// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../../model-types.d'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../../sql/Client'; import { MessageModel } from '../../models/messages'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { MessageCache } from '../../services/MessageCache'; import { generateAci } from '../../types/ServiceId'; describe('MessageCache', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const ourAci = generateAci(); await window.textsecure.storage.put('uuid_id', `${ourAci}.1`); await window.ConversationController.load(); }); describe('findBySentAt', () => { it('returns an empty iterable if no messages match', async () => { const mc = new MessageCache(); assert.isUndefined(await mc.findBySentAt(123, () => true)); }); it('returns all messages that match the timestamp', async () => { const mc = new MessageCache(); let message1 = new MessageModel({ conversationId: 'xyz', body: 'message1', id: uuid(), received_at: 1, sent_at: 1234, timestamp: 9999, type: 'incoming', }); let message2 = new MessageModel({ conversationId: 'xyz', body: 'message2', id: uuid(), received_at: 2, sent_at: 1234, timestamp: 9999, type: 'outgoing', }); const message3 = new MessageModel({ conversationId: 'xyz', body: 'message3', id: uuid(), received_at: 3, sent_at: 5678, timestamp: 9999, type: 'outgoing', }); message1 = mc.__DEPRECATED$register(message1.id, message1, 'test'); message2 = mc.__DEPRECATED$register(message2.id, message2, 'test'); // We deliberately register this message twice for testing. message2 = mc.__DEPRECATED$register(message2.id, message2, 'test'); mc.__DEPRECATED$register(message3.id, message3, 'test'); const filteredMessage = await mc.findBySentAt(1234, () => true); assert.deepEqual(filteredMessage, message1.attributes, 'first'); mc.__DEPRECATED$unregister(message1.id); const filteredMessage2 = await mc.findBySentAt(1234, () => true); assert.deepEqual(filteredMessage2, message2.attributes, 'second'); }); }); describe('__DEPRECATED$register: syncing with backbone', () => { it('backbone to redux', () => { const message1 = new MessageModel({ conversationId: 'xyz', id: uuid(), body: 'test1', received_at: 1, sent_at: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'outgoing', }); const messageFromController = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( message1.id, message1, 'test' ); assert.strictEqual( message1, messageFromController, 'same objects from mc.__DEPRECATED$register' ); const messageById = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$getById( message1.id, 'test' ); assert.strictEqual(message1, messageById, 'same objects from mc.getById'); const messageInCache = window.MessageCache.accessAttributes(message1.id); strictAssert(messageInCache, 'no message found'); assert.deepEqual( message1.attributes, messageInCache, 'same attributes as in cache' ); message1.set({ body: 'test2' }); assert.equal(message1.attributes.body, 'test2', 'message model updated'); assert.equal( messageById?.attributes.body, 'test2', 'old reference from messageById was updated' ); assert.equal( messageInCache.body, 'test1', 'old cache reference not updated' ); const newMessageById = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$getById( message1.id, 'test' ); assert.deepEqual( message1.attributes, newMessageById?.attributes, 'same attributes from mc.getById (2)' ); const newMessageInCache = window.MessageCache.accessAttributes( message1.id ); strictAssert(newMessageInCache, 'no message found'); assert.deepEqual( message1.attributes, newMessageInCache, 'same attributes as in cache (2)' ); }); it('redux to backbone (working with models)', () => { const message = new MessageModel({ conversationId: 'xyz', id: uuid(), body: 'test1', received_at: 1, sent_at: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'outgoing', }); window.MessageCache.toMessageAttributes(message.attributes); const messageFromController = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( message.id, message, 'test' ); assert.notStrictEqual( message, messageFromController, 'mc.__DEPRECATED$register returns existing but it is not the same reference' ); assert.deepEqual( message.attributes, messageFromController.attributes, 'mc.