import { generateSecurityNumberBlock } from '../../util/safetyNumber'; import { ConversationType } from './conversations'; import { reloadProfiles, toggleVerification, } from '../../shims/contactVerification'; export type SafetyNumberContactType = { safetyNumber: string; safetyNumberChanged?: boolean; verificationDisabled: boolean; }; export type SafetyNumberStateType = { contacts: { [key: string]: SafetyNumberContactType; }; }; const GENERATE = 'safetyNumber/GENERATE'; const GENERATE_FULFILLED = 'safetyNumber/GENERATE_FULFILLED'; const TOGGLE_VERIFIED = 'safetyNumber/TOGGLE_VERIFIED'; const TOGGLE_VERIFIED_FULFILLED = 'safetyNumber/TOGGLE_VERIFIED_FULFILLED'; const TOGGLE_VERIFIED_PENDING = 'safetyNumber/TOGGLE_VERIFIED_PENDING'; type GenerateAsyncActionType = { contact: ConversationType; safetyNumber: string; }; type GenerateActionType = { type: 'safetyNumber/GENERATE'; payload: Promise; }; type GenerateFulfilledActionType = { type: 'safetyNumber/GENERATE_FULFILLED'; payload: GenerateAsyncActionType; }; type ToggleVerifiedAsyncActionType = { contact: ConversationType; safetyNumber?: string; safetyNumberChanged?: boolean; }; type ToggleVerifiedActionType = { type: 'safetyNumber/TOGGLE_VERIFIED'; payload: { data: { contact: ConversationType }; promise: Promise; }; }; type ToggleVerifiedPendingActionType = { type: 'safetyNumber/TOGGLE_VERIFIED_PENDING'; payload: ToggleVerifiedAsyncActionType; }; type ToggleVerifiedFulfilledActionType = { type: 'safetyNumber/TOGGLE_VERIFIED_FULFILLED'; payload: ToggleVerifiedAsyncActionType; }; export type SafetyNumberActionTypes = | GenerateActionType | GenerateFulfilledActionType | ToggleVerifiedActionType | ToggleVerifiedPendingActionType | ToggleVerifiedFulfilledActionType; function generate(contact: ConversationType): GenerateActionType { return { type: GENERATE, payload: doGenerate(contact), }; } async function doGenerate( contact: ConversationType ): Promise { const securityNumberBlock = await generateSecurityNumberBlock(contact); return { contact, safetyNumber: securityNumberBlock.join(' '), }; } function toggleVerified(contact: ConversationType): ToggleVerifiedActionType { return { type: TOGGLE_VERIFIED, payload: { data: { contact }, promise: doToggleVerified(contact), }, }; } async function alterVerification(contact: ConversationType): Promise { try { await toggleVerification(; } catch (result) { if (result instanceof Error) { if ( === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { throw result; } else { window.log.error( 'failed to toggle verified:', result && result.stack ? result.stack : result ); } } else { const keyError = result.errors.find( (error: Error) => === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError' ); if (keyError) { throw keyError; } else { result.errors.forEach((error: Error) => { window.log.error( 'failed to toggle verified:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); }); } } } } async function doToggleVerified( contact: ConversationType ): Promise { try { await alterVerification(contact); } catch (err) { if ( === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { await reloadProfiles(; const securityNumberBlock = await generateSecurityNumberBlock(contact); return { contact, safetyNumber: securityNumberBlock.join(' '), safetyNumberChanged: true, }; } } return { contact }; } export const actions = { generateSafetyNumber: generate, toggleVerified, }; function getEmptyState(): SafetyNumberStateType { return { contacts: {}, }; } export function reducer( state: SafetyNumberStateType = getEmptyState(), action: SafetyNumberActionTypes ): SafetyNumberStateType { if (action.type === TOGGLE_VERIFIED_PENDING) { const { contact } = action.payload; const { id } = contact; const record = state.contacts[id]; return { contacts: { ...state.contacts, [id]: { ...record, safetyNumberChanged: false, verificationDisabled: true, }, }, }; } if (action.type === TOGGLE_VERIFIED_FULFILLED) { const { contact, ...restProps } = action.payload; const { id } = contact; const record = state.contacts[id]; return { contacts: { ...state.contacts, [id]: { ...record, ...restProps, verificationDisabled: false, }, }, }; } if (action.type === GENERATE_FULFILLED) { const { contact, safetyNumber } = action.payload; const { id } = contact; const record = state.contacts[id]; return { contacts: { ...state.contacts, [id]: { ...record, safetyNumber, }, }, }; } return state; }