import * as React from 'react'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { SearchResults } from './SearchResults'; import { MessageSearchResult, PropsDataType as MessageSearchResultPropsType, } from './MessageSearchResult'; import { setup as setupI18n } from '../../js/modules/i18n'; import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json'; import { gifUrl, landscapeGreenUrl, landscapePurpleUrl, pngUrl, } from '../storybook/Fixtures'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); const messageLookup: Map = new Map(); const CONTACT = 'contact' as const; const CONTACTS_HEADER = 'contacts-header' as const; const CONVERSATION = 'conversation' as const; const CONVERSATIONS_HEADER = 'conversations-header' as const; const DIRECT = 'direct' as const; const GROUP = 'group' as const; const MESSAGE = 'message' as const; const MESSAGES_HEADER = 'messages-header' as const; const SENT = 'sent' as const; const START_NEW_CONVERSATION = 'start-new-conversation' as const; const SMS_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'sms-mms-not-supported-text' as const; messageLookup.set('1-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', { id: '1-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', conversationId: '(202) 555-0015', sentAt: - 5 * 60 * 1000, snippet: '<>Everyone<>! Get in!', from: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0020', title: '(202) 555-0020', isMe: true, color: 'blue', avatarPath: gifUrl, }, to: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0015', title: 'Mr. Fire 🔥', name: 'Mr. Fire 🔥', }, }); messageLookup.set('2-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', { id: '2-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', conversationId: '(202) 555-0016', sentAt: - 20 * 60 * 1000, snippet: 'Why is <>everyone<> so frustrated?', from: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0016', name: 'Jon ❄️', title: 'Jon ❄️', color: 'green', }, to: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0020', title: '(202) 555-0020', isMe: true, }, }); messageLookup.set('3-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', { id: '3-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', conversationId: 'EveryoneGroupID', sentAt: - 24 * 60 * 1000, snippet: 'Hello, <>everyone<>! Woohooo!', from: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0011', name: 'Someone', title: 'Someone', color: 'green', avatarPath: pngUrl, }, to: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0016', name: "Y'all 🌆", title: "Y'all 🌆", }, }); messageLookup.set('4-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', { id: '4-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', conversationId: 'EveryoneGroupID', sentAt: - 24 * 60 * 1000, snippet: 'Well, <>everyone<>, happy new year!', from: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0020', title: '(202) 555-0020', isMe: true, color: 'light_green', avatarPath: gifUrl, }, to: { phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0016', name: "Y'all 🌆", title: "Y'all 🌆", }, }); const defaultProps = { discussionsLoading: false, height: 700, items: [], i18n, messagesLoading: false, noResults: false, openConversationInternal: action('open-conversation-internal'), regionCode: 'US', renderMessageSearchResult(id: string): JSX.Element { const messageProps = messageLookup.get(id) as MessageSearchResultPropsType; return ( ); }, searchConversationName: undefined, searchTerm: '1234567890', selectedConversationId: undefined, selectedMessageId: undefined, startNewConversation: action('start-new-conversation'), width: 320, }; const conversations = [ { type: CONVERSATION, data: { id: '+12025550011', phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0011', name: 'Everyone 🌆', title: 'Everyone 🌆', type: GROUP, color: 'signal-blue' as const, avatarPath: landscapeGreenUrl, isMe: false, lastUpdated: - 5 * 60 * 1000, unreadCount: 0, isSelected: false, lastMessage: { text: 'The rabbit hopped silently in the night.', status: SENT, }, }, }, { type: CONVERSATION, data: { id: '+12025550012', phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0012', name: 'Everyone Else 🔥', title: 'Everyone Else 🔥', color: 'pink' as const, type: DIRECT, avatarPath: landscapePurpleUrl, isMe: false, lastUpdated: - 5 * 60 * 1000, unreadCount: 0, isSelected: false, lastMessage: { text: "What's going on?", status: SENT, }, }, }, ]; const contacts = [ { type: CONTACT, data: { id: '+12025550013', phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0013', name: 'The one Everyone', title: 'The one Everyone', color: 'blue' as const, type: DIRECT, avatarPath: gifUrl, isMe: false, lastUpdated: - 10 * 60 * 1000, unreadCount: 0, isSelected: false, }, }, { type: CONTACT, data: { id: '+12025550014', phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0014', name: 'No likey everyone', title: 'No likey everyone', type: DIRECT, color: 'red' as const, isMe: false, lastUpdated: - 11 * 60 * 1000, unreadCount: 0, isSelected: false, }, }, ]; const messages = [ { type: MESSAGE, data: '1-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', }, { type: MESSAGE, data: '2-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', }, { type: MESSAGE, data: '3-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', }, { type: MESSAGE, data: '4-guid-guid-guid-guid-guid', }, ]; const messagesMany = Array.from(Array(100), (_, i) => messages[i % 4]); const permutations = [ { title: 'SMS/MMS Not Supported Text', props: { items: [ { type: START_NEW_CONVERSATION, data: undefined, }, { type: SMS_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED, data: undefined, }, ], }, }, { title: 'All Result Types', props: { items: [ { type: CONVERSATIONS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...conversations, { type: CONTACTS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...contacts, { type: MESSAGES_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...messages, ], }, }, { title: 'Start new Conversation', props: { items: [ { type: START_NEW_CONVERSATION, data: undefined, }, { type: CONVERSATIONS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...conversations, { type: CONTACTS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...contacts, { type: MESSAGES_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...messages, ], }, }, { title: 'No Conversations', props: { items: [ { type: CONTACTS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...contacts, { type: MESSAGES_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...messages, ], }, }, { title: 'No Contacts', props: { items: [ { type: CONVERSATIONS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...conversations, { type: MESSAGES_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...messages, ], }, }, { title: 'No Messages', props: { items: [ { type: CONVERSATIONS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...conversations, { type: CONTACTS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...contacts, ], }, }, { title: 'No Results', props: { noResults: true, }, }, { title: 'No Results, Searching in Conversation', props: { noResults: true, searchInConversationName: 'Everyone 🔥', searchTerm: 'something', }, }, { title: 'Searching in Conversation no search term', props: { noResults: true, searchInConversationName: 'Everyone 🔥', searchTerm: '', }, }, { title: 'Lots of results', props: { items: [ { type: CONVERSATIONS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...conversations, { type: CONTACTS_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...contacts, { type: MESSAGES_HEADER, data: undefined, }, ...messagesMany, ], }, }, { title: 'Messages, no header', props: { items: messages, }, }, ]; storiesOf('Components/SearchResults', module).add('Iterations', () => { return{ props, title }) => ( <>


)); });