// Copyright 2017-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // This has to be the first import because it patches "os" module import '../ts/util/patchWindows7Hostname'; import { join, normalize } from 'path'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'url'; import * as os from 'os'; import { chmod, realpath, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'; import normalizePath from 'normalize-path'; import fastGlob from 'fast-glob'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import { get, pick, isNumber, isBoolean, some, debounce, noop } from 'lodash'; import { app, BrowserWindow, clipboard, desktopCapturer, dialog, ipcMain as ipc, Menu, nativeTheme, powerSaveBlocker, protocol as electronProtocol, screen, session, shell, systemPreferences, Notification, } from 'electron'; import type { MenuItemConstructorOptions, TitleBarOverlayOptions, LoginItemSettingsOptions, } from 'electron'; import { z } from 'zod'; import packageJson from '../package.json'; import * as GlobalErrors from './global_errors'; import { setup as setupCrashReports } from './crashReports'; import { setup as setupSpellChecker } from './spell_check'; import { redactAll, addSensitivePath } from '../ts/util/privacy'; import { createSupportUrl } from '../ts/util/createSupportUrl'; import { missingCaseError } from '../ts/util/missingCaseError'; import { strictAssert } from '../ts/util/assert'; import { consoleLogger } from '../ts/util/consoleLogger'; import type { ThemeSettingType } from '../ts/types/StorageUIKeys'; import { ThemeType } from '../ts/types/Util'; import './startup_config'; import type { ConfigType } from './config'; import type { RendererConfigType } from '../ts/types/RendererConfig'; import { directoryConfigSchema, rendererConfigSchema, } from '../ts/types/RendererConfig'; import config from './config'; import { Environment, getEnvironment, isTestEnvironment, } from '../ts/environment'; // Very important to put before the single instance check, since it is based on the // userData directory. (see requestSingleInstanceLock below) import * as userConfig from './user_config'; // We generally want to pull in our own modules after this point, after the user // data directory has been set. import * as attachments from './attachments'; import * as attachmentChannel from './attachment_channel'; import * as bounce from '../ts/services/bounce'; import * as updater from '../ts/updater/index'; import { updateDefaultSession } from './updateDefaultSession'; import { PreventDisplaySleepService } from './PreventDisplaySleepService'; import { SystemTrayService } from './SystemTrayService'; import { SystemTraySettingCache } from './SystemTraySettingCache'; import { SystemTraySetting, shouldMinimizeToSystemTray, parseSystemTraySetting, } from '../ts/types/SystemTraySetting'; import { isSystemTraySupported } from '../ts/types/Settings'; import * as ephemeralConfig from './ephemeral_config'; import * as logging from '../ts/logging/main_process_logging'; import { MainSQL } from '../ts/sql/main'; import * as sqlChannels from './sql_channel'; import * as windowState from './window_state'; import type { CreateTemplateOptionsType } from './menu'; import type { MenuActionType } from '../ts/types/menu'; import { createTemplate } from './menu'; import { installFileHandler, installWebHandler } from './protocol_filter'; import * as OS from '../ts/OS'; import { isProduction } from '../ts/util/version'; import { isSgnlHref, isCaptchaHref, isSignalHttpsLink, parseSgnlHref, parseCaptchaHref, parseSignalHttpsLink, rewriteSignalHrefsIfNecessary, } from '../ts/util/sgnlHref'; import { clearTimeoutIfNecessary } from '../ts/util/clearTimeoutIfNecessary'; import { toggleMaximizedBrowserWindow } from '../ts/util/toggleMaximizedBrowserWindow'; import { ChallengeMainHandler } from '../ts/main/challengeMain'; import { NativeThemeNotifier } from '../ts/main/NativeThemeNotifier'; import { PowerChannel } from '../ts/main/powerChannel'; import { SettingsChannel } from '../ts/main/settingsChannel'; import { maybeParseUrl, setUrlSearchParams } from '../ts/util/url'; import { getHeicConverter } from '../ts/workers/heicConverterMain'; import type { LocaleType } from './locale'; import { load as loadLocale } from './locale'; import type { LoggerType } from '../ts/types/Logging'; const animationSettings = systemPreferences.getAnimationSettings(); // Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will // be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected. let mainWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; let mainWindowCreated = false; let loadingWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; const activeWindows = new Set(); function getMainWindow() { return mainWindow; } const development = getEnvironment() === Environment.Development || getEnvironment() === Environment.Staging; const isThrottlingEnabled = development || !isProduction(app.getVersion()); const enableCI = config.get('enableCI'); const forcePreloadBundle = config.get('forcePreloadBundle'); const preventDisplaySleepService = new PreventDisplaySleepService( powerSaveBlocker ); const challengeHandler = new ChallengeMainHandler(); const nativeThemeNotifier = new NativeThemeNotifier(); nativeThemeNotifier.initialize(); let appStartInitialSpellcheckSetting = true; const defaultWebPrefs = { devTools: process.argv.some(arg => arg === '--enable-dev-tools') || getEnvironment() !== Environment.Production || !isProduction(app.getVersion()), spellcheck: false, }; function showWindow() { if (!mainWindow) { return; } // Using focus() instead of show() seems to be important on Windows when our window // has been docked using Aero Snap/Snap Assist. A full .show() call here will cause // the window to reposition: // https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/issues/1429 if (mainWindow.isVisible()) { mainWindow.focus(); } else { mainWindow.show(); } } if (!process.mas) { console.log('making app single instance'); const gotLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!gotLock) { console.log('quitting; we are the second instance'); app.exit(); } else { app.on('second-instance', (_e: Electron.Event, argv: Array) => { // Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window if (mainWindow) { if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) { mainWindow.restore(); } showWindow(); } if (!logger) { console.log( 'second-instance: logger not initialized; skipping further checks' ); return; } const incomingCaptchaHref = getIncomingCaptchaHref(argv); if (incomingCaptchaHref) { const { captcha } = parseCaptchaHref(incomingCaptchaHref, getLogger()); challengeHandler.handleCaptcha(captcha); return true; } // Are they trying to open a sgnl:// href? const incomingHref = getIncomingHref(argv); if (incomingHref) { handleSgnlHref(incomingHref); } // Handled return true; }); } } /* eslint-enable no-console */ let sqlInitTimeStart = 0; let sqlInitTimeEnd = 0; const sql = new MainSQL(); const heicConverter = getHeicConverter(); async function getSpellCheckSetting() { const fastValue = ephemeralConfig.get('spell-check'); if (fastValue !== undefined) { getLogger().info('got fast spellcheck setting', fastValue); return fastValue; } const json = await sql.sqlCall('getItemById', ['spell-check']); // Default to `true` if setting doesn't exist yet const slowValue = json ? json.value : true; ephemeralConfig.set('spell-check', slowValue); getLogger().info('got slow spellcheck setting', slowValue); return slowValue; } type GetThemeSettingOptionsType = Readonly<{ ephemeralOnly?: boolean; }>; async function getThemeSetting({ ephemeralOnly = false, }: GetThemeSettingOptionsType = {}): Promise { const fastValue = ephemeralConfig.get('theme-setting'); if (fastValue !