// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { v4 as generateGuid } from 'uuid'; import { _storyIdPredicate, getJobsInQueue, insertJob } from '../../sql/Server'; import type { WritableDB } from '../../sql/Interface'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SeenStatus } from '../../MessageSeenStatus'; import { objectToJSON, sql, sqlJoin } from '../../sql/util'; import { BodyRange } from '../../types/BodyRange'; import type { AciString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { generateAci } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { createDB, updateToVersion } from './helpers'; const OUR_UUID = generateGuid(); describe('SQL migrations test', () => { let db: WritableDB; const addOurUuid = () => { const value = { id: 'uuid_id', value: `${OUR_UUID}.1`, }; db.exec( ` INSERT INTO items (id, json) VALUES ('uuid_id', '${JSON.stringify(value)}'); ` ); }; const parseItems = ( items: ReadonlyArray<{ json: string }> ): Array => { return items.map(item => { return { ...item, json: JSON.parse(item.json), }; }); }; const insertSession = ( conversationId: string, deviceId: number, data: Record = {} ): void => { const id = `${conversationId}.${deviceId}`; db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO sessions (id, conversationId, json) VALUES ($id, $conversationId, $json) ` ).run({ id, conversationId, json: JSON.stringify({ ...data, id, conversationId, }), }); }; beforeEach(() => { db = createDB(); }); afterEach(() => { db.close(); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion41', () => { const THEIR_UUID = generateAci(); const THEIR_CONVO = generateGuid(); const ANOTHER_CONVO = generateGuid(); const THIRD_CONVO = generateGuid(); it('clears sessions and keys if UUID is not available', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO senderKeys (id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate) VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '1', 1); INSERT INTO sessions (id, conversationId, json) VALUES ('1', '1', '{}'); INSERT INTO signedPreKeys (id, json) VALUES ('1', '{}'); INSERT INTO preKeys (id, json) VALUES ('1', '{}'); INSERT INTO items (id, json) VALUES ('identityKey', '{}'), ('registrationId', '{}'); ` ); const senderKeyCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM senderKeys') .pluck(); const sessionCount = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions').pluck(); const signedPreKeyCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM signedPreKeys') .pluck(); const preKeyCount = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM preKeys').pluck(); const itemCount = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items').pluck(); assert.strictEqual(senderKeyCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(sessionCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(signedPreKeyCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(preKeyCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(itemCount.get(), 2); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.strictEqual(senderKeyCount.get(), 0); assert.strictEqual(sessionCount.get(), 0); assert.strictEqual(signedPreKeyCount.get(), 0); assert.strictEqual(preKeyCount.get(), 0); assert.strictEqual(itemCount.get(), 0); }); it('adds prefix to preKeys/signedPreKeys', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); const signedKeyItem = { id: 1 }; const preKeyItem = { id: 2 }; db.exec( ` INSERT INTO signedPreKeys (id, json) VALUES (1, '${JSON.stringify(signedKeyItem)}'); INSERT INTO preKeys (id, json) VALUES (2, '${JSON.stringify(preKeyItem)}'); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual( parseItems(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM signedPreKeys').all()), [ { id: `${OUR_UUID}:1`, json: { id: `${OUR_UUID}:1`, keyId: 1, ourUuid: OUR_UUID, }, }, ] ); assert.deepStrictEqual( parseItems(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM preKeys').all()), [ { id: `${OUR_UUID}:2`, json: { id: `${OUR_UUID}:2`, keyId: 2, ourUuid: OUR_UUID, }, }, ] ); }); it('migrates senderKeys', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, uuid) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}', '${THEIR_UUID}'); INSERT INTO senderKeys (id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}.1--234', '${THEIR_CONVO}.1', '234', '1', 1); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM senderKeys').all(), [ { id: `${OUR_UUID}:${THEIR_UUID}.1--234`, distributionId: '234', data: '1', lastUpdatedDate: 1, senderId: `${THEIR_UUID}.1`, }, ]); }); it('removes senderKeys that do not have conversation uuid', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}'); INSERT INTO senderKeys (id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}.1--234', '${THEIR_CONVO}.1', '234', '1', 1), ('${ANOTHER_CONVO}.1--234', '${ANOTHER_CONVO}.1', '234', '1', 1); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM senderKeys').pluck().get(), 0 ); }); it('correctly merges senderKeys for conflicting conversations', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); const fullA = generateGuid(); const fullB = generateGuid(); const fullC = generateGuid(); const partial = generateGuid(); // When merging two keys for different conversations with the same uuid // only the most recent key would be kept in the database. We prefer keys // with either: // // 1. more recent lastUpdatedDate column // 2. conversation with both e164 and uuid // 3. conversation with more recent active_at db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, uuid, e164, active_at) VALUES ('${fullA}', '${THEIR_UUID}', '+12125555555', 1), ('${fullB}', '${THEIR_UUID}', '+12125555555', 2), ('${fullC}', '${THEIR_UUID}', '+12125555555', 3), ('${partial}', '${THEIR_UUID}', NULL, 3); INSERT INTO senderKeys (id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate) VALUES ('${fullA}.1--234', '${fullA}.1', 'fullA', '1', 1), ('${fullC}.1--234', '${fullC}.1', 'fullC', '2', 2), ('${fullB}.1--234', '${fullB}.1', 'fullB', '3', 2), ('${partial}.1--234', '${partial}.1', 'partial', '4', 2); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM senderKeys').all(), [ { id: `${OUR_UUID}:${THEIR_UUID}.1--234`, senderId: `${THEIR_UUID}.1`, distributionId: 'fullC', lastUpdatedDate: 2, data: '2', }, ]); }); it('migrates sessions', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, uuid) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}', '${THEIR_UUID}'); ` ); insertSession(THEIR_CONVO, 1); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual( parseItems(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM sessions').all()), [ { conversationId: THEIR_CONVO, id: `${OUR_UUID}:${THEIR_UUID}.1`, uuid: THEIR_UUID, ourUuid: OUR_UUID, json: { id: `${OUR_UUID}:${THEIR_UUID}.1`, conversationId: THEIR_CONVO, uuid: THEIR_UUID, ourUuid: OUR_UUID, }, }, ] ); }); it('removes sessions that do not have conversation id', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); insertSession(THEIR_CONVO, 1); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions').pluck().get(), 0 ); }); it('removes sessions that do not have conversation uuid', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}'); ` ); insertSession(THEIR_CONVO, 1); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions').pluck().get(), 0 ); }); it('correctly merges sessions for conflicting conversations', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); const fullA = generateGuid(); const fullB = generateGuid(); const partial = generateGuid(); // Similar merging logic to senderkeys above. We prefer sessions with // either: // // 1. conversation with both e164 and uuid // 2. conversation with more recent active_at db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, uuid, e164, active_at) VALUES ('${fullA}', '${THEIR_UUID}', '+12125555555', 1), ('${fullB}', '${THEIR_UUID}', '+12125555555', 2), ('${partial}', '${THEIR_UUID}', NULL, 3); ` ); insertSession(fullA, 1, { name: 'A' }); insertSession(fullB, 1, { name: 'B' }); insertSession(partial, 1, { name: 'C' }); updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual( parseItems(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM sessions').all()), [ { id: `${OUR_UUID}:${THEIR_UUID}.1`, conversationId: fullB, ourUuid: OUR_UUID, uuid: THEIR_UUID, json: { id: `${OUR_UUID}:${THEIR_UUID}.1`, conversationId: fullB, ourUuid: OUR_UUID, uuid: THEIR_UUID, name: 'B', }, }, ] ); }); it('moves identity key and registration id into a map', () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); const items = [ { id: 'identityKey', value: 'secret' }, { id: 'registrationId', value: 42 }, ]; for (const item of items) { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO items (id, json) VALUES ($id, $json); ` ).run({ id: item.id, json: JSON.stringify(item), }); } updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual( parseItems(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY id').all()), [ { id: 'identityKeyMap', json: { id: 'identityKeyMap', value: { [OUR_UUID]: 'secret' }, }, }, { id: 'registrationIdMap', json: { id: 'registrationIdMap', value: { [OUR_UUID]: 42 }, }, }, { id: 'uuid_id', json: { id: 'uuid_id', value: `${OUR_UUID}.1`, }, }, ] ); }); it("migrates other users' identity