// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { DecryptionErrorMessage, PlaintextContent, } from '@signalapp/signal-client'; import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import { assert } from './assert'; import { getSendOptions } from './getSendOptions'; import { handleMessageSend } from './handleMessageSend'; import { isGroupV2 } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import { isOlderThan } from './timestamp'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from './parseIntOrThrow'; import * as RemoteConfig from '../RemoteConfig'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import { DecryptionErrorEvent, DecryptionErrorEventData, RetryRequestEvent, RetryRequestEventData, } from '../textsecure/messageReceiverEvents'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; // Entrypoints export async function onRetryRequest(event: RetryRequestEvent): Promise { const { retryRequest } = event; const { groupId: requestGroupId, requesterDevice, requesterUuid, senderDevice, sentAt, } = retryRequest; const logId = `${requesterUuid}.${requesterDevice} ${sentAt}-${senderDevice}`; window.log.info(`onRetryRequest/${logId}: Starting...`); if (window.RETRY_DELAY) { window.log.warn( `onRetryRequest/${logId}: Delaying because RETRY_DELAY is set...` ); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); } const HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000; const ONE_DAY = 24 * HOUR; let retryRespondMaxAge = ONE_DAY; try { retryRespondMaxAge = parseIntOrThrow( RemoteConfig.getValue('desktop.retryRespondMaxAge'), 'retryRespondMaxAge' ); } catch (error) { window.log.warn( `onRetryRequest/${logId}: Failed to parse integer from desktop.retryRespondMaxAge feature flag`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } if (isOlderThan(sentAt, retryRespondMaxAge)) { window.log.info( `onRetryRequest/${logId}: Message is too old, refusing to send again.` ); await sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage(logId, retryRequest); return; } const sentProto = await window.Signal.Data.getSentProtoByRecipient({ now: Date.now(), recipientUuid: requesterUuid, timestamp: sentAt, }); if (!sentProto) { window.log.info(`onRetryRequest/${logId}: Did not find sent proto`); await sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage(logId, retryRequest); return; } window.log.info(`onRetryRequest/${logId}: Resending message`); await archiveSessionOnMatch(retryRequest); const { contentHint, messageIds, proto, timestamp } = sentProto; const { contentProto, groupId } = await maybeAddSenderKeyDistributionMessage({ contentProto: Proto.Content.decode(proto), logId, messageIds, requestGroupId, requesterUuid, }); const recipientConversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( requesterUuid, 'private' ); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(recipientConversation.attributes); const promise = window.textsecure.messaging.sendMessageProtoAndWait({ timestamp, recipients: [requesterUuid], proto: new Proto.Content(contentProto), contentHint, groupId, options: sendOptions, }); await handleMessageSend(promise, { messageIds: [], sendType: 'resendFromLog', }); } function maybeShowDecryptionToast(logId: string) { if (!RemoteConfig.isEnabled('desktop.internalUser')) { return; } window.log.info( `onDecryptionError/${logId}: Showing toast for internal user` ); window.Whisper.ToastView.show( window.Whisper.DecryptionErrorToast, document.getElementsByClassName('conversation-stack')[0] ); } export async function onDecryptionError( event: DecryptionErrorEvent ): Promise { const { decryptionError } = event; const { senderUuid, senderDevice, timestamp } = decryptionError; const logId = `${senderUuid}.${senderDevice} ${timestamp}`; window.log.info(`onDecryptionError/${logId}: Starting...`); const conversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( senderUuid, 'private' ); if (!conversation.get('capabilities')?.senderKey) { await conversation.getProfiles(); } if (conversation.get('capabilities')?.senderKey) { await requestResend(decryptionError); } else { await startAutomaticSessionReset(decryptionError); } window.log.info(`onDecryptionError/${logId}: ...complete`); } // Helpers async function archiveSessionOnMatch({ ratchetKey, requesterUuid, requesterDevice, senderDevice, }: RetryRequestEventData): Promise { const ourDeviceId = parseIntOrThrow( window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(), 'archiveSessionOnMatch/getDeviceId' ); if (ourDeviceId !== senderDevice || !ratchetKey) { return; } const address = `${requesterUuid}.