(function () { 'use strict'; console.log('preload'); const electron = require('electron') window.config = require('url').parse(window.location.toString(), true).query; const ipc = electron.ipcRenderer window.config.locale_json = ipc.sendSync('locale-data'); window.setBadgeCount = function(count) { ipc.send('set-badge-count', count); }; window.drawAttention = function() { console.log('draw attention'); ipc.send('draw-attention'); }; window.showWindow = function() { console.log('show window'); ipc.send('show-window'); }; /** * Enables spell-checking and the right-click context menu in text editors. * Electron (`webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider`) only underlines misspelled words; * we must manage the menu ourselves. * * Run this in the renderer process. */ var remote = electron.remote; var webFrame = electron.webFrame; var SpellCheckProvider = require('electron-spell-check-provider'); // `remote.require` since `Menu` is a main-process module. var buildEditorContextMenu = remote.require('electron-editor-context-menu'); var selection; function resetSelection() { selection = { isMisspelled: false, spellingSuggestions: [] }; } resetSelection(); // Reset the selection when clicking around, before the spell-checker runs and the context menu shows. window.addEventListener('mousedown', resetSelection); // The spell-checker runs when the user clicks on text and before the 'contextmenu' event fires. // Thus, we may retrieve spell-checking suggestions to put in the menu just before it shows. webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider( 'en-US', // Not sure what this parameter (`autoCorrectWord`) does: https://github.com/atom/electron/issues/4371 // The documentation for `webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider` passes `true` so we do too. true, new SpellCheckProvider('en-US').on('misspelling', function(suggestions) { // Prime the context menu with spelling suggestions _if_ the user has selected text. Electron // may sometimes re-run the spell-check provider for an outdated selection e.g. if the user // right-clicks some misspelled text and then an image. if (window.getSelection().toString()) { selection.isMisspelled = true; // Take the first three suggestions if any. selection.spellingSuggestions = suggestions.slice(0, 3); } })); window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) { // Only show the context menu in text editors. if (!e.target.closest('textarea, input, [contenteditable="true"]')) return; var menu = buildEditorContextMenu(selection); // The 'contextmenu' event is emitted after 'selectionchange' has fired but possibly before the // visible selection has changed. Try to wait to show the menu until after that, otherwise the // visible selection will update after the menu dismisses and look weird. setTimeout(function() { menu.popup(remote.getCurrentWindow()); }, 30); }); })();