// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { Database } from 'better-sqlite3'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { getOurUuid } from './41-uuid-keys'; import type { Query } from '../util'; export default function updateToSchemaVersion47( currentVersion: number, db: Database, logger: LoggerType ): void { if (currentVersion >= 47) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` DROP INDEX messages_conversation; ALTER TABLE messages DROP COLUMN isStory; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isStory INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS (type IS 'story'); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isChangeCreatedByUs INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN shouldAffectActivity INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'change-number-notification', 'group-v1-migration', 'message-history-unsynced', 'profile-change', 'story', 'universal-timer-notification', 'verified-change', 'keychange' ) ); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN shouldAffectPreview INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'change-number-notification', 'group-v1-migration', 'message-history-unsynced', 'profile-change', 'story', 'universal-timer-notification', 'verified-change' ) ); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isUserInitiatedMessage INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'change-number-notification', 'group-v1-migration', 'message-history-unsynced', 'profile-change', 'story', 'universal-timer-notification', 'verified-change', 'group-v2-change', 'keychange' ) ); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isTimerChangeFromSync INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate.fromSync') IS 1 ); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isGroupLeaveEvent INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( type IS 'group-v2-change' AND json_array_length(json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details')) IS 1 AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') IS 'member-remove' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS NOT NULL AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].uuid') ); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isGroupLeaveEventFromOther INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( isGroupLeaveEvent IS 1 AND isChangeCreatedByUs IS 0 ); CREATE INDEX messages_conversation ON messages (conversationId, isStory, storyId, received_at, sent_at); CREATE INDEX messages_preview ON messages (conversationId, shouldAffectPreview, isGroupLeaveEventFromOther, expiresAt, received_at, sent_at); CREATE INDEX messages_activity ON messages (conversationId, shouldAffectActivity, isTimerChangeFromSync, isGroupLeaveEventFromOther, received_at, sent_at); CREATE INDEX message_user_initiated ON messages (isUserInitiatedMessage); ` ); const ourUuid = getOurUuid(db); if (!ourUuid) { logger.warn('updateToSchemaVersion47: our UUID not found'); } else { db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages SET isChangeCreatedByUs = json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS $ourUuid; ` ).run({ ourUuid, }); } db.pragma('user_version = 47'); })(); logger.info('updateToSchemaVersion47: success!'); }