${requesterDevice}`; const session = await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.loadSession(address); if (session && session.currentRatchetKeyMatches(ratchetKey)) { window.log.info( 'archiveSessionOnMatch: Matching device and ratchetKey, archiving session' ); await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.archiveSession(address); } } async function sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage( logId: string, options: RetryRequestEventData ): Promise { const { groupId, requesterUuid } = options; let sentDistributionMessage = false; window.log.info(`sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage/${logId}: Starting...`); await archiveSessionOnMatch(options); const conversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( requesterUuid, 'private' ); if (groupId) { const group = window.ConversationController.get(groupId); const distributionId = group?.get('senderKeyInfo')?.distributionId; if (group && !group.hasMember(requesterUuid)) { throw new Error( `sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage/${logId}: Requester ${requesterUuid} is not a member of ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); } if (group && distributionId) { window.log.info( `sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage/${logId}: Found matching group, sending sender key distribution message` ); try { const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; const result = await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendSenderKeyDistributionMessage({ contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, distributionId, groupId, identifiers: [requesterUuid], }), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'senderKeyDistributionMessage' } ); if (result && result.errors && result.errors.length > 0) { throw result.errors[0]; } sentDistributionMessage = true; } catch (error) { window.log.error( `sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage/${logId}: Failed to send sender key distribution message`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } } if (!sentDistributionMessage) { window.log.info( `sendDistributionMessageOrNullMessage/${logId}: Did not send distribution message, sending null message` ); try { const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes); const result = await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendNullMessage( { uuid: requesterUuid }, sendOptions ), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'nullMessage' } ); if (result && result.errors && result.errors.length > 0) { throw result.errors[0]; } } catch (error) { window.log.error( `maybeSendDistributionMessage/${logId}: Failed to send null message`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } } async function getRetryConversation({ logId, messageIds, requestGroupId, }: { logId: string; messageIds: Array; requestGroupId?: string; }): Promise { if (messageIds.length !== 1) { // Fail over to requested groupId return window.ConversationController.get(requestGroupId); } const [messageId] = messageIds; const message = await window.Signal.Data.getMessageById(messageId, { Message: window.Whisper.Message, }); if (!message) { window.log.warn( `maybeAddSenderKeyDistributionMessage/${logId}: Unable to find message ${messageId}` ); // Fail over to requested groupId return window.ConversationController.get(requestGroupId); } const conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); return window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); } async function maybeAddSenderKeyDistributionMessage({ contentProto, logId, messageIds, requestGroupId, requesterUuid, }: { contentProto: Proto.IContent; logId: string; messageIds: Array; requestGroupId?: string; requesterUuid: string; }): Promise<{ contentProto: Proto.IContent; groupId?: string }> { const conversation = await getRetryConversation({ logId, messageIds, requestGroupId, }); if (!conversation) { window.log.warn( `maybeAddSenderKeyDistributionMessage/${logId}: Unable to find conversation` ); return { contentProto, }; } if (!conversation.hasMember(requesterUuid)) { throw new Error( `maybeAddSenderKeyDistributionMessage/${logId}: Recipient ${requesterUuid} is not a member of ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); } if (!isGroupV2(conversation.attributes)) { return { contentProto, }; } const senderKeyInfo = conversation.get('senderKeyInfo'); if (senderKeyInfo && senderKeyInfo.distributionId) { const senderKeyDistributionMessage = await window.textsecure.messaging.getSenderKeyDistributionMessage( senderKeyInfo.distributionId ); return { contentProto: { ...contentProto, senderKeyDistributionMessage: senderKeyDistributionMessage.serialize(), }, groupId: conversation.get('groupId'), }; } return { contentProto, groupId: conversation.get('groupId'), }; } async function requestResend(decryptionError: DecryptionErrorEventData) { const { cipherTextBytes, cipherTextType, contentHint, groupId, receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate, senderDevice, senderUuid, timestamp, } = decryptionError; const logId = `${senderUuid}.