// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { Proto } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import { assert } from 'chai'; import createDebug from 'debug'; import Long from 'long'; import type { Page } from 'playwright'; import type { App } from '../playwright'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import { Bootstrap } from '../bootstrap'; import { RECEIPT_BATCHER_WAIT_MS, ReceiptType } from '../../types/Receipt'; import { SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { generateAci } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { IMAGE_GIF } from '../../types/MIME'; import { typeIntoInput } from '../helpers'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../../model-types'; import { sleep } from '../../util/sleep'; export const debug = createDebug('mock:test:edit'); const ACI_1 = generateAci(); const UNPROCESSED_ATTACHMENT: Proto.IAttachmentPointer = { cdnId: Long.fromNumber(123), key: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]), digest: new Uint8Array([4, 5, 6]), contentType: IMAGE_GIF, size: 34, }; function wrap({ dataMessage, editMessage, }: { dataMessage?: Proto.IDataMessage; editMessage?: Proto.IEditMessage; }): Proto.IContent { return { dataMessage, editMessage, }; } function createMessage(body: string): Proto.IDataMessage { return { body, groupV2: undefined, timestamp: Long.fromNumber(Date.now()), }; } function createMessageWithQuote(body: string): Proto.IDataMessage { return { body, quote: { id: Long.fromNumber(1), authorAci: ACI_1, text: 'text', attachments: [ { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'image.jpg', thumbnail: UNPROCESSED_ATTACHMENT, }, ], }, groupV2: undefined, timestamp: Long.fromNumber(Date.now()), }; } function createEditedMessage( targetSentTimestamp: Long | null | undefined, body: string, timestamp = Date.now() ): Proto.IEditMessage { strictAssert(targetSentTimestamp, 'timestamp missing'); return { targetSentTimestamp, dataMessage: { body, groupV2: undefined, timestamp: Long.fromNumber(timestamp), }, }; } describe('editing', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; async function sendEditedMessage( page: Page, timestamp: number, additionalText: string ) { await page .getByTestId(`${timestamp}`) .locator('.module-message__buttons__menu') .click(); await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Edit' }).click(); const input = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); await typeIntoInput(input, additionalText); await input.press('Enter'); } beforeEach(async () => { bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); await bootstrap.init(); }); afterEach(async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (!bootstrap) { return; } await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); describe('online', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { beforeEach(async () => { app = await bootstrap.link(); }); it('handles incoming edited messages phone to desktop', async () => { const { phone, desktop } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const initialMessageBody = 'hey yhere'; const originalMessage = createMessage(initialMessageBody); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); debug('sending message'); { const sendOptions = { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp, }; await phone.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ dataMessage: originalMessage }), sendOptions ); } debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for message'); await window .locator(`.module-message__text >> "${initialMessageBody}"`) .waitFor(); debug('waiting for outgoing receipts for original message'); const receipts = await app.waitForReceipts(); assert.strictEqual(receipts.type, ReceiptType.Read); assert.strictEqual(receipts.timestamps.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(receipts.timestamps[0], originalMessageTimestamp); debug('sending edited message'); const editedMessageBody = 'hey there'; const editedMessage = createEditedMessage( originalMessage.timestamp, editedMessageBody ); const editedMessageTimestamp = Number( editedMessage.dataMessage?.timestamp ); { const sendOptions = { timestamp: editedMessageTimestamp, }; await phone.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ editMessage: editedMessage }), sendOptions ); } debug('checking for edited message'); await window .locator(`.module-message__text >> "${editedMessageBody}"`) .waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); }); it('handles incoming edited messages contact to desktop', async () => { const { contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const [friend] = contacts; const initialMessageBody = 'hey yhere'; const originalMessage = createMessage(initialMessageBody); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); debug('incoming message'); { const sendOptions = { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp, }; await friend.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ dataMessage: originalMessage }), sendOptions ); } debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for message'); await window .locator(`.module-message__text >> "${initialMessageBody}"`) .waitFor(); debug('waiting for original receipt'); const originalReceipt = await friend.waitForReceipt(); { const { receiptMessage } = originalReceipt; strictAssert(receiptMessage.timestamp, 'receipt has a timestamp'); assert.strictEqual(receiptMessage.type, Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.READ); assert.strictEqual(receiptMessage.timestamp.length, 1); assert.strictEqual( Number(receiptMessage.timestamp[0]), originalMessageTimestamp ); } debug('sending edited message'); const editedMessageBody = 'hey there'; const editedMessage = createEditedMessage( originalMessage.timestamp, editedMessageBody ); const editedMessageTimestamp = Number( editedMessage.dataMessage?.timestamp ); { const sendOptions = { timestamp: editedMessageTimestamp, }; await friend.