== undefined) { getLogger().info('got fast theme-setting value', fastValue); return fastValue as ThemeSettingType; } if (ephemeralOnly) { return 'system'; } const json = await sql.sqlCall('getItemById', ['theme-setting']); // Default to `system` if setting doesn't exist or is invalid const setting: unknown = json?.value; const slowValue = setting === 'light' || setting === 'dark' || setting === 'system' ? setting : 'system'; ephemeralConfig.set('theme-setting', slowValue); getLogger().info('got slow theme-setting value', slowValue); return slowValue; } async function getResolvedThemeSetting( options?: GetThemeSettingOptionsType ): Promise { const theme = await getThemeSetting(options); if (theme === 'system') { return nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors ? ThemeType.dark : ThemeType.light; } return ThemeType[theme]; } async function getBackgroundColor( options?: GetThemeSettingOptionsType ): Promise { const theme = await getResolvedThemeSetting(options); if (theme === 'light') { return '#3a76f0'; } if (theme === 'dark') { return '#121212'; } throw missingCaseError(theme); } let systemTrayService: SystemTrayService | undefined; const systemTraySettingCache = new SystemTraySettingCache( sql, ephemeralConfig, process.argv, app.getVersion() ); const windowFromUserConfig = userConfig.get('window'); const windowFromEphemeral = ephemeralConfig.get('window'); export const windowConfigSchema = z.object({ maximized: z.boolean().optional(), autoHideMenuBar: z.boolean().optional(), fullscreen: z.boolean().optional(), width: z.number(), height: z.number(), x: z.number(), y: z.number(), }); type WindowConfigType = z.infer; let windowConfig: WindowConfigType | undefined; const windowConfigParsed = windowConfigSchema.safeParse( windowFromEphemeral || windowFromUserConfig ); if (windowConfigParsed.success) { windowConfig = windowConfigParsed.data; } if (windowFromUserConfig) { userConfig.set('window', null); ephemeralConfig.set('window', windowConfig); } let menuOptions: CreateTemplateOptionsType | undefined; // These will be set after app fires the 'ready' event let logger: LoggerType | undefined; let locale: LocaleType | undefined; let settingsChannel: SettingsChannel | undefined; function getLogger(): LoggerType { if (!logger) { console.warn('getLogger: Logger not yet initialized!'); return consoleLogger; } return logger; } function getLocale(): LocaleType { if (!locale) { throw new Error('getLocale: Locale not yet initialized!'); } return locale; } type PrepareUrlOptions = { forCalling?: boolean; forCamera?: boolean }; async function prepareFileUrl( pathSegments: ReadonlyArray, options: PrepareUrlOptions = {} ): Promise { const filePath = join(...pathSegments); const fileUrl = pathToFileURL(filePath); return prepareUrl(fileUrl, options); } async function prepareUrl( url: URL, { forCalling, forCamera }: PrepareUrlOptions = {} ): Promise { const theme = await getResolvedThemeSetting(); const directoryConfig = directoryConfigSchema.safeParse({ directoryType: config.get('directoryType') || 'legacy', directoryUrl: config.get('directoryUrl') || undefined, directoryEnclaveId: config.get('directoryEnclaveId') || undefined, directoryTrustAnchor: config.get('directoryTrustAnchor') || undefined, directoryCDSIUrl: config.get('directoryCDSIUrl') || undefined, directoryCDSIMRENCLAVE: config.get('directoryCDSIMRENCLAVE') || undefined, }); if (!directoryConfig.success) { throw new Error( `prepareUrl: Failed to parse renderer directory config ${JSON.stringify( directoryConfig.error.flatten() )}` ); } const urlParams: RendererConfigType = { name: packageJson.productName, locale: getLocale().name, version: app.getVersion(), buildCreation: config.get('buildCreation'), buildExpiration: config.get('buildExpiration'), serverUrl: config.get('serverUrl'), storageUrl: config.get('storageUrl'), updatesUrl: config.get('updatesUrl'), cdnUrl0: config.get('cdn').get('0'), cdnUrl2: config.get('cdn').get('2'), certificateAuthority: config.get('certificateAuthority'), environment: enableCI ? Environment.Production : getEnvironment(), enableCI, nodeVersion: process.versions.node, hostname: os.hostname(), appInstance: process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE || undefined, proxyUrl: process.env.HTTPS_PROXY || process.env.https_proxy || undefined, contentProxyUrl: config.get('contentProxyUrl'), sfuUrl: config.get('sfuUrl'), reducedMotionSetting: animationSettings.prefersReducedMotion, serverPublicParams: config.get('serverPublicParams'), serverTrustRoot: config.get('serverTrustRoot'), theme, appStartInitialSpellcheckSetting, userDataPath: app.getPath('userData'), homePath: app.getPath('home'), crashDumpsPath: app.getPath('crashDumps'), directoryConfig: directoryConfig.data, // Only used by the main window isMainWindowFullScreen: Boolean(mainWindow?.isFullScreen()), isMainWindowMaximized: Boolean(mainWindow?.isMaximized()), // Only for tests argv: JSON.stringify(process.argv), // Only for permission popup window forCalling: Boolean(forCalling), forCamera: Boolean(forCamera), }; const parsed = rendererConfigSchema.safeParse(urlParams); if (!parsed.success) { throw new Error( `prepareUrl: Failed to parse renderer config ${JSON.stringify( parsed.error.flatten() )}` ); } return setUrlSearchParams(url, { config: JSON.stringify(parsed.data) }).href; } async function handleUrl(event: Electron.Event, rawTarget: string) { event.preventDefault(); const parsedUrl = maybeParseUrl(rawTarget); if (!parsedUrl) { return; } const target = rewriteSignalHrefsIfNecessary(rawTarget); const { protocol, hostname } = parsedUrl; const isDevServer = process.env.SIGNAL_ENABLE_HTTP && hostname === 'localhost'; // We only want to specially handle urls that aren't requesting the dev server if ( isSgnlHref(target, getLogger()) || isSignalHttpsLink(target, getLogger()) ) { handleSgnlHref(target); return; } if ((protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:') && !isDevServer) { try { await shell.openExternal(target); } catch (error) { getLogger().error(`Failed to open url: ${error.stack}`); } } } function handleCommonWindowEvents( window: BrowserWindow, titleBarOverlay: TitleBarOverlayOptions | false = false ) { window.webContents.on('will-navigate', handleUrl); window.webContents.on('new-window', handleUrl); window.webContents.on( 'preload-error', (_event: Electron.Event, preloadPath: string, error: Error) => { getLogger().error(`Preload error in ${preloadPath}: `, error.message); } ); activeWindows.add(window); window.on('closed', () => activeWindows.delete(window)); const setWindowFocus = () => { window.webContents.send('set-window-focus', window.isFocused()); }; window.on('focus', setWindowFocus); window.on('blur', setWindowFocus); window.once('ready-to-show', setWindowFocus); // This is a fallback in case we drop an event for some reason. const focusInterval = setInterval(setWindowFocus, 10000); window.on('closed', () => clearInterval(focusInterval)); // Works only for mainWindow because it has `enablePreferredSizeMode` let lastZoomFactor = window.webContents.getZoomFactor(); const onZoomChanged = () => { if ( window.isDestroyed() || !window.webContents || window.webContents.isDestroyed() ) { return; } const zoomFactor = window.webContents.getZoomFactor(); if (lastZoomFactor === zoomFactor) { return; } settingsChannel?.invokeCallbackInMainWindow('persistZoomFactor', [ zoomFactor, ]); lastZoomFactor = zoomFactor; }; window.webContents.on('preferred-size-changed', onZoomChanged); nativeThemeNotifier.addWindow(window); if (titleBarOverlay) { const onThemeChange = async () => { try { const newOverlay = await getTitleBarOverlay(); if (!newOverlay) { return; } window.setTitleBarOverlay(newOverlay); } catch (error) { console.error('onThemeChange error', error); } }; nativeTheme.on('updated', onThemeChange); settingsChannel?.on('change:themeSetting', onThemeChange); } } const DEFAULT_WIDTH = enableCI ? 1024 : 800; const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = enableCI ? 