// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { CSSProperties, ReactNode } from 'react'; import React, { useState, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect, } from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import type { VideoFrameSource } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import type { GroupCallRemoteParticipantType } from '../types/Calling'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { AvatarColors } from '../types/Colors'; import { CallBackgroundBlur } from './CallBackgroundBlur'; import { CallingAudioIndicator, SPEAKING_LINGER_MS, } from './CallingAudioIndicator'; import { Avatar, AvatarSize } from './Avatar'; import { ConfirmationDialog } from './ConfirmationDialog'; import { Intl } from './Intl'; import { ContactName } from './conversation/ContactName'; import { useIntersectionObserver } from '../hooks/useIntersectionObserver'; import { MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH } from '../calling/constants'; import { useValueAtFixedRate } from '../hooks/useValueAtFixedRate'; import { Theme } from '../util/theme'; import { isOlderThan } from '../util/timestamp'; const MAX_TIME_TO_SHOW_STALE_VIDEO_FRAMES = 10000; const MAX_TIME_TO_SHOW_STALE_SCREENSHARE_FRAMES = 60000; const DELAY_TO_SHOW_MISSING_MEDIA_KEYS = 5000; type BasePropsType = { getFrameBuffer: () => Buffer; getGroupCallVideoFrameSource: (demuxId: number) => VideoFrameSource; i18n: LocalizerType; isActiveSpeakerInSpeakerView: boolean; isCallReconnecting: boolean; onClickRaisedHand?: () => void; onVisibilityChanged?: (demuxId: number, isVisible: boolean) => unknown; remoteParticipant: GroupCallRemoteParticipantType; remoteParticipantsCount: number; }; type InPipPropsType = { isInPip: true; }; type InOverflowAreaPropsType = { height: number; isInPip?: false; audioLevel: number; width: number; }; type InGridPropsType = InOverflowAreaPropsType & { left: number; top: number; }; export type PropsType = BasePropsType & (InPipPropsType | InOverflowAreaPropsType | InGridPropsType); export const GroupCallRemoteParticipant: React.FC<PropsType> = React.memo( function GroupCallRemoteParticipantInner(props) { const { getFrameBuffer, getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, i18n, onClickRaisedHand, onVisibilityChanged, remoteParticipantsCount, isActiveSpeakerInSpeakerView, isCallReconnecting, } = props; const { acceptedMessageRequest, addedTime, avatarPath, color, demuxId, hasRemoteAudio, hasRemoteVideo, isHandRaised, isBlocked, isMe, mediaKeysReceived, profileName, sharedGroupNames, sharingScreen, title, videoAspectRatio, } = props.remoteParticipant; const isSpeaking = useValueAtFixedRate( !props.isInPip ? props.audioLevel > 0 : false, SPEAKING_LINGER_MS ); const [hasReceivedVideoRecently, setHasReceivedVideoRecently] = useState(false); const [isWide, setIsWide] = useState<boolean>( videoAspectRatio ? videoAspectRatio >= 1 : true ); const [showErrorDialog, setShowErrorDialog] = useState(false); // We have some state (`hasReceivedVideoRecently`) and this ref. We can't have a // single state value like `lastReceivedVideoAt` because (1) it won't automatically // trigger a re-render after the video has become stale (2) it would cause a full // re-render of the component for every frame, which is way too often. // // Alternatively, we could create a timeout that's reset every time we get a video // frame (perhaps using a debounce function), but that becomes harder to clean up // when the component unmounts. const lastReceivedVideoAt = useRef(-Infinity); const remoteVideoRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement | null>(null); const canvasContextRef = useRef<CanvasRenderingContext2D | null>(null); const imageDataRef = useRef<ImageData | null>(null); const [intersectionRef, intersectionObserverEntry] = useIntersectionObserver(); const isVisible = intersectionObserverEntry ? intersectionObserverEntry.isIntersecting : true; useEffect(() => { onVisibilityChanged?.