// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import Long from 'long'; import { Aci, Pni, ServiceId } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import type { BackupLevel } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/zkgroup'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { Backups, SignalService } from '../../protobuf'; import Data from '../../sql/Client'; import type { PageMessagesCursorType } from '../../sql/Interface'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { GiftBadgeStates } from '../../components/conversation/Message'; import { StorySendMode, MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; import { isPniString, type AciString, type ServiceIdString, } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import type { RawBodyRange } from '../../types/BodyRange'; import { LONG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT } from '../../types/Message'; import { PaymentEventKind } from '../../types/Payment'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, MessageAttributesType, QuotedAttachmentType, QuotedMessageType, } from '../../model-types.d'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { explodePromise } from '../../util/explodePromise'; import { isDirectConversation, isGroup, isGroupV2, isMe, } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { isConversationUnregistered } from '../../util/isConversationUnregistered'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { getSafeLongFromTimestamp } from '../../util/timestampLongUtils'; import { MINUTE, SECOND, DurationInSeconds } from '../../util/durations'; import { PhoneNumberDiscoverability, parsePhoneNumberDiscoverability, } from '../../util/phoneNumberDiscoverability'; import { PhoneNumberSharingMode, parsePhoneNumberSharingMode, } from '../../util/phoneNumberSharingMode'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { isCallHistory, isChatSessionRefreshed, isContactRemovedNotification, isConversationMerge, isDeliveryIssue, isEndSession, isExpirationTimerUpdate, isGiftBadge, isGroupUpdate, isGroupV1Migration, isGroupV2Change, isKeyChange, isNormalBubble, isPhoneNumberDiscovery, isProfileChange, isUniversalTimerNotification, isUnsupportedMessage, isVerifiedChange, isChangeNumberNotification, isJoinedSignalNotification, isTitleTransitionNotification, } from '../../state/selectors/message'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { canBeSynced as canPreferredReactionEmojiBeSynced } from '../../reactions/preferredReactionEmoji'; import { SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { deriveGroupFields } from '../../groups'; import { BACKUP_VERSION } from './constants'; import { getMessageIdForLogging } from '../../util/idForLogging'; import { getCallsHistoryForRedux } from '../callHistoryLoader'; import { makeLookup } from '../../util/makeLookup'; import type { CallHistoryDetails } from '../../types/CallDisposition'; import { isAciString } from '../../util/isAciString'; import type { AboutMe } from './types'; import { messageHasPaymentEvent } from '../../messages/helpers'; import { numberToAddressType, numberToPhoneType, } from '../../types/EmbeddedContact'; import { type AttachmentType, isGIF, isDownloaded, isVoiceMessage as isVoiceMessageAttachment, } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { getFilePointerForAttachment, maybeGetBackupJobForAttachmentAndFilePointer, } from './util/filePointers'; import type { CoreAttachmentBackupJobType } from '../../types/AttachmentBackup'; import { AttachmentBackupManager } from '../../jobs/AttachmentBackupManager'; import { getBackupCdnInfo } from './util/mediaId'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 10; // We want a very generous timeout to make sure that we always resume write // access to the database. const FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 30 * MINUTE; // Threshold for reporting slow flushes const REPORTING_THRESHOLD = SECOND; const ZERO_PROFILE_KEY = new Uint8Array(32); type GetRecipientIdOptionsType = | Readonly<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString; id?: string; e164?: string; }> | Readonly<{ serviceId?: ServiceIdString; id: string; e164?: string; }> | Readonly<{ serviceId?: ServiceIdString; id?: string; e164: string; }>; type ToChatItemOptionsType = Readonly<{ aboutMe: AboutMe; callHistoryByCallId: Record<string, CallHistoryDetails>; backupLevel: BackupLevel; }>; type NonBubbleOptionsType = Pick< ToChatItemOptionsType, 'aboutMe' | 'callHistoryByCallId' > & Readonly<{ authorId: Long | undefined; message: MessageAttributesType; }>; enum NonBubbleResultKind { Directed = 'Directed', Directionless = 'Directionless', Drop = 'Drop', } type NonBubbleResultType = Readonly< | { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop; patch?: undefined; } | { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directed | NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless; patch: Backups.IChatItem; } >; export class BackupExportStream extends Readable { private readonly backupTimeMs = getSafeLongFromTimestamp(Date.now()); private readonly convoIdToRecipientId = new Map<string, number>(); private attachmentBackupJobs: Array<CoreAttachmentBackupJobType> = []; private buffers = new Array<Uint8Array>(); private nextRecipientId = 0; private flushResolve: (() => void) | undefined; public run(backupLevel: BackupLevel): void { drop( (async () => { log.info('BackupExportStream: starting...'); await Data.pauseWriteAccess(); try { await this.unsafeRun(backupLevel); } catch (error) { this.emit('error', error); } finally { await Data.resumeWriteAccess(); await Promise.all( this.attachmentBackupJobs.map(job => AttachmentBackupManager.addJob(job) ) ); drop(AttachmentBackupManager.start()); log.info('BackupExportStream: finished'); } })() ); } private async unsafeRun(backupLevel: BackupLevel): Promise<void> { this.push( Backups.BackupInfo.encodeDelimited({ version: Long.fromNumber(BACKUP_VERSION), backupTimeMs: this.backupTimeMs, }).finish() ); this.pushFrame({ account: await this.toAccountData(), }); await this.flush(); const stats = { conversations: 0, chats: 0, distributionLists: 0, messages: 0, skippedMessages: 0, stickerPacks: 0, }; for (const { attributes } of window.ConversationController.getAll()) { const recipientId = this.getRecipientId({ id: attributes.id, serviceId: attributes.serviceId, e164: attributes.e164, }); const recipient = this.toRecipient(recipientId, attributes); if (recipient === undefined) { // Can't be backed up. continue; } this.pushFrame({ recipient, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.conversations += 1; } const distributionLists = await Data.getAllStoryDistributionsWithMembers(); for (const list of distributionLists) { const { PrivacyMode } = Backups.DistributionList; let privacyMode: Backups.DistributionList.PrivacyMode; if (list.id === MY_STORY_ID) { if (list.isBlockList) { if (!list.members.length) { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ALL; } else { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ALL_EXCEPT; } } else { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ONLY_WITH; } } else { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ONLY_WITH; } this.pushFrame({ recipient: { id: this.getDistributionListRecipientId(), distributionList: { distributionId: uuidToBytes(list.id), deletionTimestamp: list.deletedAtTimestamp ? Long.fromNumber(list.deletedAtTimestamp) : null, distributionList: list.deletedAtTimestamp ? null : { name: list.name, allowReplies: list.allowsReplies, privacyMode, memberRecipientIds: list.members.map(serviceId => this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId }) ), }, }, }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.distributionLists += 1; } const stickerPacks = await Data.getInstalledStickerPacks(); for (const { id, key } of stickerPacks) { this.pushFrame({ stickerPack: { packId: Bytes.fromHex(id), packKey: Bytes.fromBase64(key), }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.stickerPacks += 1; } const pinnedConversationIds = window.storage.get('pinnedConversationIds') || []; for (const { attributes } of window.ConversationController.getAll()) { const recipientId = this.getRecipientId(attributes); let pinnedOrder: number | null = null; if (attributes.isPinned) { pinnedOrder = Math.max(0, pinnedConversationIds.indexOf(attributes.id)); } this.pushFrame({ chat: { // We don't have to use separate identifiers id: recipientId, recipientId, archived: attributes.isArchived === true, pinnedOrder, expirationTimerMs: attributes.expireTimer != null ? Long.fromNumber( DurationInSeconds.toMillis(attributes.expireTimer) ) : null, muteUntilMs: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(attributes.muteExpiresAt), markedUnread: attributes.markedUnread === true, dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted: attributes.dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted === true, }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.chats += 1; } let cursor: PageMessagesCursorType | undefined; const callHistory = getCallsHistoryForRedux(); const callHistoryByCallId = makeLookup(callHistory, 'callId'); const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const serviceId = me.get('serviceId'); const aci = isAciString(serviceId) ? serviceId : undefined; strictAssert(aci, 'We must have our own ACI'); const aboutMe = { aci, pni: me.get('pni'), }; try { while (!cursor?.done) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { messages, cursor: newCursor } = await Data.pageMessages(cursor); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const items = await pMap( messages, message => this.toChatItem(message, { aboutMe, callHistoryByCallId, backupLevel, }), { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); for (const chatItem of items) { if (chatItem === undefined) { stats.skippedMessages += 1; // Can't be backed up. continue; } this.pushFrame({ chatItem, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.messages += 1; } cursor = newCursor; } } finally { if (cursor !== undefined) { await Data.finishPageMessages(cursor); } } await this.flush(); log.warn('backups: final stats', { ...stats, attachmentBackupJobs: this.attachmentBackupJobs.length, }); this.push(null); } private pushBuffer(buffer: Uint8Array): void { this.buffers.push(buffer); } private pushFrame(frame: Backups.IFrame): void { this.pushBuffer(Backups.Frame.encodeDelimited(frame).finish()); } private async flush(): Promise<void> { const chunk = Bytes.concatenate(this.buffers); this.buffers = []; // Below watermark, no pausing required if (this.push(chunk)) { return; } const { promise, resolve } = explodePromise<void>(); strictAssert(this.flushResolve === undefined, 'flush already pending'); this.flushResolve = resolve; const start = Date.now(); log.info('backups: flush paused due to pushback'); try { await pTimeout(promise, FLUSH_TIMEOUT); } finally { const duration = Date.now() - start; if (duration > REPORTING_THRESHOLD) { log.info(`backups: flush resumed after ${duration}ms`); } this.flushResolve = undefined; } } override _read(): void { this.flushResolve?.(); } private async toAccountData(): Promise<Backups.IAccountData> { const { storage } = window; const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const rawPreferredReactionEmoji = window.storage.get( 'preferredReactionEmoji' ); let preferredReactionEmoji: Array<string> | undefined; if (canPreferredReactionEmojiBeSynced(rawPreferredReactionEmoji)) { preferredReactionEmoji = rawPreferredReactionEmoji; } const PHONE_NUMBER_SHARING_MODE_ENUM = Backups.AccountData.PhoneNumberSharingMode; const rawPhoneNumberSharingMode = parsePhoneNumberSharingMode( storage.get('phoneNumberSharingMode') ); let phoneNumberSharingMode: Backups.AccountData.PhoneNumberSharingMode; switch (rawPhoneNumberSharingMode) { case PhoneNumberSharingMode.Everybody: phoneNumberSharingMode = PHONE_NUMBER_SHARING_MODE_ENUM.EVERYBODY; break; case PhoneNumberSharingMode.ContactsOnly: case PhoneNumberSharingMode.Nobody: phoneNumberSharingMode = PHONE_NUMBER_SHARING_MODE_ENUM.NOBODY; break; default: throw missingCaseError(rawPhoneNumberSharingMode); } const usernameLink = storage.get('usernameLink'); const subscriberId = storage.get('subscriberId'); const backupsSubscriberId = storage.get('backupsSubscriberId'); return { profileKey: storage.get('profileKey'), username: me.get('username') || null, usernameLink: usernameLink ? { ...usernameLink, // Same numeric value, no conversion needed color: storage.get('usernameLinkColor'), } : null, givenName: me.get('profileName'), familyName: me.get('profileFamilyName'), avatarUrlPath: storage.get('avatarUrl'), backupsSubscriberData: Bytes.isNotEmpty(backupsSubscriberId) ? { subscriberId: backupsSubscriberId, currencyCode: storage.get('backupsSubscriberCurrencyCode'), manuallyCancelled: storage.get( 'backupsSubscriptionManuallyCancelled', false ), } : null, donationSubscriberData: Bytes.isNotEmpty(subscriberId) ? { subscriberId, currencyCode: storage.get('subscriberCurrencyCode'), manuallyCancelled: storage.get( 'donorSubscriptionManuallyCancelled', false ), } : null, accountSettings: { readReceipts: storage.get('read-receipt-setting'), sealedSenderIndicators: storage.get('sealedSenderIndicators'), typingIndicators: window.Events.getTypingIndicatorSetting(), linkPreviews: window.Events.getLinkPreviewSetting(), notDiscoverableByPhoneNumber: parsePhoneNumberDiscoverability( storage.get('phoneNumberDiscoverability') ) === PhoneNumberDiscoverability.NotDiscoverable, preferContactAvatars: storage.get('preferContactAvatars'), universalExpireTimer: storage.get('universalExpireTimer'), preferredReactionEmoji, displayBadgesOnProfile: storage.get('displayBadgesOnProfile'), keepMutedChatsArchived: storage.get('keepMutedChatsArchived'), hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy: storage.get('hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy'), hasViewedOnboardingStory: storage.get('hasViewedOnboardingStory'), storiesDisabled: storage.get('hasStoriesDisabled'), storyViewReceiptsEnabled: storage.get('storyViewReceiptsEnabled'), hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding: storage.get( 'hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding' ), hasSeenGroupStoryEducationSheet: storage.get( 'hasSeenGroupStoryEducationSheet' ), phoneNumberSharingMode, }, }; } private getRecipientIdentifier({ id, serviceId, e164, }: GetRecipientIdOptionsType): string { const identifier = serviceId ?? e164 ?? id; assertDev(identifier, 'Identifier cannot be blank'); return identifier; } private getRecipientId(options: GetRecipientIdOptionsType): Long { const identifier = this.getRecipientIdentifier(options); const existing = this.convoIdToRecipientId.get(identifier); if (existing !