1024 : 610; // We allow for smaller sizes because folks with OS-level zoom and HighDPI/Large Text // can really cause weirdness around window pixel-sizes. The app is very broken if you // make the window this small and do nothing else. But if you zoom out and collapse the // left pane, even this window size can work! const MIN_WIDTH = 300; const MIN_HEIGHT = 200; const BOUNDS_BUFFER = 100; type BoundsType = { width: number; height: number; x: number; y: number; }; function isVisible(window: BoundsType, bounds: BoundsType) { const boundsX = bounds?.x || 0; const boundsY = bounds?.y || 0; const boundsWidth = bounds?.width || DEFAULT_WIDTH; const boundsHeight = bounds?.height || DEFAULT_HEIGHT; // requiring BOUNDS_BUFFER pixels on the left or right side const rightSideClearOfLeftBound = window.x + window.width >= boundsX + BOUNDS_BUFFER; const leftSideClearOfRightBound = window.x <= boundsX + boundsWidth - BOUNDS_BUFFER; // top can't be offscreen, and must show at least BOUNDS_BUFFER pixels at bottom const topClearOfUpperBound = window.y >= boundsY; const topClearOfLowerBound = window.y <= boundsY + boundsHeight - BOUNDS_BUFFER; return ( rightSideClearOfLeftBound && leftSideClearOfRightBound && topClearOfUpperBound && topClearOfLowerBound ); } let windowIcon: string; if (OS.isWindows()) { windowIcon = join(__dirname, '../build/icons/win/icon.ico'); } else if (OS.isLinux()) { windowIcon = join(__dirname, '../images/signal-logo-desktop-linux.png'); } else { windowIcon = join(__dirname, '../build/icons/png/512x512.png'); } // The titlebar is hidden on: // - Windows < 10 (7, 8) // - macOS (but no custom titlebar is displayed, see // `--title-bar-drag-area-height` in `stylesheets/_titlebar.scss` const mainTitleBarStyle = (OS.isMacOS() || OS.hasCustomTitleBar()) && !isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment()) ? ('hidden' as const) : ('default' as const); const nonMainTitleBarStyle = OS.hasCustomTitleBar() ? ('hidden' as const) : ('default' as const); async function getTitleBarOverlay(): Promise { if (!OS.hasCustomTitleBar()) { return false; } const theme = await getResolvedThemeSetting(); let color: string; let symbolColor: string; if (theme === 'light') { color = '#e8e8e8'; symbolColor = '#1b1b1b'; } else if (theme === 'dark') { // $color-gray-80 color = '#2e2e2e'; // $color-gray-05 symbolColor = '#e9e9e9'; } else { throw missingCaseError(theme); } return { color, symbolColor, // Should match `--titlebar-height` in stylesheets/_titlebar.scss height: 28 - 1, }; } async function createWindow() { const usePreloadBundle = !isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment()) || forcePreloadBundle; const titleBarOverlay = await getTitleBarOverlay(); const windowOptions: Electron.BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = { show: false, width: DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: DEFAULT_HEIGHT, minWidth: MIN_WIDTH, minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT, autoHideMenuBar: false, titleBarStyle: mainTitleBarStyle, titleBarOverlay, backgroundColor: isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment()) ? '#ffffff' // Tests should always be rendered on a white background : await getBackgroundColor(), webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: false, preload: join( __dirname, usePreloadBundle ? '../preload.bundle.js' : '../ts/windows/main/preload.js' ), spellcheck: await getSpellCheckSetting(), backgroundThrottling: isThrottlingEnabled, enablePreferredSizeMode: true, disableBlinkFeatures: 'Accelerated2dCanvas,AcceleratedSmallCanvases', }, icon: windowIcon, ...pick(windowConfig, ['autoHideMenuBar', 'width', 'height', 'x', 'y']), }; if (!isNumber(windowOptions.width) || windowOptions.width < MIN_WIDTH) { windowOptions.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } if (!isNumber(windowOptions.height) || windowOptions.height < MIN_HEIGHT) { windowOptions.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } if (!isBoolean(windowOptions.autoHideMenuBar)) { delete windowOptions.autoHideMenuBar; } const startInTray = (await systemTraySettingCache.get()) === SystemTraySetting.MinimizeToAndStartInSystemTray; const visibleOnAnyScreen = some(screen.getAllDisplays(), display => { if ( isNumber(windowOptions.x) && isNumber(windowOptions.y) && isNumber(windowOptions.width) && isNumber(windowOptions.height) ) { return isVisible(windowOptions as BoundsType, get(display, 'bounds')); } getLogger().error( "visibleOnAnyScreen: windowOptions didn't have valid bounds fields" ); return false; }); if (!visibleOnAnyScreen) { getLogger().info('Location reset needed'); delete windowOptions.x; delete windowOptions.y; } getLogger().info( 'Initializing BrowserWindow config:', JSON.stringify(windowOptions) ); // Create the browser window. mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(windowOptions); if (settingsChannel) { settingsChannel.setMainWindow(mainWindow); } mainWindowCreated = true; setupSpellChecker(mainWindow, getLocale()); if (!startInTray && windowConfig && windowConfig.maximized) { mainWindow.maximize(); } if (!startInTray && windowConfig && windowConfig.fullscreen) { mainWindow.setFullScreen(true); } if (systemTrayService) { systemTrayService.setMainWindow(mainWindow); } function saveWindowStats() { if (!windowConfig) { return; } getLogger().info( 'Updating BrowserWindow config: %s', JSON.stringify(windowConfig) ); ephemeralConfig.set('window', windowConfig); } const debouncedSaveStats = debounce(saveWindowStats, 500); function captureWindowStats() { if (!mainWindow) { return; } const size = mainWindow.getSize(); const position = mainWindow.getPosition(); const newWindowConfig = { maximized: mainWindow.isMaximized(), autoHideMenuBar: mainWindow.autoHideMenuBar, fullscreen: mainWindow.isFullScreen(), width: size[0], height: size[1], x: position[0], y: position[1], }; if ( newWindowConfig.fullscreen !== windowConfig?.fullscreen || newWindowConfig.maximized !== windowConfig?.maximized ) { mainWindow.webContents.send('window:set-window-stats', { isMaximized: newWindowConfig.maximized, isFullScreen: newWindowConfig.fullscreen, }); } // so if we need to recreate the window, we have the most recent settings windowConfig = newWindowConfig; if (!windowState.requestedShutdown()) { debouncedSaveStats(); } } mainWindow.on('resize', captureWindowStats); mainWindow.on('move', captureWindowStats); if (getEnvironment() === Environment.Test) { mainWindow.loadURL(await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../test/index.html'])); } else { mainWindow.loadURL(await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../background.html'])); } if (!enableCI && config.get('openDevTools')) { // Open the DevTools. mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools(); } handleCommonWindowEvents(mainWindow, titleBarOverlay); // App dock icon bounce bounce.init(mainWindow); // Emitted when the window is about to be closed. // Note: We do most of our shutdown logic here because all windows are closed by // Electron before the app quits. mainWindow.on('close', async e => { if (!mainWindow) { getLogger().info('close event: no main window'); return; } getLogger().info('close event', { readyForShutdown: windowState.readyForShutdown(), shouldQuit: windowState.shouldQuit(), }); // If the application is terminating, just do the default if ( isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment()) || (windowState.readyForShutdown() && windowState.shouldQuit()) ) { return; } // Prevent the shutdown e.preventDefault(); /** * if the user is in fullscreen mode and closes the window, not the * application, we need them leave fullscreen first before closing it to * prevent a black screen. * * issue: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/issues/4348 */ if (mainWindow.isFullScreen()) { mainWindow.once('leave-full-screen', () => mainWindow?.hide()); mainWindow.setFullScreen(false); } else { mainWindow.hide(); } // On Mac, or on other platforms when the tray icon is in use, the window // should be only hidden, not closed, when the user clicks the close button const usingTrayIcon = shouldMinimizeToSystemTray( await systemTraySettingCache.get() ); if (!windowState.shouldQuit() && (usingTrayIcon || OS.isMacOS())) { if (usingTrayIcon) { const shownTrayNotice = ephemeralConfig.get('shown-tray-notice'); if (shownTrayNotice) { getLogger().info('close: not showing tray