// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { compact, difference, flatten, fromPairs, isNumber, values, } from 'lodash'; import Long from 'long'; import type { ClientZkGroupCipher } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/zkgroup'; import { v4 as getGuid } from 'uuid'; import LRU from 'lru-cache'; import * as log from './logging/log'; import { getCheckedGroupCredentialsForToday, maybeFetchNewCredentials, } from './services/groupCredentialFetcher'; import { storageServiceUploadJob } from './services/storage'; import dataInterface from './sql/Client'; import { toWebSafeBase64, fromWebSafeBase64 } from './util/webSafeBase64'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from './util/assert'; import { isMoreRecentThan } from './util/timestamp'; import { MINUTE, DurationInSeconds, SECOND } from './util/durations'; import { drop } from './util/drop'; import { dropNull } from './util/dropNull'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, GroupV2MemberType, GroupV2PendingAdminApprovalType, GroupV2PendingMemberType, GroupV2BannedMemberType, MessageAttributesType, } from './model-types.d'; import { createProfileKeyCredentialPresentation, decodeProfileKeyCredentialPresentation, decryptGroupBlob, decryptProfileKey, decryptAci, decryptPni, decryptServiceId, deriveGroupID, deriveGroupPublicParams, deriveGroupSecretParams, encryptGroupBlob, encryptServiceId, getAuthCredentialPresentation, getClientZkAuthOperations, getClientZkGroupCipher, getClientZkProfileOperations, verifyNotarySignature, } from './util/zkgroup'; import { computeHash, deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1, getRandomBytes, } from './Crypto'; import type { GroupCredentialsType, GroupLogResponseType, } from './textsecure/WebAPI'; import { HTTPError } from './textsecure/Errors'; import type MessageSender from './textsecure/SendMessage'; import { CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION as MAX_MESSAGE_SCHEMA } from './types/Message2'; import type { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations'; import { getGroupSizeHardLimit } from './groups/limits'; import { isGroupV1 as getIsGroupV1, isGroupV2 as getIsGroupV2, isGroupV2, isMe, } from './util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import * as Bytes from './Bytes'; import type { AvatarDataType } from './types/Avatar'; import type { ServiceIdString, AciString, PniString } from './types/ServiceId'; import { ServiceIdKind, isPniString, isServiceIdString, } from './types/ServiceId'; import { isAciString } from './util/isAciString'; import * as Errors from './types/errors'; import { SignalService as Proto } from './protobuf'; import { isNotNil } from './util/isNotNil'; import { isAccessControlEnabled } from './groups/util'; import { conversationJobQueue, conversationQueueJobEnum, } from './jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import { ReadStatus } from './messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SeenStatus } from './MessageSeenStatus'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from './util/incrementMessageCounter'; import { sleep } from './util/sleep'; import { groupInvitesRoute } from './util/signalRoutes'; type AccessRequiredEnum = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; export { joinViaLink } from './groups/joinViaLink'; type GroupV2AccessCreateChangeType = { type: 'create'; }; type GroupV2AccessAttributesChangeType = { type: 'access-attributes'; newPrivilege: number; }; type GroupV2AccessMembersChangeType = { type: 'access-members'; newPrivilege: number; }; type GroupV2AccessInviteLinkChangeType = { type: 'access-invite-link'; newPrivilege: number; }; type GroupV2AnnouncementsOnlyChangeType = { type: 'announcements-only'; announcementsOnly: boolean; }; type GroupV2AvatarChangeType = { type: 'avatar'; removed: boolean; }; type GroupV2TitleChangeType = { type: 'title'; // Allow for null, because the title could be removed entirely newTitle?: string; }; type GroupV2GroupLinkAddChangeType = { type: 'group-link-add'; privilege: number; }; type GroupV2GroupLinkResetChangeType = { type: 'group-link-reset'; }; type GroupV2GroupLinkRemoveChangeType = { type: 'group-link-remove'; }; // No disappearing messages timer change type - message.expirationTimerUpdate used instead type GroupV2MemberAddChangeType = { type: 'member-add'; aci: AciString; }; type GroupV2MemberAddFromInviteChangeType = { type: 'member-add-from-invite'; aci: AciString; inviter?: AciString; }; type GroupV2MemberAddFromLinkChangeType = { type: 'member-add-from-link'; aci: AciString; }; type GroupV2MemberAddFromAdminApprovalChangeType = { type: 'member-add-from-admin-approval'; aci: AciString; }; type GroupV2MemberPrivilegeChangeType = { type: 'member-privilege'; aci: AciString; newPrivilege: number; }; type GroupV2MemberRemoveChangeType = { type: 'member-remove'; aci: AciString; }; type GroupV2PendingAddOneChangeType = { type: 'pending-add-one'; serviceId: ServiceIdString; }; type GroupV2PendingAddManyChangeType = { type: 'pending-add-many'; count: number; }; // Note: pending-remove is only used if user didn't also join the group at the same time type GroupV2PendingRemoveOneChangeType = { type: 'pending-remove-one'; serviceId: ServiceIdString; inviter?: AciString; }; // Note: pending-remove is only used if user didn't also join the group at the same time type GroupV2PendingRemoveManyChangeType = { type: 'pending-remove-many'; count: number; inviter?: AciString; }; type GroupV2AdminApprovalAddOneChangeType = { type: 'admin-approval-add-one'; aci: AciString; }; // Note: admin-approval-remove-one is only used if user didn't also join the group at // the same time type GroupV2AdminApprovalRemoveOneChangeType = { type: 'admin-approval-remove-one'; aci: AciString; inviter?: AciString; }; type GroupV2AdminApprovalBounceChangeType = { type: 'admin-approval-bounce'; times: number; isApprovalPending: boolean; aci: AciString; }; export type GroupV2DescriptionChangeType = { type: 'description'; removed?: boolean; // Adding this field; cannot remove previous field for backwards compatibility description?: string; }; export type GroupV2SummaryType = { type: 'summary'; }; export type GroupV2ChangeDetailType = | GroupV2AccessAttributesChangeType | GroupV2AccessCreateChangeType | GroupV2AccessInviteLinkChangeType | GroupV2AccessMembersChangeType | GroupV2AdminApprovalAddOneChangeType | GroupV2AdminApprovalRemoveOneChangeType | GroupV2AdminApprovalBounceChangeType | GroupV2AnnouncementsOnlyChangeType | GroupV2AvatarChangeType | GroupV2DescriptionChangeType | GroupV2GroupLinkAddChangeType | GroupV2GroupLinkRemoveChangeType | GroupV2GroupLinkResetChangeType | GroupV2MemberAddChangeType | GroupV2MemberAddFromAdminApprovalChangeType | GroupV2MemberAddFromInviteChangeType | GroupV2MemberAddFromLinkChangeType | GroupV2MemberPrivilegeChangeType | GroupV2MemberRemoveChangeType | GroupV2PendingAddManyChangeType | GroupV2PendingAddOneChangeType | GroupV2PendingRemoveManyChangeType | GroupV2PendingRemoveOneChangeType | GroupV2SummaryType | GroupV2TitleChangeType; export type GroupV2ChangeType = { from?: ServiceIdString; details: Array<GroupV2ChangeDetailType>; }; export type GroupFields = { readonly id: Uint8Array; readonly secretParams: Uint8Array; readonly publicParams: Uint8Array; }; const MAX_CACHED_GROUP_FIELDS = 100; const groupFieldsCache = new LRU<string, GroupFields>({ max: MAX_CACHED_GROUP_FIELDS, }); const { updateConversation } = dataInterface; if (!isNumber(MAX_MESSAGE_SCHEMA)) { throw new Error( 'groups.ts: Unable to capture max message schema from js/modules/types/message' ); } type UpdatesResultType = { // The array of new messages to be added into the message timeline groupChangeMessages: Array<GroupChangeMessageType>; // The map of members in the group, and we largely just pull profile keys for each, // because the group membership is updated in newAttributes newProfileKeys: Map<AciString, string>; // To be merged into the conversation model newAttributes: ConversationAttributesType; }; type UploadedAvatarType = { data: Uint8Array; hash: string; key: string; }; type BasicMessageType = Pick< MessageAttributesType, 'id' | 'schemaVersion' | 'readStatus' | 'seenStatus' >; type GroupV2ChangeMessageType = { type: 'group-v2-change'; } & Pick<MessageAttributesType, 'groupV2Change' | 'sourceServiceId'>; type GroupV1MigrationMessageType = { type: 'group-v1-migration'; } & Pick< MessageAttributesType, 'invitedGV2Members' | 'droppedGV2MemberIds' | 'groupMigration' >; type TimerNotificationMessageType = { type: 'timer-notification'; } & Pick< MessageAttributesType, 'sourceServiceId' | 'flags' | 'expirationTimerUpdate' >; type GroupChangeMessageType = BasicMessageType & ( | GroupV2ChangeMessageType | GroupV1MigrationMessageType | TimerNotificationMessageType ); // Constants export const MASTER_KEY_LENGTH = 32; const GROUP_TITLE_MAX_ENCRYPTED_BYTES = 1024; const GROUP_DESC_MAX_ENCRYPTED_BYTES = 8192; export const ID_V1_LENGTH = 16; export const ID_LENGTH = 32; const TEMPORAL_AUTH_REJECTED_CODE = 401; const GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE = 403; const GROUP_NONEXISTENT_CODE = 404; const SUPPORTED_CHANGE_EPOCH = 5; export const LINK_VERSION_ERROR = 'LINK_VERSION_ERROR'; const GROUP_INVITE_LINK_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 16; function generateBasicMessage(): BasicMessageType { return { id: getGuid(), schemaVersion: MAX_MESSAGE_SCHEMA, // this is missing most properties to fulfill this type }; } // Group Links export function generateGroupInviteLinkPassword(): Uint8Array { return getRandomBytes(GROUP_INVITE_LINK_PASSWORD_LENGTH); } // Group Links export async function getPreJoinGroupInfo( inviteLinkPasswordBase64: string, masterKeyBase64: string ): Promise<Proto.GroupJoinInfo> { const data = window.Signal.Groups.deriveGroupFields( Bytes.fromBase64(masterKeyBase64) ); return makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getPreJoinInfo/groupv2(${data.id})`, publicParams: Bytes.toBase64(data.publicParams), secretParams: Bytes.toBase64(data.secretParams), request: (sender, options) => sender.getGroupFromLink(inviteLinkPasswordBase64, options), }); } export function buildGroupLink( conversation: ConversationAttributesType ): string | undefined { if (!isGroupV2(conversation)) { return undefined; } const { masterKey, groupInviteLinkPassword } = conversation; if (!groupInviteLinkPassword) { return undefined; } strictAssert(masterKey, 'buildGroupLink requires the master key!'); const bytes = Proto.GroupInviteLink.encode({ v1Contents: { groupMasterKey: Bytes.fromBase64(masterKey), inviteLinkPassword: Bytes.fromBase64(groupInviteLinkPassword), }, }).finish(); const inviteCode = toWebSafeBase64(Bytes.toBase64(bytes)); return groupInvitesRoute.toWebUrl({ inviteCode }).toString(); } export function parseGroupLink(value: string): { masterKey: string; inviteLinkPassword: string; } { const base64 = fromWebSafeBase64(value); const buffer = Bytes.fromBase64(base64); const inviteLinkProto = Proto.GroupInviteLink.decode(buffer); if ( inviteLinkProto.contents !== 'v1Contents' || !inviteLinkProto.v1Contents ) { const error = new Error( 'parseGroupLink: Parsed proto is missing v1Contents' ); error.name = LINK_VERSION_ERROR; throw error; } const { groupMasterKey: groupMasterKeyRaw, inviteLinkPassword: inviteLinkPasswordRaw, } = inviteLinkProto.v1Contents; if (!groupMasterKeyRaw || !groupMasterKeyRaw.length) { throw new Error('v1Contents.groupMasterKey had no data!'); } if (!inviteLinkPasswordRaw || !inviteLinkPasswordRaw.length) { throw new Error('v1Contents.inviteLinkPassword had no data!'); } const masterKey = Bytes.toBase64(groupMasterKeyRaw); if (masterKey.length !== 44) { throw new Error(`masterKey had unexpected length ${masterKey.length}`); } const inviteLinkPassword = Bytes.toBase64(inviteLinkPasswordRaw); if (inviteLinkPassword.length === 0) { throw new Error( `inviteLinkPassword had unexpected length ${inviteLinkPassword.length}` ); } return { masterKey, inviteLinkPassword }; } // Group Modifications async function uploadAvatar( options: { logId: string; publicParams: string; secretParams: string; } & ({ path: string } | { data: Uint8Array }) ): Promise<UploadedAvatarType> { const { logId, publicParams, secretParams } = options; try { const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); let data: Uint8Array; if ('data' in options) { ({ data } = options); } else { data = await window.Signal.Migrations.readAttachmentData(options.path); } const hash = computeHash(data); const blobPlaintext = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.encode({ avatar: data, }).finish(); const ciphertext = encryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, blobPlaintext); const key = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `uploadGroupAvatar/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, requestOptions) => sender.uploadGroupAvatar(ciphertext, requestOptions), }); return { data, hash, key, }; } catch (error) { log.warn( `uploadAvatar/${logId} Failed to upload avatar`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } } function buildGroupTitleBuffer( clientZkGroupCipher: ClientZkGroupCipher, title: string ): Uint8Array { const titleBlobPlaintext = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.encode({ title, }).finish(); const result = encryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, titleBlobPlaintext); if (result.byteLength > GROUP_TITLE_MAX_ENCRYPTED_BYTES) { throw new Error('buildGroupTitleBuffer: encrypted group title is too long'); } return result; } function buildGroupDescriptionBuffer( clientZkGroupCipher: ClientZkGroupCipher, description: string ): Uint8Array { const attrsBlobPlaintext = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.encode({ descriptionText: description, }).finish(); const result = encryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, attrsBlobPlaintext); if (result.byteLength > GROUP_DESC_MAX_ENCRYPTED_BYTES) { throw new Error( 'buildGroupDescriptionBuffer: encrypted group title is too long' ); } return result; } function buildGroupProto( attributes: Pick< ConversationAttributesType, | 'accessControl' | 'expireTimer' | 'id' | 'membersV2' | 'name' | 'pendingMembersV2' | 'publicParams' | 'revision' | 'secretParams' > & { avatarUrl?: string; } ): Proto.Group { const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; const logId = `groupv2(${attributes.id})`; const { publicParams, secretParams } = attributes; if (!publicParams) { throw new Error( `buildGroupProto/${logId}: attributes were missing publicParams!` ); } if (!secretParams) { throw new Error( `buildGroupProto/${logId}: attributes were missing secretParams!