== undefined) { return Long.fromNumber(existing); } const { id, serviceId, e164 } = options; const recipientId = this.nextRecipientId; this.nextRecipientId += 1; if (id !== undefined) { this.convoIdToRecipientId.set(id, recipientId); } if (serviceId !== undefined) { this.convoIdToRecipientId.set(serviceId, recipientId); } if (e164 !== undefined) { this.convoIdToRecipientId.set(e164, recipientId); } const result = Long.fromNumber(recipientId); return result; } private getOrPushPrivateRecipient(options: GetRecipientIdOptionsType): Long { const identifier = this.getRecipientIdentifier(options); const needsPush = !this.convoIdToRecipientId.has(identifier); const result = this.getRecipientId(options); if (needsPush) { const { serviceId, e164 } = options; this.pushFrame({ recipient: this.toRecipient(result, { type: 'private', serviceId, e164, }), }); } return result; } private getDistributionListRecipientId(): Long { const recipientId = this.nextRecipientId; this.nextRecipientId += 1; return Long.fromNumber(recipientId); } private toRecipient( recipientId: Long, convo: Omit<ConversationAttributesType, 'id' | 'version'> ): Backups.IRecipient | undefined { const res: Backups.IRecipient = { id: recipientId, }; if (isMe(convo)) { res.self = {}; } else if (isDirectConversation(convo)) { let visibility: Backups.Contact.Visibility; if (convo.removalStage == null) { visibility = Backups.Contact.Visibility.VISIBLE; } else if (convo.removalStage === 'justNotification') { visibility = Backups.Contact.Visibility.HIDDEN; } else if (convo.removalStage === 'messageRequest') { visibility = Backups.Contact.Visibility.HIDDEN_MESSAGE_REQUEST; } else { throw missingCaseError(convo.removalStage); } res.contact = { aci: convo.serviceId && convo.serviceId !== convo.pni ? Aci.parseFromServiceIdString(convo.serviceId).getRawUuidBytes() : null, pni: convo.pni ? Pni.parseFromServiceIdString(convo.pni).getRawUuidBytes() : null, username: convo.username, e164: convo.e164 ? Long.fromString(convo.e164) : null, blocked: convo.serviceId ? window.storage.blocked.isServiceIdBlocked(convo.serviceId) : null, visibility, ...(isConversationUnregistered(convo) ? { notRegistered: { unregisteredTimestamp: convo.firstUnregisteredAt ? Long.fromNumber(convo.firstUnregisteredAt) : null, }, } : { registered: {}, }), profileKey: convo.profileKey ? Bytes.fromBase64(convo.profileKey) : null, profileSharing: convo.profileSharing, profileGivenName: convo.profileName, profileFamilyName: convo.profileFamilyName, hideStory: convo.hideStory === true, }; } else if (isGroupV2(convo) && convo.masterKey) { let storySendMode: Backups.Group.StorySendMode; switch (convo.storySendMode) { case StorySendMode.Always: storySendMode = Backups.Group.StorySendMode.ENABLED; break; case StorySendMode.Never: storySendMode = Backups.Group.StorySendMode.DISABLED; break; default: storySendMode = Backups.Group.StorySendMode.DEFAULT; break; } const masterKey = Bytes.fromBase64(convo.masterKey); let publicKey; if (convo.publicParams) { publicKey = Bytes.fromBase64(convo.publicParams); } else { ({ publicParams: publicKey } = deriveGroupFields(masterKey)); } res.group = { masterKey, whitelisted: convo.profileSharing, hideStory: convo.hideStory === true, storySendMode, snapshot: { publicKey, title: { title: convo.name ?? '', }, description: { descriptionText: convo.description ?? '', }, avatarUrl: convo.avatar?.url, disappearingMessagesTimer: convo.expireTimer != null ? { disappearingMessagesDuration: DurationInSeconds.toSeconds( convo.expireTimer ), } : null, accessControl: convo.accessControl, version: convo.revision || 0, members: convo.membersV2?.map(member => { const memberConvo = window.ConversationController.get(member.aci); strictAssert(memberConvo, 'Missing GV2 member'); const { profileKey } = memberConvo.attributes; return { userId: this.aciToBytes(member.aci), role: member.role, profileKey: profileKey ? Bytes.fromBase64(profileKey) : ZERO_PROFILE_KEY, joinedAtVersion: member.joinedAtVersion, }; }), membersPendingProfileKey: convo.pendingMembersV2?.map(member => { return { member: { userId: this.serviceIdToBytes(member.serviceId), role: member.role, profileKey: ZERO_PROFILE_KEY, joinedAtVersion: 0, }, addedByUserId: this.aciToBytes(member.addedByUserId), timestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(member.timestamp), }; }), membersPendingAdminApproval: convo.pendingAdminApprovalV2?.map( member => { const memberConvo = window.ConversationController.get(member.aci); strictAssert(memberConvo, 'Missing GV2 member pending approval'); const { profileKey } = memberConvo.attributes; return { userId: this.aciToBytes(member.aci), profileKey: profileKey ? Bytes.fromBase64(profileKey) : ZERO_PROFILE_KEY, timestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(member.timestamp), }; } ), membersBanned: convo.bannedMembersV2?.map(member => { return { userId: this.serviceIdToBytes(member.serviceId), timestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(member.timestamp), }; }), inviteLinkPassword: convo.groupInviteLinkPassword ? Bytes.fromBase64(convo.groupInviteLinkPassword) : null, announcementsOnly: convo.announcementsOnly === true, }, }; } else { return undefined; } return res; } private async toChatItem( message: MessageAttributesType, { aboutMe, callHistoryByCallId, backupLevel }: ToChatItemOptionsType ): Promise<Backups.IChatItem | undefined> { const chatId = this.getRecipientId({ id: message.conversationId }); if (chatId === undefined) { log.warn('backups: message chat not found'); return undefined; } let authorId: Long | undefined; const isOutgoing = message.type === 'outgoing'; const isIncoming = message.type === 'incoming'; // Pacify typescript if (message.sourceServiceId) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: message.sourceServiceId, e164: message.source, }); } else if (message.source) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: message.sourceServiceId, e164: message.source, }); } else { strictAssert(!isIncoming, 'Incoming message must have source'); // Author must be always present, even if we are directionless authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: aboutMe.aci, }); } if (isOutgoing || isIncoming) { strictAssert(authorId, 'Incoming/outgoing messages require an author'); } let expireStartDate: Long | undefined; let expiresInMs: Long | undefined; if ( message.expireTimer != null && message.expirationStartTimestamp != null ) { expireStartDate = getSafeLongFromTimestamp( message.expirationStartTimestamp ); expiresInMs = Long.fromNumber( DurationInSeconds.toMillis(message.expireTimer) ); } const result: Backups.IChatItem = { chatId, authorId, dateSent: getSafeLongFromTimestamp( message.editMessageTimestamp || message.sent_at ), expireStartDate, expiresInMs, revisions: [], sms: message.sms === true, }; if (!isNormalBubble(message)) { const { patch, kind } = await this.toChatItemFromNonBubble({ authorId, message, aboutMe, callHistoryByCallId, }); if (kind === NonBubbleResultKind.Drop) { return undefined; } if (kind === NonBubbleResultKind.Directed) { strictAssert( authorId, 'Incoming/outgoing non-bubble messages require an author' ); const me = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: aboutMe.aci, }); if (authorId === me) { result.outgoing = this.getOutgoingMessageDetails( message.sent_at, message ); } else { result.incoming = this.getIncomingMessageDetails(message); } } else if (kind === NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless) { result.directionless = {}; } else { throw missingCaseError(kind); } return { ...result, ...patch }; } const { contact, sticker } = message; if (message.isErased) { result.remoteDeletedMessage = {}; } else if (messageHasPaymentEvent(message)) { const { payment } = message; switch (payment.kind) { case PaymentEventKind.ActivationRequest: { result.updateMessage = { simpleUpdate: { type: Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.PAYMENT_ACTIVATION_REQUEST, }, }; break; } case PaymentEventKind.Activation: { result.updateMessage = { simpleUpdate: { type: Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.PAYMENTS_ACTIVATED, }, }; break; } case PaymentEventKind.Notification: result.paymentNotification = { note: payment.note || undefined, amountMob: payment.amountMob, feeMob: payment.feeMob, transactionDetails: payment.transactionDetailsBase64 ? Backups.PaymentNotification.TransactionDetails.decode( Bytes.fromBase64(payment.transactionDetailsBase64) ) : undefined, }; break; default: throw missingCaseError(payment); } } else if (contact && contact[0]) { const contactMessage = new Backups.ContactMessage(); contactMessage.contact = await Promise.all( contact.map(async contactDetails => ({ ...contactDetails, number: contactDetails.number?.map(number => ({ ...number, type: numberToPhoneType(number.type), })), email: contactDetails.email?.map(email => ({ ...email, type: numberToPhoneType(email.type), })), address: contactDetails.address?.map(address => ({ ...address, type: numberToAddressType(address.type), })), avatar: contactDetails.avatar?.avatar ? await this.processAttachment({ attachment: contactDetails.avatar.avatar, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt: message.received_at, }) : undefined, })) ); const reactions = this.getMessageReactions(message); if (reactions != null) { contactMessage.reactions = reactions; } result.contactMessage = contactMessage; } else if (sticker) { const stickerProto = new Backups.Sticker(); stickerProto.emoji = sticker.emoji; stickerProto.packId = Bytes.fromHex(sticker.packId); stickerProto.packKey = Bytes.fromBase64(sticker.packKey); stickerProto.stickerId = sticker.stickerId; stickerProto.data = sticker.data ? await this.processAttachment({ attachment: sticker.data, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt: message.received_at, }) : undefined; result.stickerMessage = { sticker: stickerProto, reactions: this.getMessageReactions(message), }; } else if (isGiftBadge(message)) { const { giftBadge } = message; strictAssert(giftBadge != null, 'Message must have gift badge'); let state: Backups.GiftBadge.State; switch (giftBadge.state) { case GiftBadgeStates.Unopened: state = Backups.GiftBadge.State.UNOPENED; break; case GiftBadgeStates.Opened: state = Backups.GiftBadge.State.OPENED; break; case GiftBadgeStates.Redeemed: state = Backups.GiftBadge.State.REDEEMED; break; default: throw missingCaseError(giftBadge.state); } result.giftBadge = { receiptCredentialPresentation: Bytes.fromBase64( giftBadge.receiptCredentialPresentation ), state, }; } else { result.standardMessage = await this.toStandardMessage( message, backupLevel ); result.revisions = await this.toChatItemRevisions( result, message, backupLevel ); } if (isOutgoing) { result.outgoing = this.getOutgoingMessageDetails( message.sent_at, message ); } else { result.incoming = this.getIncomingMessageDetails(message); } return result; } private aciToBytes(aci: AciString | string): Uint8Array { return Aci.parseFromServiceIdString(aci).getRawUuidBytes(); } private serviceIdToBytes(serviceId: ServiceIdString): Uint8Array { return ServiceId.parseFromServiceIdString(serviceId).getRawUuidBytes(); } private async toChatItemFromNonBubble( options: NonBubbleOptionsType ): Promise<NonBubbleResultType> { return this.toChatItemUpdate(options); } async toChatItemUpdate( options: NonBubbleOptionsType ): Promise<NonBubbleResultType> { const { authorId, message } = options; const logId = `toChatItemUpdate(${getMessageIdForLogging(message)})`; const updateMessage = new Backups.ChatUpdateMessage(); const patch: Backups.IChatItem = { updateMessage, }; if (isCallHistory(message)) { // TODO (DESKTOP-6964) // const callingMessage = new Backups.CallChatUpdate(); // const { callId } = message; // if (!callId) { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message was callHistory, but missing callId!` // ); // } // const callHistory = callHistoryByCallId[callId]; // if (!callHistory) { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message had callId, but no call history details were found!` // ); // } // callingMessage.callId = Long.fromString(callId); // if (callHistory.mode === CallMode.Group) { // const groupCall = new Backups.GroupCallChatUpdate(); // const { ringerId } = callHistory; // if (!ringerId) { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message had missing ringerId for a group call!` // ); // } // groupCall.startedCallAci = this.aciToBytes(ringerId); // groupCall.startedCallTimestamp = Long.fromNumber(callHistory.timestamp); // // Note: we don't store inCallACIs, instead relying on RingRTC in-memory state // callingMessage.groupCall = groupCall; // } else { // const callMessage = new Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate(); // const { direction, type, status } = callHistory; // if ( // status === DirectCallStatus.Accepted || // status === DirectCallStatus.Pending // ) { // if (type === CallType.Audio) { // callMessage.type = // direction === CallDirection.Incoming // ? Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.INCOMING_AUDIO_CALL // : Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.OUTGOING_AUDIO_CALL; // } else if (type === CallType.Video) { // callMessage.type = // direction === CallDirection.Incoming // ? Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.INCOMING_VIDEO_CALL // : Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.OUTGOING_VIDEO_CALL; // } else { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message direct status '${status}' call had type ${type}` // ); // } // } else if (status === DirectCallStatus.Declined) { // if (direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { // // question: do we really not call declined calls things that we decline? // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message direct call was declined but incoming` // ); // } // if (type === CallType.Audio) { // callMessage.type = // Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.UNANSWERED_OUTGOING_AUDIO_CALL; // } else if (type === CallType.Video) { // callMessage.type = // Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.UNANSWERED_OUTGOING_VIDEO_CALL; // } else { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message direct status '${status}' call had type ${type}` // ); // } // } else if (status === DirectCallStatus.Missed) { // if (direction === CallDirection.Outgoing) { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message direct call was missed but outgoing` // ); // } // if (type === CallType.Audio) { // callMessage.type = // Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.MISSED_INCOMING_AUDIO_CALL; // } else if (type === CallType.Video) { // callMessage.type = // Backups.IndividualCallChatUpdate.Type.MISSED_INCOMING_VIDEO_CALL; // } else { // throw new Error( // `${logId}: Message direct status '${status}' call had type ${type}` // ); // } // } else { // throw new Error(`${logId}: Message direct call had status ${status}`); // } // callingMessage.callMessage = callMessage; // } // updateMessage.callingMessage = callingMessage; // return chatItem; } if (isExpirationTimerUpdate(message)) { const expiresInSeconds = message.expirationTimerUpdate?.expireTimer; const expiresInMs = (expiresInSeconds ?? 