// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */ import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { assert } from 'chai'; import { omit } from 'lodash'; import * as MIME from '../../types/MIME'; import { AttachmentDownloadManager, AttachmentDownloadUrgency, runDownloadAttachmentJobInner, type NewAttachmentDownloadJobType, } from '../../jobs/AttachmentDownloadManager'; import type { AttachmentDownloadJobType } from '../../types/AttachmentDownload'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../../sql/Client'; import { MINUTE } from '../../util/durations'; import { type AciString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { type AttachmentType, AttachmentVariant } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { AttachmentDownloadSource } from '../../sql/Interface'; import { getAttachmentCiphertextLength } from '../../AttachmentCrypto'; function composeJob({ messageId, receivedAt, attachmentOverrides, jobOverrides, }: Pick & { attachmentOverrides?: Partial; jobOverrides?: Partial; }): AttachmentDownloadJobType { const digest = `digestFor${messageId}`; const size = 128; const contentType = MIME.IMAGE_PNG; return { messageId, receivedAt, sentAt: receivedAt, attachmentType: 'attachment', digest, size, ciphertextSize: getAttachmentCiphertextLength(size), contentType, active: false, attempts: 0, retryAfter: null, lastAttemptTimestamp: null, source: AttachmentDownloadSource.STANDARD, attachment: { contentType, size, digest: `digestFor${messageId}`, ...attachmentOverrides, }, ...jobOverrides, }; } describe('AttachmentDownloadManager/JobManager', () => { let downloadManager: AttachmentDownloadManager | undefined; let runJob: sinon.SinonStub; let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers; let isInCall: sinon.SinonStub; beforeEach(async () => { await DataWriter.removeAll(); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers(); isInCall = sandbox.stub().returns(false); runJob = sandbox.stub().callsFake(async () => { return new Promise<{ status: 'finished' | 'retry' }>(resolve => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { resolve({ status: 'finished' }); }); }); }); downloadManager = new AttachmentDownloadManager({ ...AttachmentDownloadManager.defaultParams, saveJob: DataWriter.saveAttachmentDownloadJob, shouldHoldOffOnStartingQueuedJobs: isInCall, runDownloadAttachmentJob: runJob, getRetryConfig: () => ({ maxAttempts: 5, backoffConfig: { multiplier: 2, firstBackoffs: [MINUTE], maxBackoffTime: 10 * MINUTE, }, }), }); }); afterEach(async () => { await downloadManager?.stop(); sandbox.restore(); }); async function addJob( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType, urgency: AttachmentDownloadUrgency ) { // Save message first to satisfy foreign key constraint await DataWriter.saveMessage( { id: job.messageId, type: 'incoming', sent_at: job.sentAt, timestamp: job.sentAt, received_at: job.receivedAt + 1, conversationId: 'convoId', }, { ourAci: 'ourAci' as AciString, forceSave: true, } ); await downloadManager?.addJob({ urgency, ...job, }); } async function addJobs( num: number, jobOverrides?: | Partial | ((idx: number) => Partial) ): Promise> { const jobs = new Array(num).fill(null).map((_, idx) => composeJob({ messageId: `message-${idx}`, receivedAt: idx, jobOverrides: typeof jobOverrides === 'function' ? jobOverrides(idx) : jobOverrides, }) ); for (const job of jobs) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await addJob(job, AttachmentDownloadUrgency.STANDARD); } return jobs; } function waitForJobToBeStarted(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { return downloadManager?.waitForJobToBeStarted(job); } function waitForJobToBeCompleted(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { return downloadManager?.waitForJobToBeCompleted(job); } function assertRunJobCalledWith(jobs: Array) { return assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify( runJob .getCalls() .map( call => `${call.args[0].job.messageId}${call.args[0].job.attachmentType}.${call.args[0].job.digest}` ) ), JSON.stringify( jobs.map(job => `${job.messageId}${job.attachmentType}.${job.digest}`) ) ); } async function flushSQLReads() { await DataWriter.getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs({ limit: 10 }); } async function advanceTime(ms: number) { // When advancing the timers, we want to make sure any DB operations are completed // first. In cases like maybeStartJobs where we prevent re-entrancy, without this, // prior (unfinished) invocations can prevent subsequent calls after the clock is // ticked forward and make tests unreliable await flushSQLReads(); const now = Date.now(); while (Date.now() < now + ms) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await clock.tickAsync(downloadManager?.tickInterval ?? 1000); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await flushSQLReads(); } } function getPromisesForAttempts( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType, attempts: number ) { return new Array(attempts).fill(null).map((_, idx) => { return { started: waitForJobToBeStarted({ ...job, attempts: idx }), completed: waitForJobToBeCompleted({ ...job, attempts: idx }), }; }); } it('runs 3 jobs at a time in descending receivedAt order', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(5); // Confirm they are saved to DB const allJobs = await DataWriter.getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs({ limit: 100, }); assert.strictEqual(allJobs.length, 5); assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(allJobs.map(job => job.messageId)), JSON.stringify([ 'message-4', 'message-3', 'message-2', 'message-1', 'message-0', ]) ); await downloadManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[2]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2]]); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[0]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 5); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2], jobs[1], jobs[0]]); }); it('runs a job immediately if urgency is IMMEDIATE', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(6); await downloadManager?.start(); const urgentJobForOldMessage = composeJob({ messageId: 