// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; import { Delta } from '@signalapp/quill-cjs'; import type { AttributeMap, Op, Parchment } from '@signalapp/quill-cjs'; import type { DisplayNode, DraftBodyRange, DraftBodyRanges, } from '../types/BodyRange'; import { BodyRange } from '../types/BodyRange'; import type { MentionBlot } from './mentions/blot'; import type { EmojiBlot } from './emoji/blot'; import { isNewlineOnlyOp, QuillFormattingStyle } from './formatting/menu'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import type { AciString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { emojiToData } from '../components/emoji/lib'; export type Matcher = ( node: HTMLElement, delta: Delta, _scroll: Record, // Note: this field is added in our fork attributes: AttributeMap ) => Delta; export type MentionBlotValue = { aci: AciString; title: string; }; export type FormattingBlotValue = { style: BodyRange.Style; }; export const isEmojiBlot = (blot: Parchment.LeafBlot): blot is EmojiBlot => blot.value() && blot.value().emoji; export const isMentionBlot = (blot: Parchment.LeafBlot): blot is MentionBlot => blot.value() && blot.value().mention; export const isFormatting = (blot: Parchment.LeafBlot): blot is MentionBlot => blot.value() && blot.value().style; export type RetainOp = Op & { retain: number }; export type InsertOp = Op & { insert: { [V in K]: T } }; export type InsertMentionOp = InsertOp<'mention', MentionBlotValue>; export type InsertEmojiOp = InsertOp< 'emoji', { value: string; source?: string } >; export const isRetainOp = (op?: Op): op is RetainOp => op !== undefined && op.retain !== undefined; export const isSpecificInsertOp = (op: Op, type: string): boolean => { return ( op.insert !== undefined && typeof op.insert === 'object' && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(op.insert, type) ); }; export const isInsertEmojiOp = (op: Op): op is InsertEmojiOp => isSpecificInsertOp(op, 'emoji'); export const isInsertMentionOp = (op: Op): op is InsertMentionOp => isSpecificInsertOp(op, 'mention'); export const getTextFromOps = (ops: Array): string => ops .reduce((acc, op) => { if (typeof op.insert === 'string') { return acc + op.insert; } if (isInsertEmojiOp(op)) { return acc + op.insert.emoji.value; } if (isInsertMentionOp(op)) { return `${acc}@${op.insert.mention.title}`; } return acc; }, '') .trim(); const { BOLD, ITALIC, MONOSPACE, SPOILER, STRIKETHROUGH, NONE } = BodyRange.Style; function extractFormatRange({ bodyRanges, index, previousData, hasStyle, style, }: { bodyRanges: Array; index: number; previousData: { start: number } | undefined; hasStyle: boolean; style: BodyRange.Style; }) { if (hasStyle && !previousData) { return { start: index }; } if (!hasStyle && previousData) { const { start } = previousData; bodyRanges.push({ length: index - start, start, style, }); return undefined; } return previousData; } function extractAllFormats( bodyRanges: Array, formats: Record, index: number, op?: Op ): Record { const result = { ...formats }; const params = { bodyRanges, index, }; result[BOLD] = extractFormatRange({ ...params, style: BOLD, previousData: result[BOLD], hasStyle: Boolean(op?.attributes?.[QuillFormattingStyle.bold]), }); result[ITALIC] = extractFormatRange({ ...params, style: ITALIC, previousData: result[ITALIC], hasStyle: Boolean(op?.attributes?.[QuillFormattingStyle.italic]), }); result[MONOSPACE] = extractFormatRange({ ...params, style: MONOSPACE, previousData: result[MONOSPACE], hasStyle: Boolean(op?.attributes?.[QuillFormattingStyle.monospace]), }); result[SPOILER] = extractFormatRange({ ...params, style: SPOILER, previousData: result[SPOILER], hasStyle: Boolean(op?.attributes?.