0) * 1000; const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( message.conversationId ); if (conversation && isGroup(conversation.attributes)) { const groupChatUpdate = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate(); const timerUpdate = new Backups.GroupExpirationTimerUpdate(); timerUpdate.expiresInMs = expiresInMs; const sourceServiceId = message.expirationTimerUpdate?.sourceServiceId; if (sourceServiceId && Aci.parseFromServiceIdString(sourceServiceId)) { timerUpdate.updaterAci = uuidToBytes(sourceServiceId); } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); innerUpdate.groupExpirationTimerUpdate = timerUpdate; groupChatUpdate.updates = [innerUpdate]; updateMessage.groupChange = groupChatUpdate; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } const source = message.expirationTimerUpdate?.sourceServiceId || message.expirationTimerUpdate?.source; if (source && !authorId) { patch.authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ id: source, }); } const expirationTimerChange = new Backups.ExpirationTimerChatUpdate(); expirationTimerChange.expiresInMs = expiresInMs; updateMessage.expirationTimerChange = expirationTimerChange; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isGroupV2Change(message)) { updateMessage.groupChange = await this.toGroupV2Update(message, options); return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isKeyChange(message)) { const simpleUpdate = new Backups.SimpleChatUpdate(); simpleUpdate.type = Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.IDENTITY_UPDATE; if (message.key_changed) { // This will override authorId on the original chatItem patch.authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ id: message.key_changed, }); } updateMessage.simpleUpdate = simpleUpdate; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isProfileChange(message)) { const profileChange = new Backups.ProfileChangeChatUpdate(); if (!message.profileChange) { return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop }; } if (message.changedId) { // This will override authorId on the original chatItem patch.authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ id: message.changedId, }); } const { newName, oldName } = message.profileChange; profileChange.newName = newName; profileChange.previousName = oldName; updateMessage.profileChange = profileChange; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isVerifiedChange(message)) { if (!message.verifiedChanged) { throw new Error( `${logId}: Message was verifiedChange, but missing verifiedChange!` ); } const simpleUpdate = new Backups.SimpleChatUpdate(); simpleUpdate.type = message.verified ? Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.IDENTITY_VERIFIED : Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.IDENTITY_DEFAULT; updateMessage.simpleUpdate = simpleUpdate; if (message.verifiedChanged) { // This will override authorId on the original chatItem patch.authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ id: message.verifiedChanged, }); } return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isChangeNumberNotification(message)) { updateMessage.simpleUpdate = { type: Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.CHANGE_NUMBER, }; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isJoinedSignalNotification(message)) { updateMessage.simpleUpdate = { type: Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.JOINED_SIGNAL, }; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isTitleTransitionNotification(message)) { strictAssert( message.titleTransition != null, 'Missing title transition data' ); const { renderInfo } = message.titleTransition; if (renderInfo.e164) { updateMessage.learnedProfileChange = { e164: Long.fromString(renderInfo.e164), }; } else { strictAssert( renderInfo.username, 'Title transition must have username or e164' ); updateMessage.learnedProfileChange = { username: renderInfo.username }; } return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isDeliveryIssue(message)) { updateMessage.simpleUpdate = { type: Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.BAD_DECRYPT, }; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isConversationMerge(message)) { const threadMerge = new Backups.ThreadMergeChatUpdate(); const e164 = message.conversationMerge?.renderInfo.e164; if (!e164) { return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop }; } threadMerge.previousE164 = Long.fromString(e164); updateMessage.threadMerge = threadMerge; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isPhoneNumberDiscovery(message)) { const e164 = message.phoneNumberDiscovery?.e164; if (!e164) { return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop }; } updateMessage.sessionSwitchover = { e164: Long.fromString(e164), }; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isUniversalTimerNotification(message)) { // Transient, drop it return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop }; } if (isContactRemovedNotification(message)) { // Transient, drop it return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop }; } if (isGroupUpdate(message)) { // GV1 is deprecated. return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Drop }; } if (isUnsupportedMessage(message)) { const simpleUpdate = new Backups.SimpleChatUpdate(); simpleUpdate.type = Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE; updateMessage.simpleUpdate = simpleUpdate; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directed, patch }; } if (isGroupV1Migration(message)) { const { groupMigration } = message; const groupChatUpdate = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate(); groupChatUpdate.updates = []; const areWeInvited = groupMigration?.areWeInvited ?? false; const droppedMemberCount = groupMigration?.droppedMemberCount ?? groupMigration?.droppedMemberIds?.length ?? message.droppedGV2MemberIds?.length ?? 0; const invitedMemberCount = groupMigration?.invitedMemberCount ?? groupMigration?.invitedMembers?.length ?? message.invitedGV2Members?.length ?? 