notice'); return; } ephemeralConfig.set('shown-tray-notice', true); getLogger().info('close: showing tray notice'); const n = new Notification({ title: getLocale().i18n('minimizeToTrayNotification--title'), body: getLocale().i18n('minimizeToTrayNotification--body'), }); n.show(); } return; } windowState.markRequestedShutdown(); await requestShutdown(); windowState.markReadyForShutdown(); await sql.close(); app.quit(); }); // Emitted when the window is closed. mainWindow.on('closed', () => { // Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time // when you should delete the corresponding element. mainWindow = undefined; if (settingsChannel) { settingsChannel.setMainWindow(mainWindow); } if (systemTrayService) { systemTrayService.setMainWindow(mainWindow); } }); mainWindow.on('enter-full-screen', () => { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('full-screen-change', true); } }); mainWindow.on('leave-full-screen', () => { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('full-screen-change', false); } }); mainWindow.once('ready-to-show', async () => { getLogger().info('main window is ready-to-show'); // Ignore sql errors and show the window anyway await sqlInitPromise; if (!mainWindow) { return; } const shouldShowWindow = !app.getLoginItemSettings().wasOpenedAsHidden && !startInTray; if (shouldShowWindow) { getLogger().info('showing main window'); mainWindow.show(); } }); } // Renderer asks if we are done with the database ipc.on('database-ready', async event => { if (!sqlInitPromise) { getLogger().error('database-ready requested, but sqlInitPromise is falsey'); return; } const { error } = await sqlInitPromise; if (error) { getLogger().error( 'database-ready requested, but got sql error', error && error.stack ); return; } getLogger().info('sending `database-ready`'); event.sender.send('database-ready'); }); ipc.on('show-window', () => { showWindow(); }); ipc.on('title-bar-double-click', () => { if (!mainWindow) { return; } if (OS.isMacOS()) { switch ( systemPreferences.getUserDefault('AppleActionOnDoubleClick', 'string') ) { case 'Minimize': mainWindow.minimize(); break; case 'Maximize': toggleMaximizedBrowserWindow(mainWindow); break; default: // If this is disabled, it'll be 'None'. If it's anything else, that's unexpected, // but we'll just no-op. break; } } else { // This is currently only supported on macOS. This `else` branch is just here when/if // we add support for other operating systems. toggleMaximizedBrowserWindow(mainWindow); } }); ipc.on('set-is-call-active', (_event, isCallActive) => { preventDisplaySleepService.setEnabled(isCallActive); if (!mainWindow) { return; } if (!isThrottlingEnabled) { return; } let backgroundThrottling: boolean; if (isCallActive) { getLogger().info('Background throttling disabled because a call is active'); backgroundThrottling = false; } else { getLogger().info('Background throttling enabled because no call is active'); backgroundThrottling = true; } mainWindow.webContents.setBackgroundThrottling(backgroundThrottling); }); ipc.on('convert-image', async (event, uuid, data) => { const { error, response } = await heicConverter(uuid, data); event.reply(`convert-image:${uuid}`, { error, response }); }); let isReadyForUpdates = false; async function readyForUpdates() { if (isReadyForUpdates) { return; } isReadyForUpdates = true; // First, install requested sticker pack const incomingHref = getIncomingHref(process.argv); if (incomingHref) { handleSgnlHref(incomingHref); } // Second, start checking for app updates try { strictAssert( settingsChannel !== undefined, 'SettingsChannel must be initialized' ); await updater.start(settingsChannel, getLogger(), getMainWindow); } catch (error) { getLogger().error( 'Error starting update checks:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } async function forceUpdate() { try { getLogger().info('starting force update'); await updater.force(); } catch (error) { getLogger().error( 'Error during force update:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } ipc.once('ready-for-updates', readyForUpdates); const TEN_MINUTES = 10 * 60 * 1000; setTimeout(readyForUpdates, TEN_MINUTES); function openContactUs() { shell.openExternal(createSupportUrl({ locale: app.getLocale() })); } function openJoinTheBeta() { // If we omit the language, the site will detect the language and redirect shell.openExternal('https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007318471'); } function openReleaseNotes() { if (mainWindow && mainWindow.isVisible()) { mainWindow.webContents.send('show-release-notes'); return; } shell.openExternal( `https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/releases/tag/v${app.getVersion()}` ); } function openSupportPage() { // If we omit the language, the site will detect the language and redirect shell.openExternal('https://support.signal.org/hc/sections/360001602812'); } function openForums() { shell.openExternal('https://community.signalusers.org/'); } function showKeyboardShortcuts() { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('show-keyboard-shortcuts'); } } function setupAsNewDevice() { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('set-up-as-new-device'); } } function setupAsStandalone() { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('set-up-as-standalone'); } } let screenShareWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; async function showScreenShareWindow(sourceName: string) { if (screenShareWindow) { screenShareWindow.showInactive(); return; } const width = 480; const display = screen.getPrimaryDisplay(); const options = { alwaysOnTop: true, autoHideMenuBar: true, backgroundColor: '#2e2e2e', darkTheme: true, frame: false, fullscreenable: false, height: 44, maximizable: false, minimizable: false, resizable: false, show: false, title: getLocale().i18n('screenShareWindow'), titleBarStyle: nonMainTitleBarStyle, width, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: join(__dirname, '../ts/windows/screenShare/preload.js'), }, x: Math.floor(display.size.width / 2) - width / 2, y: 24, }; screenShareWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); handleCommonWindowEvents(screenShareWindow); screenShareWindow.loadURL( await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../screenShare.html']) ); screenShareWindow.on('closed', () => { screenShareWindow = undefined; }); screenShareWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => { if (screenShareWindow) { screenShareWindow.showInactive(); screenShareWindow.webContents.send( 'render-screen-sharing-controller', sourceName ); } }); } let aboutWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; async function showAbout() { if (aboutWindow) { aboutWindow.show(); return; } const titleBarOverlay = await getTitleBarOverlay(); const options = { width: 500, height: 500, resizable: false, title: getLocale().i18n('aboutSignalDesktop'), titleBarStyle: nonMainTitleBarStyle, titleBarOverlay, autoHideMenuBar: true, backgroundColor: await getBackgroundColor(), show: false, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: join(__dirname, '../ts/windows/about/preload.js'), nativeWindowOpen: true, }, }; aboutWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); handleCommonWindowEvents(aboutWindow, titleBarOverlay); aboutWindow.loadURL(await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../about.html'])); aboutWindow.on('closed', () => { aboutWindow = undefined; }); aboutWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => { if (aboutWindow) { aboutWindow.show(); } }); } let settingsWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; async function showSettingsWindow() { if (settingsWindow) { settingsWindow.show(); return; } const titleBarOverlay = await getTitleBarOverlay(); const options = { width: 700, height: 700, frame: true, resizable: false, title: getLocale().i18n('signalDesktopPreferences'), titleBarStyle: nonMainTitleBarStyle, titleBarOverlay, autoHideMenuBar: true, backgroundColor: await getBackgroundColor(), show: false, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: join(__dirname, '../ts/windows/settings/preload.js'), nativeWindowOpen: true, }, }; settingsWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); handleCommonWindowEvents(settingsWindow, titleBarOverlay); settingsWindow.loadURL(await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../settings.html'])); settingsWindow.on('closed', () => { settingsWindow = undefined; }); ipc.once('settings-done-rendering', () => { if (!settingsWindow) { getLogger().warn('settings-done-rendering: no settingsWindow available!'); return; } settingsWindow.show(); }); } async function getIsLinked() { try { const number = await sql.sqlCall('getItemById', ['number_id']); const password = await sql.sqlCall('getItemById', ['password']); return Boolean(number && password); } catch (e) { return false; } } let stickerCreatorWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; async function showStickerCreator() { if (!