${senderDevice} ${timestamp}`; window.log.info(`requestResend/${logId}: Starting...`, { cipherTextBytesLength: cipherTextBytes?.byteLength, cipherTextType, contentHint, groupId: groupId ? `groupv2(${groupId})` : undefined, }); // 1. Find the target conversation const group = groupId ? window.ConversationController.get(groupId) : undefined; const sender = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( senderUuid, 'private' ); const conversation = group || sender; // 2. Send resend request if (!cipherTextBytes || !isNumber(cipherTextType)) { window.log.warn( `requestResend/${logId}: Missing cipherText information, failing over to automatic reset` ); startAutomaticSessionReset(decryptionError); return; } try { const message = DecryptionErrorMessage.forOriginal( Buffer.from(cipherTextBytes), cipherTextType, timestamp, senderDevice ); const plaintext = PlaintextContent.from(message); const options = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes); const result = await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendRetryRequest({ plaintext, options, groupId, uuid: senderUuid, }), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'retryRequest' } ); if (result && result.errors && result.errors.length > 0) { throw result.errors[0]; } } catch (error) { window.log.error( `requestResend/${logId}: Failed to send retry request, failing over to automatic reset`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); startAutomaticSessionReset(decryptionError); return; } const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; // 3. Determine how to represent this to the user. Three different options. // We believe that it could be successfully re-sent, so we'll add a placeholder. if (contentHint === ContentHint.RESENDABLE) { const { retryPlaceholders } = window.Signal.Services; assert(retryPlaceholders, 'requestResend: adding placeholder'); window.log.info(`requestResend/${logId}: Adding placeholder`); const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); const selectedId = state.conversations.selectedConversationId; const wasOpened = selectedId === conversation.id; await retryPlaceholders.add({ conversationId: conversation.get('id'), receivedAt: receivedAtDate, receivedAtCounter, sentAt: timestamp, senderUuid, wasOpened, }); maybeShowDecryptionToast(logId); return; } // This message cannot be resent. We'll show no error and trust the other side to // reset their session. if (contentHint === ContentHint.IMPLICIT) { maybeShowDecryptionToast(logId); return; } window.log.warn( `requestResend/${logId}: No content hint, adding error immediately` ); conversation.queueJob('addDeliveryIssue', async () => { conversation.addDeliveryIssue({ receivedAt: receivedAtDate, receivedAtCounter, senderUuid, sentAt: timestamp, }); }); } function scheduleSessionReset(senderUuid: string, senderDevice: number) { // Postpone sending light session resets until the queue is empty const { lightSessionResetQueue } = window.Signal.Services; if (!lightSessionResetQueue) { throw new Error( 'scheduleSessionReset: lightSessionResetQueue is not available!' ); } lightSessionResetQueue.add(() => { window.textsecure.storage.protocol.lightSessionReset( senderUuid, senderDevice ); }); } function startAutomaticSessionReset(decryptionError: DecryptionErrorEventData) { const { senderUuid, senderDevice, timestamp } = decryptionError; const logId = `${senderUuid}.${senderDevice} ${timestamp}`; window.log.info(`startAutomaticSessionReset/${logId}: Starting...`); scheduleSessionReset(senderUuid, senderDevice); const conversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ uuid: senderUuid, }); if (!conversationId) { window.log.warn( 'onLightSessionReset: No conversation id, cannot add message to timeline' ); return; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { window.log.warn( 'onLightSessionReset: No conversation, cannot add message to timeline' ); return; } const receivedAt = Date.now(); const receivedAtCounter = window.Signal.Util.incrementMessageCounter(); conversation.queueJob('addChatSessionRefreshed', async () => { conversation.addChatSessionRefreshed({ receivedAt, receivedAtCounter }); }); }