// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { showToast } from '../../util/showToast'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { ToastLinkCopied } from '../../components/ToastLinkCopied'; import { ToastDebugLogError } from '../../components/ToastDebugLogError'; import type { PromiseAction } from '../util'; // State export type CrashReportsStateType = { count: number; isPending: boolean; }; // Actions const SET_COUNT = 'crashReports/SET_COUNT'; const UPLOAD = 'crashReports/UPLOAD'; const ERASE = 'crashReports/ERASE'; type SetCrashReportCountActionType = { type: typeof SET_COUNT; payload: number; }; type CrashReportsActionType = | SetCrashReportCountActionType | PromiseAction | PromiseAction; // Action Creators export const actions = { setCrashReportCount, uploadCrashReports, eraseCrashReports, }; function setCrashReportCount(count: number): SetCrashReportCountActionType { return { type: SET_COUNT, payload: count }; } function uploadCrashReports(): PromiseAction { return { type: UPLOAD, payload: window.crashReports.upload() }; } function eraseCrashReports(): PromiseAction { return { type: ERASE, payload: window.crashReports.erase() }; } // Reducer export function getEmptyState(): CrashReportsStateType { return { count: 0, isPending: false, }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): CrashReportsStateType { if (action.type === SET_COUNT) { return { ...state, count: action.payload, }; } if ( action.type === `${UPLOAD}_PENDING` || action.type === `${ERASE}_PENDING` ) { return { ...state, isPending: true, }; } if ( action.type === `${UPLOAD}_FULFILLED` || action.type === `${ERASE}_FULFILLED` ) { if (action.type === `${UPLOAD}_FULFILLED`) { showToast(ToastLinkCopied); } return { ...state, count: 0, isPending: false, }; } if ( action.type === (`${UPLOAD}_REJECTED` as const) || action.type === (`${ERASE}_REJECTED` as const) ) { const { error } = action; log.error( `Failed to upload crash report due to error ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); showToast(ToastDebugLogError); return { ...state, count: 0, isPending: false, }; } return state; }