(demuxId, isVisible); }, [demuxId, isVisible, onVisibilityChanged]); const wantsToShowVideo = hasRemoteVideo && !isBlocked && isVisible; const hasVideoToShow = wantsToShowVideo && hasReceivedVideoRecently; const showMissingMediaKeys = Boolean( !mediaKeysReceived && addedTime && isOlderThan(addedTime, DELAY_TO_SHOW_MISSING_MEDIA_KEYS) ); const videoFrameSource = useMemo( () => getGroupCallVideoFrameSource(demuxId), [getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, demuxId] ); const renderVideoFrame = useCallback(() => { const frameAge = Date.now() - lastReceivedVideoAt.current; const maxFrameAge = sharingScreen ? MAX_TIME_TO_SHOW_STALE_SCREENSHARE_FRAMES : MAX_TIME_TO_SHOW_STALE_VIDEO_FRAMES; if (frameAge > maxFrameAge) { // We consider that we have received video recently from a remote participant if // we have received it recently relative to the last time we had a connection. If // we lost their video due to our reconnecting, we still want to show the last // frame of video (blurred out) until we have reconnected. if (!isCallReconnecting) { setHasReceivedVideoRecently(false); } } const canvasEl = remoteVideoRef.current; if (!canvasEl) { return; } const canvasContext = canvasContextRef.current; if (!canvasContext) { return; } // This frame buffer is shared by all participants, so it may contain pixel data // for other participants, or pixel data from a previous frame. That's why we // return early and use the `frameWidth` and `frameHeight`. const frameBuffer = getFrameBuffer(); const frameDimensions = videoFrameSource.receiveVideoFrame( frameBuffer, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH, MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT ); if (!frameDimensions) { return; } const [frameWidth, frameHeight] = frameDimensions; if ( frameWidth < 2 || frameHeight < 2 || frameWidth > MAX_FRAME_WIDTH || frameHeight > MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT ) { return; } canvasEl.width = frameWidth; canvasEl.height = frameHeight; let imageData = imageDataRef.current; if ( imageData?.width !== frameWidth || imageData?.height !== frameHeight ) { imageData = new ImageData(frameWidth, frameHeight); imageDataRef.current = imageData; } imageData.data.set(frameBuffer.subarray(0, frameWidth * frameHeight * 4)); canvasContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); lastReceivedVideoAt.current = Date.now(); setHasReceivedVideoRecently(true); setIsWide(frameWidth > frameHeight); }, [getFrameBuffer, videoFrameSource, sharingScreen, isCallReconnecting]); useEffect(() => { if (!hasRemoteVideo) { setHasReceivedVideoRecently(false); } }, [hasRemoteVideo]); useEffect(() => { if (!hasRemoteVideo || !isVisible) { return noop; } let rafId = requestAnimationFrame(tick); function tick() { renderVideoFrame(); rafId = requestAnimationFrame(tick); } return () => { cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); }; }, [hasRemoteVideo, isVisible, renderVideoFrame, videoFrameSource]); let canvasStyles: CSSProperties; let containerStyles: CSSProperties; // If our `width` and `height` props don't match the canvas's aspect ratio, we want to // fill the container. This can happen when RingRTC gives us an inaccurate // `videoAspectRatio`, or if the container is an unexpected size. if (isWide) { canvasStyles = { width: '100%' }; } else { canvasStyles = { height: '100%' }; } let avatarSize: number; let footerInfoElement: ReactNode; if (props.isInPip) { containerStyles = canvasStyles; avatarSize = AvatarSize.FORTY_EIGHT; } else { const { width, height } = props; const shorterDimension = Math.min(width, height); if (shorterDimension >= 180) { avatarSize = AvatarSize.NINETY_SIX; } else { avatarSize = AvatarSize.FORTY_EIGHT; } containerStyles = { height, width, }; if ('top' in props) { containerStyles.position = 'absolute'; containerStyles.insetInlineStart = `${props.left}px`; containerStyles.top = `${props.top}px`; } const nameElement = ( <ContactName module="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__info__contact-name" title={title} /> ); if (isHandRaised) { footerInfoElement = ( <button className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__info