keys", () => { updateToVersion(db, 40); addOurUuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, uuid) VALUES ('${THEIR_CONVO}', '${THEIR_UUID}'), ('${ANOTHER_CONVO}', NULL); ` ); const identityKeys = [ { id: THEIR_CONVO }, { id: ANOTHER_CONVO }, { id: THIRD_CONVO }, ]; for (const key of identityKeys) { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO identityKeys (id, json) VALUES ($id, $json); ` ).run({ id: key.id, json: JSON.stringify(key), }); } updateToVersion(db, 41); assert.deepStrictEqual( parseItems(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM identityKeys ORDER BY id').all()), [ { id: THEIR_UUID, json: { id: THEIR_UUID, }, }, { id: `conversation:${ANOTHER_CONVO}`, json: { id: `conversation:${ANOTHER_CONVO}`, }, }, { id: `conversation:${THIRD_CONVO}`, json: { id: `conversation:${THIRD_CONVO}`, }, }, ].sort((a, b) => { if (a.id === b.id) { return 0; } if (a.id < b.id) { return -1; } return 1; }) ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion42', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); it('deletes orphaned reactions', () => { updateToVersion(db, 41); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, body) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'message number 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'message number 2'); INSERT INTO reactions (messageId, conversationId) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'); ` ); const reactionCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reactions;') .pluck(); const messageCount = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck(); assert.strictEqual(reactionCount.get(), 4); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 2); updateToVersion(db, 42); assert.strictEqual(reactionCount.get(), 2); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 2); const reactionMessageIds = db .prepare('SELECT messageId FROM reactions;') .pluck() .all(); assert.sameDeepMembers(reactionMessageIds, [MESSAGE_ID_1, MESSAGE_ID_2]); }); it('new message delete trigger deletes reactions as well', () => { updateToVersion(db, 41); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, body) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'message number 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'message number 2'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'message number 3'); INSERT INTO reactions (messageId, conversationId) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}'); ` ); const reactionCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reactions;') .pluck(); const messageCount = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck(); assert.strictEqual(reactionCount.get(), 3); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 3); updateToVersion(db, 42); assert.strictEqual(reactionCount.get(), 3); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 3); db.exec( ` DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = '${MESSAGE_ID_1}'; ` ); assert.strictEqual(reactionCount.get(), 2); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 2); const reactionMessageIds = db .prepare('SELECT messageId FROM reactions;') .pluck() .all(); assert.sameDeepMembers(reactionMessageIds, [MESSAGE_ID_2, MESSAGE_ID_3]); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion43', () => { it('remaps conversation ids to UUIDs in groups and messages', () => { updateToVersion(db, 42); const UUID_A = generateAci(); const UUID_B = generateAci(); const UUID_C = generateAci(); const rawConvoA = { id: 'a', groupId: 'gv2a', uuid: UUID_A }; const rawConvoB = { id: 'b', groupId: 'gv2b', uuid: UUID_B }; const rawConvoC = { id: 'c', groupId: 'gv2c', uuid: UUID_C, membersV2: [ { conversationId: 'a', joinedAtVersion: 1 }, { conversationId: 'b', joinedAtVersion: 2 }, { conversationId: 'z', joinedAtVersion: 3 }, ], pendingMembersV2: [ { conversationId: 'a', addedByUserId: 'b', timestamp: 4 }, { conversationId: 'b', addedByUserId: UUID_A, timestamp: 5 }, { conversationId: 'z', timestamp: 6 }, ], pendingAdminApprovalV2: [ { conversationId: 'a', timestamp: 6 }, { conversationId: 'b', timestamp: 7 }, { conversationId: 'z', timestamp: 8 }, ], }; const CHANGE_TYPES = [ 'member-add', 'member-add-from-link', 'member-add-from-admin-approval', 'member-privilege', 'member-remove', 'pending-add-one', 'admin-approval-add-one', ]; const CHANGE_TYPES_WITH_INVITER = [ 'member-add-from-invite', 'pending-remove-one', 'pending-remove-many', 'admin-approval-remove-one', ]; db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, uuid, json) VALUES ('a', '${UUID_A}', '${JSON.stringify(rawConvoA)}'), ('b', '${UUID_B}', '${JSON.stringify(rawConvoB)}'), ('c', '${UUID_C}', '${JSON.stringify(rawConvoC)}'); INSERT INTO messages (id, json) VALUES ('m', '${JSON.stringify({ id: 'm', groupV2Change: { from: 'a', details: [ ...CHANGE_TYPES.map(type => ({ type, conversationId: 'b' })), ...CHANGE_TYPES_WITH_INVITER.map(type => { return { type, conversationId: 'c', inviter: 'a' }; }), ], }, sourceUuid: 'a', invitedGV2Members: [ { conversationId: 'b', addedByUserId: 'c', }, ], })}'), ('n', '${JSON.stringify({ id: 'n', groupV2Change: { from: 'not-found', details: [], }, sourceUuid: 'a', })}'); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 43); const { members, json: convoJSON } = db .prepare("SELECT members, json FROM conversations WHERE id = 'c'") .get(); assert.strictEqual(members, `${UUID_A} ${UUID_B}`); assert.deepStrictEqual(JSON.parse(convoJSON), { id: 'c', groupId: 'gv2c', uuid: UUID_C, membersV2: [ { uuid: UUID_A, joinedAtVersion: 1 }, { uuid: UUID_B, joinedAtVersion: 2 }, ], pendingMembersV2: [ { uuid: UUID_A, addedByUserId: UUID_B, timestamp: 4 }, { uuid: UUID_B, addedByUserId: UUID_A, timestamp: 5 }, ], pendingAdminApprovalV2: [ { uuid: UUID_A, timestamp: 6 }, { uuid: UUID_B, timestamp: 7 }, ], }); const { json: messageMJSON } = db .prepare("SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = 'm'") .get(); assert.deepStrictEqual(JSON.parse(messageMJSON), { id: 'm', groupV2Change: { from: UUID_A, details: [ ...CHANGE_TYPES.map(type => ({ type, uuid: UUID_B })), ...CHANGE_TYPES_WITH_INVITER.map(type => { return { type, uuid: UUID_C, inviter: UUID_A, }; }), ], }, sourceUuid: UUID_A, invitedGV2Members: [ { uuid: UUID_B, addedByUserId: UUID_C, }, ], }); const { json: messageNJSON } = db .prepare("SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = 'n'") .get(); assert.deepStrictEqual(JSON.parse(messageNJSON), { id: 'n', groupV2Change: { details: [], }, sourceUuid: UUID_A, }); }); it('should not fail on invalid UUIDs', () => { updateToVersion(db, 42); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, json) VALUES ('m', '${JSON.stringify({ id: 'm', sourceUuid: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff', })}'); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 43); const { json: messageMJSON } = db .prepare("SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = 'm'") .get(); assert.deepStrictEqual(JSON.parse(messageMJSON), { id: 'm', sourceUuid: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff', }); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion45', () => { it('creates new storyId field and delete trigger for storyReads', () => { const AUTHOR_ID = generateGuid(); const STORY_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const STORY_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_5 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 45); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, storyId, conversationId, type, body) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${STORY_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'story', 'story 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${STORY_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'story', 'story 2'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${STORY_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', 'reply to story 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${STORY_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', 'reply to story 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_5}', '${STORY_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', 'reply to story 2'); INSERT INTO storyReads (authorId, conversationId, storyId, storyReadDate) VALUES ('${AUTHOR_ID}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', '${STORY_ID_1}', ${Date.now()}), ('${AUTHOR_ID}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', '${STORY_ID_2}', ${Date.now()}); ` ); const storyReadCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM storyReads;') .pluck(); const messageCount = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck(); assert.strictEqual(storyReadCount.get(), 2); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 5); db.exec(`DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = '${MESSAGE_ID_1}';`); assert.strictEqual(storyReadCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 4); db.exec(`DELETE FROM messages WHERE storyId = '${STORY_ID_1}';`); assert.strictEqual(storyReadCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(messageCount.get(), 2); const storyReadIds = db .prepare('SELECT storyId FROM storyReads;') .pluck() .all(); assert.sameDeepMembers(storyReadIds, [STORY_ID_2]); }); it('creates new storyDistributions/Members with cascade delete', () => { const LIST_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const LIST_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const UUID_1 = generateAci(); const UUID_2 = generateAci(); const UUID_3 = generateAci(); const UUID_4 = generateAci(); updateToVersion(db, 45); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO storyDistributions (id, name) VALUES ('${LIST_ID_1}', 'distribution list 1'), ('${LIST_ID_2}', 'distrubution list 2'); INSERT INTO storyDistributionMembers (listId, uuid) VALUES ('${LIST_ID_1}', '${UUID_1}'), ('${LIST_ID_1}', '${UUID_2}'), ('${LIST_ID_1}', '${UUID_3}'), ('${LIST_ID_1}', '${UUID_4}'), ('${LIST_ID_2}', '${UUID_1}'), ('${LIST_ID_2}', '${UUID_2}'); ` ); const listCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM storyDistributions;') .pluck(); const memberCount = db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM storyDistributionMembers;') .