// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { Aci } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { throttle } from 'lodash'; import type { GroupSendCombinedEndorsementRecord, GroupSendMemberEndorsementRecord, GroupSendToken, } from '../types/GroupSendEndorsements'; import { groupSendEndorsementsDataSchema, toGroupSendToken, type GroupSendEndorsementsData, } from '../types/GroupSendEndorsements'; import { devDebugger, strictAssert } from './assert'; import { GroupSecretParams, GroupSendEndorsement, GroupSendEndorsementsResponse, ServerPublicParams, } from './zkgroup'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { fromAciObject } from '../types/ServiceId'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { GroupV2MemberType } from '../model-types'; import { DurationInSeconds, MINUTE } from './durations'; import { ToastType } from '../types/Toast'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { isTestOrMockEnvironment } from '../environment'; import { isNightly } from './version'; import { parseStrict } from './schemas'; import { DataReader } from '../sql/Client'; import { maybeUpdateGroup } from '../groups'; import { isGroupV2 } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; export function decodeGroupSendEndorsementResponse({ groupId, groupSendEndorsementResponse, groupSecretParamsBase64, groupMembersV2, }: { groupId: string; groupSendEndorsementResponse: Uint8Array; groupSecretParamsBase64: string; groupMembersV2: ReadonlyArray; }): GroupSendEndorsementsData { const idForLogging = `groupv2(${groupId})`; strictAssert( groupSendEndorsementResponse != null, 'Missing groupSendEndorsementResponse' ); strictAssert( groupSendEndorsementResponse.byteLength > 0, 'Received empty groupSendEndorsementResponse' ); const response = new GroupSendEndorsementsResponse( Buffer.from(groupSendEndorsementResponse) ); const expiration = response.getExpiration().getTime() / 1000; const localUser = Aci.parseFromServiceIdString( window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci() ); const groupSecretParams = new GroupSecretParams( Buffer.from(groupSecretParamsBase64, 'base64') ); const serverPublicParams = new ServerPublicParams( Buffer.from(window.getServerPublicParams(), 'base64') ); const groupMembers = groupMembersV2.map(member => { return Aci.parseFromServiceIdString(member.aci); }); const receivedEndorsements = response.receiveWithServiceIds( groupMembers, localUser, groupSecretParams, serverPublicParams ); const { combinedEndorsement, endorsements } = receivedEndorsements; strictAssert( endorsements.length === groupMembers.length, `Member endorsements must match input array (expected: ${groupMembers.length}, actual: ${endorsements.length})` ); log.info( `decodeGroupSendEndorsementResponse: Received endorsements (group: ${idForLogging}, expiration: ${expiration}, members: ${groupMembers.length})` ); return parseStrict(groupSendEndorsementsDataSchema, { combinedEndorsement: { groupId, expiration, endorsement: combinedEndorsement.getContents(), }, memberEndorsements: groupMembers.map((groupMember, index) => { const endorsement = endorsements.at(index); strictAssert( endorsement != null, `Missing endorsement at index ${index}` ); return { groupId, memberAci: fromAciObject(groupMember), expiration, endorsement: endorsement.getContents(), }; }), }); } const TWO_DAYS = DurationInSeconds.fromDays(2); const TWO_HOURS = DurationInSeconds.fromHours(2); function logServiceIds(list: Iterable) { const items = Array.from(list); if (items.length <= 5) { return items.join(', '); } return `${items.slice(0, 4).join(', ')}, and ${items.length - 4} others`; } export type ValidationResult = | { valid: true; reason?: never } | { valid: false; reason: string }; export function validateGroupSendEndorsementsExpiration( expiration: number, now: number = Date.now() ): ValidationResult { const expSeconds = DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(expiration); const nowSeconds = DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(now); const info = `now: ${nowSeconds}, exp: ${expSeconds}`; if (expSeconds <= nowSeconds) { return { valid: false, reason: `already expired, ${info}` }; } // negative = exp is past, positive = exp is future const distance = Math.trunc(expSeconds - nowSeconds); if (distance <= TWO_HOURS) { return { valid: false, reason: `expires soon, ${info}` }; } if (distance >= TWO_DAYS) { return { valid: false, reason: `expires too far in future, ${info}` }; } return { valid: true }; } export class GroupSendEndorsementState { #logId: string; #combinedEndorsement: GroupSendCombinedEndorsementRecord; #memberEndorsements = new Map< ServiceIdString, GroupSendMemberEndorsementRecord >(); #memberEndorsementsAcis = new Set(); #groupSecretParamsBase64: string; #ourAci: ServiceIdString; #endorsementCache = new WeakMap(); constructor( data: GroupSendEndorsementsData, groupSecretParamsBase64: string ) { this.#logId = `GroupSendEndorsementState/groupv2(${data.combinedEndorsement.groupId})`; this.#combinedEndorsement = data.combinedEndorsement; this.#groupSecretParamsBase64 = groupSecretParamsBase64; this.#ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); for (const endorsement of data.memberEndorsements) { this.#memberEndorsements.set(endorsement.memberAci, endorsement); this.#memberEndorsementsAcis.add(endorsement.memberAci); } } getExpiration(): Date { return new Date(this.#combinedEndorsement.expiration * 1000); } hasMember(serviceId: ServiceIdString): boolean { return this.#memberEndorsements.has(serviceId); } #toEndorsement(contents: Uint8Array): GroupSendEndorsement { let endorsement = this.#endorsementCache.get(contents); if (endorsement == null) { endorsement = new GroupSendEndorsement(Buffer.from(contents)); this.#endorsementCache.set(contents, endorsement); } return endorsement; } #toToken(endorsement: GroupSendEndorsement): GroupSendToken { const groupSecretParams = new GroupSecretParams( Buffer.from(this.#groupSecretParamsBase64, 'base64') ); const expiration = this.getExpiration(); const result = validateGroupSendEndorsementsExpiration( expiration.getTime() ); strictAssert( result.valid, `${this.#logId}: toToken: Endorsements are expired (${result.reason})` ); const fullToken = endorsement.toFullToken(groupSecretParams, expiration); return toGroupSendToken(fullToken.serialize()); } #getCombinedEndorsement(includesOurs: boolean) { const endorsement = this.#toEndorsement( this.#combinedEndorsement.endorsement ); if (!includesOurs) { return endorsement; } return GroupSendEndorsement.combine([ endorsement, this.#getMemberEndorsement(this.#ourAci), ]); } #getMemberEndorsement(serviceId: ServiceIdString) { const memberEndorsement = this.#memberEndorsements.get(serviceId); strictAssert( memberEndorsement, `${this.#logId}: getMemberEndorsement: Missing endorsement for ${serviceId}` ); return this.#toEndorsement(memberEndorsement.endorsement); } // Strategy 1: Faster when we're sending to most of the group members // `combined.byRemoving(combine(difference(members, sends)))` #subtractMemberEndorsements( otherMembersServiceIds: Set, includesOurs: boolean ): GroupSendEndorsement { strictAssert( !otherMembersServiceIds.has(this.#ourAci), `${this.#logId}: subtractMemberEndorsements: Cannot subtract our own aci from the combined endorsement` ); return this.#getCombinedEndorsement(includesOurs).byRemoving( this.#combineMemberEndorsements(otherMembersServiceIds) ); } // Strategy 2: Faster when we're not sending to most of the group members // `combine(sends)` #combineMemberEndorsements( serviceIds: Set ): GroupSendEndorsement { return GroupSendEndorsement.combine( Array.from(serviceIds, serviceId => { return this.#getMemberEndorsement(serviceId); }) ); } #buildToken(serviceIds: Set): GroupSendEndorsement { const sendCount = serviceIds.size; const memberCount = this.#memberEndorsements.size; const logId = `${this.#logId}: buildToken(${sendCount} of ${memberCount})`; // Fast path sending to one person if (serviceIds.size === 1) { const [serviceId] = serviceIds; log.info(`${logId}: using single member endorsement (${serviceId})`); return this.#getMemberEndorsement(serviceId); } const missing = serviceIds.difference(this.#memberEndorsementsAcis); if (missing.size !== 0) { throw new Error( `${logId}: Attempted to build token with memberAcis we don't have endorsements for (${logServiceIds(missing)})` ); } const difference = this.