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ editMessage: editedMessage }), sendOptions ); } debug('checking for edited message'); await window .locator(`.module-message__text >> "${editedMessageBody}"`) .waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); debug('waiting for receipt for edited message'); const editedReceipt = await friend.waitForReceipt(); { const { receiptMessage } = editedReceipt; strictAssert(receiptMessage.timestamp, 'receipt has a timestamp'); assert.strictEqual(receiptMessage.type, Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.READ); assert.strictEqual(receiptMessage.timestamp.length, 1); assert.strictEqual( Number(receiptMessage.timestamp[0]), editedMessageTimestamp ); } }); it('sends edited messages with correct timestamps', async () => { const { contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const [friend] = contacts; debug('incoming message'); await friend.sendText(desktop, 'hello', { timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for message'); await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "hello"').waitFor(); debug('accepting conversation'); await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Continue' }).click(); const { dataMessage: profileKeyMsg } = await friend.waitForMessage(); assert(profileKeyMsg.profileKey != null, 'Profile key message'); debug('finding composition input and clicking it'); { const input = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); debug('entering original message text'); await typeIntoInput(input, 'edit message 1'); await input.press('Enter'); } debug('waiting for the original message from the app'); const { dataMessage: originalMessage } = await friend.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual(originalMessage.body, 'edit message 1'); await sendEditedMessage( window, originalMessage.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0, '.2' ); debug("waiting for friend's edit message"); const { editMessage: firstEdit } = await friend.waitForEditMessage(); assert.strictEqual( firstEdit.targetSentTimestamp?.toNumber(), originalMessage.timestamp?.toNumber() ); assert.strictEqual(firstEdit.dataMessage?.body, 'edit message 1.2'); await sendEditedMessage( window, originalMessage.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0, '.3' ); const { editMessage: secondEdit } = await friend.waitForEditMessage(); assert.strictEqual( secondEdit.targetSentTimestamp?.toNumber(), firstEdit.dataMessage?.timestamp?.toNumber() ); assert.strictEqual(secondEdit.dataMessage?.body, 'edit message 1.2.3'); debug('opening edit history'); const secondEditMessage = window.locator( `.module-message[data-testid="${originalMessage?.timestamp?.toNumber()}"]` ); await secondEditMessage .locator('.module-message__metadata__edited') .click(); const history = await window.locator( '.EditHistoryMessagesModal .module-message' ); assert.strictEqual(await history.count(), 3); assert.isTrue(await history.locator('"edit message 1"').isVisible()); assert.isTrue(await history.locator('"edit message 1.2"').isVisible()); assert.isTrue(await history.locator('"edit message 1.2.3"').isVisible()); }); it('is fine with out of order edit processing', async () => { const { phone, desktop } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const originalMessage = createMessage('v1'); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); const sendOriginalMessage = async () => { debug('sending original message', originalMessageTimestamp); const sendOptions = { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp, }; await phone.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ dataMessage: originalMessage }), sendOptions ); }; debug('sending all messages + edits'); let targetSentTimestamp = originalMessage.timestamp; let editTimestamp = Date.now() + 1; const editedMessages: Array = [ 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', ].map(body => { const message = createEditedMessage( targetSentTimestamp, body, editTimestamp ); targetSentTimestamp = Long.fromNumber(editTimestamp); editTimestamp += 1; return message; }); { const sendEditMessages = editedMessages.map(editMessage => { const timestamp = Number(editMessage.dataMessage?.timestamp); const sendOptions = { timestamp, }; return () => { debug( `sending edit timestamp=${timestamp}, target=${editMessage.targetSentTimestamp}` ); return phone.sendRaw(desktop, wrap({ editMessage }), sendOptions); }; }); await Promise.all(sendEditMessages.reverse().map(f => f())); await sendOriginalMessage(); } debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for latest message'); await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "v5"').waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); }); it('is fine with out of order edits with quotes removed', async () => { const { phone, desktop } = bootstrap; const originalMessage = createMessageWithQuote('v1'); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); debug('sending edit'); const targetSentTimestamp = originalMessage.timestamp; const editTimestamp = Date.now() + 1; const editMessage: Proto.IEditMessage = createEditedMessage( targetSentTimestamp, 'v2', editTimestamp ); const timestamp = Number(editMessage.dataMessage?.timestamp); drop(phone.sendRaw(desktop, wrap({ editMessage }), { timestamp })); debug('sending original message', originalMessageTimestamp); const sendOptions = { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp, }; drop( phone.