// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React from 'react'; import { animated, to as interpolate, useSprings } from '@react-spring/web'; import { random } from 'lodash'; import { Emojify } from './conversation/Emojify'; import { useReducedMotion } from '../hooks/useReducedMotion'; export type PropsType = { emoji: string; onAnimationEnd: () => unknown; rotate?: number; scale?: number; x?: number; }; const NUM_EMOJIS = 16; const MAX_HEIGHT = 1280; const to = (i: number, f: () => unknown) => ({ delay: i * random(80, 120), rotate: random(-24, 24), scale: random(0.5, 1.0, true), y: -144, onRest: i === NUM_EMOJIS - 1 ? f : undefined, }); const from = (_i: number) => ({ rotate: 0, scale: 1, y: MAX_HEIGHT, }); function transform(y: number, scale: number, rotate: number): string { return `translateY(${y}px) scale(${scale}) rotate(${rotate}deg)`; } export function AnimatedEmojiGalore({ emoji, onAnimationEnd, }: PropsType): JSX.Element { const reducedMotion = useReducedMotion(); const [springs] = useSprings(NUM_EMOJIS, i => ({ ...to(i, onAnimationEnd), from: from(i), immediate: reducedMotion, config: { mass: 20, tension: 120, friction: 80, clamp: true, }, })); return ( <> {springs.map((styles, index) => ( ))} ); }