// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import path from 'path'; import http from 'http'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { computeDiff, getBlockMapFileName, prepareDownload, isValidPreparedData, download, } from '../../updater/differential'; const FIXTURES = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'fixtures'); const CRLF = '\r\n'; describe('updater/differential', () => { describe('computeDiff', () => { it('computes correct difference', () => { const old = [ { checksum: 'a', offset: 0, size: 2 }, { checksum: 'b', offset: 2, size: 4 }, { checksum: 'c', offset: 6, size: 1 }, { checksum: 'c', offset: 7, size: 1 }, { checksum: 'd', offset: 8, size: 4 }, ]; const next = [ { checksum: 'prepend', offset: 0, size: 2 }, { checksum: 'not a', offset: 2, size: 4 }, { checksum: 'b', offset: 6, size: 4 }, { checksum: 'c', offset: 10, size: 1 }, { checksum: 'c', offset: 11, size: 1 }, { checksum: 'insert', offset: 12, size: 5 }, { checksum: 'c', offset: 17, size: 1 }, { checksum: 'd', offset: 18, size: 4 }, { checksum: 'append', offset: 22, size: 3 }, ]; assert.deepStrictEqual(computeDiff(old, next), [ { action: 'download', readOffset: 0, size: 6, writeOffset: 0 }, { action: 'copy', readOffset: 2, size: 6, writeOffset: 6 }, // Note: this includes the third "c" { action: 'download', readOffset: 12, size: 6, writeOffset: 12 }, // This is "d" { action: 'copy', readOffset: 8, size: 4, writeOffset: 18 }, { action: 'download', readOffset: 22, size: 3, writeOffset: 22 }, ]); }); }); describe('prepareDownload/download', () => { const oldFile = 'diff-original.bin'; const oldBlockFile = getBlockMapFileName(oldFile); const newFile = 'diff-modified.bin'; const newBlockFile = getBlockMapFileName(newFile); const newHash = 'oEXIz7JVN1phjmumPLVQuwSYa+tHLEn5/a+q9w/pbk' + 'bnCaXAioWrAIq1P9HeqNQ0Lpsb4mWey632DUPnUXqfiw=='; const allowedFiles = new Set([ oldFile, oldBlockFile, newFile, newBlockFile, ]); let server: http.Server; let baseUrl: string; beforeEach(callback => { server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => { const file = req.url?.slice(1) ?? ''; if (!allowedFiles.has(file)) { res.writeHead(404); res.end('Not found'); return; } const fullFile = await fs.readFile(path.join(FIXTURES, file)); const rangeHeader = req.headers.range?.match(/^bytes=([\d,\s-]+)$/); if (!rangeHeader) { res.writeHead(200); res.end(fullFile); return; } const ranges = rangeHeader[1].split(/\s*,\s*/g).map(value => { const range = value.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/); strictAssert(range, `Invalid header: ${rangeHeader}`); return [parseInt(range[1], 10), parseInt(range[2], 10)]; }); const BOUNDARY = 'f8f254ce1ba37627'; res.setHeader( 'content-type', `multipart/byteranges; boundary=${BOUNDARY}` ); res.writeHead(206); const totalSize = fullFile.length; const multipart = Buffer.concat([ ...ranges .map(([from, to]) => [ Buffer.from( [ `--${BOUNDARY}`, 'Content-Type: binary/octet-stream', `Content-Range: bytes ${from}-${to}/${totalSize}`, '', '', ].join(CRLF) ), fullFile.slice(from, to + 1), Buffer.from(CRLF), ]) .flat(), Buffer.from(`--${BOUNDARY}--${CRLF}`), ]); res.end(multipart); }); server.unref(); server.listen(0, () => { const addr = server.address(); strictAssert(typeof addr === 'object' && addr, 'node.js apis'); baseUrl = `${addr.port}`; callback(); }); }); afterEach(() => { server.close(); }); it('prepares the download', async () => { const data = await prepareDownload({ oldFile: path.join(FIXTURES, oldFile), newUrl: `${baseUrl}/${newFile}`, sha512: newHash, }); assert.strictEqual(data.downloadSize, 62826); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.diff, [ { action: 'copy', size: 44288, readOffset: 0, writeOffset: 0 }, { action: 'download', size: 8813, readOffset: 44288, writeOffset: 44288, }, { action: 'copy', size: 37849, readOffset: 53101, writeOffset: 53101, }, { action: 'download', size: 21245, readOffset: 90950, writeOffset: 90950, }, { action: 'copy', size: 116397, readOffset: 112195, writeOffset: 112195, }, { action: 'download', size: 32768, readOffset: 228592, writeOffset: 228592, }, { action: 'copy', size: 784, readOffset: 261360, writeOffset: 261360, }, ]); }); it('checks that the data is valid to facilitate caching', async () => { const oldFilePath = path.join(FIXTURES, oldFile); const newUrl = `${baseUrl}/${newFile}`; const data = await prepareDownload({ oldFile: oldFilePath, newUrl, sha512: newHash, }); assert.isTrue( isValidPreparedData(data, { oldFile: oldFilePath, newUrl, sha512: newHash, }) ); assert.isFalse( isValidPreparedData(data, { oldFile: 'different file', newUrl, sha512: newHash, }) ); assert.isFalse( isValidPreparedData(data, { oldFile: oldFilePath, newUrl: 'different url', sha512: newHash, }) ); assert.isFalse( isValidPreparedData(data, { oldFile: oldFilePath, newUrl, sha512: 'different hash', }) ); }); it('downloads the file', async () => { const data = await prepareDownload({ oldFile: path.join(FIXTURES, oldFile), newUrl: `${baseUrl}/${newFile}`, sha512: newHash, }); const outDir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(tmpdir(), 'signal-temp-')); await fs.mkdir(outDir, { recursive: true }); const outFile = path.join(outDir, 'out.bin'); const chunks = new Array(); await download(outFile, data, size => chunks.push(size)); const expected = await fs.readFile(path.join(FIXTURES, newFile)); const actual = await fs.readFile(outFile); assert.isTrue(actual.equals(expected), 'Files do not match'); assert.isTrue( chunks.length > 0, 'Expected multiple callback invocations' ); }); }); });