// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import os from 'os'; import fse from 'fs-extra'; import * as Attachments from '../../windows/attachments'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; const PREFIX_LENGTH = 2; const NUM_SEPARATORS = 1; const NAME_LENGTH = 64; const PATH_LENGTH = PREFIX_LENGTH + NUM_SEPARATORS + NAME_LENGTH; describe('Attachments', () => { const USER_DATA = window.SignalContext.getPath('userData'); let tempRootDirectory: string; before(() => { tempRootDirectory = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'Signal')); }); after(async () => { await fse.remove(tempRootDirectory); }); describe('createReader', () => { it('should read file from disk', async () => { const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createReader' ); const relativePath = Attachments.getRelativePath( Attachments.createName() ); const fullPath = path.join(tempDirectory, relativePath); const input = Bytes.fromString('test string'); const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input); await fse.ensureFile(fullPath); await fse.writeFile(fullPath, inputBuffer); const output = await Attachments.createReader(tempDirectory)( relativePath ); assert.deepEqual(input, output); }); it('throws if relative path goes higher than root', async () => { const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createReader' ); const relativePath = '../../parent'; await assert.isRejected( Attachments.createReader(tempDirectory)(relativePath), 'Invalid relative path' ); }); }); describe('copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory', () => { let filesToRemove: Array<string>; const getFakeAttachmentsDirectory = () => { const result = path.join( USER_DATA, `fake-attachments-${Date.now()}-${Math.random() .toString() .substring(2)}` ); filesToRemove.push(result); return result; }; // These tests use the `userData` path. In `electron-mocha`, these are temporary // directories; no need to be concerned about messing with the "real" directory. before(() => { filesToRemove = []; }); after(async () => { await Promise.all(filesToRemove.map(toRemove => fse.remove(toRemove))); filesToRemove = []; }); it('throws if passed a non-string', () => { assert.throws(() => { Attachments.copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory(1234 as unknown as string); }, TypeError); assert.throws(() => { Attachments.copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory(null as unknown as string); }, TypeError); }); it('returns a function that rejects if the source path is not a string', async () => { const copier = Attachments.copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory( await getFakeAttachmentsDirectory() ); await assert.isRejected(copier(123 as unknown as string)); }); it('returns a function that rejects if the source path is not in the user config directory', async () => { const copier = Attachments.copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory( await getFakeAttachmentsDirectory() ); await assert.isRejected( copier(path.join(tempRootDirectory, 'hello.txt')), "'sourcePath' must be relative to the user config directory" ); }); it('returns a function that copies the source path into the attachments directory and returns its path and size', async () => { const attachmentsPath = await getFakeAttachmentsDirectory(); const someOtherPath = path.join(USER_DATA, 'somethingElse'); await fse.outputFile(someOtherPath, 'hello world'); filesToRemove.push(someOtherPath); const copier = Attachments.copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory(attachmentsPath); const { path: relativePath, size } = await copier(someOtherPath); const absolutePath = path.join(attachmentsPath, relativePath); assert.notEqual(someOtherPath, absolutePath); assert.strictEqual( await fs.promises.readFile(absolutePath, 'utf8'), 'hello world' ); assert.strictEqual(size, 'hello world'.length); }); }); describe('createWriterForExisting', () => { it('should write file to disk on given path and return path', async () => { const input = Bytes.fromString('test string'); const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createWriterForExisting' ); const relativePath = Attachments.getRelativePath( Attachments.createName() ); const attachment = { path: relativePath, data: input, }; const outputPath = await Attachments.createWriterForExisting( tempDirectory )(attachment); const output = await fse.readFile(path.join(tempDirectory, outputPath)); assert.equal(outputPath, relativePath); const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input); assert.deepEqual(inputBuffer, output); }); it('throws if relative path goes higher than root', async () => { const input = Bytes.fromString('test string'); const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createWriterForExisting' ); const relativePath = '../../parent'; const attachment = { path: relativePath, data: input, }; try { await Attachments.createWriterForExisting(tempDirectory)(attachment); } catch (error) { assert.strictEqual(error.message, 'Invalid relative path'); return; } throw new Error('Expected an error'); }); }); describe('createWriterForNew', () => { it('should write file to disk and return path', async () => { const input = Bytes.fromString('test string'); const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createWriterForNew' ); const outputPath = await Attachments.createWriterForNew(tempDirectory)( input ); const output = await fse.readFile(path.join(tempDirectory, outputPath)); assert.lengthOf(outputPath, PATH_LENGTH); const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input); assert.deepEqual(inputBuffer, output); }); }); describe('createAbsolutePathGetter', () => { const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; it('combines root and relative path', () => { const root = isWindows ? 'C:\\temp' : '/tmp'; const relative = 'ab/abcdef'; const pathGetter = Attachments.createAbsolutePathGetter(root); const absolutePath = pathGetter(relative); assert.strictEqual( absolutePath, isWindows ? 'C:\\temp\\ab\\abcdef' : '/tmp/ab/abcdef' ); }); it('throws if relative path goes higher than root', () => { const root = isWindows ? 'C:\\temp' : 'tmp'; const relative = '../../ab/abcdef'; const pathGetter = Attachments.createAbsolutePathGetter(root); try { pathGetter(relative); } catch (error) { assert.strictEqual(error.message, 'Invalid relative path'); return; } throw new Error('Expected an error'); }); }); describe('createName', () => { it('should return random file name with correct length', () => { assert.lengthOf(Attachments.createName(), NAME_LENGTH); }); it('can include a suffix', () => { const result = Attachments.createName('.txt'); assert.lengthOf(result, NAME_LENGTH + '.txt'.length); assert(result.endsWith('.txt')); }); }); describe('getRelativePath', () => { it('should return correct path', () => { const name = '608ce3bc536edbf7637a6aeb6040bdfec49349140c0dd43e97c7ce263b15ff7e'; assert.lengthOf(Attachments.getRelativePath(name), PATH_LENGTH); }); }); describe('createDeleter', () => { it('should delete file from disk', async () => { const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createDeleter' ); const relativePath = Attachments.getRelativePath( Attachments.createName() ); const fullPath = path.join(tempDirectory, relativePath); const input = Bytes.fromString('test string'); const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input); await fse.ensureFile(fullPath); await fse.writeFile(fullPath, inputBuffer); await Attachments.createDeleter(tempDirectory)(relativePath); const existsFile = await fse.pathExists(fullPath); assert.isFalse(existsFile); }); it('throws if relative path goes higher than root', async () => { const tempDirectory = path.join( tempRootDirectory, 'Attachments_createDeleter' ); const relativePath = '../../parent'; try { await Attachments.createDeleter(tempDirectory)(relativePath); } catch (error) { assert.strictEqual(error.message, 'Invalid relative path'); return; } throw new Error('Expected an error'); }); }); });