module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__info--clickable" onClick={onClickRaisedHand} type="button" > <div className="CallingStatusIndicator CallingStatusIndicator--HandRaised" /> {nameElement} </button> ); } else { footerInfoElement = ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__info"> {nameElement} </div> ); } } let noVideoNode: ReactNode; let errorDialogTitle: ReactNode; let errorDialogBody = ''; if (!hasVideoToShow) { const showDialogButton = ( <button type="button" className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__more-info" onClick={() => { setShowErrorDialog(true); }} > {i18n('icu:moreInfo')} </button> ); if (isBlocked) { noVideoNode = ( <> <i className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__error-icon module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__error-icon--blocked" /> {showDialogButton} </> ); errorDialogTitle = ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__more-info-modal-title"> <Intl i18n={i18n} id="icu:calling__you-have-blocked" components={{ name: <ContactName key="name" title={title} />, }} /> </div> ); errorDialogBody = i18n('icu:calling__block-info'); } else if (showMissingMediaKeys) { noVideoNode = ( <> <i className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__error-icon module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__error-icon--missing-media-keys" /> <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__error"> {i18n('icu:calling__missing-media-keys', { name: title })} </div> {showDialogButton} </> ); errorDialogTitle = ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__more-info-modal-title"> <Intl i18n={i18n} id="icu:calling__missing-media-keys" components={{ name: <ContactName key="name" title={title} />, }} /> </div> ); errorDialogBody = i18n('icu:calling__missing-media-keys-info'); } else { noVideoNode = ( <Avatar acceptedMessageRequest={acceptedMessageRequest} avatarPath={avatarPath} badge={undefined} color={color || AvatarColors[0]} noteToSelf={false} conversationType="direct" i18n={i18n} isMe={isMe} profileName={profileName} title={title} sharedGroupNames={sharedGroupNames} size={avatarSize} /> ); } } return ( <> {showErrorDialog && ( <ConfirmationDialog dialogName="GroupCallRemoteParticipant.blockInfo" cancelText={i18n('icu:ok')} i18n={i18n} onClose={() => setShowErrorDialog(false)} theme={Theme.Dark} title={errorDialogTitle} > {errorDialogBody} </ConfirmationDialog> )} <div className={classNames( 'module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant', isSpeaking && !isActiveSpeakerInSpeakerView && remoteParticipantsCount > 1 && 'module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant--speaking', isHandRaised && 'module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant--hand-raised' )} ref={intersectionRef} style={containerStyles} > {!props.isInPip && ( <> <CallingAudioIndicator hasAudio={hasRemoteAudio} audioLevel={props.audioLevel} shouldShowSpeaking={isSpeaking} /> <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__footer"> {footerInfoElement} </div> </> )} {wantsToShowVideo && ( <canvas className={classNames( 'module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__remote-video', isCallReconnecting && 'module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant__remote-video--reconnecting' )} style={{ ...canvasStyles, // If we want to show video but don't have any yet, we still render the // canvas invisibly. This lets us render frame data immediately without // having to juggle anything. ...(hasVideoToShow ? {} : { display: 'none' }), }} ref={canvasEl => { remoteVideoRef.current = canvasEl; if (canvasEl) { canvasContextRef.current = canvasEl.getContext('2d', { alpha: false, desynchronized: true, storage: 'discardable', } as CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings); } else { canvasContextRef.current = null; } }} /> )} {noVideoNode && ( <CallBackgroundBlur avatarPath={avatarPath} className="module-ongoing-call__group-call-remote-participant-background" > {noVideoNode} </CallBackgroundBlur> )} </div> </> ); } );