(await getIsLinked())) { const message = getLocale().i18n('StickerCreator--Authentication--error'); dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'warning', message, }); return; } if (stickerCreatorWindow) { stickerCreatorWindow.show(); return; } const { x = 0, y = 0 } = windowConfig || {}; const titleBarOverlay = await getTitleBarOverlay(); const options = { x: x + 100, y: y + 100, width: 800, minWidth: 800, height: 650, title: getLocale().i18n('signalDesktopStickerCreator'), titleBarStyle: nonMainTitleBarStyle, titleBarOverlay, autoHideMenuBar: true, backgroundColor: await getBackgroundColor(), show: false, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: false, preload: join(__dirname, '../sticker-creator/preload.js'), nativeWindowOpen: true, spellcheck: await getSpellCheckSetting(), }, }; stickerCreatorWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); setupSpellChecker(stickerCreatorWindow, getLocale()); handleCommonWindowEvents(stickerCreatorWindow, titleBarOverlay); const appUrl = process.env.SIGNAL_ENABLE_HTTP ? prepareUrl( new URL('http://localhost:6380/sticker-creator/dist/index.html') ) : prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../sticker-creator/dist/index.html']); stickerCreatorWindow.loadURL(await appUrl); stickerCreatorWindow.on('closed', () => { stickerCreatorWindow = undefined; }); stickerCreatorWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => { if (!stickerCreatorWindow) { return; } stickerCreatorWindow.show(); if (config.get('openDevTools')) { // Open the DevTools. stickerCreatorWindow.webContents.openDevTools(); } }); } let debugLogWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; async function showDebugLogWindow() { if (debugLogWindow) { debugLogWindow.show(); return; } const titleBarOverlay = await getTitleBarOverlay(); const options = { width: 700, height: 500, resizable: false, title: getLocale().i18n('debugLog'), titleBarStyle: nonMainTitleBarStyle, titleBarOverlay, autoHideMenuBar: true, backgroundColor: await getBackgroundColor(), show: false, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: join(__dirname, '../ts/windows/debuglog/preload.js'), nativeWindowOpen: true, }, parent: mainWindow, // Electron has [a macOS bug][0] that causes parent windows to become unresponsive if // it's fullscreen and opens a fullscreen child window. Until that's fixed, we // prevent the child window from being fullscreenable, which sidesteps the problem. // [0]: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/32374 fullscreenable: !OS.isMacOS(), }; debugLogWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); handleCommonWindowEvents(debugLogWindow, titleBarOverlay); debugLogWindow.loadURL( await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../debug_log.html']) ); debugLogWindow.on('closed', () => { debugLogWindow = undefined; }); debugLogWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => { if (debugLogWindow) { debugLogWindow.show(); // Electron sometimes puts the window in a strange spot until it's shown. debugLogWindow.center(); } }); } let permissionsPopupWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined; function showPermissionsPopupWindow(forCalling: boolean, forCamera: boolean) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor return new Promise(async (resolveFn, reject) => { if (permissionsPopupWindow) { permissionsPopupWindow.show(); reject(new Error('Permission window already showing')); return; } if (!mainWindow) { reject(new Error('No main window')); return; } const size = mainWindow.getSize(); const options = { width: Math.min(400, size[0]), height: Math.min(150, size[1]), resizable: false, title: getLocale().i18n('allowAccess'), titleBarStyle: nonMainTitleBarStyle, autoHideMenuBar: true, backgroundColor: await getBackgroundColor(), show: false, modal: true, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, nodeIntegrationInWorker: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: join(__dirname, '../ts/windows/permissions/preload.js'), nativeWindowOpen: true, }, parent: mainWindow, }; permissionsPopupWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); handleCommonWindowEvents(permissionsPopupWindow); permissionsPopupWindow.loadURL( await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../permissions_popup.html'], { forCalling, forCamera, }) ); permissionsPopupWindow.on('closed', () => { removeDarkOverlay(); permissionsPopupWindow = undefined; resolveFn(); }); permissionsPopupWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => { if (permissionsPopupWindow) { addDarkOverlay(); permissionsPopupWindow.show(); } }); }); } const runSQLCorruptionHandler = async () => { // This is a glorified event handler. Normally, this promise never resolves, // but if there is a corruption error triggered by any query that we run // against the database - the promise will resolve and we will call // `onDatabaseError`. const error = await sql.whenCorrupted(); getLogger().error( 'Detected sql corruption in main process. ' + `Restarting the application immediately. Error: ${error.message}` ); await onDatabaseError(error.stack || error.message); }; async function initializeSQL( userDataPath: string ): Promise<{ ok: true; error: undefined } | { ok: false; error: Error }> { let key: string | undefined; const keyFromConfig = userConfig.get('key'); if (typeof keyFromConfig === 'string') { key = keyFromConfig; } else if (keyFromConfig) { getLogger().warn( "initializeSQL: got key from config, but it wasn't a string" ); } if (!key) { getLogger().info( 'key/initialize: Generating new encryption key, since we did not find it on disk' ); // https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/sqlcipher-api/#key key = randomBytes(32).toString('hex'); userConfig.set('key', key); } sqlInitTimeStart = Date.now(); try { // This should be the first awaited call in this function, otherwise // `sql.sqlCall` will throw an uninitialized error instead of waiting for // init to finish. await sql.initialize({ configDir: userDataPath, key, logger: getLogger(), }); } catch (error: unknown) { if (error instanceof Error) { return { ok: false, error }; } return { ok: false, error: new Error(`initializeSQL: Caught a non-error '${error}'`), }; } finally { sqlInitTimeEnd = Date.now(); } // Only if we've initialized things successfully do we set up the corruption handler runSQLCorruptionHandler(); return { ok: true, error: undefined }; } const onDatabaseError = async (error: string) => { // Prevent window from re-opening ready = false; if (mainWindow) { settingsChannel?.invokeCallbackInMainWindow('closeDB', []); mainWindow.close(); } mainWindow = undefined; const buttonIndex = dialog.showMessageBoxSync({ buttons: [ getLocale().i18n('deleteAndRestart'), getLocale().i18n('copyErrorAndQuit'), ], defaultId: 1, cancelId: 1, detail: redactAll(error), message: getLocale().i18n('databaseError'), noLink: true, type: 'error', }); if (buttonIndex === 1) { clipboard.writeText(`Database startup error:\n\n${redactAll(error)}`); } else { await sql.removeDB(); userConfig.remove(); getLogger().error( 'onDatabaseError: Requesting immediate restart after quit' ); app.relaunch(); } getLogger().error('onDatabaseError: Quitting application'); app.exit(1); }; let sqlInitPromise: | Promise<{ ok: true; error: undefined } | { ok: false; error: Error }> | undefined; ipc.on('database-error', (_event: Electron.Event, error: string) => { onDatabaseError(error); }); function getAppLocale(): string { return getEnvironment() === Environment.Test ? 