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ dataMessage: originalMessage }), sendOptions ) ); const window = await app.getWindow(); debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for latest message'); await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "v2"').waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); const quotes = window.locator('.module-quote'); assert.strictEqual(await quotes.count(), 0, 'quote count'); }); it('tracks message send state for edits', async () => { async function getMessageFromApp( originalMessageTimestamp: number ): Promise { await sleep(RECEIPT_BATCHER_WAIT_MS + 20); const messages = await page.evaluate( timestamp => window.SignalCI?.getMessagesBySentAt(timestamp), originalMessageTimestamp ); strictAssert(messages, 'messages does not exist'); strictAssert(messages.length === 1, 'message does not exist'); return messages[0]; } const { contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const [friend] = contacts; const contact = friend.toContact(); const page = await app.getWindow(); debug('message sent friend -> desktop'); await friend.sendText(desktop, 'hello', { timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = page.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await page.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('accepting conversation'); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Continue' }).click(); const { dataMessage: profileKeyMsg } = await friend.waitForMessage(); assert(profileKeyMsg.profileKey != null, 'Profile key message'); // Sending the original message // getting a read receipt // testing the message's send state const originalText = '1'; debug('finding composition input and clicking it'); { const input = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); debug('sending message desktop -> friend'); await typeIntoInput(input, originalText); await input.press('Enter'); } debug("waiting for message on friend's device"); const { dataMessage: originalMessage } = await friend.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual( originalMessage.body, originalText, 'original message is correct' ); strictAssert(originalMessage.timestamp, 'timestamp missing'); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); debug('original message', { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp }); debug("getting friend's conversationId"); const conversationId = await page.evaluate( serviceId => window.SignalCI?.getConversationId(serviceId), contact.aci ); debug(`got friend's conversationId: ${conversationId}`); strictAssert(conversationId, 'conversationId exists'); { const deliveryReceiptTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); debug( 'sending delivery receipt for original message friend -> desktop', { target: originalMessageTimestamp, timestamp: deliveryReceiptTimestamp, } ); const deliveryReceiptSendOptions = { timestamp: deliveryReceiptTimestamp, }; await friend.sendRaw( desktop, { receiptMessage: { type: Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.DELIVERY, timestamp: [originalMessage.timestamp], }, }, deliveryReceiptSendOptions ); } debug("testing message's send state (original)"); { debug('getting message from app (original)'); const message = await getMessageFromApp(originalMessageTimestamp); strictAssert( message.sendStateByConversationId, 'sendStateByConversationId' ); assert.strictEqual( message.sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Delivered, 'send state is delivered for main message' ); assert.isUndefined(message.editHistory, 'no edit history, yet'); } // Sending a v2 edited message targetting the original const editMessageV2Text = '12'; debug('finding composition input and clicking it v2'); debug('sending edit message v2 desktop -> friend'); await sendEditedMessage(page, originalMessageTimestamp, '2'); { const readReceiptTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); debug('sending read receipt for original message friend -> desktop', { target: originalMessageTimestamp, timestamp: readReceiptTimestamp, }); const readReceiptSendOptions = { timestamp: readReceiptTimestamp, }; await friend.sendRaw( desktop, { receiptMessage: { type: Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.READ, timestamp: [originalMessage.timestamp], }, }, readReceiptSendOptions ); } debug("testing message's send state (current(v2) and original (v1))"); { const message = await getMessageFromApp(originalMessageTimestamp); strictAssert(message.editHistory, 'edit history exists'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [_v2, v1] = message.editHistory; assert.strictEqual( message.sendStateByConversationId?.[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Sent, 'send state is reverted back to sent for main message' ); assert.strictEqual( v1.sendStateByConversationId?.[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Read, 'original message is marked read' ); } debug("waiting for message on friend's device (original)"); const { editMessage: editMessageV2 } = await friend.waitForEditMessage(); assert.strictEqual(editMessageV2.dataMessage?.body, editMessageV2Text); debug('v2 message', { timestamp: Number(editMessageV2.dataMessage?.timestamp), }); // Sending a v3 edited message targetting v2 // v3 will be read after we receive v4 const editMessageV3Text = '123'; debug('sending edit message v3 desktop -> friend'); await sendEditedMessage( page, originalMessage?.