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(listCount.get(), 2); assert.strictEqual(memberCount.get(), 6); db.exec(`DELETE FROM storyDistributions WHERE id = '${LIST_ID_1}';`); assert.strictEqual(listCount.get(), 1); assert.strictEqual(memberCount.get(), 2); const members = db .prepare('SELECT uuid FROM storyDistributionMembers;') .pluck() .all(); assert.sameDeepMembers(members, [UUID_1, UUID_2]); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion47', () => { it('creates and pre-populates new isChangeCreatedByUs field', () => { const OTHER_UUID = generateAci(); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 46); const uuidItem = JSON.stringify({ value: `${OUR_UUID}.4`, }); const changeFromUs = JSON.stringify({ groupV2Change: { from: OUR_UUID, details: [ { type: 'member-remove', uuid: OTHER_UUID, }, ], }, }); const changeFromOther = JSON.stringify({ groupV2Change: { from: OTHER_UUID, details: [ { type: 'member-remove', uuid: OUR_UUID, }, ], }, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO items (id, json) VALUES ('uuid_id', '${uuidItem}'); INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', '${changeFromUs}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', '${changeFromOther}'); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 47); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 2 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isChangeCreatedByUs IS 0;' ) .pluck() .get(), 1, 'zero' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isChangeCreatedByUs IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 1, 'one' ); }); it('creates new auto-generated isStory field', () => { const STORY_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 47); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, storyId, conversationId, type, body) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${STORY_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'story', 'story 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', null, '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', 'reply to story 1'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', null, '${CONVERSATION_ID}', null, 'null type!'); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 3 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isStory IS 0;') .pluck() .get(), 2 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isStory IS 1;') .pluck() .get(), 1 ); }); it('creates new auto-generated shouldAffectActivity/shouldAffectPreview/isUserInitiatedMessage fields', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 47); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'story'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'keychange'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group-v2-change'); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 4 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE shouldAffectPreview IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 3 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE shouldAffectActivity IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 2 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isUserInitiatedMessage IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 1 ); }); it('creates new auto-generated isTimerChangeFromSync fields', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 47); const timerUpdate = JSON.stringify({ expirationTimerUpdate: { expireTimer: 30, fromSync: false, }, }); const timerUpdateFromSync = JSON.stringify({ expirationTimerUpdate: { expireTimer: 30, fromSync: true, }, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', '${timerUpdate}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', '${timerUpdateFromSync}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', '{}'); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 3 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isTimerChangeFromSync IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 1 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isTimerChangeFromSync IS 0;' ) .pluck() .get(), 2 ); }); it('creates new auto-generated isGroupLeaveEvent fields', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_5 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); const FIRST_UUID = generateAci(); const SECOND_UUID = generateAci(); const THIRD_UUID = generateAci(); updateToVersion(db, 47); const memberRemoveByOther = JSON.stringify({ groupV2Change: { from: FIRST_UUID, details: [ { type: 'member-remove', uuid: SECOND_UUID, }, ], }, }); const memberLeave = JSON.stringify({ groupV2Change: { from: FIRST_UUID, details: [ { type: 'member-remove', uuid: FIRST_UUID, }, ], }, }); const multipleRemoves = JSON.stringify({ groupV2Change: { from: FIRST_UUID, details: [ { type: 'member-remove', uuid: SECOND_UUID, }, { type: 'member-remove', uuid: THIRD_UUID, }, ], }, }); const memberAdd = JSON.stringify({ groupV2Change: { from: FIRST_UUID, details: [ { type: 'member-add', uuid: FIRST_UUID, }, ], }, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing', '${memberLeave}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group-v2-change', '${memberRemoveByOther}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group-v2-change', '${memberLeave}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group-v2-change', '${multipleRemoves}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_5}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group-v2-change', '${memberAdd}'); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 5 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isGroupLeaveEvent IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 1 ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isGroupLeaveEvent IS 0;' ) .pluck() .get(), 4 ); }); it('ensures that index is used for getOlderMessagesByConversation', () => { updateToVersion(db, 47); const { detail } = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'd8b05bb1-36b3-4478-841b-600af62321eb' AND (NULL IS NULL OR id IS NOT NULL) AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS NULL AND ( (received_at = 17976931348623157 AND sent_at < NULL) OR received_at < 17976931348623157 ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 10; ` ) .get(); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_conversation (conversationId=? AND isStory=? AND storyId=? AND received_at { it('creates usable index for hasUserInitiatedMessages', () => { updateToVersion(db, 48); const details = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ( SELECT 1 FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'convo' AND isUserInitiatedMessage = 1 LIMIT 1 ); ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include( details, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX message_user_initiated (conversationId=? AND isUserInitiatedMessage=?)' ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion49', () => { it('creates usable index for messages preview', () => { updateToVersion(db, 49); const details = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'convo' AND shouldAffectPreview IS 1 AND isGroupLeaveEventFromOther IS 0 AND ( expiresAt IS NULL OR expiresAt > 123 ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include(details, 'USING INDEX messages_preview'); assert.notInclude(details, 'TEMP B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(details, 'SCAN'); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion50', () => { it('creates usable index for messages_unread', () => { updateToVersion(db, 50); const details = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'conversation' AND readStatus = 'something' AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS NULL ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include(details, 'USING INDEX messages_unread'); assert.notInclude(details, 'TEMP B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(details, 'SCAN'); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion51', () => { it('moves reactions/normal send jobs over to conversation queue', () => { updateToVersion(db, 50); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_1}'); ` ); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO jobs (id, timestamp, queueType, data) VALUES ('id-1', 1, 'random job', '{}'), ('id-2', 2, 'normal send', '{}'), ('id-3', 3, 'reactions', '{"messageId":"${MESSAGE_ID_1}"}'), ('id-4', 4, 'conversation', '{}'); ` ); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const normalSendJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'normal send';") .pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); const reactionJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'reactions';") .