[QuillFormattingStyle.spoiler]), }); result[STRIKETHROUGH] = extractFormatRange({ ...params, style: STRIKETHROUGH, previousData: result[STRIKETHROUGH], hasStyle: Boolean(op?.attributes?.[QuillFormattingStyle.strike]), }); return result; } export const getTextAndRangesFromOps = ( ops: Array ): { text: string; bodyRanges: DraftBodyRanges } => { const startingBodyRanges: Array = []; let earliestMonospaceIndex = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let formats: Record = { [BOLD]: undefined, [ITALIC]: undefined, [MONOSPACE]: undefined, [SPOILER]: undefined, [STRIKETHROUGH]: undefined, [NONE]: undefined, }; const preTrimText = ops.reduce((acc, op) => { // We special-case all-newline ops because Quill doesn't apply styles to them if (isNewlineOnlyOp(op)) { return acc + op.insert; } // Start or finish format sections as needed formats = extractAllFormats(startingBodyRanges, formats, acc.length, op); const newMonospaceStart = formats[MONOSPACE]?.start ?? earliestMonospaceIndex; if (newMonospaceStart < earliestMonospaceIndex) { earliestMonospaceIndex = newMonospaceStart; } if (typeof op.insert === 'string') { return acc + op.insert; } if (isInsertEmojiOp(op)) { return acc + op.insert.emoji.value; } if (isInsertMentionOp(op)) { startingBodyRanges.push({ length: 1, // The length of `\uFFFC` mentionAci: op.insert.mention.aci, replacementText: op.insert.mention.title, start: acc.length, }); return `${acc}\uFFFC`; } return acc; }, ''); // Close off any pending formats extractAllFormats(startingBodyRanges, formats, preTrimText.length); // Now repair bodyRanges after trimming let trimStart = preTrimText.trimStart(); let trimmedFromStart = preTrimText.length - trimStart.length; // We don't want to trim leading monospace text if (earliestMonospaceIndex < trimmedFromStart) { trimStart = preTrimText.slice(earliestMonospaceIndex); trimmedFromStart = earliestMonospaceIndex; } const text = trimStart.trimEnd(); const textLength = text.length; const bodyRanges = startingBodyRanges .map(startingRange => { let range = { ...startingRange, start: startingRange.start - trimmedFromStart, }; if (range.start >= text.length) { return null; } const underStartBy = -range.start; if (underStartBy > 0) { const length = range.length - underStartBy; if (length <= 0) { return null; } range = { ...range, start: 0, length, }; } const end = range.start + range.length; const overEndBy = end - textLength; if (overEndBy > 0) { range = { ...range, length: range.length - overEndBy, }; } return range; }) .filter(isNotNil); return { text, bodyRanges }; }; export const getBlotTextPartitions = ( blotText: string | undefined, index: number ): [string, string] => { const lowerCaseBlotText = (blotText || '').toLowerCase(); const leftLeafText = lowerCaseBlotText.substr(0, index); const rightLeafText = lowerCaseBlotText.substr(index); return [leftLeafText, rightLeafText]; }; export const matchBlotTextPartitions = ( blot: Parchment.LeafBlot | null, index: number, leftRegExp: RegExp, rightRegExp?: RegExp ): Array => { const text = blot?.value(); if (text && typeof text !== 'string') { // This can be an EmojiBlot, for example return []; } const [leftText, rightText] = getBlotTextPartitions(text, index); const leftMatch = leftRegExp.exec(leftText); let rightMatch = null; if (rightRegExp) { rightMatch = rightRegExp.exec(rightText); } return [leftMatch, rightMatch]; }; export const getDeltaToRestartMention = (ops: Array): Delta => { const changes = ops.reduce((acc, op): Array => { if (op.insert && typeof op.insert === 'string') { acc.push({ retain: op.insert.length }); } else { acc.push({ retain: 1 }); } return acc; }, Array()); changes.push({ delete: 1 }); changes.push({ insert: '@' }); return new Delta(changes); }; export const getDeltaToRestartEmoji = (ops: Array): Delta => { const changes = new Array(); for (const op of ops.slice(0, -1)) { if (op.insert && typeof op.insert === 'string') { changes.push({ retain: op.insert.length }); } else { changes.push({ retain: 1 }); } } const last = ops.at(-1); if (!last || !last.insert) { throw new Error('No emoji to delete'); } changes.push({ delete: 1 }); if ((last as InsertEmojiOp).insert.emoji?.source) { changes.push({ insert: (last as InsertEmojiOp).insert.emoji?.source }); } return new Delta(changes); }; export const getDeltaToRemoveStaleMentions = ( ops: Array, memberAcis: Array ): Delta => { const newOps = ops.reduce((memo, op) => { if (op.insert) { if ( isInsertMentionOp(op) && !memberAcis.includes(op.insert.mention.aci) ) { const deleteOp = { delete: 1 }; const textOp = { insert: `@${op.insert.mention.title}` }; return [...memo, deleteOp, textOp]; } if (typeof op.insert === 'string') { const retainStringOp = { retain: op.insert.length }; return [...memo, retainStringOp]; } const retainEmbedOp = { retain: 1 }; return [...memo, retainEmbedOp]; } return [...memo, op]; }, Array()); return new Delta(newOps); }; export const insertFormattingAndMentionsOps = ( nodes: ReadonlyArray ): ReadonlyArray => { let ops: Array = []; nodes.forEach(node => { const startingOp: Op = { insert: node.text, attributes: { [QuillFormattingStyle.bold]: node.isBold, [QuillFormattingStyle.italic]: node.isItalic, [QuillFormattingStyle.monospace]: node.isMonospace, [QuillFormattingStyle.spoiler]: node.isSpoiler, [QuillFormattingStyle.strike]: node.isStrikethrough, }, }; ops = ops.concat(insertMentionOps([startingOp], node.mentions)); }); return ops; }; export const insertMentionOps = ( incomingOps: Array, bodyRanges: DraftBodyRanges ): Array => { const ops = [...incomingOps]; const sortableBodyRanges: Array = bodyRanges.slice(); // Working backwards through bodyRanges (to avoid offsetting later mentions), // Shift off the op with the text to the left of the last mention, // Insert a mention based on the current bodyRange, // Unshift the mention and surrounding text to leave the ops ready for the next range sortableBodyRanges .sort((a, b) => b.start - a.start) .forEach(bodyRange => { if (!BodyRange.isMention(bodyRange)) { return; } const { start, length, mentionAci, replacementText } = bodyRange; const op = ops.shift(); if (op) { const { insert, attributes } = op; if (typeof insert === 'string') { const left = insert.slice(0, start); const right = insert.slice(start + length); const mention = { aci: mentionAci, title: replacementText, }; ops.unshift({ insert: right, attributes }); ops.unshift({ insert: { mention }, attributes }); ops.unshift({ insert: left, attributes }); } else { ops.unshift(op); } } }); return ops; }; export const insertEmojiOps = ( incomingOps: ReadonlyArray, existingAttributes: AttributeMap ): Array => { return incomingOps.reduce((ops, op) => { if (typeof op.insert === 'string') { const text = op.insert; const { attributes } = op; const re = emojiRegex(); let index = 0; let match: RegExpExecArray | null; // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign while ((match = re.exec(text))) { const [emoji] = match; const emojiData = emojiToData(emoji); if (emojiData) { ops.push({ insert: text.slice(index, match.index), attributes }); ops.push({ insert: { emoji: { value: emoji } }, attributes: { ...existingAttributes, ...attributes }, }); index = match.index + emoji.length; } } ops.push({ insert: text.slice(index, text.length), attributes }); } else { ops.push(op); } return ops; }, [] as Array); };