// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import type { CustomError, ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, QuotedAttachmentType, QuotedMessageType, } from '../model-types.d'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { PaymentEventKind } from '../types/Payment'; import type { AnyPaymentEvent } from '../types/Payment'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; export function isIncoming( message: Pick<ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type'> ): boolean { return message.type === 'incoming'; } export function isOutgoing( message: Pick<ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type'> ): boolean { return message.type === 'outgoing'; } export function isStory( message: Pick<ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type'> ): boolean { return message.type === 'story'; } export type MessageAttributesWithPaymentEvent = ReadonlyMessageAttributesType & ReadonlyDeep<{ payment: AnyPaymentEvent; }>; export function messageHasPaymentEvent( message: ReadonlyMessageAttributesType ): message is MessageAttributesWithPaymentEvent { return message.payment != null; } export function getPaymentEventNotificationText( payment: ReadonlyDeep<AnyPaymentEvent>, senderTitle: string, conversationTitle: string | null, senderIsMe: boolean, i18n: LocalizerType ): string { if (payment.kind === PaymentEventKind.Notification) { return i18n('icu:payment-event-notification-label'); } return getPaymentEventDescription( payment, senderTitle, conversationTitle, senderIsMe, i18n ); } export function getPaymentEventDescription( payment: ReadonlyDeep<AnyPaymentEvent>, senderTitle: string, conversationTitle: string | null, senderIsMe: boolean, i18n: LocalizerType ): string { const { kind } = payment; if (kind === PaymentEventKind.Notification) { if (senderIsMe) { if (conversationTitle != null) { return i18n('icu:payment-event-notification-message-you-label', { receiver: conversationTitle, }); } return i18n( 'icu:payment-event-notification-message-you-label-without-receiver' ); } return i18n('icu:payment-event-notification-message-label', { sender: senderTitle, }); } if (kind === PaymentEventKind.ActivationRequest) { if (senderIsMe) { if (conversationTitle != null) { return i18n('icu:payment-event-activation-request-you-label', { receiver: conversationTitle, }); } return i18n( 'icu:payment-event-activation-request-you-label-without-receiver' ); } return i18n('icu:payment-event-activation-request-label', { sender: senderTitle, }); } if (kind === PaymentEventKind.Activation) { if (senderIsMe) { return i18n('icu:payment-event-activated-you-label'); } return i18n('icu:payment-event-activated-label', { sender: senderTitle, }); } throw missingCaseError(kind); } export function isQuoteAMatch( message: ReadonlyMessageAttributesType | null | undefined, conversationId: string, quote: ReadonlyDeep<Pick<QuotedMessageType, 'id' | 'authorAci' | 'author'>> ): message is ReadonlyMessageAttributesType { if (!message) { return false; } const { authorAci, id } = quote; const isSameTimestamp = message.sent_at === id || message.editHistory?.some(({ timestamp }) => timestamp === id) || false; return ( isSameTimestamp && message.conversationId === conversationId && getSourceServiceId(message) === authorAci ); } export const shouldTryToCopyFromQuotedMessage = ({ referencedMessageNotFound, quoteAttachment, }: { referencedMessageNotFound: boolean; quoteAttachment: ReadonlyDeep<QuotedAttachmentType> | undefined; }): boolean => { // If we've tried and can't find the message, try again. if (referencedMessageNotFound === true) { return true; } // Otherwise, try again in case we have not yet copied over the thumbnail from the // original attachment (maybe it had not been downloaded when we first checked) if (!quoteAttachment?.thumbnail) { return false; } if (quoteAttachment.thumbnail.copied === true) { return false; } return true; }; export function getAuthorId( message: Pick< ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type' | 'source' | 'sourceServiceId' > ): string | undefined { const source = getSource(message); const sourceServiceId = getSourceServiceId(message); if (!source && !sourceServiceId) { return window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); } const conversation = window.ConversationController.lookupOrCreate({ e164: source, serviceId: sourceServiceId, reason: 'helpers.getAuthorId', }); return conversation?.id; } export function getAuthor( message: ReadonlyMessageAttributesType ): ConversationModel | undefined { const id = getAuthorId(message); return window.ConversationController.get(id); } export function getSource( message: Pick<ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type' | 'source'> ): string | undefined { if (isIncoming(message) || isStory(message)) { return message.source; } if (!isOutgoing(message)) { log.warn('Message.getSource: Called for non-incoming/non-outgoing message'); } return window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); } export function getSourceDevice( message: Pick<ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type' | 'sourceDevice'> ): string | number | undefined { const { sourceDevice } = message; if (isIncoming(message) || isStory(message)) { return sourceDevice; } return sourceDevice || window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); } export function getSourceServiceId( message: Pick<ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, 'type' | 'sourceServiceId'> ): ServiceIdString | undefined { if (isIncoming(message) || isStory(message)) { return message.sourceServiceId; } return window.textsecure.storage.user.getAci(); } export const isCustomError = (e: unknown): e is CustomError => e instanceof Error;