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 4, 'before total'); assert.strictEqual(normalSendJobs.get(), 1, 'before normal'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 1, 'before conversation'); assert.strictEqual(reactionJobs.get(), 1, 'before reaction'); updateToVersion(db, 51); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 4, 'after total'); assert.strictEqual(normalSendJobs.get(), 0, 'after normal'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 3, 'after conversation'); assert.strictEqual(reactionJobs.get(), 0, 'after reaction'); }); it('updates reactions jobs with their conversationId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 50); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_2 = generateGuid(); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'reactions', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'reactions', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-3-missing-data', timestamp: 3, queueType: 'reactions', }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-4-non-string-messageId', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'reactions', data: { messageId: 4, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-5-missing-message', timestamp: 5, queueType: 'reactions', data: { messageId: 'missing', }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-6-missing-conversation', timestamp: 6, queueType: 'reactions', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, }, }); const messageJson1 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, }); const messageJson2 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_1}', '${messageJson1}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_2}', '${messageJson2}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', null, '{}'); ` ); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const reactionJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'reactions';") .pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 6, 'total jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(reactionJobs.get(), 6, 'reaction jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 0, 'conversation jobs before'); updateToVersion(db, 51); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'total jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(reactionJobs.get(), 0, 'reaction jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 2, 'conversation jobs after'); const jobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'conversation'); assert.deepEqual(jobs, [ { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Reaction', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, }, }, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Reaction', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, }, }, ]); }); it('updates normal send jobs with their conversationId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 50); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_2 = generateGuid(); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'normal send', data: { conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'normal send', data: { conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-3-missing-data', timestamp: 3, queueType: 'normal send', }); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const normalSend = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'normal send';") .pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 3, 'total jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(normalSend.get(), 3, 'normal send jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 0, 'conversation jobs before'); updateToVersion(db, 51); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'total jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(normalSend.get(), 0, 'normal send jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 2, 'conversation jobs after'); const jobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'conversation'); assert.deepEqual(jobs, [ { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'NormalMessage', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, }, }, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'NormalMessage', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, }, }, ]); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion52', () => { function getQueries( storyId: string | undefined, includeStoryReplies: boolean ) { return [ { template: sql` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'conversation' AND readStatus = 'something' AND isStory IS 0 AND ${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)} ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; `, index: 'messages_unread', }, { template: sql` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'd8b05bb1-36b3-4478-841b-600af62321eb' AND (NULL IS NULL OR id IS NOT NULL) AND isStory IS 0 AND ${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)} AND ( (received_at = 17976931348623157 AND sent_at < NULL) OR received_at < 17976931348623157 ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 10; `, index: 'messages_conversation', }, ]; } it('produces optimizable queries for present and absent storyId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 52); for (const storyId of ['123', undefined]) { for (const { template, index } of getQueries(storyId, true)) { const [query, params] = template; const details = db .prepare(query) .all(params) .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); const postfixedIndex = index + (storyId ? '' : '_no_story_id'); // Intentional trailing whitespace assert.include(details, `USING INDEX ${postfixedIndex} `); assert.notInclude(details, 'TEMP B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(details, 'SCAN'); } } }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion53', () => { it('remaps bannedMembersV2 to array of objects', () => { updateToVersion(db, 52); const UUID_A = generateAci(); const UUID_B = generateAci(); const UUID_C = generateAci(); const noMembers = { id: 'a', groupId: 'gv2a' }; const emptyMembers = { id: 'b', groupId: 'gv2b', bannedMembersV2: [], }; const nonEmptyMembers = { id: 'c', groupId: 'gv2c', bannedMembersV2: [UUID_A, UUID_B], }; db.exec( ` INSERT INTO conversations (id, type, uuid, json) VALUES ('a', 'group', '${UUID_A}', '${JSON.stringify(noMembers)}'), ('b', 'group', '${UUID_B}', '${JSON.stringify(emptyMembers)}'), ('c', 'group', '${UUID_C}', '${JSON.stringify(nonEmptyMembers)}'); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 53); const entries: Array<{ id: string; json: string }> = db .prepare('SELECT id, json FROM conversations ORDER BY id') .all(); assert.deepStrictEqual( entries.map(({ id, json }) => ({ id, ...JSON.parse(json) })), [ { id: 'a', groupId: 'gv2a' }, { id: 'b', groupId: 'gv2b', bannedMembersV2: [] }, { id: 'c', groupId: 'gv2c', bannedMembersV2: [ { uuid: UUID_A, timestamp: 0 }, { uuid: UUID_B, timestamp: 0 }, ], }, ] ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion55', () => { it('moves existing report spam jobs to new schema', () => { updateToVersion(db, 54); const E164_1 = '+12125550155'; const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO jobs (id, timestamp, queueType, data) VALUES ('id-1', 1, 'random job', '{}'), ('id-2', 2, 'report spam', '{"serverGuids": ["${MESSAGE_ID_1}"], "e164": "${E164_1}"}'); ` ); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const reportSpamJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'report spam';") .