#memberEndorsementsAcis.difference(serviceIds); log.info( `${logId}: Endorsements without sends ${difference.size}: ${logServiceIds(difference)}` ); const otherMembers = new Set(difference); const includesOurs = !otherMembers.delete(this.#ourAci); if (otherMembers.size === 0) { log.info( `${logId}: using combined endorsement (includesOurs: ${includesOurs})` ); return this.#getCombinedEndorsement(includesOurs); } if (otherMembers.size < memberCount / 2) { log.info( `${logId}: subtracting missing members (includesOurs: ${includesOurs})` ); return this.#subtractMemberEndorsements(otherMembers, includesOurs); } log.info(`${logId}: combining all members`); return this.#combineMemberEndorsements(serviceIds); } buildToken(serviceIds: Set): GroupSendToken | null { try { return this.#toToken(this.#buildToken(new Set(serviceIds))); } catch (error) { onFailedToSendWithEndorsements(error); } return null; } } const showFailedToSendWithEndorsementsToast = throttle( () => { window.reduxActions.toast.showToast({ toastType: ToastType.FailedToSendWithEndorsements, }); }, 5 * MINUTE, { trailing: false } ); export function onFailedToSendWithEndorsements(error: Error): void { log.error('onFailedToSendWithEndorsements', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); if (isTestOrMockEnvironment() || isNightly(window.getVersion())) { showFailedToSendWithEndorsementsToast(); } if (window.SignalCI) { window.SignalCI.handleEvent('fatalTestError', error); } devDebugger(); } type MaybeCreateGroupSendEndorsementStateResult = | { state: GroupSendEndorsementState; didRefreshGroupState: false } | { state: null; didRefreshGroupState: boolean }; function validateGroupSendEndorsements( members: Set, state: GroupSendEndorsementState | null ): ValidationResult { // Check if we should have endorsements (pending members should not) if (state == null) { const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); if (members.has(ourAci)) { return { valid: false, reason: 'missing all endorsements' }; } return { valid: true }; } // Check for expired endorsements const expiration = state.getExpiration().getTime(); const expirationResult = validateGroupSendEndorsementsExpiration(expiration); if (!expirationResult.valid) { return { valid: false, reason: expirationResult.reason }; } // Check for missing endorsements const missing = new Set(); for (const member of members) { if (!state.hasMember(member)) { missing.add(member); } } if (missing.size > 0) { return { valid: false, reason: `missing ${missing.size} endorsements (${logServiceIds(missing)})`, }; } return { valid: true }; } export async function maybeCreateGroupSendEndorsementState( groupId: string, alreadyRefreshedGroupState: boolean ): Promise { const logId = `maybeCreateGroupSendEndorsementState/groupv2(${groupId})`; const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(groupId); strictAssert(conversation != null, `${logId}: Convertion not found`); strictAssert( isGroupV2(conversation.attributes), `${logId}: Conversation is not groupV2` ); const secretParams = conversation.get('secretParams'); const membersV2 = conversation.get('membersV2'); strictAssert(secretParams, `${logId}: Must have secret params`); strictAssert(membersV2, `${logId}: Must have members`); const members = new Set(membersV2.map(member => member.aci)); const data = await DataReader.getGroupSendEndorsementsData(groupId); const state = data != null ? new GroupSendEndorsementState(data, secretParams) : null; // Check if we need to refresh the group state. const result = validateGroupSendEndorsements(members, state); if (!result.valid) { // If we've already refreshed the group state, we should log and move on. if (alreadyRefreshedGroupState) { onFailedToSendWithEndorsements( new Error( `${logId}: Endorsements invalid after refreshing group: ${result.reason}` ) ); return { state: null, didRefreshGroupState: false }; } log.info( `${logId}: Endorsements invalid, refreshing group: ${result.reason}` ); // Wait for all incoming messages to be processed before refreshing // the group state to avoid incorrectly processing messages. await window.waitForEmptyEventQueue(); // Refresh the group state all allow the caller to try again. await maybeUpdateGroup({ conversation, force: true }); return { state: null, didRefreshGroupState: true }; } return { state, didRefreshGroupState: false }; }