// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import assert from 'assert'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import createDebug from 'debug'; import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'; import normalizePath from 'normalize-path'; import type { Device, PrimaryDevice } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import { Server, ServiceIdKind, loadCertificates, } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import { MAX_READ_KEYS as MAX_STORAGE_READ_KEYS } from '../services/storageConstants'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { App } from './playwright'; export { App }; const debug = createDebug('mock:bootstrap'); const ELECTRON = path.join( __dirname, '..', '..', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'electron' ); const CI_SCRIPT = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'ci.js'); const CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000; const CONTACT_FIRST_NAMES = [ 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Paul', 'Steve', 'William', ]; const CONTACT_LAST_NAMES = [ 'Smith', 'Brown', 'Jones', 'Miller', 'Davis', 'Lopez', 'Gonazales', ]; const CONTACT_NAMES = new Array(); for (const firstName of CONTACT_FIRST_NAMES) { for (const lastName of CONTACT_LAST_NAMES) { CONTACT_NAMES.push(`${firstName} ${lastName}`); } } const MAX_CONTACTS = CONTACT_NAMES.length; const DEFAULT_START_APP_TIMEOUT = 10 * durations.SECOND; export type BootstrapOptions = Readonly<{ extraConfig?: Record; benchmark?: boolean; linkedDevices?: number; contactCount?: number; contactsWithoutProfileKey?: number; unknownContactCount?: number; contactNames?: ReadonlyArray; contactPreKeyCount?: number; }>; type BootstrapInternalOptions = Pick & Readonly<{ benchmark: boolean; linkedDevices: number; contactCount: number; contactsWithoutProfileKey: number; unknownContactCount: number; contactNames: ReadonlyArray; }>; // // Bootstrap is a class that prepares mock server and desktop for running // tests/benchmarks. // // In general, the usage pattern is: // // const bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); // await bootstrap.init(); // const app = await bootstrap.link(); // await bootstrap.teardown(); // // Once initialized `bootstrap` variable will have following useful properties: // // - `server` - a mock server instance // - `desktop` - a linked device representing currently running desktop instance // - `phone` - a primary device representing desktop's primary // - `contacts` - a list of primary devices for contacts that are synced over // through contact sync // // `bootstrap.getTimestamp()` could be used to generate consecutive timestamp // for sending messages. // // All phone numbers and uuids for all contacts and ourselves are random and not // the same between different test runs. // export class Bootstrap { public readonly server: Server; private readonly options: BootstrapInternalOptions; private privContacts?: ReadonlyArray; private privContactsWithoutProfileKey?: ReadonlyArray; private privUnknownContacts?: ReadonlyArray; private privPhone?: PrimaryDevice; private privDesktop?: Device; private storagePath?: string; private timestamp: number = Date.now() - durations.WEEK; private lastApp?: App; constructor(options: BootstrapOptions = {}) { this.server = new Server({ // Limit number of storage read keys for easier testing maxStorageReadKeys: MAX_STORAGE_READ_KEYS, }); this.options = { linkedDevices: 5, contactCount: MAX_CONTACTS, contactsWithoutProfileKey: 0, unknownContactCount: 0, contactNames: CONTACT_NAMES, benchmark: false, ...options, }; assert( this.options.contactCount + this.options.contactsWithoutProfileKey + this.options.unknownContactCount <= this.options.contactNames.length ); } public async init(): Promise { debug('initializing'); await this.server.listen(0); const { port } = this.server.address(); debug('started server on port=%d', port); const allContacts = await Promise.all( this.options.contactNames.map(async profileName => { const primary = await this.server.createPrimaryDevice({ profileName, }); for (let i = 0; i < this.options.linkedDevices; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.server.createSecondaryDevice(primary); } return primary; }) ); this.privContacts = allContacts.splice(0, this.options.contactCount); this.privContactsWithoutProfileKey = allContacts.splice( 0, this.options.contactsWithoutProfileKey ); this.privUnknownContacts = allContacts.splice( 0, this.options.unknownContactCount ); this.privPhone = await this.server.createPrimaryDevice({ profileName: 'Myself', contacts: this.contacts, contactsWithoutProfileKey: this.contactsWithoutProfileKey, }); this.storagePath = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'mock-signal-')); debug('setting storage path=%j', this.storagePath); } public static benchmark( fn: (bootstrap: Bootstrap) => Promise, timeout = 5 * durations.MINUTE ): void { drop(Bootstrap.runBenchmark(fn, timeout)); } public get logsDir(): string { assert( this.storagePath !