// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react'; import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { get } from 'lodash'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { Intl } from '../Intl'; import type { LocalizerType, ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType, } from '../../types/Util'; import type { AciString, PniString, ServiceIdString, } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { GroupDescriptionText } from '../GroupDescriptionText'; import { Button, ButtonSize, ButtonVariant } from '../Button'; import { SystemMessage } from './SystemMessage'; import type { GroupV2ChangeType, GroupV2ChangeDetailType } from '../../groups'; import type { SmartContactRendererType } from '../../groupChange'; import { renderChange } from '../../groupChange'; import { Modal } from '../Modal'; import { ConfirmationDialog } from '../ConfirmationDialog'; export type PropsDataType = { areWeAdmin: boolean; change: GroupV2ChangeType; conversationId: string; groupBannedMemberships?: ReadonlyArray; groupMemberships?: ReadonlyArray<{ aci: AciString; isAdmin: boolean; }>; groupName?: string; ourAci: AciString | undefined; ourPni: PniString | undefined; }; export type PropsActionsType = { blockGroupLinkRequests: ( conversationId: string, serviceId: ServiceIdString ) => unknown; }; export type PropsHousekeepingType = { checkServiceIdEquivalence( left: ServiceIdString | undefined, right: ServiceIdString | undefined ): boolean; i18n: LocalizerType; renderContact: SmartContactRendererType; }; export type PropsType = PropsDataType & PropsActionsType & PropsHousekeepingType; function renderStringToIntl( id: Key, i18n: LocalizerType, components: ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType[Key] ): JSX.Element { return ; } enum ModalState { None = 'None', ViewingGroupDescription = 'ViewingGroupDescription', ConfirmingblockGroupLinkRequests = 'ConfirmingblockGroupLinkRequests', } type GroupIconType = | 'group' | 'group-access' | 'group-add' | 'group-approved' | 'group-avatar' | 'group-decline' | 'group-edit' | 'group-summary' | 'group-leave' | 'group-remove'; const changeToIconMap = new Map([ ['access-attributes', 'group-access'], ['access-invite-link', 'group-access'], ['access-members', 'group-access'], ['admin-approval-add-one', 'group-add'], ['admin-approval-remove-one', 'group-decline'], ['admin-approval-bounce', 'group-decline'], ['announcements-only', 'group-access'], ['avatar', 'group-avatar'], ['description', 'group-edit'], ['group-link-add', 'group-access'], ['group-link-remove', 'group-access'], ['group-link-reset', 'group-access'], ['member-add', 'group-add'], ['member-add-from-admin-approval', 'group-approved'], ['member-add-from-invite', 'group-add'], ['member-add-from-link', 'group-add'], ['member-privilege', 'group-access'], ['member-remove', 'group-remove'], ['pending-add-many', 'group-add'], ['pending-add-one', 'group-add'], ['pending-remove-many', 'group-decline'], ['pending-remove-one', 'group-decline'], ['title', 'group-edit'], ]); function getIcon( detail: GroupV2ChangeDetailType, isLastText = true, fromId?: ServiceIdString ): GroupIconType { const changeType = detail.type; let possibleIcon = changeToIconMap.get(changeType); const isSameId = fromId === get(detail, 'aci', null); if (isSameId) { if (changeType === 'member-remove') { possibleIcon = 'group-leave'; } if (changeType === 'member-add-from-invite') { possibleIcon = 'group-approved'; } } // Use default icon for "... requested to join via group link" added to // bounce notification. if (changeType === 'admin-approval-bounce' && isLastText) { possibleIcon = undefined; } if (changeType === 'summary') { possibleIcon = 'group-summary'; } return possibleIcon || 'group'; } function GroupV2Detail({ areWeAdmin, blockGroupLinkRequests, conversationId, detail, isLastText, fromId, groupMemberships, groupBannedMemberships, groupName, i18n, ourAci, renderContact, text, }: { areWeAdmin: boolean; blockGroupLinkRequests: ( conversationId: string, serviceId: ServiceIdString ) => unknown; conversationId: string; detail: GroupV2ChangeDetailType; isLastText: boolean; groupMemberships?: ReadonlyArray<{ aci: AciString; isAdmin: boolean; }>; groupBannedMemberships?: ReadonlyArray; groupName?: string; i18n: LocalizerType; fromId?: ServiceIdString; ourAci: AciString | undefined; renderContact: SmartContactRendererType; text: ReactNode; }): JSX.Element { const icon = getIcon(detail, isLastText, fromId); let buttonNode: ReactNode; const [modalState, setModalState] = useState(ModalState.None); let modalNode: ReactNode; switch (modalState) { case ModalState.None: modalNode = undefined; break; case ModalState.ViewingGroupDescription: if (detail.type !== 'description' || !detail.description) { log.warn( 'GroupV2Detail: ViewingGroupDescription but missing description or wrong change type' ); modalNode = undefined; break; } modalNode = ( setModalState(ModalState.None)} > ); break; case ModalState.ConfirmingblockGroupLinkRequests: if ( !isLastText || detail.type !== 'admin-approval-bounce' || !detail.aci ) { log.warn( 'GroupV2Detail: ConfirmingblockGroupLinkRequests but missing aci or wrong change type' ); modalNode = undefined; break; } modalNode = ( blockGroupLinkRequests(conversationId, detail.aci), text: i18n('icu:PendingRequests--block--confirm'), style: 'affirmative', }, ]} i18n={i18n} onClose={() => setModalState(ModalState.None)} > ); break; default: { const state: never = modalState; log.warn(`GroupV2Detail: unexpected modal state ${state}`); modalNode = undefined; break; } } if (detail.type === 'description' && detail.description) { buttonNode = ( ); } else if ( isLastText && detail.type === 'admin-approval-bounce' && areWeAdmin && detail.aci && detail.aci !== ourAci && (!fromId || fromId === detail.aci) && !groupMemberships?.some(item => item.aci === detail.aci) && !groupBannedMemberships?.some(serviceId => serviceId === detail.aci) ) { buttonNode = ( ); } return ( <> {modalNode} ); } export function GroupV2Change(props: PropsType): ReactElement { const { areWeAdmin, blockGroupLinkRequests, change, checkServiceIdEquivalence, conversationId, groupBannedMemberships, groupMemberships, groupName, i18n, ourAci, ourPni, renderContact, } = props; return ( <> {renderChange(change, { checkServiceIdEquivalence, i18n, ourAci, ourPni, renderContact, renderIntl: renderStringToIntl, }).map(({ detail, isLastText, text }, index) => { return ( ); })} ); }