__DEPRECATED$register returns existing and is the same attributes' ); messageFromController.set({ body: 'test2' }); assert.notEqual( message.get('body'), messageFromController.get('body'), 'new model is not equal to old model' ); const messageInCache = window.MessageCache.accessAttributes(message.id); strictAssert(messageInCache, 'no message found'); assert.equal( messageFromController.get('body'), messageInCache.body, 'new update is in cache' ); assert.isUndefined( messageFromController.get('storyReplyContext'), 'storyReplyContext is undefined' ); window.MessageCache.setAttributes({ messageId: message.id, messageAttributes: { storyReplyContext: { attachment: undefined, authorAci: undefined, messageId: 'test123', }, }, skipSaveToDatabase: true, }); // This works because we refresh the model whenever an attribute changes // but this should log a warning. assert.equal( messageFromController.get('storyReplyContext')?.messageId, 'test123', 'storyReplyContext was updated (stale model)' ); const newMessageFromController = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register(message.id, message, 'test'); assert.equal( newMessageFromController.get('storyReplyContext')?.messageId, 'test123', 'storyReplyContext was updated (not stale)' ); }); it('redux to backbone (working with attributes)', () => { it('sets the attributes and returns a fresh copy', () => { const mc = new MessageCache(); const messageAttributes: MessageAttributesType = { conversationId: uuid(), id: uuid(), received_at: 1, sent_at: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'incoming', }; const messageModel = mc.__DEPRECATED$register( messageAttributes.id, messageAttributes, 'test/updateAttributes' ); assert.deepEqual( messageAttributes, messageModel.attributes, 'initial attributes matches message model' ); const proposedStoryReplyContext = { attachment: undefined, authorAci: undefined, messageId: 'test123', }; assert.notDeepEqual( messageModel.attributes.storyReplyContext, proposedStoryReplyContext, 'attributes were changed outside of the message model' ); mc.setAttributes({ messageId: messageAttributes.id, messageAttributes: { storyReplyContext: proposedStoryReplyContext, }, skipSaveToDatabase: true, }); const nextMessageAttributes = mc.accessAttributesOrThrow( 'test', messageAttributes.id ); assert.notDeepEqual( messageAttributes, nextMessageAttributes, 'initial attributes are stale' ); assert.notDeepEqual( messageAttributes.storyReplyContext, proposedStoryReplyContext, 'initial attributes are stale 2' ); assert.deepEqual( nextMessageAttributes.storyReplyContext, proposedStoryReplyContext, 'fresh attributes match what was proposed' ); assert.notStrictEqual( nextMessageAttributes.storyReplyContext, proposedStoryReplyContext, 'fresh attributes are not the same reference as proposed attributes' ); assert.deepEqual( messageModel.attributes, nextMessageAttributes, 'model was updated' ); assert.equal( messageModel.get('storyReplyContext')?.messageId, 'test123', 'storyReplyContext in model is set correctly' ); }); }); }); describe('accessAttributes', () => { it('gets the attributes if they exist', () => { const mc = new MessageCache(); const messageAttributes: MessageAttributesType = { conversationId: uuid(), id: uuid(), received_at: 1, sent_at: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'incoming', }; mc.toMessageAttributes(messageAttributes); const accessAttributes = mc.accessAttributes(messageAttributes.id); assert.deepEqual( accessAttributes, messageAttributes, 'attributes returned have the same values' ); assert.notStrictEqual( accessAttributes, messageAttributes, 'attributes returned are not the same references' ); const undefinedMessage = mc.accessAttributes(uuid()); assert.isUndefined(undefinedMessage, 'access did not find message'); }); }); describe('setAttributes', () => { it('saves the new attributes to the database', async () => { const mc = new MessageCache(); const ourAci = generateAci(); const id = uuid(); const messageAttributes: MessageAttributesType = { conversationId: uuid(), id, received_at: 1, sent_at: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'incoming', }; await DataWriter.saveMessage(messageAttributes, { forceSave: true, ourAci, }); const changes = { received_at: 2, }; const newAttributes = { ...messageAttributes, ...changes, }; mc.toMessageAttributes(messageAttributes); await mc.setAttributes({ messageId: id, messageAttributes: changes, skipSaveToDatabase: false, }); const messageFromDatabase = await DataReader.getMessageById(id); assert.deepEqual(newAttributes, messageFromDatabase); }); }); describe('accessAttributesOrThrow', () => { it('accesses the attributes or throws if they do not exist', () => { const mc = new MessageCache(); const messageAttributes: MessageAttributesType = { conversationId: uuid(), id: uuid(), received_at: 1, sent_at: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'incoming', }; mc.toMessageAttributes(messageAttributes); const accessAttributes = mc.accessAttributesOrThrow( 'tests.1', messageAttributes.id ); assert.deepEqual( accessAttributes, messageAttributes, 'attributes returned have the same values' ); assert.notStrictEqual( accessAttributes, messageAttributes, 'attributes returned are not the same references' ); assert.throws(() => { mc.accessAttributesOrThrow('tests.2', uuid()); }); }); }); });