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0, '3' ); debug("waiting for message on friend's device (v3)"); const { editMessage: editMessageV3 } = await friend.waitForEditMessage(); assert.strictEqual(editMessageV3.dataMessage?.body, editMessageV3Text); strictAssert(editMessageV3.dataMessage?.timestamp, 'timestamp missing'); const editMessageV3Timestamp = Number( editMessageV3.dataMessage.timestamp ); debug('v3 message', { timestamp: editMessageV3Timestamp }); // Sending a v4 edited message targetting v3 // getting a read receipt for v3 // testing send state of the full message const editMessageV4Text = '1234'; debug('sending edit message v4 desktop -> friend'); await sendEditedMessage( page, originalMessage?.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0, '4' ); debug("waiting for message on friend's device (v4)"); const { editMessage: editMessageV4 } = await friend.waitForEditMessage(); assert.strictEqual(editMessageV4.dataMessage?.body, editMessageV4Text); strictAssert(editMessageV4.dataMessage?.timestamp, 'timestamp missing'); const editMessageV4Timestamp = Number( editMessageV4.dataMessage.timestamp ); debug('v4 message', { timestamp: editMessageV4Timestamp }); { const readReceiptTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); debug('sending read receipt for edit v3 friend -> desktop', { target: editMessageV3Timestamp, timestamp: readReceiptTimestamp, }); const readReceiptSendOptions = { timestamp: readReceiptTimestamp, }; await friend.sendRaw( desktop, { receiptMessage: { type: 1, timestamp: [editMessageV3.dataMessage.timestamp], }, }, readReceiptSendOptions ); } debug("testing v4's send state"); { debug('getting edited message from app (v4)'); const message = await getMessageFromApp(originalMessageTimestamp); strictAssert( message.sendStateByConversationId, 'sendStateByConversationId' ); assert.strictEqual( message.sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Sent, 'original message send state is sent (v4)' ); strictAssert(message.editHistory, 'edit history exists'); const [v4, v3, v2, v1] = message.editHistory; strictAssert(v1.sendStateByConversationId, 'v1 has send state'); assert.strictEqual( v1.sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Read, 'send state for first message is read' ); strictAssert(v2.sendStateByConversationId, 'v2 has send state'); assert.strictEqual( v2.sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Sent, 'send state for v2 message is sent' ); strictAssert(v3.sendStateByConversationId, 'v3 has send state'); assert.strictEqual( v3.sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Read, 'send state for v3 message is read' ); strictAssert(v4.sendStateByConversationId, 'v4 has send state'); assert.strictEqual( v4.sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].status, SendStatus.Sent, 'send state for v4 message is sent' ); assert.strictEqual( v4.body, message.body, 'body is same for v4 and main message' ); } }); }); describe('offline', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { beforeEach(async () => { await bootstrap.linkAndClose(); }); it('is fine with out of order edits with quotes removed', async () => { const { phone, desktop } = bootstrap; const originalMessage = createMessageWithQuote('v1'); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); debug('sending edit'); const targetSentTimestamp = originalMessage.timestamp; const editTimestamp = Date.now() + 1; const editMessage: Proto.IEditMessage = createEditedMessage( targetSentTimestamp, 'v2', editTimestamp ); const timestamp = Number(editMessage.dataMessage?.timestamp); drop(phone.sendRaw(desktop, wrap({ editMessage }), { timestamp })); debug('sending original message', originalMessageTimestamp); const sendOptions = { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp, }; drop( phone.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ dataMessage: originalMessage }), sendOptions ) ); app = await bootstrap.startApp(); const window = await app.getWindow(); debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for latest message'); await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "v2"').waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); const quotes = window.locator('.module-quote'); assert.strictEqual(await quotes.count(), 0, 'quote count'); }); it('is fine with out of order edit processing', async () => { const { phone, desktop } = bootstrap; const originalMessage = createMessage('v1'); const originalMessageTimestamp = Number(originalMessage.timestamp); const sendOriginalMessage = async () => { debug('sending original message', originalMessageTimestamp); const sendOptions = { timestamp: originalMessageTimestamp, }; await phone.sendRaw( desktop, wrap({ dataMessage: originalMessage }), sendOptions ); }; debug('sending all messages + edits'); let targetSentTimestamp = originalMessage.timestamp; let editTimestamp = Date.now() + 1; const editedMessages: Array = [ 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', ].map(body => { const message = createEditedMessage( targetSentTimestamp, body, editTimestamp ); targetSentTimestamp = Long.fromNumber(editTimestamp); editTimestamp += 1; return message; }); { const sendEditMessages = editedMessages.map(editMessage => { const timestamp = Number(editMessage.dataMessage?.timestamp); const sendOptions = { timestamp, }; return () => { debug( `sending edit timestamp=${timestamp}, target=${editMessage.targetSentTimestamp}` ); return phone.sendRaw(desktop, wrap({ editMessage }), sendOptions); }; }); drop(Promise.all(sendEditMessages.reverse().map(f => f()))); drop(sendOriginalMessage()); } app = await bootstrap.startApp(); const window = await app.getWindow(); debug('opening conversation'); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('checking for latest message'); await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "v5"').waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); }); }); });