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'before total'); assert.strictEqual(reportSpamJobs.get(), 1, 'before report spam'); updateToVersion(db, 55); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'after total'); assert.strictEqual(reportSpamJobs.get(), 1, 'after report spam'); const jobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'report spam'); assert.deepEqual(jobs, [ { id: 'id-2', queueType: 'report spam', timestamp: 2, data: { serverGuids: [`${MESSAGE_ID_1}`], uuid: `${E164_1}`, }, }, ]); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion56', () => { it('updates unseenStatus for previously-unread messages', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_5 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_6 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_7 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_8 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_9 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_10 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_11 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 55); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, readStatus) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'call-history', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'change-number-notification', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'chat-session-refreshed', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'delivery-issue', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_5}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_6}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_7}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'keychange', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_8}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'timer-notification', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_9}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'verified-change', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_10}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', NULL, ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_11}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'other', ${ReadStatus.Unread}); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 11, 'starting total' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread};` ) .pluck() .get(), 11, 'starting unread count' ); updateToVersion(db, 56); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 11, 'ending total' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread};` ) .pluck() .get(), 10, 'ending unread count' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen};` ) .pluck() .get(), 10, 'ending unseen count' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( "SELECT readStatus FROM messages WHERE type = 'other' LIMIT 1;" ) .pluck() .get(), ReadStatus.Read, "checking read status for lone 'other' message" ); }); it('creates usable index for getOldestUnseenMessageForConversation', () => { updateToVersion(db, 56); const first = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'id-conversation-4' AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory IS 0 AND NULL IS NULL ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include(first, 'USING INDEX messages_unseen_no_story', 'first'); assert.notInclude(first, 'TEMP B-TREE', 'first'); assert.notInclude(first, 'SCAN', 'first'); const second = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'id-conversation-4' AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS 'id-story-4' ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include( second, 'USING INDEX messages_unseen_with_story', 'second' ); assert.notInclude(second, 'TEMP B-TREE', 'second'); assert.notInclude(second, 'SCAN', 'second'); }); it('creates usable index for getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead', () => { updateToVersion(db, 56); const first = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN UPDATE messages SET readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read}, seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Seen}, json = json_patch(json, '{ something: "one" }') WHERE conversationId = 'id-conversation-4' AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory = 0 AND NULL IS NULL AND received_at <= 2343233; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include(first, 'USING INDEX messages_unseen_no_story', 'first'); assert.notInclude(first, 'TEMP B-TREE', 'first'); assert.notInclude(first, 'SCAN', 'first'); const second = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN UPDATE messages SET readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read}, seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Seen}, json = json_patch(json, '{ something: "one" }') WHERE conversationId = 'id-conversation-4' AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory = 0 AND storyId IS 'id-story-4' AND received_at <= 2343233; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include( second, 'USING INDEX messages_unseen_with_story', 'second' ); assert.notInclude(second, 'TEMP B-TREE', 'second'); assert.notInclude(second, 'SCAN', 'second'); }); it('creates usable index for getTotalUnseenForConversationSync', () => { updateToVersion(db, 56); const first = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT count(id) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'id-conversation-4' AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory IS 0 AND NULL IS NULL; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); // Weird, but we don't included received_at so it doesn't really matter assert.include(first, 'USING INDEX messages_unseen_with_story', 'first'); assert.notInclude(first, 'TEMP B-TREE', 'first'); assert.notInclude(first, 'SCAN', 'first'); const second = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT count(id) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'id-conversation-4' AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS 'id-story-4'; ` ) .all() .map(({ detail }) => detail) .join('\n'); assert.include( second, 'USING INDEX messages_unseen_with_story', 'second' ); assert.notInclude(second, 'TEMP B-TREE', 'second'); assert.notInclude(second, 'SCAN', 'second'); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion58', () => { it('updates unseenStatus for previously-unread messages', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_5 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_6 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_7 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_8 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_9 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_10 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_11 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 55); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, readStatus) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'call-history', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'change-number-notification', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'chat-session-refreshed', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'delivery-issue', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_5}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_6}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_7}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'keychange', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_8}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'timer-notification', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_9}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'verified-change', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_10}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', NULL, ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_11}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'other', ${ReadStatus.Unread}); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 11, 'starting total' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread};` ) .pluck() .get(), 11, 'starting unread count' ); updateToVersion(db, 56); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 11, 'ending total' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread};` ) .pluck() .get(), 10, 'ending unread count' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen};` ) .pluck() .get(), 10, 'ending unseen count' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( "SELECT readStatus FROM messages WHERE type = 'other' LIMIT 1;" ) .pluck() .get(), ReadStatus.Read, "checking read status for 'other' message" ); }); it('Sets readStatus=Read for keychange and change-number-notification messages', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 57); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, readStatus) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'change-number-notification', ${ReadStatus.Unread}), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'keychange', ${ReadStatus.Unread}); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 3, 'starting total' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread};` ) .pluck() .get(), 3, 'starting unread count' ); updateToVersion(db, 58); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 3, 'ending total' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread};` ) .pluck() .get(), 1, 'ending unread count' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( "SELECT readStatus FROM messages WHERE type = 'keychange' LIMIT 1;" ) .pluck() .get(), ReadStatus.Read, "checking read status for 'keychange' message" ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( "SELECT seenStatus FROM messages WHERE type = 'keychange' LIMIT 1;" ) .pluck() .get(), SeenStatus.Unseen, "checking seen status for 'keychange' message" ); }); it('updates readStatus/seenStatus for messages with unread: true/1 in JSON', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 57); // prettier-ignore db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, readStatus, seenStatus, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', ${ReadStatus.Unread}, NULL, '${JSON.stringify( { body: 'message1' } )}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', ${ReadStatus.Read}, NULL, '${JSON.stringify( { body: 'message2' } )}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', NULL, ${SeenStatus.Unseen}, '${JSON.stringify( { body: 'message3' } )}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming', NULL, ${SeenStatus.Seen}, '${JSON.stringify( { body: 