// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs'; import { get } from 'lodash'; import { set } from 'lodash/fp'; import { strictAssert } from '../ts/util/assert'; const ENCODING = 'utf8'; type InternalConfigType = Record<string, unknown>; export type ConfigType = { set: (keyPath: string, value: unknown) => void; get: (keyPath: string) => unknown; remove: () => void; // Test-only _getCachedValue: () => InternalConfigType | undefined; }; export function start({ name, targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors, }: Readonly<{ name: string; targetPath: string; throwOnFilesystemErrors: boolean; }>): ConfigType { let cachedValue: InternalConfigType = Object.create(null); let incomingJson: string | undefined; try { incomingJson = readFileSync(targetPath, ENCODING); cachedValue = incomingJson ? JSON.parse(incomingJson) : undefined; console.log(`config/get: Successfully read ${name} config file`); if (!cachedValue) { console.log( `config/start: ${name} config value was falsy, cache is now empty object` ); cachedValue = Object.create(null); } } catch (error) { if (throwOnFilesystemErrors && error.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw error; } if (incomingJson) { console.log( `config/start: ${name} config file was malformed, starting afresh` ); } else { console.log( `config/start: Did not find ${name} config file (or it was empty), cache is now empty object` ); } cachedValue = Object.create(null); } function ourGet(keyPath: string): unknown { return get(cachedValue, keyPath); } function ourSet(keyPath: string, value: unknown): void { const newCachedValue = set(keyPath, value, cachedValue); console.log(`config/set: Saving ${name} config to disk`); if (!throwOnFilesystemErrors) { cachedValue = newCachedValue; } const outgoingJson = JSON.stringify(newCachedValue, null, ' '); try { writeFileSync(targetPath, outgoingJson, ENCODING); console.log(`config/set: Saved ${name} config to disk`); cachedValue = newCachedValue; } catch (err: unknown) { if (throwOnFilesystemErrors) { throw err; } else { console.warn( `config/set: Failed to save ${name} config to disk; only updating in-memory data` ); } } } function remove(): void { console.log(`config/remove: Deleting ${name} config from disk`); try { unlinkSync(targetPath); console.log(`config/remove: Deleted ${name} config from disk`); } catch (err: unknown) { const errCode: unknown = get(err, 'code'); if (throwOnFilesystemErrors) { strictAssert(errCode === 'ENOENT', 'Expected deletion of no file'); console.log(`config/remove: No ${name} config on disk, did nothing`); } else { console.warn( `config/remove: Got ${String( errCode )} when removing ${name} config from disk` ); } } cachedValue = Object.create(null); } return { set: ourSet, get: ourGet, remove, _getCachedValue: () => cachedValue, }; }