// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */ import { existsSync } from 'node:fs'; import { PassThrough } from 'node:stream'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { redactGenericText } from '../util/privacy'; import { JobManager, type JobManagerParamsType, type JobManagerJobResultType, } from './JobManager'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { type BackupsService, backupsService } from '../services/backups'; import { type EncryptedAttachmentV2, getAttachmentCiphertextLength, getAesCbcCiphertextLength, decryptAttachmentV2ToSink, ReencryptedDigestMismatchError, } from '../AttachmentCrypto'; import { getBackupMediaRootKey, deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial, deriveBackupThumbnailTransitKeyMaterial, } from '../services/backups/crypto'; import { type AttachmentBackupJobType, type CoreAttachmentBackupJobType, type StandardAttachmentBackupJobType, type ThumbnailAttachmentBackupJobType, } from '../types/AttachmentBackup'; import { isInCall as isInCallSelector } from '../state/selectors/calling'; import { encryptAndUploadAttachment } from '../util/uploadAttachment'; import { getMediaIdFromMediaName, getMediaNameForAttachmentThumbnail, } from '../services/backups/util/mediaId'; import { fromBase64, toBase64 } from '../Bytes'; import type { WebAPIType } from '../textsecure/WebAPI'; import { type AttachmentType, mightStillBeOnTransitTier, } from '../types/Attachment'; import { type CreatedThumbnailType, makeImageThumbnailForBackup, makeVideoScreenshot, } from '../types/VisualAttachment'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { canAttachmentHaveThumbnail } from './AttachmentDownloadManager'; import { isImageTypeSupported, isVideoTypeSupported, } from '../util/GoogleChrome'; import { getLocalAttachmentUrl } from '../util/getLocalAttachmentUrl'; import { findRetryAfterTimeFromError } from './helpers/findRetryAfterTimeFromError'; import { BackupCredentialType } from '../types/backups'; import { supportsIncrementalMac } from '../types/MIME'; import type { MIMEType } from '../types/MIME'; const MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS = 3; const RETRY_CONFIG = { // As long as we have the file locally, we're always going to keep trying maxAttempts: Infinity, backoffConfig: { // 1 minute, 5 minutes, 25 minutes, every hour multiplier: 5, firstBackoffs: [durations.MINUTE], maxBackoffTime: durations.HOUR, }, }; const THUMBNAIL_RETRY_CONFIG = { ...RETRY_CONFIG, // Thumbnails are optional so we don't need to try indefinitely maxAttempts: 3, }; export class AttachmentBackupManager extends JobManager { private static _instance: AttachmentBackupManager | undefined; static defaultParams: JobManagerParamsType = { markAllJobsInactive: DataWriter.markAllAttachmentBackupJobsInactive, saveJob: DataWriter.saveAttachmentBackupJob, removeJob: DataWriter.removeAttachmentBackupJob, getNextJobs: DataWriter.getNextAttachmentBackupJobs, runJob: runAttachmentBackupJob, shouldHoldOffOnStartingQueuedJobs: () => { const reduxState = window.reduxStore?.getState(); if (reduxState) { return isInCallSelector(reduxState); } return false; }, getJobId, getJobIdForLogging, getRetryConfig: job => { if (job.type === 'standard') { return RETRY_CONFIG; } return THUMBNAIL_RETRY_CONFIG; }, maxConcurrentJobs: MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS, }; override logPrefix = 'AttachmentBackupManager'; async addJobAndMaybeThumbnailJob( job: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType ): Promise { await this.addJob(job); if (job.type === 'standard') { if (canAttachmentHaveThumbnail(job.data.contentType)) { await this.addJob({ type: 'thumbnail', mediaName: getMediaNameForAttachmentThumbnail(job.mediaName), receivedAt: job.receivedAt, data: { fullsizePath: job.data.path, fullsizeSize: job.data.size, contentType: job.data.contentType, version: job.data.version, localKey: job.data.localKey, }, }); } } } static get instance(): AttachmentBackupManager { if (!AttachmentBackupManager._instance) { AttachmentBackupManager._instance = new AttachmentBackupManager( AttachmentBackupManager.defaultParams ); } return AttachmentBackupManager._instance; } static addJobAndMaybeThumbnailJob( job: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType ): Promise { return AttachmentBackupManager.instance.addJobAndMaybeThumbnailJob(job); } static async start(): Promise { log.info('AttachmentBackupManager/starting'); await AttachmentBackupManager.instance.start(); } static async stop(): Promise { log.info('AttachmentBackupManager/stopping'); return AttachmentBackupManager._instance?.stop(); } static async addJob(newJob: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType): Promise { return AttachmentBackupManager.instance.addJob(newJob); } static async waitForIdle(): Promise { return AttachmentBackupManager.instance.waitForIdle(); } } function getJobId(job: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType): string { return job.mediaName; } function getJobIdForLogging(job: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType): string { return `${redactGenericText(job.mediaName)}.${job.type}`; } /** * Backup-specific methods */ class AttachmentPermanentlyMissingError extends Error {} class FileNotFoundOnTransitTierError extends Error {} type RunAttachmentBackupJobDependenciesType = { getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: typeof window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath; backupMediaBatch?: WebAPIType['backupMediaBatch']; backupsService: BackupsService; encryptAndUploadAttachment: typeof encryptAndUploadAttachment; decryptAttachmentV2ToSink: typeof decryptAttachmentV2ToSink; }; export async function runAttachmentBackupJob( job: AttachmentBackupJobType, _options: { isLastAttempt: boolean; abortSignal: AbortSignal; }, dependencies: RunAttachmentBackupJobDependenciesType = { getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, backupsService, backupMediaBatch: window.textsecure.server?.backupMediaBatch, encryptAndUploadAttachment, decryptAttachmentV2ToSink, } ): Promise> { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `AttachmentBackupManager/runAttachmentBackupJob/${jobIdForLogging}`; try { await runAttachmentBackupJobInner(job, dependencies); return { status: 'finished' }; } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to backup attachment, attempt ${job.attempts}`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); if (error instanceof AttachmentPermanentlyMissingError) { log.error(`${logId}: Attachment unable to be found, giving up on job`); return { status: 'finished' }; } if (error instanceof ReencryptedDigestMismatchError) { log.error( `${logId}: Unable to reencrypt to match same digest; content must have changed` ); return { status: 'finished' }; } if ( error instanceof Error && 'code' in error && (error.code === 413 || error.code === 429) ) { return { status: 'rate-limited', pauseDurationMs: findRetryAfterTimeFromError(error), }; } return { status: 'retry' }; } } async function runAttachmentBackupJobInner( job: AttachmentBackupJobType, dependencies: RunAttachmentBackupJobDependenciesType ): Promise { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `AttachmentBackupManager.UploadOrCopyToBackupTier(${jobIdForLogging})`; log.info(`${logId}: starting`); const mediaId = getMediaIdFromMediaName(job.mediaName); const { isInBackupTier } = await dependencies.backupsService.getBackupCdnInfo( mediaId.string ); if (isInBackupTier) { log.info(`${logId}: object already in backup tier, done`); return; } const jobType = job.type; switch (jobType) { case 'standard': return backupStandardAttachment(job, dependencies); case 'thumbnail': return backupThumbnailAttachment(job, dependencies); default: throw missingCaseError(jobType); } } async function backupStandardAttachment( job: StandardAttachmentBackupJobType, dependencies: RunAttachmentBackupJobDependenciesType ) { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `AttachmentBackupManager.backupStandardAttachment(${jobIdForLogging})`; const { contentType, digest, iv, keys, localKey, path, size, transitCdnInfo, version, } = job.data; const mediaId = getMediaIdFromMediaName(job.mediaName); const backupKeyMaterial = deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial( getBackupMediaRootKey(), mediaId.bytes ); if (transitCdnInfo) { const { cdnKey: transitCdnKey, cdnNumber: transitCdnNumber, uploadTimestamp: transitCdnUploadTimestamp, } = transitCdnInfo; if (mightStillBeOnTransitTier(transitCdnInfo)) { try { await copyToBackupTier({ cdnKey: transitCdnKey, cdnNumber: transitCdnNumber, size, mediaId: mediaId.string, ...backupKeyMaterial, dependencies, }); log.info(`${logId}: copied to backup tier successfully`); return; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof FileNotFoundOnTransitTierError) { log.info( `${logId}: file not found on transit tier, uploadTimestamp: ${transitCdnUploadTimestamp}` ); } else { log.error( `${logId}: error copying to backup tier`, Errors.toLogFormat(e) ); throw e; } } } } if (!path) { throw new AttachmentPermanentlyMissingError( 'File not on transit tier and no path property' ); } const absolutePath = dependencies.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(path); if (!existsSync(absolutePath)) { throw new AttachmentPermanentlyMissingError('No file at provided path'); } log.info(`${logId}: uploading to transit tier`); const uploadResult = await uploadToTransitTier({ absolutePath, contentType, dependencies, digest, iv, keys, localKey, logPrefix: logId, size, version, }); log.info(`${logId}: copying to backup tier`); await copyToBackupTier({ cdnKey: uploadResult.cdnKey, cdnNumber: uploadResult.cdnNumber, size, mediaId: mediaId.string, ...backupKeyMaterial, dependencies, }); } async function backupThumbnailAttachment( job: ThumbnailAttachmentBackupJobType, dependencies: RunAttachmentBackupJobDependenciesType ) { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `AttachmentBackupManager.backupThumbnailAttachment(${jobIdForLogging})`; const mediaId = getMediaIdFromMediaName(job.mediaName); const backupKeyMaterial = deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial( getBackupMediaRootKey(), mediaId.bytes ); const { fullsizePath, fullsizeSize, contentType, version, localKey } = job.data; if (!canAttachmentHaveThumbnail(contentType)) { log.error( `${logId}: cannot generate thumbnail for contentType: ${contentType}` ); return; } if (!fullsizePath) { throw new AttachmentPermanentlyMissingError('No fullsizePath property'); } const fullsizeAbsolutePath = dependencies.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(fullsizePath); if (!existsSync(fullsizeAbsolutePath)) { throw new AttachmentPermanentlyMissingError( 'No fullsize file at provided path' ); } let thumbnail: CreatedThumbnailType; const fullsizeUrl = getLocalAttachmentUrl({ contentType, localKey, path: fullsizePath, size: fullsizeSize, version, }); if (isVideoTypeSupported(contentType)) { // TODO (DESKTOP-7204): pull screenshot path from attachments table if it already // exists const screenshotBlob = await makeVideoScreenshot({ objectUrl: fullsizeUrl, }); const screenshotObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(screenshotBlob); thumbnail = await makeImageThumbnailForBackup({ objectUrl: screenshotObjectUrl, }); } else if (isImageTypeSupported(contentType)) { thumbnail = await makeImageThumbnailForBackup({ objectUrl: fullsizeUrl, }); } else { log.error( `${logId}: cannot generate thumbnail for contentType: ${contentType}` ); return; } const { aesKey, macKey } = deriveBackupThumbnailTransitKeyMaterial( getBackupMediaRootKey(), mediaId.bytes ); log.info(`${logId}: uploading thumbnail to transit tier`); const uploadResult = await uploadThumbnailToTransitTier({ data: thumbnail.data, dependencies, keys: toBase64(Buffer.concat([aesKey, macKey])), logPrefix: logId, }); log.info(`${logId}: copying thumbnail to backup tier`); await copyToBackupTier({ cdnKey: uploadResult.cdnKey, cdnNumber: uploadResult.cdnNumber, mediaId: mediaId.string, size: thumbnail.data.byteLength, ...backupKeyMaterial, dependencies, }); } type UploadToTransitTierArgsType = { absolutePath: string; contentType: MIMEType; dependencies: { decryptAttachmentV2ToSink: typeof decryptAttachmentV2ToSink; encryptAndUploadAttachment: typeof encryptAndUploadAttachment; }; digest: string; iv: string; keys: string; localKey?: string; logPrefix: string; size: number; version?: AttachmentType['version']; }; type UploadResponseType = { cdnKey: string; cdnNumber: number; encrypted: EncryptedAttachmentV2; }; async function uploadToTransitTier({ absolutePath, contentType, dependencies, digest, iv, keys, localKey, logPrefix, size, version, }: UploadToTransitTierArgsType): Promise { const needIncrementalMac = supportsIncrementalMac(contentType); try { if (version === 2) { strictAssert( localKey != null, 'Missing localKey for version 2 attachment' ); const sink = new PassThrough(); // This `Promise.all` is chaining two separate pipelines via // a pass-through `sink`. const [, result] = await Promise.all([ dependencies.decryptAttachmentV2ToSink( { ciphertextPath: absolutePath, idForLogging: 'uploadToTransitTier', keysBase64: localKey, size, type: 'local', }, sink ), dependencies.encryptAndUploadAttachment({ dangerousIv: { reason: 'reencrypting-for-backup', iv: fromBase64(iv), digestToMatch: fromBase64(digest), }, keys: fromBase64(keys), needIncrementalMac, plaintext: { stream: sink, size }, uploadType: 'backup', }), ]); return result; } // Legacy attachments return dependencies.encryptAndUploadAttachment({ dangerousIv: { reason: 'reencrypting-for-backup', iv: fromBase64(iv), digestToMatch: fromBase64(digest), }, keys: fromBase64(keys), needIncrementalMac, plaintext: { absolutePath }, uploadType: 'backup', }); } catch (error) { log.error( `${logPrefix}/uploadToTransitTier: Error while encrypting and uploading`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } } async function uploadThumbnailToTransitTier({ data, keys, logPrefix, dependencies, }: { data: Uint8Array; keys: string; logPrefix: string; dependencies: { decryptAttachmentV2ToSink: typeof decryptAttachmentV2ToSink; encryptAndUploadAttachment: typeof encryptAndUploadAttachment; }; }): Promise { try { const uploadResult = await dependencies.encryptAndUploadAttachment({ plaintext: { data }, keys: fromBase64(keys), needIncrementalMac: false, uploadType: 'backup', }); return uploadResult; } catch (error) { log.error( `${logPrefix}/uploadThumbnailToTransitTier: Error while encrypting and uploading`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } } export const FILE_NOT_FOUND_ON_TRANSIT_TIER_STATUS = 410; async function copyToBackupTier({ cdnNumber, cdnKey, size, mediaId, macKey, aesKey, dependencies, }: { cdnNumber: number; cdnKey: string; size: number; mediaId: string; macKey: Uint8Array; aesKey: Uint8Array; dependencies: { backupMediaBatch?: WebAPIType['backupMediaBatch']; backupsService: BackupsService; }; }): Promise<{ cdnNumberOnBackup: number }> { strictAssert( dependencies.backupMediaBatch, 'backupMediaBatch must be intialized' ); const ciphertextLength = getAttachmentCiphertextLength(size); const { responses } = await dependencies.backupMediaBatch({ headers: await dependencies.backupsService.credentials.getHeadersForToday( BackupCredentialType.Media ), items: [ { sourceAttachment: { cdn: cdnNumber, key: cdnKey, }, objectLength: ciphertextLength, mediaId, hmacKey: macKey, encryptionKey: aesKey, }, ], }); const response = responses[0]; if (!response.isSuccess) { if (response.status === FILE_NOT_FOUND_ON_TRANSIT_TIER_STATUS) { throw new FileNotFoundOnTransitTierError(); } throw new Error( `copyToBackupTier failed: ${response.failureReason}, code: ${response.status}` ); } // Update our local understanding of what's in the backup cdn const sizeOnBackupCdn = getAesCbcCiphertextLength(ciphertextLength); await DataWriter.saveBackupCdnObjectMetadata([ { mediaId, cdnNumber: response.cdn, sizeOnBackupCdn }, ]); return { cdnNumberOnBackup: response.cdn, }; }