== undefined, 'Bootstrap has to be initialized first, see: bootstrap.init()' ); return path.join(this.storagePath, 'logs'); } public async teardown(): Promise { debug('tearing down'); await Promise.race([ Promise.all([ this.storagePath ? fs.rm(this.storagePath, { recursive: true }) : Promise.resolve(), this.server.close(), this.lastApp?.close(), ]), new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, CLOSE_TIMEOUT).unref()), ]); } public async link(): Promise { debug('linking'); const app = await this.startApp(); const provision = await this.server.waitForProvision(); const provisionURL = await app.waitForProvisionURL(); this.privDesktop = await provision.complete({ provisionURL, primaryDevice: this.phone, }); debug('new desktop device %j', this.desktop.debugId); const desktopKey = await this.desktop.popSingleUseKey(); await this.phone.addSingleUseKey(this.desktop, desktopKey); for (const contact of this.allContacts) { for (const serviceIdKind of [ServiceIdKind.ACI, ServiceIdKind.PNI]) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const contactKey = await this.desktop.popSingleUseKey(serviceIdKind); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await contact.addSingleUseKey(this.desktop, contactKey, serviceIdKind); } } await this.phone.waitForSync(this.desktop); this.phone.resetSyncState(this.desktop); debug('synced with %j', this.desktop.debugId); return app; } public async linkAndClose(): Promise { const app = await this.link(); debug('closing the app after link'); await app.close(); } public async startApp(timeout = DEFAULT_START_APP_TIMEOUT): Promise { assert( this.storagePath !== undefined, 'Bootstrap has to be initialized first, see: bootstrap.init()' ); debug('starting the app'); const { port } = this.server.address(); const config = await this.generateConfig(port); let app: App | undefined; while (!app) { const startedApp = new App({ main: ELECTRON, args: [CI_SCRIPT], config, }); try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await pTimeout(startedApp.start(), timeout); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error('Failed to start the app on time, retrying', error); continue; } this.lastApp = startedApp; startedApp.on('close', () => { if (this.lastApp === startedApp) { this.lastApp = undefined; } }); app = startedApp; } return app; } public getTimestamp(): number { const result = this.timestamp; this.timestamp += 1; return result; } public async maybeSaveLogs( test?: Mocha.Test, app: App | undefined = this.lastApp ): Promise { const { FORCE_ARTIFACT_SAVE } = process.env; if (test?.state !== 'passed' || FORCE_ARTIFACT_SAVE) { await this.saveLogs(app, test?.fullTitle()); } } public async saveLogs( app: App | undefined = this.lastApp, pathPrefix?: string ): Promise { const { ARTIFACTS_DIR } = process.env; if (!ARTIFACTS_DIR) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error('Not saving logs. Please set ARTIFACTS_DIR env variable'); return; } await fs.mkdir(ARTIFACTS_DIR, { recursive: true }); const normalizedPrefix = pathPrefix ? `-${normalizePath(pathPrefix.replace(/[^a-z]+/gi, '-'))}-` : ''; const outDir = await fs.mkdtemp( path.join(ARTIFACTS_DIR, `logs-${normalizedPrefix}`) ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`Saving logs to ${outDir}`); const { logsDir } = this; await fs.rename(logsDir, outDir); if (app) { const window = await app.getWindow(); const screenshot = await window.screenshot(); await fs.writeFile(path.join(outDir, 'screenshot.png'), screenshot); } } // // Getters // public get phone(): PrimaryDevice { assert( this.privPhone, 'Bootstrap has to be initialized first, see: bootstrap.init()' ); return this.privPhone; } public get desktop(): Device { assert( this.privDesktop, 'Bootstrap has to be linked first, see: bootstrap.link()' ); return this.privDesktop; } public get contacts(): ReadonlyArray { assert( this.privContacts, 'Bootstrap has to be initialized first, see: bootstrap.init()' ); return this.privContacts; } public get contactsWithoutProfileKey(): ReadonlyArray { assert( this.privContactsWithoutProfileKey, 'Bootstrap has to be initialized first, see: bootstrap.init()' ); return this.privContactsWithoutProfileKey; } public get unknownContacts(): ReadonlyArray { assert( this.privUnknownContacts, 'Bootstrap has to be initialized first, see: bootstrap.init()' ); return this.privUnknownContacts; } public get allContacts(): ReadonlyArray { return [ ...this.contacts, ...this.contactsWithoutProfileKey, ...this.unknownContacts, ]; } // // Private // private static async runBenchmark( fn: (bootstrap: Bootstrap) => Promise, timeout: number ): Promise { const bootstrap = new Bootstrap({ benchmark: true, }); await bootstrap.init(); try { await pTimeout(fn(bootstrap), timeout); } catch (error) { await bootstrap.saveLogs(); throw error; } finally { await bootstrap.teardown(); } } private async generateConfig(port: number): Promise { const url = `${port}`; return JSON.stringify({ ...(await loadCertificates()), forcePreloadBundle: this.options.benchmark, ciMode: 'full', buildExpiration: Date.now() + durations.MONTH, storagePath: this.storagePath, storageProfile: 'mock', serverUrl: url, storageUrl: url, cdn: { '0': url, '2': url, }, updatesEnabled: false, directoreType: 'cdsi', directoryCDSIUrl: url, directoryCDSIMRENCLAVE: '51133fecb3fa18aaf0c8f64cb763656d3272d9faaacdb26ae7df082e414fb142', ...this.options.extraConfig, }); } }