'message4' } )}'); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 4, 'starting total' ); updateToVersion(db, 58); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = '${MESSAGE_ID_1}' LIMIT 1;` ) .pluck() .get(), JSON.stringify({ body: 'message1', readStatus: ReadStatus.Unread, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, }), 'checking JSON for message1' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = '${MESSAGE_ID_2}' LIMIT 1;` ) .pluck() .get(), JSON.stringify({ body: 'message2', readStatus: ReadStatus.Read }), 'checking JSON for message2' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = '${MESSAGE_ID_3}' LIMIT 1;` ) .pluck() .get(), JSON.stringify({ body: 'message3', readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, }), 'checking JSON for message3' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = '${MESSAGE_ID_4}' LIMIT 1;` ) .pluck() .get(), JSON.stringify({ body: 'message4', readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }), 'checking JSON for message4' ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion60', () => { it('updates index to make query efficient', () => { updateToVersion(db, 60); const items = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN UPDATE messages INDEXED BY expiring_message_by_conversation_and_received_at SET expirationStartTimestamp = 342342, json = json_patch(json, '{ "something": true }') WHERE conversationId = 'conversationId' AND storyId IS NULL AND isStory IS 0 AND type IS 'incoming' AND ( expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL OR expirationStartTimestamp > 23423423 ) AND expireTimer > 0 AND received_at <= 234234; ` ) .all(); const detail = items.map(item => item.detail).join('\n'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX ' + 'expiring_message_by_conversation_and_received_at ' + '(conversationId=? AND storyId=?)' ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion62', () => { it('adds new urgent field to sendLogPayloads', () => { updateToVersion(db, 62); const timestamp = Date.now(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO sendLogPayloads (contentHint, timestamp, proto, urgent) VALUES (1, ${timestamp}, X'0123456789ABCDEF', 1); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sendLogPayloads;').pluck().get(), 1, 'starting total' ); const payload = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM sendLogPayloads LIMIT 1;') .get(); assert.strictEqual(payload.contentHint, 1); assert.strictEqual(payload.timestamp, timestamp); assert.strictEqual(payload.proto.length, 8); assert.strictEqual(payload.urgent, 1); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion65', () => { it('initializes sticker pack positions', () => { updateToVersion(db, 64); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO sticker_packs (id, key, lastUsed) VALUES ('a', 'key-1', 1), ('b', 'key-2', 2), ('c', 'key-3', 3); ` ); updateToVersion(db, 65); assert.deepStrictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT id, position FROM sticker_packs ORDER BY position DESC' ) .all(), [ { id: 'a', position: 2 }, { id: 'b', position: 1 }, { id: 'c', position: 0 }, ] ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion69', () => { beforeEach(() => { updateToVersion(db, 69); }); it('removes the legacy groupCallRings table', () => { const tableCount = db .prepare( ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'groupCallRings' ` ) .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(tableCount.get(), 0); }); it('adds the groupCallRingCancellations table', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { db.exec( ` INSERT INTO groupCallRingCancellations (ringId, createdAt) VALUES (1, 2); ` ); }); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion71', () => { it('deletes and re-creates auto-generated shouldAffectActivity/shouldAffectPreview/isUserInitiatedMessage fields', () => { const MESSAGE_ID_0 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_4 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_5 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_6 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_7 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID = generateGuid(); updateToVersion(db, 71); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_0}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', NULL), ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'story'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'keychange'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'outgoing'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_4}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'group-v2-change'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_5}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'phone-number-discovery'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_6}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'conversation-merge'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_7}', '${CONVERSATION_ID}', 'incoming'); ` ); assert.strictEqual( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), 8, 'total' ); // Four: NULL, incoming, outgoing, and group-v2-change assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE shouldAffectPreview IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 4, 'shouldAffectPreview' ); assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE shouldAffectActivity IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 4, 'shouldAffectActivity' ); // Three: NULL, incoming, outgoing assert.strictEqual( db .prepare( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE isUserInitiatedMessage IS 1;' ) .pluck() .get(), 3, 'isUserInitiatedMessage' ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion78', () => { it('moves receipt jobs over to conversation queue', () => { updateToVersion(db, 77); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_1}'); ` ); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'random job', data: {}, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, deliveryReceipts: [], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-3', timestamp: 3, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, readReceipts: [], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-4', timestamp: 4, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, viewedReceipt: {}, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-5', timestamp: 5, queueType: 'conversation', data: {}, }); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); const deliveryJobs = db .prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'delivery receipts';" ) .pluck(); const readJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'read receipts';") .pluck(); const viewedJobs = db .prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'viewed receipts';" ) .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 5, 'before total'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 1, 'before conversation'); assert.strictEqual(deliveryJobs.get(), 1, 'before delivery'); assert.strictEqual(readJobs.get(), 1, 'before read'); assert.strictEqual(viewedJobs.get(), 1, 'before viewed'); updateToVersion(db, 78); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 5, 'after total'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 4, 'after conversation'); assert.strictEqual(deliveryJobs.get(), 0, 'after delivery'); assert.strictEqual(readJobs.get(), 0, 'after read'); assert.strictEqual(viewedJobs.get(), 0, 'after viewed'); }); it('updates delivery jobs with their conversationId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 77); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_2 = generateGuid(); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, deliveryReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 1, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, deliveryReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 2, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-3-missing-data', timestamp: 3, queueType: 'delivery receipts', }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-4-non-string-messageId', timestamp: 4, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: 4, deliveryReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 4, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-5-missing-message', timestamp: 5, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: 'missing', deliveryReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 5, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-6-missing-conversation', timestamp: 6, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, deliveryReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 6, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-7-missing-delivery-receipts', timestamp: 7, queueType: 'delivery receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, }, }); const messageJson1 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, }); const messageJson2 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_1}', '${messageJson1}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_2}', '${messageJson2}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', null, '{}'); ` ); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); const deliveryJobs = db .prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'delivery receipts';" ) .