'en' : app.getLocale(); } async function getDefaultLoginItemSettings(): Promise { if (!OS.isWindows()) { return {}; } const systemTraySetting = await systemTraySettingCache.get(); if ( systemTraySetting !== SystemTraySetting.MinimizeToSystemTray && // This is true when we just started with `--start-in-tray` systemTraySetting !== SystemTraySetting.MinimizeToAndStartInSystemTray ) { return {}; } // The effect of this is that if both auto-launch and minimize to system tray // are enabled on Windows - we will start the app in tray automatically, // letting the Desktop shortcuts still start the Signal not in tray. return { args: ['--start-in-tray'] }; } // Signal doesn't really use media keys so we set this switch here to unblock // them so that other apps can use them if they need to. app.commandLine.appendSwitch('disable-features', 'HardwareMediaKeyHandling'); // If we don't set this, Desktop will ask for access to keychain/keyring on startup app.commandLine.appendSwitch('password-store', 'basic'); // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. let ready = false; app.on('ready', async () => { updateDefaultSession(session.defaultSession); const [userDataPath, crashDumpsPath] = await Promise.all([ realpath(app.getPath('userData')), realpath(app.getPath('crashDumps')), ]); logger = await logging.initialize(getMainWindow); await setupCrashReports(getLogger); if (!locale) { const appLocale = getAppLocale(); locale = loadLocale({ appLocale, logger: getLogger() }); } sqlInitPromise = initializeSQL(userDataPath); // First run: configure Signal to minimize to tray. Additionally, on Windows // enable auto-start with start-in-tray so that starting from a Desktop icon // would still show the window. // (User can change these settings later) if ( isSystemTraySupported(app.getVersion()) && (await systemTraySettingCache.get()) === SystemTraySetting.Uninitialized ) { const newValue = SystemTraySetting.MinimizeToSystemTray; getLogger().info(`app.ready: setting system-tray-setting to ${newValue}`); systemTraySettingCache.set(newValue); // Update both stores ephemeralConfig.set('system-tray-setting', newValue); await sql.sqlCall('createOrUpdateItem', [ { id: 'system-tray-setting', value: newValue, }, ]); if (OS.isWindows()) { getLogger().info('app.ready: enabling open at login'); app.setLoginItemSettings({ ...(await getDefaultLoginItemSettings()), openAtLogin: true, }); } } const startTime = Date.now(); settingsChannel = new SettingsChannel(); settingsChannel.install(); // We use this event only a single time to log the startup time of the app // from when it's first ready until the loading screen disappears. ipc.once('signal-app-loaded', (event, info) => { const { preloadTime, connectTime, processedCount } = info; const loadTime = Date.now() - startTime; const sqlInitTime = sqlInitTimeEnd - sqlInitTimeStart; const messageTime = loadTime - preloadTime - connectTime; const messagesPerSec = (processedCount * 1000) / messageTime; const innerLogger = getLogger(); innerLogger.info('App loaded - time:', loadTime); innerLogger.info('SQL init - time:', sqlInitTime); innerLogger.info('Preload - time:', preloadTime); innerLogger.info('WebSocket connect - time:', connectTime); innerLogger.info('Processed count:', processedCount); innerLogger.info('Messages per second:', messagesPerSec); event.sender.send('ci:event', 'app-loaded', { loadTime, sqlInitTime, preloadTime, connectTime, processedCount, messagesPerSec, }); }); const installPath = await realpath(app.getAppPath()); addSensitivePath(userDataPath); addSensitivePath(crashDumpsPath); if (getEnvironment() !== Environment.Test) { installFileHandler({ protocol: electronProtocol, userDataPath, installPath, isWindows: OS.isWindows(), }); } installWebHandler({ enableHttp: Boolean(process.env.SIGNAL_ENABLE_HTTP), protocol: electronProtocol, }); logger.info('app ready'); logger.info(`starting version ${packageJson.version}`); // This logging helps us debug user reports about broken devices. { let getMediaAccessStatus; // This function is not supported on Linux, so we have a fallback. if (systemPreferences.getMediaAccessStatus) { getMediaAccessStatus = systemPreferences.getMediaAccessStatus.bind(systemPreferences); } else { getMediaAccessStatus = noop; } logger.info( 'media access status', getMediaAccessStatus('microphone'), getMediaAccessStatus('camera') ); } GlobalErrors.updateLocale(locale.messages); // If the sql initialization takes more than three seconds to complete, we // want to notify the user that things are happening const timeout = new Promise(resolveFn => setTimeout(resolveFn, 3000, 'timeout') ); // This color is to be used only in loading screen and in this case we should // never wait for the database to be initialized. Thus the theme setting // lookup should be done only in ephemeral config. const backgroundColor = await getBackgroundColor({ ephemeralOnly: true }); // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then Promise.race([sqlInitPromise, timeout]).then(async maybeTimeout => { if (maybeTimeout !== 'timeout') { return; } getLogger().info( 'sql.initialize is taking more than three seconds; showing loading dialog' ); loadingWindow = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 300, height: 265, resizable: false, frame: false, backgroundColor, webPreferences: { ...defaultWebPrefs, nodeIntegration: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: join(__dirname, '../ts/windows/loading/preload.js'), }, icon: windowIcon, }); loadingWindow.once('ready-to-show', async () => { if (!loadingWindow) { return; } loadingWindow.show(); // Wait for sql initialization to complete, but ignore errors await sqlInitPromise; loadingWindow.destroy(); loadingWindow = undefined; }); loadingWindow.loadURL(await prepareFileUrl([__dirname, '../loading.html'])); }); try { await attachments.clearTempPath(userDataPath); } catch (err) { logger.error( 'main/ready: Error deleting temp dir:', err && err.stack ? err.stack : err ); } // Initialize IPC channels before creating the window attachmentChannel.initialize({ configDir: userDataPath, cleanupOrphanedAttachments, }); sqlChannels.initialize(sql); PowerChannel.initialize({ send(event) { if (!mainWindow) { return; } mainWindow.webContents.send(event); }, }); // Run window preloading in parallel with database initialization. await createWindow(); const { error: sqlError } = await sqlInitPromise; if (sqlError) { getLogger().error('sql.initialize was unsuccessful; returning early'); await onDatabaseError(sqlError.stack || sqlError.message); return; } appStartInitialSpellcheckSetting = await getSpellCheckSetting(); try { const IDB_KEY = 'indexeddb-delete-needed'; const item = await sql.sqlCall('getItemById', [IDB_KEY]); if (item && item.value) { await sql.sqlCall('removeIndexedDBFiles', []); await sql.sqlCall('removeItemById', [IDB_KEY]); } } catch (err) { getLogger().error( '(ready event handler) error deleting IndexedDB:', err && err.stack ? err.stack : err ); } async function cleanupOrphanedAttachments() { const allAttachments = await attachments.getAllAttachments(userDataPath); const orphanedAttachments = await sql.sqlCall('removeKnownAttachments', [ allAttachments, ]); await attachments.deleteAll({ userDataPath, attachments: orphanedAttachments, }); await attachments.deleteAllBadges({ userDataPath, pathsToKeep: await sql.sqlCall('getAllBadgeImageFileLocalPaths', []), }); const allStickers = await attachments.getAllStickers(userDataPath); const orphanedStickers = await sql.sqlCall('removeKnownStickers', [ allStickers, ]); await attachments.deleteAllStickers({ userDataPath, stickers: orphanedStickers, }); const allDraftAttachments = await