// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import type { SendState, SendStateByConversationId, } from '../messages/MessageSendState'; import type { StoryDistributionIdString } from '../types/StoryDistributionId'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import { MY_STORY_ID, StorySendMode } from '../types/Stories'; import { getStoriesBlocked } from './stories'; import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SeenStatus } from '../MessageSeenStatus'; import { SendStatus } from '../messages/MessageSendState'; import { conversationJobQueue, conversationQueueJobEnum, } from '../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import { getRecipients } from './getRecipients'; import { getSignalConnections } from './getSignalConnections'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from './incrementMessageCounter'; import { isGroupV2 } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import { isNotNil } from './isNotNil'; import { collect } from './iterables'; import { DurationInSeconds } from './durations'; import { sanitizeLinkPreview } from '../services/LinkPreview'; import type { DraftBodyRanges } from '../types/BodyRange'; import { postSaveUpdates } from './cleanup'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; export async function sendStoryMessage( listIds: Array, conversationIds: Array, attachment: AttachmentType, bodyRanges: DraftBodyRanges | undefined ): Promise { if (getStoriesBlocked()) { log.warn('stories.sendStoryMessage: stories disabled, returning early'); return; } const { messaging } = window.textsecure; if (!messaging) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: messaging not available, returning early' ); return; } const distributionLists = ( await Promise.all( listIds.map(listId => DataReader.getStoryDistributionWithMembers(listId)) ) ).filter(isNotNil); if (!distributionLists.length && !conversationIds.length) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: Dropping send. no conversations to send to and no distribution lists found for', listIds ); return; } const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const timestamp = Date.now(); const sendStateByListId = new Map< StoryDistributionIdString, SendStateByConversationId >(); const recipientsAlreadySentTo = new Map(); // * Create the custom sendStateByConversationId for each distribution list // * De-dupe members to make sure they're only sent to once // * Figure out who can reply/who can't distributionLists .sort(list => (list.allowsReplies ? -1 : 1)) .forEach(distributionList => { const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = {}; let distributionListMembers: Array = []; if (distributionList.id === MY_STORY_ID && distributionList.isBlockList) { const inBlockList = new Set(distributionList.members); distributionListMembers = getSignalConnections().reduce( (acc, convo) => { const uuid = convo.getServiceId(); if (!uuid) { return acc; } if (inBlockList.has(uuid)) { return acc; } if (convo.isEverUnregistered()) { return acc; } acc.push(uuid); return acc; }, [] as Array ); } else { distributionListMembers = distributionList.members; } distributionListMembers.forEach(destinationServiceId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(destinationServiceId); if (!conversation) { return; } sendStateByConversationId[conversation.id] = { isAllowedToReplyToStory: recipientsAlreadySentTo.get(destinationServiceId) || distributionList.allowsReplies, isAlreadyIncludedInAnotherDistributionList: recipientsAlreadySentTo.has(destinationServiceId), status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: timestamp, }; if (!recipientsAlreadySentTo.has(destinationServiceId)) { recipientsAlreadySentTo.set( destinationServiceId, distributionList.allowsReplies ); } }); sendStateByListId.set(distributionList.id, sendStateByConversationId); }); const attachments: Array = [attachment]; const linkPreview = attachment?.textAttachment?.preview; const { loadPreviewData } = window.Signal.Migrations; const sanitizedLinkPreview = linkPreview ? sanitizeLinkPreview((await loadPreviewData([linkPreview]))[0]) : undefined; // If a text attachment has a link preview we remove it from the // textAttachment data structure and instead process the preview and add // it as a "preview" property for the message attributes. const preview = sanitizedLinkPreview ? [sanitizedLinkPreview] : undefined; // * Gather all the job data we'll be sending to the sendStory job // * Create the message for each distribution list const distributionListMessages: Array = await Promise.all( distributionLists.map(async distributionList => { const sendStateByConversationId = sendStateByListId.get( distributionList.id ); if (!sendStateByConversationId) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: No sendStateByConversationId for distribution list', distributionList.id ); } // Note: we use the same sent_at for these messages because we want de-duplication // on the receiver side. return window.Signal.Migrations.upgradeMessageSchema({ attachments, bodyRanges, conversationId: ourConversation.id, expireTimer: DurationInSeconds.DAY, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), id: generateUuid(), preview, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), received_at_ms: timestamp, seenStatus: SeenStatus.NotApplicable, sendStateByConversationId, sent_at: timestamp, source: window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), sourceServiceId: window.textsecure.storage.user.getAci(), sourceDevice: window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(), storyDistributionListId: distributionList.id, timestamp, type: 'story', }); }) ); const groupV2MessagesByConversationId = new Map< string, MessageAttributesType >(); const groupsToSendTo = Array.from( collect(conversationIds, conversationId => { const group = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!group) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: No group found for id', conversationId ); return; } if (!isGroupV2(group.attributes)) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: Conversation we tried to send to is not a groupV2', conversationId ); return; } if (group.get('announcementsOnly') && !group.areWeAdmin()) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: cannot send to an announcement only group as a non-admin', conversationId ); return; } return group; }) ); // sending a story to a group marks it as one we want to always // include on the send-story-to list const groupsToUpdate = Array.from(groupsToSendTo).filter( group => group.getStorySendMode() !== StorySendMode.Always ); for (const group of groupsToUpdate) { group.set('storySendMode', StorySendMode.Always); } void DataWriter.updateConversations( groupsToUpdate.map(group => group.attributes) ); for (const group of groupsToUpdate) { group.captureChange('storySendMode'); } await Promise.all( groupsToSendTo.map(async (group, index) => { // We want all of these timestamps to be different from the My Story timestamp. const groupTimestamp = timestamp + index + 1; const myId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(); const sendState: SendState = { status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: groupTimestamp, isAllowedToReplyToStory: true, }; const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = getRecipients(group.attributes).reduce( (acc, id) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(id); if (!conversation) { return acc; } return { ...acc, [conversation.id]: sendState, }; }, { [myId]: sendState, } ); const messageAttributes = await window.Signal.Migrations.upgradeMessageSchema({ attachments, bodyRanges, canReplyToStory: true, conversationId: group.id, expireTimer: DurationInSeconds.DAY, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), id: generateUuid(), readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), received_at_ms: groupTimestamp, seenStatus: SeenStatus.NotApplicable, sendStateByConversationId, sent_at: groupTimestamp, source: window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), sourceServiceId: window.textsecure.storage.user.getAci(), sourceDevice: window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(), timestamp: groupTimestamp, type: 'story', }); groupV2MessagesByConversationId.set(group.id, messageAttributes); }) ); // For distribution lists: // * Save the message model // * Add the message to the conversation await Promise.all( distributionListMessages.map(message => { window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(message)); void ourConversation.addSingleMessage(message, { isJustSent: true }); log.info(`stories.sendStoryMessage: saving message ${message.timestamp}`); return DataWriter.saveMessage(message, { forceSave: true, ourAci: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(), postSaveUpdates, }); }) ); // * Send to the distribution lists // * Place into job queue // * Save the job await conversationJobQueue.add({ type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.Story, conversationId: ourConversation.id, messageIds: distributionListMessages.map(m => m.id), timestamp, }); // * Send to groups // * Save the message models // * Add message to group conversation await Promise.all( conversationIds.map(conversationId => { const messageAttributes = groupV2MessagesByConversationId.get(conversationId); if (!messageAttributes) { log.warn( 'stories.sendStoryMessage: Trying to send a group story but it did not exist? This is unexpected. Not sending.', conversationId ); return; } return conversationJobQueue.add( { type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.Story, conversationId, messageIds: [messageAttributes.id], // using the group timestamp, which will differ from the 1:1 timestamp timestamp: messageAttributes.timestamp, }, async jobToInsert => { window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(messageAttributes)); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); void conversation?.addSingleMessage(messageAttributes, { isJustSent: true, }); log.info( `stories.sendStoryMessage: saving message ${messageAttributes.timestamp}` ); await DataWriter.saveMessage(messageAttributes, { forceSave: true, jobToInsert, ourAci: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(), postSaveUpdates, }); } ); }) ); }