/* global Whisper, _ */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; Whisper.MessageListView = Whisper.ListView.extend({ tagName: 'ul', className: 'message-list', itemView: Whisper.MessageView, events: { scroll: 'onScroll', }, initialize() { Whisper.ListView.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.triggerLazyScroll = _.debounce(() => { this.$el.trigger('lazyScroll'); }, 500); }, onScroll() { this.measureScrollPosition(); if (this.$el.scrollTop() === 0) { this.$el.trigger('loadMore'); } if (this.atBottom()) { this.$el.trigger('atBottom'); } else if (this.bottomOffset > this.outerHeight) { this.$el.trigger('farFromBottom'); } this.triggerLazyScroll(); }, atBottom() { return this.bottomOffset < 30; }, measureScrollPosition() { if (this.el.scrollHeight === 0) { // hidden return; } this.outerHeight = this.$el.outerHeight(); this.scrollPosition = this.$el.scrollTop() + this.outerHeight; this.scrollHeight = this.el.scrollHeight; this.bottomOffset = this.scrollHeight - this.scrollPosition; }, resetScrollPosition() { this.$el.scrollTop(this.scrollPosition - this.$el.outerHeight()); }, scrollToBottomIfNeeded() { // This is counter-intuitive. Our current bottomOffset is reflective of what // we last measured, not necessarily the current state. And this is called // after we just made a change to the DOM: inserting a message, or an image // finished loading. So if we were near the bottom before, we _need_ to be // at the bottom again. So we scroll to the bottom. if (this.atBottom()) { this.scrollToBottom(); } }, scrollToBottom() { this.$el.scrollTop(this.el.scrollHeight); this.measureScrollPosition(); }, addOne(model) { let view; if (model.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { view = new Whisper.ExpirationTimerUpdateView({ model }).render(); } else if (model.get('type') === 'keychange') { view = new Whisper.KeyChangeView({ model }).render(); } else if (model.get('type') === 'verified-change') { view = new Whisper.VerifiedChangeView({ model }).render(); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap view = new this.itemView({ model }).render(); this.listenTo(view, 'beforeChangeHeight', this.measureScrollPosition); this.listenTo(view, 'afterChangeHeight', this.scrollToBottomIfNeeded); } const index = this.collection.indexOf(model); this.measureScrollPosition(); if (model.get('unread') && !this.atBottom()) { this.$el.trigger('newOffscreenMessage'); } if (index === this.collection.length - 1) { // add to the bottom. this.$el.append(view.el); } else if (index === 0) { // add to top this.$el.prepend(view.el); } else { // insert const next = this.$(`#${this.collection.at(index + 1).id}`); const prev = this.$(`#${this.collection.at(index - 1).id}`); if (next.length > 0) { view.$el.insertBefore(next); } else if (prev.length > 0) { view.$el.insertAfter(prev); } else { // scan for the right spot const elements = this.$el.children(); if (elements.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) { const m = this.collection.get(elements[i].id); const mIndex = this.collection.indexOf(m); if (mIndex > index) { view.$el.insertBefore(elements[i]); break; } } } else { this.$el.append(view.el); } } } this.scrollToBottomIfNeeded(); }, }); })();