safeCheck()); } else { log.info(`usernameIntegrity: running the check in ${delay}ms`); setTimeout(() => drop(this.safeCheck()), delay); } } private async safeCheck(): Promise { try { await storageJobQueue(() => this.check()); this.backOff.reset(); await window.storage.put('usernameLastIntegrityCheck', Date.now()); this.scheduleCheck(); } catch (error) { const delay = this.backOff.getAndIncrement(); log.error( 'usernameIntegrity: check failed with ' + `error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)} retrying in ${delay}ms` ); setTimeout(() => drop(this.safeCheck()), delay); } } private async check(): Promise { await this.checkUsername(); await this.checkPhoneNumberSharing(); } private async checkUsername(): Promise { const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const username = me.get('username'); const aci = me.getAci(); let failed = false; if (!username) { log.info('usernameIntegrity: no username'); return; } if (!aci) { log.info('usernameIntegrity: no aci'); return; } const result = await checkForUsername(username); if (result?.aci !== aci) { log.error('usernameIntegrity: no remote username'); await window.storage.put('usernameCorrupted', true); failed = true; // Intentional fall-through } const link = window.storage.get('usernameLink'); if (!link) { log.info('usernameIntegrity: no username link'); return; } const linkUsername = await resolveUsernameByLink(link); if (linkUsername !== username) { log.error('usernameIntegrity: invalid username link'); await window.storage.put('usernameLinkCorrupted', true); failed = true; } if (!failed) { log.info('usernameIntegrity: check pass'); } } private async checkPhoneNumberSharing(): Promise { const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); await getProfile(me.getServiceId(), me.get('e164')); { const localValue = isSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody(); const remoteValue = !me.get('notSharingPhoneNumber'); if (localValue === remoteValue) { return; } log.warn( 'usernameIntegrity: phone number sharing mode conflict, running ' + `storage service sync (local: ${localValue}, remote: ${remoteValue})` ); runStorageServiceSyncJob(); } // Since we already run on storage service job queue - don't await the // promise below (otherwise deadlock will happen). drop(this.fixProfile()); } private async fixProfile(): Promise { const { promise: once, resolve } = explodePromise(); window.Whisper.events.once('storageService:syncComplete', () => resolve()); await pTimeout(once, STORAGE_SERVICE_TIMEOUT); const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); { const localValue = isSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody(); const remoteValue = !me.get('notSharingPhoneNumber'); if (localValue === remoteValue) { log.info( 'usernameIntegrity: phone number sharing mode conflict resolved by ' + 'storage service sync' ); return; } } log.warn( 'usernameIntegrity: phone number sharing mode conflict not resolved, ' + 'updating profile' ); await writeProfile(getConversation(me), { keepAvatar: true, }); log.warn('usernameIntegrity: updated profile'); } } export const usernameIntegrity = new UsernameIntegrityService();