0; let addedItem = false; if (areWeInvited) { const container = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); container.groupV2MigrationSelfInvitedUpdate = new Backups.GroupV2MigrationSelfInvitedUpdate(); groupChatUpdate.updates.push(container); addedItem = true; } if (droppedMemberCount > 0) { const container = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); const update = new Backups.GroupV2MigrationDroppedMembersUpdate(); update.droppedMembersCount = droppedMemberCount; container.groupV2MigrationDroppedMembersUpdate = update; groupChatUpdate.updates.push(container); addedItem = true; } if (invitedMemberCount > 0) { const container = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); const update = new Backups.GroupV2MigrationInvitedMembersUpdate(); update.invitedMembersCount = invitedMemberCount; container.groupV2MigrationInvitedMembersUpdate = update; groupChatUpdate.updates.push(container); addedItem = true; } if (!addedItem) { const container = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); container.groupV2MigrationUpdate = new Backups.GroupV2MigrationUpdate(); groupChatUpdate.updates.push(container); } updateMessage.groupChange = groupChatUpdate; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } if (isEndSession(message)) { const simpleUpdate = new Backups.SimpleChatUpdate(); simpleUpdate.type = Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.END_SESSION; updateMessage.simpleUpdate = simpleUpdate; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directed, patch }; } if (isChatSessionRefreshed(message)) { const simpleUpdate = new Backups.SimpleChatUpdate(); simpleUpdate.type = Backups.SimpleChatUpdate.Type.CHAT_SESSION_REFRESH; updateMessage.simpleUpdate = simpleUpdate; return { kind: NonBubbleResultKind.Directionless, patch }; } throw new Error( `${logId}: Message was not a bubble, but didn't understand type` ); } async toGroupV2Update( message: MessageAttributesType, options: { aboutMe: AboutMe; } ): Promise<Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate | undefined> { const logId = `toGroupV2Update(${getMessageIdForLogging(message)})`; const { groupV2Change } = message; const { aboutMe } = options; if (!isGroupV2Change(message) || !groupV2Change) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Message was not a groupv2 change`); } const { from, details } = groupV2Change; const updates: Array<Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update> = []; details.forEach(detail => { const update = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); const { type } = detail; if (type === 'create') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupCreationUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.groupCreationUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'access-attributes') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupAttributesAccessLevelChangeUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.accessLevel = detail.newPrivilege; update.groupAttributesAccessLevelChangeUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'access-members') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMembershipAccessLevelChangeUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.accessLevel = detail.newPrivilege; update.groupMembershipAccessLevelChangeUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'access-invite-link') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInviteLinkAdminApprovalUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.linkRequiresAdminApproval = detail.newPrivilege === SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ADMINISTRATOR; update.groupInviteLinkAdminApprovalUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'announcements-only') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupAnnouncementOnlyChangeUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.isAnnouncementOnly = detail.announcementsOnly; update.groupAnnouncementOnlyChangeUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'avatar') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupAvatarUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.wasRemoved = detail.removed; update.groupAvatarUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'title') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupNameUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.newGroupName = detail.newTitle; update.groupNameUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'group-link-add') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInviteLinkEnabledUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.linkRequiresAdminApproval = detail.privilege === SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ADMINISTRATOR; update.groupInviteLinkEnabledUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'group-link-reset') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInviteLinkResetUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.groupInviteLinkResetUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'group-link-remove') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInviteLinkDisabledUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.groupInviteLinkDisabledUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'member-add') { if (from && from === detail.aci) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMemberJoinedUpdate(); innerUpdate.newMemberAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); update.groupMemberJoinedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMemberAddedUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.newMemberAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); update.groupMemberAddedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'member-add-from-invite') { const { aci, pni } = detail; if ( from && ((pni && from === pni) || (aci && from === aci) || checkServiceIdEquivalence(from, aci)) ) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInvitationAcceptedUpdate(); innerUpdate.newMemberAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); if (detail.inviter) { innerUpdate.inviterAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.inviter); } update.groupInvitationAcceptedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMemberAddedUpdate(); innerUpdate.newMemberAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } if (detail.inviter) { innerUpdate.inviterAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.inviter); } innerUpdate.hadOpenInvitation = true; update.groupMemberAddedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'member-add-from-link') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMemberJoinedByLinkUpdate(); innerUpdate.newMemberAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); update.groupMemberJoinedByLinkUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'member-add-from-admin-approval') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.requestorAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); innerUpdate.wasApproved = true; update.groupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'member-privilege') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupAdminStatusUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.memberAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); innerUpdate.wasAdminStatusGranted = detail.newPrivilege === SignalService.Member.Role.ADMINISTRATOR; update.groupAdminStatusUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'member-remove') { if (from && from === detail.aci) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMemberLeftUpdate(); innerUpdate.aci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); update.groupMemberLeftUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupMemberRemovedUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.removerAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.removedAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); update.groupMemberRemovedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'pending-add-one') { if ( (aboutMe.aci && detail.serviceId === aboutMe.aci) || (aboutMe.pni && detail.serviceId === aboutMe.pni) ) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.SelfInvitedToGroupUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.inviterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.selfInvitedToGroupUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } if ( from && ((aboutMe.aci && from === aboutMe.aci) || (aboutMe.pni && from === aboutMe.pni)) ) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.SelfInvitedOtherUserToGroupUpdate(); innerUpdate.inviteeServiceId = this.serviceIdToBytes( detail.serviceId ); update.selfInvitedOtherUserToGroupUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupUnknownInviteeUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.inviterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.inviteeCount = 1; update.groupUnknownInviteeUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'pending-add-many') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupUnknownInviteeUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.inviterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.inviteeCount = detail.count; update.groupUnknownInviteeUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'pending-remove-one') { if (from && detail.serviceId && from === detail.serviceId) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInvitationDeclinedUpdate(); if (detail.inviter) { innerUpdate.inviterAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.inviter); } if (isAciString(detail.serviceId)) { innerUpdate.inviteeAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.serviceId); } update.groupInvitationDeclinedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } if ( (aboutMe.aci && detail.serviceId === aboutMe.aci) || (aboutMe.pni && detail.serviceId === aboutMe.pni) ) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupSelfInvitationRevokedUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.revokerAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.groupSelfInvitationRevokedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInvitationRevokedUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.invitees = [ { inviteeAci: isAciString(detail.serviceId) ? this.aciToBytes(detail.serviceId) : undefined, inviteePni: isPniString(detail.serviceId) ? this.serviceIdToBytes(detail.serviceId) : undefined, }, ]; update.groupInvitationRevokedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'pending-remove-many') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupInvitationRevokedUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.invitees = []; for (let i = 0, max = detail.count; i < max; i += 1) { // Yes, we're adding totally empty invitees. This is okay. innerUpdate.invitees.push({}); } update.groupInvitationRevokedUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'admin-approval-add-one') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupJoinRequestUpdate(); innerUpdate.requestorAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); update.groupJoinRequestUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'admin-approval-remove-one') { if (from && detail.aci && from === detail.aci) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupJoinRequestCanceledUpdate(); innerUpdate.requestorAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); update.groupJoinRequestCanceledUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); return; } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } innerUpdate.requestorAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); innerUpdate.wasApproved = false; update.groupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'admin-approval-bounce') { // We can't express all we need in GroupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate, so we // add an additional groupJoinRequestUpdate to express that there // is an approval pending. if (detail.isApprovalPending) { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupJoinRequestUpdate(); innerUpdate.requestorAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); // We need to create another update since the items we put in Update are oneof const secondUpdate = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate.Update(); secondUpdate.groupJoinRequestUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(secondUpdate); // not returning because we really do want both of these } const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate(); innerUpdate.requestorAci = this.aciToBytes(detail.aci); innerUpdate.count = detail.times; update.groupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'description') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GroupDescriptionUpdate(); innerUpdate.newDescription = detail.removed ? undefined : detail.description; if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.groupDescriptionUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else if (type === 'summary') { const innerUpdate = new Backups.GenericGroupUpdate(); if (from) { innerUpdate.updaterAci = this.serviceIdToBytes(from); } update.genericGroupUpdate = innerUpdate; updates.push(update); } else { throw missingCaseError(type); } }); if (updates.length === 0) { throw new Error(`${logId}: No updates generated from message`); } const groupUpdate = new Backups.GroupChangeChatUpdate(); groupUpdate.updates = updates; return groupUpdate; } private async toQuote({ quote, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt, }: { quote?: QuotedMessageType; backupLevel: BackupLevel; messageReceivedAt: number; }): Promise<Backups.IQuote | null> { if (!quote) { return null; } let authorId: Long; if (quote.authorAci) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: quote.authorAci, e164: quote.author, }); } else if (quote.author) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: quote.authorAci, e164: quote.author, }); } else { log.warn('backups: quote has no author id'); return null; } return { targetSentTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(quote.id), authorId, text: quote.text, attachments: await Promise.all( quote.attachments.map( async ( attachment: QuotedAttachmentType ): Promise<Backups.Quote.IQuotedAttachment> => { return { contentType: attachment.contentType, fileName: attachment.fileName, thumbnail: attachment.thumbnail ? await this.processMessageAttachment({ attachment: attachment.thumbnail, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt, }) : undefined, }; } ) ), bodyRanges: quote.bodyRanges?.map(range => this.toBodyRange(range)), type: quote.isGiftBadge ? Backups.Quote.Type.GIFTBADGE : Backups.Quote.Type.NORMAL, }; } private toBodyRange(range: RawBodyRange): Backups.IBodyRange { return { start: range.start, length: range.length, ...('mentionAci' in range ? { mentionAci: this.aciToBytes(range.mentionAci), } : { // Numeric values are compatible between backup and message protos style: range.style, }), }; } private getMessageAttachmentFlag( attachment: AttachmentType ): Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag { if (isVoiceMessageAttachment(attachment)) { return Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.VOICE_MESSAGE; } if (isGIF([attachment])) { return Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.GIF; } if ( attachment.flags && // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise attachment.flags & SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.BORDERLESS ) { return Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.BORDERLESS; } return Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.NONE; } private async processMessageAttachment({ attachment, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; backupLevel: BackupLevel; messageReceivedAt: number; }): Promise<Backups.MessageAttachment> { const { clientUuid } = attachment; const filePointer = await this.processAttachment({ attachment, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt, }); return new Backups.MessageAttachment({ pointer: filePointer, flag: this.getMessageAttachmentFlag(attachment), wasDownloaded: isDownloaded(attachment), // should always be true clientUuid: clientUuid ? uuidToBytes(clientUuid) : undefined, }); } private async processAttachment({ attachment, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; backupLevel: BackupLevel; messageReceivedAt: number; }): Promise<Backups.FilePointer> { const { filePointer, updatedAttachment } = await getFilePointerForAttachment({ attachment, backupLevel, getBackupCdnInfo, }); if (updatedAttachment) { // TODO (DESKTOP-6688): ensure that we update the message/attachment in DB with the // new keys so that we don't try to re-upload it again on the next export } const backupJob = await maybeGetBackupJobForAttachmentAndFilePointer({ attachment: updatedAttachment ?? attachment, filePointer, getBackupCdnInfo, messageReceivedAt, }); if (backupJob) { this.attachmentBackupJobs.push(backupJob); } return filePointer; } private getMessageReactions({ reactions, }: Pick<MessageAttributesType, 'reactions'>): | Array<Backups.IReaction> | undefined { if (reactions == null) { return undefined; } return reactions?.map((reaction, sortOrder) => { return { emoji: reaction.emoji, authorId: this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ id: reaction.fromId, }), sentTimestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(reaction.timestamp), receivedTimestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp( reaction.receivedAtDate ?? reaction.timestamp ), sortOrder: Long.fromNumber(sortOrder), }; }); } private getIncomingMessageDetails({ received_at_ms: receivedAtMs, editMessageReceivedAtMs, serverTimestamp, readStatus, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, }: Pick< MessageAttributesType, | 'received_at_ms' | 'editMessageReceivedAtMs' | 'serverTimestamp' | 'readStatus' | 'unidentifiedDeliveryReceived' >): Backups.ChatItem.IIncomingMessageDetails { const dateReceived = editMessageReceivedAtMs || receivedAtMs; return { dateReceived: dateReceived != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(dateReceived) : null, dateServerSent: serverTimestamp != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(serverTimestamp) : null, read: readStatus === ReadStatus.Read, sealedSender: unidentifiedDeliveryReceived === true, }; } private getOutgoingMessageDetails( sentAt: number, { sendStateByConversationId = {}, unidentifiedDeliveries = [], errors = [], }: Pick< MessageAttributesType, 'sendStateByConversationId' | 'unidentifiedDeliveries' | 'errors' > ): Backups.ChatItem.IOutgoingMessageDetails { const BackupSendStatus = Backups.SendStatus.Status; const sealedSenderServiceIds = new Set(unidentifiedDeliveries); const errorMap = new Map( errors.map(({ serviceId, name }) => { return [serviceId, name]; }) ); const sendStatus = new Array<Backups.ISendStatus>(); for (const [id, entry] of Object.entries(sendStateByConversationId)) { const target = window.ConversationController.get(id); if (!target) { log.warn(`backups: no send target for a message ${sentAt}`); continue; } let deliveryStatus: Backups.SendStatus.Status; switch (entry.status) { case SendStatus.Pending: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.PENDING; break; case SendStatus.Sent: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.SENT; break; case SendStatus.Delivered: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.DELIVERED; break; case SendStatus.Read: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.READ; break; case SendStatus.Viewed: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.VIEWED; break; case SendStatus.Failed: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.FAILED; break; default: throw missingCaseError(entry.status); } const { serviceId } = target.attributes; let networkFailure = false; let identityKeyMismatch = false; let sealedSender = false; if (serviceId) { const errorName = errorMap.get(serviceId); if (errorName !== undefined) { identityKeyMismatch = errorName === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'; networkFailure = !identityKeyMismatch; } sealedSender = sealedSenderServiceIds.has(serviceId); } sendStatus.push({ recipientId: this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient(target.attributes), lastStatusUpdateTimestamp: entry.updatedAt != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(entry.updatedAt) : null, deliveryStatus, networkFailure, identityKeyMismatch, sealedSender, }); } return { sendStatus, }; } private async toStandardMessage( message: Pick< MessageAttributesType, | 'quote' | 'attachments' | 'body' | 'bodyRanges' | 'preview' | 'reactions' | 'received_at' >, backupLevel: BackupLevel ): Promise<Backups.IStandardMessage> { const isVoiceMessage = message.attachments?.some(isVoiceMessageAttachment); const includeText = !isVoiceMessage; return { quote: await this.toQuote({ quote: message.quote, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt: message.received_at, }), attachments: message.attachments ? await Promise.all( message.attachments.map(attachment => { return this.processMessageAttachment({ attachment, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt: message.received_at, }); }) ) : undefined, text: includeText ? { // TODO (DESKTOP-7207): handle long message text attachments // Note that we store full text on the message model so we have to // trim it before serializing. body: message.body?.slice(0, LONG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT), bodyRanges: message.bodyRanges?.map(range => this.toBodyRange(range) ), } : undefined, linkPreview: message.preview ? await Promise.all( message.preview.map(async preview => { return { url: preview.url, title: preview.title, description: preview.description, date: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(preview.date), image: preview.image ? await this.processAttachment({ attachment: preview.image, backupLevel, messageReceivedAt: message.received_at, }) : undefined, }; }) ) : undefined, reactions: this.getMessageReactions(message), }; } private async toChatItemRevisions( parent: Backups.IChatItem, message: MessageAttributesType, backupLevel: BackupLevel ): Promise<Array<Backups.IChatItem> | undefined> { const { editHistory } = message; if (editHistory == null) { return undefined; } const isOutgoing = message.type === 'outgoing'; return Promise.all( editHistory // The first history is the copy of the current message .slice(1) .map(async history => { return { // Required fields chatId: parent.chatId, authorId: parent.authorId, dateSent: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(history.timestamp), expireStartDate: parent.expireStartDate, expiresInMs: parent.expiresInMs, sms: parent.sms, // Directional details outgoing: isOutgoing ? this.getOutgoingMessageDetails(history.timestamp, history) : undefined, incoming: isOutgoing ? undefined : this.getIncomingMessageDetails(history), // Message itself standardMessage: await this.toStandardMessage(history, backupLevel), }; // Backups use oldest to newest order }) .reverse() ); } } function checkServiceIdEquivalence( left: ServiceIdString | undefined, right: ServiceIdString | undefined ) { const leftConvo = window.ConversationController.get(left); const rightConvo = window.ConversationController.get(right); return leftConvo && rightConvo && leftConvo === rightConvo; }