// Copyright 2019-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { Dictionary, omit, reject } from 'lodash'; import dataInterface from '../../sql/Client'; import { downloadStickerPack as externalDownloadStickerPack, maybeDeletePack, } from '../../../js/modules/stickers'; import { sendStickerPackSync } from '../../shims/textsecure'; import { trigger } from '../../shims/events'; import { NoopActionType } from './noop'; const { getRecentStickers, updateStickerLastUsed, updateStickerPackStatus, } = dataInterface; // State export type StickerDBType = { readonly id: number; readonly packId: string; readonly emoji: string; readonly isCoverOnly: string; readonly lastUsed: number; readonly path: string; }; export const StickerPackStatuses = [ 'known', 'ephemeral', 'downloaded', 'installed', 'pending', 'error', ] as const; export type StickerPackStatus = typeof StickerPackStatuses[number]; export type StickerPackDBType = { readonly id: string; readonly key: string; readonly attemptedStatus: 'downloaded' | 'installed' | 'ephemeral'; readonly author: string; readonly coverStickerId: number; readonly createdAt: number; readonly downloadAttempts: number; readonly installedAt: number | null; readonly lastUsed: number; readonly status: StickerPackStatus; readonly stickerCount: number; readonly stickers: Dictionary; readonly title: string; }; export type RecentStickerType = { readonly stickerId: number; readonly packId: string; }; export type StickersStateType = { readonly installedPack: string | null; readonly packs: Dictionary; readonly recentStickers: Array; readonly blessedPacks: Dictionary; }; // These are for the React components export type StickerType = { readonly id: number; readonly packId: string; readonly emoji: string; readonly url: string; }; export type StickerPackType = { readonly id: string; readonly key: string; readonly title: string; readonly author: string; readonly isBlessed: boolean; readonly cover?: StickerType; readonly lastUsed: number; readonly attemptedStatus?: 'downloaded' | 'installed' | 'ephemeral'; readonly status: StickerPackStatus; readonly stickers: Array; readonly stickerCount: number; }; // Actions type StickerPackAddedAction = { type: 'stickers/STICKER_PACK_ADDED'; payload: StickerPackDBType; }; type StickerAddedAction = { type: 'stickers/STICKER_ADDED'; payload: StickerDBType; }; type InstallStickerPackPayloadType = { packId: string; fromSync: boolean; status: 'installed'; installedAt: number; recentStickers: Array; }; type InstallStickerPackAction = { type: 'stickers/INSTALL_STICKER_PACK'; payload: Promise; }; type InstallStickerPackFulfilledAction = { type: 'stickers/INSTALL_STICKER_PACK_FULFILLED'; payload: InstallStickerPackPayloadType; }; type ClearInstalledStickerPackAction = { type: 'stickers/CLEAR_INSTALLED_STICKER_PACK'; }; type UninstallStickerPackPayloadType = { packId: string; fromSync: boolean; status: 'downloaded'; installedAt: null; recentStickers: Array; }; type UninstallStickerPackAction = { type: 'stickers/UNINSTALL_STICKER_PACK'; payload: Promise; }; type UninstallStickerPackFulfilledAction = { type: 'stickers/UNINSTALL_STICKER_PACK_FULFILLED'; payload: UninstallStickerPackPayloadType; }; type StickerPackUpdatedAction = { type: 'stickers/STICKER_PACK_UPDATED'; payload: { packId: string; patch: Partial }; }; type StickerPackRemovedAction = { type: 'stickers/REMOVE_STICKER_PACK'; payload: string; }; type UseStickerPayloadType = { packId: string; stickerId: number; time: number; }; type UseStickerAction = { type: 'stickers/USE_STICKER'; payload: Promise; }; type UseStickerFulfilledAction = { type: 'stickers/USE_STICKER_FULFILLED'; payload: UseStickerPayloadType; }; export type StickersActionType = | ClearInstalledStickerPackAction | StickerAddedAction | StickerPackAddedAction | InstallStickerPackFulfilledAction | UninstallStickerPackFulfilledAction | StickerPackUpdatedAction | StickerPackRemovedAction | UseStickerFulfilledAction | NoopActionType; // Action Creators export const actions = { downloadStickerPack, clearInstalledStickerPack, removeStickerPack, stickerAdded, stickerPackAdded, installStickerPack, uninstallStickerPack, stickerPackUpdated, useSticker, }; function removeStickerPack(id: string): StickerPackRemovedAction { return { type: 'stickers/REMOVE_STICKER_PACK', payload: id, }; } function stickerAdded(payload: StickerDBType): StickerAddedAction { return { type: 'stickers/STICKER_ADDED', payload, }; } function stickerPackAdded(payload: StickerPackDBType): StickerPackAddedAction { const { status, attemptedStatus } = payload; // We do this to trigger a toast, which is still done via Backbone if (status === 'error' && attemptedStatus === 'installed') { trigger('pack-install-failed'); } return { type: 'stickers/STICKER_PACK_ADDED', payload, }; } function downloadStickerPack( packId: string, packKey: string, options?: { finalStatus?: 'installed' | 'downloaded' } ): NoopActionType { const { finalStatus } = options || { finalStatus: undefined }; // We're just kicking this off, since it will generate more redux events externalDownloadStickerPack(packId, packKey, { finalStatus }); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function installStickerPack( packId: string, packKey: string, options: { fromSync: boolean } | null = null ): InstallStickerPackAction { return { type: 'stickers/INSTALL_STICKER_PACK', payload: doInstallStickerPack(packId, packKey, options), }; } async function doInstallStickerPack( packId: string, packKey: string, options: { fromSync: boolean } | null ): Promise { const { fromSync } = options || { fromSync: false }; const status = 'installed'; const timestamp = Date.now(); await updateStickerPackStatus(packId, status, { timestamp }); if (!fromSync) { // Kick this off, but don't wait for it sendStickerPackSync(packId, packKey, true); } const recentStickers = await getRecentStickers(); return { packId, fromSync, status, installedAt: timestamp, recentStickers: recentStickers.map(item => ({ packId: item.packId, stickerId: item.id, })), }; } function uninstallStickerPack( packId: string, packKey: string, options: { fromSync: boolean } | null = null ): UninstallStickerPackAction { return { type: 'stickers/UNINSTALL_STICKER_PACK', payload: doUninstallStickerPack(packId, packKey, options), }; } async function doUninstallStickerPack( packId: string, packKey: string, options: { fromSync: boolean } | null ): Promise { const { fromSync } = options || { fromSync: false }; const status = 'downloaded'; await updateStickerPackStatus(packId, status); // If there are no more references, it should be removed await maybeDeletePack(packId); if (!fromSync) { // Kick this off, but don't wait for it sendStickerPackSync(packId, packKey, false); } const recentStickers = await getRecentStickers(); return { packId, fromSync, status, installedAt: null, recentStickers: recentStickers.map(item => ({ packId: item.packId, stickerId: item.id, })), }; } function clearInstalledStickerPack(): ClearInstalledStickerPackAction { return { type: 'stickers/CLEAR_INSTALLED_STICKER_PACK' }; } function stickerPackUpdated( packId: string, patch: Partial ): StickerPackUpdatedAction { const { status, attemptedStatus } = patch; // We do this to trigger a toast, which is still done via Backbone if (status === 'error' && attemptedStatus === 'installed') { trigger('pack-install-failed'); } return { type: 'stickers/STICKER_PACK_UPDATED', payload: { packId, patch, }, }; } function useSticker( packId: string, stickerId: number, time = Date.now() ): UseStickerAction { return { type: 'stickers/USE_STICKER', payload: doUseSticker(packId, stickerId, time), }; } async function doUseSticker( packId: string, stickerId: number, time = Date.now() ): Promise { await updateStickerLastUsed(packId, stickerId, time); return { packId, stickerId, time, }; } // Reducer function getEmptyState(): StickersStateType { return { installedPack: null, packs: {}, recentStickers: [], blessedPacks: {}, }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): StickersStateType { if (action.type === 'stickers/STICKER_PACK_ADDED') { // ts complains due to `stickers: {}` being overridden by the payload // but without full confidence that that's the case, `any` and ignore // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const { payload } = action as any; const newPack = { stickers: {}, ...payload, }; return { ...state, packs: { ...state.packs, [payload.id]: newPack, }, }; } if (action.type === 'stickers/STICKER_ADDED') { const { payload } = action; const packToUpdate = state.packs[payload.packId]; return { ...state, packs: { ...state.packs, [packToUpdate.id]: { ...packToUpdate, stickers: { ...packToUpdate.stickers, [payload.id]: payload, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'stickers/STICKER_PACK_UPDATED') { const { payload } = action; const packToUpdate = state.packs[payload.packId]; return { ...state, packs: { ...state.packs, [packToUpdate.id]: { ...packToUpdate, ...payload.patch, }, }, }; } if ( action.type === 'stickers/INSTALL_STICKER_PACK_FULFILLED' || action.type === 'stickers/UNINSTALL_STICKER_PACK_FULFILLED' ) { const { payload } = action; const { fromSync, installedAt, packId, status, recentStickers } = payload; const { packs } = state; const existingPack = packs[packId]; // A pack might be deleted as part of the uninstall process if (!existingPack) { return { ...state, installedPack: state.installedPack === packId ? null : state.installedPack, recentStickers, }; } const isBlessed = state.blessedPacks[packId]; const installedPack = !fromSync && !isBlessed ? packId : null; return { ...state, installedPack, packs: { ...packs, [packId]: { ...packs[packId], status, installedAt, }, }, recentStickers, }; } if (action.type === 'stickers/CLEAR_INSTALLED_STICKER_PACK') { return { ...state, installedPack: null, }; } if (action.type === 'stickers/REMOVE_STICKER_PACK') { const { payload } = action; return { ...state, packs: omit(state.packs, payload), }; } if (action.type === 'stickers/USE_STICKER_FULFILLED') { const { payload } = action; const { packId, stickerId, time } = payload; const { recentStickers, packs } = state; const filteredRecents = reject( recentStickers, item => item.packId === packId && item.stickerId === stickerId ); const pack = packs[packId]; const sticker = pack.stickers[stickerId]; return { ...state, recentStickers: [payload, ...filteredRecents], packs: { ...state.packs, [packId]: { ...pack, lastUsed: time, stickers: { ...pack.stickers, [stickerId]: { ...sticker, lastUsed: time, }, }, }, }, }; } return state; }