attachments.getAllDraftAttachments( userDataPath ); const orphanedDraftAttachments = await sql.sqlCall( 'removeKnownDraftAttachments', [allDraftAttachments] ); await attachments.deleteAllDraftAttachments({ userDataPath, attachments: orphanedDraftAttachments, }); } ready = true; setupMenu(); systemTrayService = new SystemTrayService({ messages: locale.messages }); systemTrayService.setMainWindow(mainWindow); systemTrayService.setEnabled( shouldMinimizeToSystemTray(await systemTraySettingCache.get()) ); ensureFilePermissions([ 'config.json', 'sql/db.sqlite', 'sql/db.sqlite-wal', 'sql/db.sqlite-shm', ]); }); function setupMenu(options?: Partial) { const { platform } = process; menuOptions = { // options development, devTools: defaultWebPrefs.devTools, includeSetup: false, isProduction: isProduction(app.getVersion()), platform, // actions forceUpdate, openContactUs, openForums, openJoinTheBeta, openReleaseNotes, openSupportPage, setupAsNewDevice, setupAsStandalone, showAbout, showDebugLog: showDebugLogWindow, showKeyboardShortcuts, showSettings: showSettingsWindow, showStickerCreator, showWindow, // overrides ...options, }; const template = createTemplate(menuOptions, getLocale().messages); const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template); Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); mainWindow?.webContents.send('window:set-menu-options', { development: menuOptions.development, devTools: menuOptions.devTools, includeSetup: menuOptions.includeSetup, isProduction: menuOptions.isProduction, platform: menuOptions.platform, }); } async function requestShutdown() { if (!mainWindow || !mainWindow.webContents) { return; } getLogger().info('requestShutdown: Requesting close of mainWindow...'); const request = new Promise(resolveFn => { let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; if (!mainWindow) { resolveFn(); return; } ipc.once('now-ready-for-shutdown', (_event, error) => { getLogger().info('requestShutdown: Response received'); if (error) { getLogger().error( 'requestShutdown: got error, still shutting down.', error ); } clearTimeoutIfNecessary(timeout); resolveFn(); }); mainWindow.webContents.send('get-ready-for-shutdown'); // We'll wait two minutes, then force the app to go down. This can happen if someone // exits the app before we've set everything up in preload() (so the browser isn't // yet listening for these events), or if there are a whole lot of stacked-up tasks. // Note: two minutes is also our timeout for SQL tasks in data.js in the browser. timeout = setTimeout(() => { getLogger().error( 'requestShutdown: Response never received; forcing shutdown.' ); resolveFn(); }, 2 * 60 * 1000); }); try { await request; } catch (error) { getLogger().error( 'requestShutdown error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } app.on('before-quit', () => { getLogger().info('before-quit event', { readyForShutdown: windowState.readyForShutdown(), shouldQuit: windowState.shouldQuit(), }); systemTrayService?.markShouldQuit(); windowState.markShouldQuit(); if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('quit'); } }); // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on('window-all-closed', () => { getLogger().info('main process handling window-all-closed'); // On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q const shouldAutoClose = !OS.isMacOS() || isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment()); // Only automatically quit if the main window has been created // This is necessary because `window-all-closed` can be triggered by the // "optimizing application" window closing if (shouldAutoClose && mainWindowCreated) { app.quit(); } }); app.on('activate', () => { if (!ready) { return; } // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.show(); } else { createWindow(); } }); // Defense in depth. We never intend to open webviews or windows. Prevent it completely. app.on( 'web-contents-created', (_createEvent: Electron.Event, contents: Electron.WebContents) => { contents.on('will-attach-webview', attachEvent => { attachEvent.preventDefault(); }); contents.on('new-window', newEvent => { newEvent.preventDefault(); }); } ); app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient('sgnl'); app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient('signalcaptcha'); app.on('will-finish-launching', () => { // open-url must be set from within will-finish-launching for macOS // https://stackoverflow.com/a/43949291 app.on('open-url', (event, incomingHref) => { event.preventDefault(); if (isCaptchaHref(incomingHref, getLogger())) { const { captcha } = parseCaptchaHref(incomingHref, getLogger()); challengeHandler.handleCaptcha(captcha); // Show window after handling captcha showWindow(); return; } handleSgnlHref(incomingHref); }); }); ipc.on('set-badge-count', (_event: Electron.Event, count: number) => { app.badgeCount = count; }); ipc.on('remove-setup-menu-items', () => { setupMenu(); }); ipc.on('add-setup-menu-items', () => { setupMenu({ includeSetup: true, }); }); ipc.on('draw-attention', () => { if (!mainWindow) { return; } if (OS.isWindows() || OS.isLinux()) { mainWindow.flashFrame(true); } }); ipc.on('restart', () => { getLogger().info('Relaunching application'); app.relaunch(); app.quit(); }); ipc.on('shutdown', () => { app.quit(); }); ipc.on( 'set-auto-hide-menu-bar', (_event: Electron.Event, autoHide: boolean) => { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.autoHideMenuBar = autoHide; } } ); ipc.on( 'set-menu-bar-visibility', (_event: Electron.Event, visibility: boolean) => { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(visibility); } } ); ipc.handle( 'update-system-tray-setting', async (_event, rawSystemTraySetting /* : Readonly */) => { const { openAtLogin } = app.getLoginItemSettings( await getDefaultLoginItemSettings() ); const systemTraySetting = parseSystemTraySetting(rawSystemTraySetting); systemTraySettingCache.set(systemTraySetting); if (systemTrayService) { const isEnabled = shouldMinimizeToSystemTray(systemTraySetting); systemTrayService.setEnabled(isEnabled); } // Default login item settings might have changed, so update the object. getLogger().info('refresh-auto-launch: new value', openAtLogin); app.setLoginItemSettings({ ...(await getDefaultLoginItemSettings()), openAtLogin, }); } ); ipc.on('close-screen-share-controller', () => { if (screenShareWindow) { screenShareWindow.close(); } }); ipc.on('stop-screen-share', () => { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('stop-screen-share'); } }); ipc.on('show-screen-share', (_event: Electron.Event, sourceName: string) => { showScreenShareWindow(sourceName); }); ipc.on('update-tray-icon', (_event: Electron.Event, unreadCount: number) => { if (systemTrayService) { systemTrayService.setUnreadCount(unreadCount); } }); // Debug Log-related IPC calls ipc.on('show-debug-log', showDebugLogWindow); ipc.on( 'show-debug-log-save-dialog', async (_event: Electron.Event, logText: string) => { const { filePath } = await dialog.showSaveDialog({ defaultPath: 'debuglog.txt', }); if (filePath) { await writeFile(filePath, logText); } } ); // Permissions Popup-related IPC calls ipc.handle( 'show-permissions-popup', async (_event: Electron.Event, forCalling: boolean, forCamera: boolean) => { try { await showPermissionsPopupWindow(forCalling, forCamera); } catch (error) { getLogger().error( 'show-permissions-popup error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } ); // Settings-related IPC calls function addDarkOverlay() { if (mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents) { mainWindow.webContents.send('add-dark-overlay'); } } function removeDarkOverlay() { if (mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents) { mainWindow.webContents.send('remove-dark-overlay'); } } ipc.on('show-settings', showSettingsWindow); ipc.on('delete-all-data', () => { if (settingsWindow) { settingsWindow.close(); } if (mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents) { mainWindow.webContents.send('delete-all-data'); } }); ipc.on('get-built-in-images', async () => { if (!mainWindow) { getLogger().warn('ipc/get-built-in-images: No mainWindow!'); return; } try { const images = await attachments.getBuiltInImages(); mainWindow.webContents.send('get-success-built-in-images', null, images); } catch (error) { if (mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents) { mainWindow.webContents.send('get-success-built-in-images', error.message); } else { getLogger().error('Error handling get-built-in-images:', error.stack); } } }); // Ingested in preload.js via a sendSync call ipc.on('locale-data', event => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign event.returnValue = getLocale().messages; }); ipc.on('user-config-key', event => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign event.returnValue = userConfig.get('key'); }); ipc.on('get-user-data-path', event => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign event.returnValue = app.getPath('userData'); }); // Refresh the settings window whenever preferences change ipc.on('preferences-changed', () => { for (const window of activeWindows) { if (window.webContents) { window.webContents.send('preferences-changed'); } } }); function getIncomingHref(argv: Array) { return argv.find(arg => isSgnlHref(arg, getLogger())); } function getIncomingCaptchaHref(argv: Array) { return argv.find(arg => isCaptchaHref(arg, getLogger())); } function handleSgnlHref(incomingHref: string) { let command; let args; let hash; if (isSgnlHref(incomingHref, getLogger())) { ({ command, args, hash } = parseSgnlHref(incomingHref, getLogger())); } else if (isSignalHttpsLink(incomingHref, getLogger())) { ({ command, args, hash } = parseSignalHttpsLink(incomingHref, getLogger())); } if (mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents) { if (command === 'addstickers') { getLogger().info('Opening sticker pack from sgnl protocol link'); const packId = args?.get('pack_id'); const packKeyHex = args?.get('pack_key'); const packKey = packKeyHex ? Buffer.from(packKeyHex, 'hex').toString('base64') : ''; mainWindow.webContents.send('show-sticker-pack', { packId, packKey }); } else if (command === 'signal.group' && hash) { getLogger().info('Showing group from sgnl protocol link'); mainWindow.webContents.send('show-group-via-link', { hash }); } else if (command === 'signal.me' && hash) { getLogger().info('Showing conversation from sgnl protocol link'); mainWindow.webContents.send('show-conversation-via-signal.me', { hash }); } else { getLogger().info('Showing warning that we cannot process link'); mainWindow.webContents.send('unknown-sgnl-link'); } } else { getLogger().error('Unhandled sgnl link'); } } ipc.on('install-sticker-pack', (_event, packId, packKeyHex) => { const packKey = Buffer.from(packKeyHex, 'hex').toString('base64'); if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.webContents.send('install-sticker-pack', { packId, packKey }); } }); ipc.on('ensure-file-permissions', async event => { await ensureFilePermissions(); event.reply('ensure-file-permissions-done'); }); /** * Ensure files in the user's data directory have the proper permissions. * Optionally takes an array of file paths to exclusively affect. * * @param {string[]} [onlyFiles] - Only ensure permissions on these given files */ async function ensureFilePermissions(onlyFiles?: Array) { getLogger().info('Begin ensuring permissions'); const start = Date.now(); const userDataPath = await realpath(app.getPath('userData')); // fast-glob uses `/` for all platforms const userDataGlob = normalizePath(join(userDataPath, '**', '*')); // Determine files to touch const files = onlyFiles ? onlyFiles.map(f => join(userDataPath, f)) : await fastGlob(userDataGlob, { markDirectories: true, onlyFiles: false, ignore: ['**/Singleton*'], }); getLogger().info(`Ensuring file permissions for ${files.length} files`); // Touch each file in a queue const q = new PQueue({ concurrency: 5, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 2 }); q.addAll( files.map(f => async () => { const isDir = f.endsWith('/'); try { await chmod(normalize(f), isDir ? 0o700 : 0o600); } catch (error) { getLogger().error( 'ensureFilePermissions: Error from chmod', error.message ); } }) ); await q.onEmpty(); getLogger().info(`Finish ensuring permissions in ${Date.now() - start}ms`); } ipc.handle('get-auto-launch', async () => { return app.getLoginItemSettings(await getDefaultLoginItemSettings()) .openAtLogin; }); ipc.handle('set-auto-launch', async (_event, value) => { const openAtLogin = Boolean(value); getLogger().info('set-auto-launch: new value', openAtLogin); app.setLoginItemSettings({ ...(await getDefaultLoginItemSettings()), openAtLogin, }); }); ipc.on('show-message-box', (_event, { type, message }) => { dialog.showMessageBox({ type, message }); }); ipc.on('show-item-in-folder', (_event, folder) => { shell.showItemInFolder(folder); }); ipc.handle('show-save-dialog', async (_event, { defaultPath }) => { if (!mainWindow) { getLogger().warn('show-save-dialog: no main window'); return { canceled: true }; } return dialog.showSaveDialog(mainWindow, { defaultPath, }); }); ipc.handle('getScreenCaptureSources', async () => { return desktopCapturer.getSources({ fetchWindowIcons: true, thumbnailSize: { height: 102, width: 184 }, types: ['window', 'screen'], }); }); ipc.handle('executeMenuRole', async ({ sender }, untypedRole) => { const role = untypedRole as MenuItemConstructorOptions['role']; const senderWindow = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(sender); switch (role) { case 'undo': sender.undo(); break; case 'redo': sender.redo(); break; case 'cut': sender.cut(); break; case 'copy': sender.copy(); break; case 'paste': sender.paste(); break; case 'pasteAndMatchStyle': sender.pasteAndMatchStyle(); break; case 'delete': sender.delete(); break; case 'selectAll': sender.selectAll(); break; case 'reload': sender.reload(); break; case 'toggleDevTools': sender.toggleDevTools(); break; case 'resetZoom': sender.setZoomLevel(0); break; case 'zoomIn': sender.setZoomLevel(sender.getZoomLevel() + 1); break; case 'zoomOut': sender.setZoomLevel(sender.getZoomLevel() - 1); break; case 'togglefullscreen': senderWindow?.setFullScreen(!senderWindow?.isFullScreen()); break; case 'minimize': senderWindow?.minimize(); break; case 'close': senderWindow?.close(); break; case 'quit': app.quit(); break; default: // ignored break; } }); ipc.handle('getMainWindowStats', async () => { return { isMaximized: windowConfig?.maximized ?? false, isFullScreen: windowConfig?.fullscreen ?? false, }; }); ipc.handle('getMenuOptions', async () => { return { development: menuOptions?.development ?? false, devTools: menuOptions?.devTools ?? false, includeSetup: menuOptions?.includeSetup ?? false, isProduction: menuOptions?.isProduction ?? true, platform: menuOptions?.platform ?? 'unknown', }; }); ipc.handle('executeMenuAction', async (_event, action: MenuActionType) => { if (action === 'forceUpdate') { forceUpdate(); } else if (action === 'openContactUs') { openContactUs(); } else if (action === 'openForums') { openForums(); } else if (action === 'openJoinTheBeta') { openJoinTheBeta(); } else if (action === 'openReleaseNotes') { openReleaseNotes(); } else if (action === 'openSupportPage') { openSupportPage(); } else if (action === 'setupAsNewDevice') { setupAsNewDevice(); } else if (action === 'setupAsStandalone') { setupAsStandalone(); } else if (action === 'showAbout') { showAbout(); } else if (action === 'showDebugLog') { showDebugLogWindow(); } else if (action === 'showKeyboardShortcuts') { showKeyboardShortcuts(); } else if (action === 'showSettings') { showSettingsWindow(); } else if (action === 'showStickerCreator') { showStickerCreator(); } else if (action === 'showWindow') { showWindow(); } else { throw missingCaseError(action); } }); if (isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment())) { ipc.handle('ci:test-electron:done', async (_event, info) => { if (!process.env.TEST_QUIT_ON_COMPLETE) { return; } process.stdout.write( `ci:test-electron:done=${JSON.stringify(info)}\n`, () => app.quit() ); }); }