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 7, 'total jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 0, 'conversation jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(deliveryJobs.get(), 7, 'delivery jobs before'); updateToVersion(db, 78); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'total jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 2, 'conversation jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(deliveryJobs.get(), 0, 'delivery jobs after'); const jobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'conversation'); assert.deepEqual(jobs, [ { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Receipts', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, receiptsType: 'deliveryReceipt', receipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, timestamp: 1, }, ], }, }, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Receipts', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, receiptsType: 'deliveryReceipt', receipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, timestamp: 2, }, ], }, }, ]); }); it('updates read jobs with their conversationId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 77); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_2 = generateGuid(); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, readReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 1, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, readReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 2, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-3-missing-data', timestamp: 3, queueType: 'read receipts', }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-4-non-string-messageId', timestamp: 4, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: 4, readReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 4, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-5-missing-message', timestamp: 5, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: 'missing', readReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 5, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-6-missing-conversation', timestamp: 6, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, readReceipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 6, }, ], }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-7-missing-read-receipts', timestamp: 7, queueType: 'read receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, }, }); const messageJson1 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, }); const messageJson2 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_1}', '${messageJson1}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_2}', '${messageJson2}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', null, '{}'); ` ); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); const readJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'read receipts';") .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 7, 'total jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 0, 'conversation jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(readJobs.get(), 7, 'delivery jobs before'); updateToVersion(db, 78); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'total jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 2, 'conversation jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(readJobs.get(), 0, 'read jobs after'); const jobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'conversation'); assert.deepEqual(jobs, [ { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Receipts', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, receiptsType: 'readReceipt', receipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, timestamp: 1, }, ], }, }, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Receipts', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, receiptsType: 'readReceipt', receipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, timestamp: 2, }, ], }, }, ]); }); it('updates viewed jobs with their conversationId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 77); const MESSAGE_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_2 = generateGuid(); const MESSAGE_ID_3 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_1 = generateGuid(); const CONVERSATION_ID_2 = generateGuid(); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, viewedReceipt: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 1, }, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_2, viewedReceipt: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 2, }, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-3-missing-data', timestamp: 3, queueType: 'viewed receipts', }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-4-non-string-messageId', timestamp: 4, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: 4, viewedReceipt: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 4, }, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-5-missing-message', timestamp: 5, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: 'missing', viewedReceipt: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 5, }, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-6-missing-conversation', timestamp: 6, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, viewedReceipt: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, timestamp: 6, }, }, }); insertJob(db, { id: 'id-7-missing-viewed-receipt', timestamp: 7, queueType: 'viewed receipts', data: { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_3, }, }); const messageJson1 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, }); const messageJson2 = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, }); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, json) VALUES ('${MESSAGE_ID_1}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_1}', '${messageJson1}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_2}', '${CONVERSATION_ID_2}', '${messageJson2}'), ('${MESSAGE_ID_3}', null, '{}'); ` ); const totalJobs = db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs;').pluck(); const conversationJobs = db .prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'conversation';") .pluck(); const viewedJobs = db .prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE queueType = 'viewed receipts';" ) .pluck(); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 7, 'total jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 0, 'conversation jobs before'); assert.strictEqual(viewedJobs.get(), 7, 'delivery jobs before'); updateToVersion(db, 78); assert.strictEqual(totalJobs.get(), 2, 'total jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(conversationJobs.get(), 2, 'conversation jobs after'); assert.strictEqual(viewedJobs.get(), 0, 'viewed jobs after'); const jobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'conversation'); assert.deepEqual(jobs, [ { id: 'id-1', timestamp: 1, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Receipts', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, receiptsType: 'viewedReceipt', receipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_1, timestamp: 1, }, ], }, }, { id: 'id-2', timestamp: 2, queueType: 'conversation', data: { type: 'Receipts', conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, receiptsType: 'viewedReceipt', receipts: [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_1, conversationId: CONVERSATION_ID_2, timestamp: 2, }, ], }, }, ]); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion83', () => { beforeEach(() => updateToVersion(db, 83)); it('ensures that index is used for getTotalUnreadMentionsOfMeForConversation, no storyId', () => { const { detail } = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'conversationId' AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND mentionsMe IS 1 AND isStory IS 0 AND NULL IS NULL ` ) .get(); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_unread_mentions_no_story_id (conversationId=? AND readStatus=? AND mentionsMe=? AND isStory=?)' ); }); it('ensures that index is used for getTotalUnreadMentionsOfMeForConversation, with storyId', () => { const { detail } = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'conversationId' AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND mentionsMe IS 1 AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS 'storyId' ` ) .get(); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_unread_mentions (conversationId=? AND readStatus=? AND mentionsMe=? AND isStory=? AND storyId=?)' ); }); it('ensures that index is used for getOldestUnreadMentionOfMeForConversation, no storyId', () => { const { detail } = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT received_at, sent_at, id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'conversationId' AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND mentionsMe IS 1 AND isStory IS 0 AND NULL is NULL ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get(); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_unread_mentions_no_story_id (conversationId=? AND readStatus=? AND mentionsMe=? AND isStory=?)' ); }); it('ensures that index is used for getOldestUnreadMentionOfMeForConversation, with storyId', () => { const { detail } = db .prepare( ` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT received_at, sent_at, id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = 'conversationId' AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND mentionsMe IS 1 AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS 'storyId' ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get(); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_unread_mentions (conversationId=? AND readStatus=? AND mentionsMe=? AND isStory=? AND storyId=?)' ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion84', () => { const schemaVersion = 84; function composeMessage({ id, mentions, boldRanges, }: { id?: string; mentions?: Array; boldRanges?: Array>; }) { const json: Partial<{ id: string; body: string; bodyRanges: Array; }> = { id: id ?? generateGuid(), body: `Message body: ${id}`, }; if (mentions) { json.bodyRanges = mentions.map((mentionUuid, mentionIdx) => ({ start: mentionIdx, length: 1, mentionUuid, })); } // Add some other body ranges in that are not mentions if (boldRanges) { json.bodyRanges = (json.bodyRanges ?? []).concat( boldRanges.map(([start, length]) => ({ start, length, style: BodyRange.Style.BOLD, })) ); } return json; } function addMessages( messages: Array<{ mentions?: Array; boldRanges?: Array>; }> ) { const formattedMessages = messages.map(composeMessage); db.exec( ` INSERT INTO messages (id, json) VALUES ${formattedMessages .map(message => `('${message.id}', '${objectToJSON(message)}')`) .join(', ')}; ` ); assert.equal( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages;').pluck().get(), messages.length ); return { formattedMessages }; } function getMentions() { return db .prepare('SELECT messageId, mentionUuid, start, length FROM mentions;') .all(); } it('Creates and populates the mentions table with existing mentions', () => { updateToVersion(db, schemaVersion - 1); const userIds = new Array(5).fill(undefined).map(() => generateAci()); const { formattedMessages } = addMessages([ { mentions: [userIds[0]] }, { mentions: [userIds[1]], boldRanges: [[1, 1]] }, { mentions: [userIds[1], userIds[2]] }, {}, { boldRanges: [[1, 4]] }, ]); // now create mentions table updateToVersion(db, schemaVersion); // only the 4 mentions should be included, with multiple rows for multiple mentions // in a message const mentions = getMentions(); assert.equal(mentions.length, 4); assert.sameDeepMembers(mentions, [ { messageId: formattedMessages[0].id, mentionUuid: userIds[0], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[1].id, mentionUuid: userIds[1], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[2].id, mentionUuid: userIds[1], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[2].id, mentionUuid: userIds[2], start: 1, length: 1, }, ]); }); it('Updates mention table when new messages are added', () => { updateToVersion(db, schemaVersion); assert.equal( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mentions;').pluck().get(), 0 ); const userIds = new Array(5).fill(undefined).map(() => generateAci()); const { formattedMessages } = addMessages([ { mentions: [userIds[0]] }, { mentions: [userIds[1]], boldRanges: [[1, 1]] }, { mentions: [userIds[1], userIds[2]] }, {}, { boldRanges: [[1, 4]] }, ]); // the 4 mentions should be included, with multiple rows for multiple mentions in a // message const mentions = getMentions(); assert.sameDeepMembers(mentions, [ { messageId: formattedMessages[0].id, mentionUuid: userIds[0], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[1].id, mentionUuid: userIds[1], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[2].id, mentionUuid: userIds[1], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[2].id, mentionUuid: userIds[2], start: 1, length: 1, }, ]); }); it('Removes mentions when messages are deleted', () => { updateToVersion(db, schemaVersion); assert.equal( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mentions;').pluck().get(), 0 ); const userIds = new Array(5).fill(undefined).map(() => generateAci()); const { formattedMessages } = addMessages([ { mentions: [userIds[0]] }, { mentions: [userIds[1], userIds[2]], boldRanges: [[1, 1]] }, ]); assert.equal(getMentions().length, 3); // The foreign key ON DELETE CASCADE relationship should delete mentions when the // referenced message is deleted db.exec(`DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = '${formattedMessages[1].id}';`); const mentions = getMentions(); assert.equal(getMentions().length, 1); assert.sameDeepMembers(mentions, [ { messageId: formattedMessages[0].id, mentionUuid: userIds[0], start: 0, length: 1, }, ]); }); it('Updates mentions when messages are updated', () => { updateToVersion(db, schemaVersion); assert.equal( db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mentions;').pluck().get(), 0 ); const userIds = new Array(5).fill(undefined).map(() => generateAci()); const { formattedMessages } = addMessages([{ mentions: [userIds[0]] }]); assert.equal(getMentions().length, 1); // update it with 0 mentions db.prepare( `UPDATE messages SET json = $json WHERE id = '${formattedMessages[0].id}';` ).run({ json: objectToJSON(composeMessage({ id: formattedMessages[0].id })), }); assert.equal(getMentions().length, 0); // update it with a bold bodyrange db.prepare( `UPDATE messages SET json = $json WHERE id = '${formattedMessages[0].id}';` ).run({ json: objectToJSON( composeMessage({ id: formattedMessages[0].id, boldRanges: [[1, 2]] }) ), }); assert.equal(getMentions().length, 0); // update it with a three new mentions db.prepare( `UPDATE messages SET json = $json WHERE id = '${formattedMessages[0].id}';` ).run({ json: objectToJSON( composeMessage({ id: formattedMessages[0].id, mentions: [userIds[2], userIds[3], userIds[4]], boldRanges: [[1, 2]], }) ), }); assert.sameDeepMembers(getMentions(), [ { messageId: formattedMessages[0].id, mentionUuid: userIds[2], start: 0, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[0].id, mentionUuid: userIds[3], start: 1, length: 1, }, { messageId: formattedMessages[0].id, mentionUuid: userIds[4], start: 2, length: 1, }, ]); }); it('uses the mentionUuid index for searching mentions', () => { updateToVersion(db, schemaVersion); const [query, params] = sql` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT messages.rowid, mentionUuid FROM mentions INNER JOIN messages ON messages.id = mentions.messageId AND mentions.mentionUuid IN ( ${sqlJoin(['a', 'b', 'c'])} ) AND messages.isViewOnce IS NOT 1 AND messages.storyId IS NULL LIMIT 100; `; const { detail } = db.prepare(query).get(params); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH mentions USING INDEX mentions_uuid (mentionUuid=?)' ); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion85', () => { it('generates ourUuid field when JSON is inserted', () => { updateToVersion(db, 85); const id = 'a1111:a2222'; const ourUuid = 'ab3333'; const value = { ourUuid, }; const json = JSON.stringify(value); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO kyberPreKeys (id, json) VALUES ('${id}', '${json}'); ` ).run(); const payload = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM kyberPreKeys LIMIT 1;').get(); assert.strictEqual(payload.id, id); assert.strictEqual(payload.json, json); assert.strictEqual(payload.ourUuid, ourUuid); }); it('adds a createdAt to all existing prekeys', () => { updateToVersion(db, 84); const id = 'a1111:a2222'; const ourUuid = 'ab3333'; const value = { ourUuid, }; const startingTime = Date.now(); const json = JSON.stringify(value); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO preKeys (id, json) VALUES ('${id}', '${json}'); ` ).run(); updateToVersion(db, 85); const payload = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM preKeys LIMIT 1;').get(); assert.strictEqual(payload.id, id); const object = JSON.parse(payload.json); assert.strictEqual(object.ourUuid, ourUuid); assert.isAtLeast(object.createdAt, startingTime); }); }); describe('updateToSchemaVersion86', () => { it('supports the right index for first query used in getRecentStoryRepliesSync', () => { updateToVersion(db, 86); const [query, params] = sql` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT json FROM messages WHERE ('messageId' IS NULL OR id IS NOT 'messageId') AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS 'storyId' AND received_at = 100000 AND sent_at < 100000 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 100 `; const { detail } = db.prepare(query).get(params); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_story_replies (storyId=? AND received_at=? AND sent_at { updateToVersion(db, 86); const [query, params] = sql` EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT json FROM messages WHERE ('messageId' IS NULL OR id IS NOT 'messageId') AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS 'storyId' AND received_at < 100000 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 100 `; const { detail } = db.prepare(query).get(params); assert.notInclude(detail, 'B-TREE'); assert.notInclude(detail, 'SCAN'); assert.include( detail, 'SEARCH messages USING INDEX messages_story_replies (storyId=? AND received_at