'message-urgent', receivedAt: 0, }); await addJob(urgentJobForOldMessage, AttachmentDownloadUrgency.IMMEDIATE); await waitForJobToBeStarted(urgentJobForOldMessage); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 4); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[5], jobs[4], jobs[3], urgentJobForOldMessage]); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[0]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 7); assertRunJobCalledWith([ jobs[5], jobs[4], jobs[3], urgentJobForOldMessage, jobs[2], jobs[1], jobs[0], ]); }); it('prefers jobs for visible messages', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(5); downloadManager?.updateVisibleTimelineMessages(['message-0', 'message-1']); await downloadManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[4]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[0], jobs[1], jobs[4]]); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[2]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 5); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[0], jobs[1], jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2]]); }); it("does not start a job if we're in a call", async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(5); isInCall.callsFake(() => true); await downloadManager?.start(); await advanceTime(2 * MINUTE); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 0); isInCall.callsFake(() => false); await advanceTime(2 * MINUTE); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[0]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 5); }); it('handles retries for failed', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(2); const job0Attempts = getPromisesForAttempts(jobs[0], 1); const job1Attempts = getPromisesForAttempts(jobs[1], 5); runJob.callsFake(async ({ job }: { job: AttachmentDownloadJobType }) => { return new Promise<{ status: 'finished' | 'retry' }>(resolve => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (job.messageId === jobs[0].messageId) { resolve({ status: 'finished' }); } else { resolve({ status: 'retry' }); } }); }); }); await downloadManager?.start(); await job0Attempts[0].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 2); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[1], jobs[0]]); const retriedJob = await DataReader.getAttachmentDownloadJob(jobs[1]); const finishedJob = await DataReader.getAttachmentDownloadJob(jobs[0]); assert.isUndefined(finishedJob); assert.strictEqual(retriedJob?.attempts, 1); assert.isNumber(retriedJob?.retryAfter); await advanceTime(MINUTE); await job1Attempts[1].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); await advanceTime(2 * MINUTE); await job1Attempts[2].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 4); await advanceTime(4 * MINUTE); await job1Attempts[3].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 5); await advanceTime(8 * MINUTE); await job1Attempts[4].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 6); assertRunJobCalledWith([ jobs[1], jobs[0], jobs[1], jobs[1], jobs[1], jobs[1], ]); // Ensure it's been removed after completed assert.isUndefined(await DataReader.getAttachmentDownloadJob(jobs[1])); }); it('will reset attempts if addJob is called again', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(1); runJob.callsFake(async () => { return new Promise<{ status: 'finished' | 'retry' }>(resolve => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { resolve({ status: 'retry' }); }); }); }); let attempts = getPromisesForAttempts(jobs[0], 4); await downloadManager?.start(); await attempts[0].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 1); await advanceTime(1 * MINUTE); await attempts[1].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 2); await advanceTime(5 * MINUTE); await attempts[2].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); // add the same job again and it should retry ASAP and reset attempts attempts = getPromisesForAttempts(jobs[0], 5); await downloadManager?.addJob(jobs[0]); await attempts[0].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 4); await advanceTime(1 * MINUTE); await attempts[1].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 5); await advanceTime(2 * MINUTE); await attempts[2].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 6); await advanceTime(4 * MINUTE); await attempts[3].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 7); await advanceTime(8 * MINUTE); await attempts[4].completed; assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 8); // Ensure it's been removed assert.isUndefined(await DataReader.getAttachmentDownloadJob(jobs[0])); }); it('only selects backup_import jobs if the mediaDownload is not paused', async () => { await window.storage.put('backupMediaDownloadPaused', true); const jobs = await addJobs(6, idx => ({ source: idx % 2 === 0 ? AttachmentDownloadSource.BACKUP_IMPORT : AttachmentDownloadSource.STANDARD, digest: `digestFor${idx}`, attachment: { contentType: MIME.IMAGE_JPEG, size: 128, digest: `digestFor${idx}`, backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame', }, }, })); // make one of the backup job messages visible to test that code path as well downloadManager?.updateVisibleTimelineMessages(['message-0', 'message-1']); await downloadManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeCompleted(jobs[3]); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[1], jobs[5], jobs[3]]); await advanceTime((downloadManager?.tickInterval ?? MINUTE) * 5); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[1], jobs[5], jobs[3]]); // resume backups await window.storage.put('backupMediaDownloadPaused', false); await advanceTime((downloadManager?.tickInterval ?? MINUTE) * 5); assertRunJobCalledWith([ jobs[1], jobs[5], jobs[3], jobs[0], jobs[4], jobs[2], ]); }); }); describe('AttachmentDownloadManager/runDownloadAttachmentJob', () => { let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; let deleteDownloadData: sinon.SinonStub; let downloadAttachment: sinon.SinonStub; let processNewAttachment: sinon.SinonStub; const abortController = new AbortController(); beforeEach(async () => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); downloadAttachment = sandbox.stub().returns({ path: '/path/to/file', iv: Buffer.alloc(16), plaintextHash: 'plaintextHash', isReencryptableToSameDigest: true, }); processNewAttachment = sandbox.stub().callsFake(attachment => attachment); }); afterEach(async () => { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('visible message', () => { it('will only download full-size if attachment not from backup', async () => { const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, }); const result = await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: true, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }); assert.strictEqual(result.downloadedVariant, AttachmentVariant.Default); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 1); const downloadCallArgs = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.Default ); }); it('will download thumbnail if attachment is from backup', async () => { const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, attachmentOverrides: { backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame', }, }, }); const result = await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: true, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }); strictAssert( result.downloadedVariant === AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup, 'downloaded thumbnail' ); assert.deepStrictEqual( omit(result.attachmentWithThumbnail, 'thumbnailFromBackup'), { contentType: MIME.IMAGE_PNG, size: 128, digest: 'digestFor1', backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame' }, } ); assert.equal( result.attachmentWithThumbnail.thumbnailFromBackup?.path, '/path/to/file' ); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 1); const downloadCallArgs = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup ); }); it('will download full size if thumbnail already backed up', async () => { const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, attachmentOverrides: { backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame', }, thumbnailFromBackup: { path: '/path/to/thumbnail', }, }, }); const result = await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: true, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }); assert.strictEqual(result.downloadedVariant, AttachmentVariant.Default); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 1); const downloadCallArgs = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.Default ); }); it('will attempt to download full size if thumbnail fails', async () => { downloadAttachment = sandbox.stub().callsFake(() => { throw new Error('error while downloading'); }); const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, attachmentOverrides: { backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame', }, }, }); await assert.isRejected( runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: true, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }) ); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 2); const downloadCallArgs0 = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs0.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs0.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup ); const downloadCallArgs1 = downloadAttachment.getCall(1).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs1.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs1.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.Default ); }); }); describe('message not visible', () => { it('will only download full-size if message not visible', async () => { const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, attachmentOverrides: { backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame', }, }, }); const result = await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: false, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }); assert.strictEqual(result.downloadedVariant, AttachmentVariant.Default); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 1); const downloadCallArgs = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.Default ); }); it('will fallback to thumbnail if main download fails and backuplocator exists', async () => { downloadAttachment = sandbox.stub().callsFake(({ options }) => { if (options.variant === AttachmentVariant.Default) { throw new Error('error while downloading'); } return { path: '/path/to/thumbnail', iv: Buffer.alloc(16), plaintextHash: 'plaintextHash', }; }); const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, attachmentOverrides: { backupLocator: { mediaName: 'medianame', }, }, }); const result = await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: false, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }); assert.strictEqual( result.downloadedVariant, AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup ); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 2); const downloadCallArgs0 = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs0.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs0.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.Default ); const downloadCallArgs1 = downloadAttachment.getCall(1).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs1.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs1.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup ); }); it("won't fallback to thumbnail if main download fails and no backup locator", async () => { downloadAttachment = sandbox.stub().callsFake(({ options }) => { if (options.variant === AttachmentVariant.Default) { throw new Error('error while downloading'); } return { path: '/path/to/thumbnail', iv: Buffer.alloc(16), plaintextHash: 'plaintextHash', }; }); const job = composeJob({ messageId: '1', receivedAt: 1, }); await assert.isRejected( runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: false, abortSignal: abortController.signal, dependencies: { deleteDownloadData, downloadAttachment, processNewAttachment, }, }) ); assert.strictEqual(downloadAttachment.callCount, 1); const downloadCallArgs = downloadAttachment.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(downloadCallArgs.attachment, job.attachment); assert.deepStrictEqual( downloadCallArgs.options.variant, AttachmentVariant.Default ); }); }); });