` ); } const serverPublicParamsBase64 = window.getServerPublicParams(); const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); const clientZkProfileCipher = getClientZkProfileOperations( serverPublicParamsBase64 ); const proto = new Proto.Group(); proto.publicKey = Bytes.fromBase64(publicParams); proto.version = attributes.revision || 0; if (attributes.name) { proto.title = buildGroupTitleBuffer(clientZkGroupCipher, attributes.name); } if (attributes.avatarUrl) { proto.avatar = attributes.avatarUrl; } if (attributes.expireTimer) { const timerBlobPlaintext = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.encode({ disappearingMessagesDuration: attributes.expireTimer, }).finish(); proto.disappearingMessagesTimer = encryptGroupBlob( clientZkGroupCipher, timerBlobPlaintext ); } const accessControl = new Proto.AccessControl(); if (attributes.accessControl) { accessControl.attributes = attributes.accessControl.attributes || ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER; accessControl.members = attributes.accessControl.members || ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER; } else { accessControl.attributes = ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER; accessControl.members = ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER; } proto.accessControl = accessControl; proto.members = (attributes.membersV2 || []).map(item => { const member = new Proto.Member(); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(item.aci); if (!conversation) { throw new Error(`buildGroupProto/${logId}: no conversation for member!`); } const profileKeyCredentialBase64 = conversation.get('profileKeyCredential'); if (!profileKeyCredentialBase64) { throw new Error( `buildGroupProto/${logId}: member was missing profileKeyCredential!` ); } const presentation = createProfileKeyCredentialPresentation( clientZkProfileCipher, profileKeyCredentialBase64, secretParams ); member.role = item.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT; member.presentation = presentation; return member; }); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourAciCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, ourAci); proto.membersPendingProfileKey = (attributes.pendingMembersV2 || []).map( item => { const pendingMember = new Proto.MemberPendingProfileKey(); const member = new Proto.Member(); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(item.serviceId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('buildGroupProto: no conversation for pending member!'); } const serviceId = conversation.getCheckedServiceId( 'buildGroupProto: pending member was missing serviceId!' ); const uuidCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId( clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId ); member.userId = uuidCipherTextBuffer; member.role = item.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT; pendingMember.member = member; pendingMember.timestamp = Long.fromNumber(item.timestamp); pendingMember.addedByUserId = ourAciCipherTextBuffer; return pendingMember; } ); return proto; } export async function buildAddMembersChange( conversation: Pick< ConversationAttributesType, 'bannedMembersV2' | 'id' | 'publicParams' | 'revision' | 'secretParams' >, conversationIds: ReadonlyArray<string> ): Promise<undefined | Proto.GroupChange.Actions> { const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const { id, publicParams, revision, secretParams } = conversation; const logId = `groupv2(${id})`; if (!publicParams) { throw new Error( `buildAddMembersChange/${logId}: attributes were missing publicParams!` ); } if (!secretParams) { throw new Error( `buildAddMembersChange/${logId}: attributes were missing secretParams!` ); } const newGroupVersion = (revision || 0) + 1; const serverPublicParamsBase64 = window.getServerPublicParams(); const clientZkProfileCipher = getClientZkProfileOperations( serverPublicParamsBase64 ); const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourAciCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, ourAci); const now = Date.now(); const addMembers: Array<Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberAction> = []; const addPendingMembers: Array<Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingProfileKeyAction> = []; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); await Promise.all( conversationIds.map(async conversationId => { const contact = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!contact) { assertDev( false, `buildAddMembersChange/${logId}: missing local contact, skipping` ); return; } const serviceId = contact.getServiceId(); if (!serviceId) { assertDev( false, `buildAddMembersChange/${logId}: missing serviceId; skipping` ); return; } // Refresh our local data to be sure if (!contact.get('profileKey') || !contact.get('profileKeyCredential')) { await contact.getProfiles(); } const profileKey = contact.get('profileKey'); const profileKeyCredential = contact.get('profileKeyCredential'); const member = new Proto.Member(); member.userId = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId); member.role = MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT; member.joinedAtVersion = newGroupVersion; // This is inspired by [Android's equivalent code][0]. // // [0]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android/blob/2be306867539ab1526f0e49d1aa7bd61e783d23f/libsignal/service/src/main/java/org/whispersystems/signalservice/api/groupsv2/GroupsV2Operations.java#L152-L174 if (profileKey && profileKeyCredential) { member.presentation = createProfileKeyCredentialPresentation( clientZkProfileCipher, profileKeyCredential, secretParams ); const addMemberAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberAction(); addMemberAction.added = member; addMemberAction.joinFromInviteLink = false; addMembers.push(addMemberAction); } else { const memberPendingProfileKey = new Proto.MemberPendingProfileKey(); memberPendingProfileKey.member = member; memberPendingProfileKey.addedByUserId = ourAciCipherTextBuffer; memberPendingProfileKey.timestamp = Long.fromNumber(now); const addPendingMemberAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingProfileKeyAction(); addPendingMemberAction.added = memberPendingProfileKey; addPendingMembers.push(addPendingMemberAction); } const doesMemberNeedUnban = conversation.bannedMembersV2?.find( bannedMember => bannedMember.serviceId === serviceId ); if (doesMemberNeedUnban) { const uuidCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId( clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId ); const deleteMemberBannedAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberBannedAction(); deleteMemberBannedAction.deletedUserId = uuidCipherTextBuffer; actions.deleteMembersBanned = actions.deleteMembersBanned || []; actions.deleteMembersBanned.push(deleteMemberBannedAction); } }) ); if (!addMembers.length && !addPendingMembers.length) { // This shouldn't happen. When these actions are passed to `modifyGroupV2`, a warning // will be logged. return undefined; } if (addMembers.length) { actions.addMembers = addMembers; } if (addPendingMembers.length) { actions.addPendingMembers = addPendingMembers; } actions.version = newGroupVersion; return actions; } export async function buildUpdateAttributesChange( conversation: Pick< ConversationAttributesType, 'id' | 'revision' | 'publicParams' | 'secretParams' >, attributes: Readonly<{ avatar?: undefined | Uint8Array; description?: string; title?: string; }> ): Promise<undefined | Proto.GroupChange.Actions> { const { publicParams, secretParams, revision, id } = conversation; const logId = `groupv2(${id})`; if (!publicParams) { throw new Error( `buildUpdateAttributesChange/${logId}: attributes were missing publicParams!` ); } if (!secretParams) { throw new Error( `buildUpdateAttributesChange/${logId}: attributes were missing secretParams!` ); } const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); let hasChangedSomething = false; const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); // There are three possible states here: // // 1. 'avatar' not in attributes: we don't want to change the avatar. // 2. attributes.avatar === undefined: we want to clear the avatar. // 3. attributes.avatar !== undefined: we want to update the avatar. if ('avatar' in attributes) { hasChangedSomething = true; actions.modifyAvatar = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAvatarAction(); const { avatar } = attributes; if (avatar) { const uploadedAvatar = await uploadAvatar({ data: avatar, logId, publicParams, secretParams, }); actions.modifyAvatar.avatar = uploadedAvatar.key; } // If we don't set `actions.modifyAvatar.avatar`, it will be cleared. } const { title } = attributes; if (title) { hasChangedSomething = true; actions.modifyTitle = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyTitleAction(); actions.modifyTitle.title = buildGroupTitleBuffer( clientZkGroupCipher, title ); } const { description } = attributes; if (typeof description === 'string') { hasChangedSomething = true; actions.modifyDescription = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyDescriptionAction(); actions.modifyDescription.descriptionBytes = buildGroupDescriptionBuffer( clientZkGroupCipher, description ); } if (!hasChangedSomething) { // This shouldn't happen. When these actions are passed to `modifyGroupV2`, a warning // will be logged. return undefined; } actions.version = (revision || 0) + 1; return actions; } export function buildDisappearingMessagesTimerChange({ expireTimer, group, }: { expireTimer: DurationInSeconds; group: ConversationAttributesType; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); const blob = new Proto.GroupAttributeBlob(); blob.disappearingMessagesDuration = expireTimer; if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildDisappearingMessagesTimerChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const blobPlaintext = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.encode(blob).finish(); const blobCipherText = encryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, blobPlaintext); const timerAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyDisappearingMessagesTimerAction(); timerAction.timer = blobCipherText; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer = timerAction; return actions; } export function buildInviteLinkPasswordChange( group: ConversationAttributesType, inviteLinkPassword: string ): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const inviteLinkPasswordAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyInviteLinkPasswordAction(); inviteLinkPasswordAction.inviteLinkPassword = Bytes.fromBase64(inviteLinkPassword); const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyInviteLinkPassword = inviteLinkPasswordAction; return actions; } export function buildNewGroupLinkChange( group: ConversationAttributesType, inviteLinkPassword: string, addFromInviteLinkAccess: AccessRequiredEnum ): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const accessControlAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAddFromInviteLinkAccessControlAction(); accessControlAction.addFromInviteLinkAccess = addFromInviteLinkAccess; const inviteLinkPasswordAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyInviteLinkPasswordAction(); inviteLinkPasswordAction.inviteLinkPassword = Bytes.fromBase64(inviteLinkPassword); const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess = accessControlAction; actions.modifyInviteLinkPassword = inviteLinkPasswordAction; return actions; } export function buildAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkChange( group: ConversationAttributesType, value: AccessRequiredEnum ): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const accessControlAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAddFromInviteLinkAccessControlAction(); accessControlAction.addFromInviteLinkAccess = value; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess = accessControlAction; return actions; } export function buildAnnouncementsOnlyChange( group: ConversationAttributesType, value: boolean ): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const action = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAnnouncementsOnlyAction(); action.announcementsOnly = value; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyAnnouncementsOnly = action; return actions; } export function buildAccessControlAttributesChange( group: ConversationAttributesType, value: AccessRequiredEnum ): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const accessControlAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAttributesAccessControlAction(); accessControlAction.attributesAccess = value; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyAttributesAccess = accessControlAction; return actions; } export function buildAccessControlMembersChange( group: ConversationAttributesType, value: AccessRequiredEnum ): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const accessControlAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMembersAccessControlAction(); accessControlAction.membersAccess = value; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyMemberAccess = accessControlAction; return actions; } export function _maybeBuildAddBannedMemberActions({ clientZkGroupCipher, group, ourAci, serviceId, }: { clientZkGroupCipher: ClientZkGroupCipher; group: Pick<ConversationAttributesType, 'bannedMembersV2'>; ourAci: AciString; serviceId: ServiceIdString; }): Pick< Proto.GroupChange.IActions, 'addMembersBanned' | 'deleteMembersBanned' > { const doesMemberNeedBan = !group.bannedMembersV2?.find(member => member.serviceId === serviceId) && serviceId !== ourAci; if (!doesMemberNeedBan) { return {}; } // Sort current banned members by decreasing timestamp const sortedBannedMembers = [...(group.bannedMembersV2 ?? [])].sort( (a, b) => { return b.timestamp - a.timestamp; } ); // All members after the limit have to be deleted and are older than the // rest of the list. const deletedBannedMembers = sortedBannedMembers.slice( Math.max(0, getGroupSizeHardLimit() - 1) ); let deleteMembersBanned = null; if (deletedBannedMembers.length > 0) { deleteMembersBanned = deletedBannedMembers.map(bannedMember => { const deleteMemberBannedAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberBannedAction(); deleteMemberBannedAction.deletedUserId = encryptServiceId( clientZkGroupCipher, bannedMember.serviceId ); return deleteMemberBannedAction; }); } const addMemberBannedAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberBannedAction(); const uuidCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId); addMemberBannedAction.added = new Proto.MemberBanned(); addMemberBannedAction.added.userId = uuidCipherTextBuffer; return { addMembersBanned: [addMemberBannedAction], deleteMembersBanned, }; } // TODO AND-1101 export function buildDeletePendingAdminApprovalMemberChange({ group, ourAci, aci, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; ourAci: AciString; aci: AciString; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildDeletePendingAdminApprovalMemberChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const uuidCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, aci); const deleteMemberPendingAdminApproval = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction(); deleteMemberPendingAdminApproval.deletedUserId = uuidCipherTextBuffer; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals = [ deleteMemberPendingAdminApproval, ]; const { addMembersBanned, deleteMembersBanned } = _maybeBuildAddBannedMemberActions({ clientZkGroupCipher, group, ourAci, serviceId: aci, }); if (addMembersBanned) { actions.addMembersBanned = addMembersBanned; } if (deleteMembersBanned) { actions.deleteMembersBanned = deleteMembersBanned; } return actions; } export function buildAddPendingAdminApprovalMemberChange({ group, profileKeyCredentialBase64, serverPublicParamsBase64, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; profileKeyCredentialBase64: string; serverPublicParamsBase64: string; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildAddPendingAdminApprovalMemberChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } const clientZkProfileCipher = getClientZkProfileOperations( serverPublicParamsBase64 ); const addMemberPendingAdminApproval = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction(); const presentation = createProfileKeyCredentialPresentation( clientZkProfileCipher, profileKeyCredentialBase64, group.secretParams ); const added = new Proto.MemberPendingAdminApproval(); added.presentation = presentation; addMemberPendingAdminApproval.added = added; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.addMemberPendingAdminApprovals = [addMemberPendingAdminApproval]; return actions; } export function buildAddMember({ group, profileKeyCredentialBase64, serverPublicParamsBase64, serviceId, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; profileKeyCredentialBase64: string; serverPublicParamsBase64: string; joinFromInviteLink?: boolean; serviceId: ServiceIdString; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error('buildAddMember: group was missing secretParams!'); } const clientZkProfileCipher = getClientZkProfileOperations( serverPublicParamsBase64 ); const addMember = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberAction(); const presentation = createProfileKeyCredentialPresentation( clientZkProfileCipher, profileKeyCredentialBase64, group.secretParams ); const added = new Proto.Member(); added.presentation = presentation; added.role = MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT; addMember.added = added; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.addMembers = [addMember]; const doesMemberNeedUnban = group.bannedMembersV2?.find( member => member.serviceId === serviceId ); if (doesMemberNeedUnban) { const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const userIdCipherText = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId); const deleteMemberBannedAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberBannedAction(); deleteMemberBannedAction.deletedUserId = userIdCipherText; actions.deleteMembersBanned = [deleteMemberBannedAction]; } return actions; } export function buildDeletePendingMemberChange({ serviceIds, group, }: { serviceIds: ReadonlyArray<ServiceIdString>; group: ConversationAttributesType; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildDeletePendingMemberChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const deletePendingMembers = serviceIds.map(serviceId => { const uuidCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId( clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId ); const deletePendingMember = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingProfileKeyAction(); deletePendingMember.deletedUserId = uuidCipherTextBuffer; return deletePendingMember; }); actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.deletePendingMembers = deletePendingMembers; return actions; } export function buildDeleteMemberChange({ group, ourAci, serviceId, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; ourAci: AciString; serviceId: ServiceIdString; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error('buildDeleteMemberChange: group was missing secretParams!'); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const uuidCipherTextBuffer = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId); const deleteMember = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberAction(); deleteMember.deletedUserId = uuidCipherTextBuffer; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.deleteMembers = [deleteMember]; const { addMembersBanned, deleteMembersBanned } = _maybeBuildAddBannedMemberActions({ clientZkGroupCipher, group, ourAci, serviceId, }); if (addMembersBanned) { actions.addMembersBanned = addMembersBanned; } if (deleteMembersBanned) { actions.deleteMembersBanned = deleteMembersBanned; } return actions; } export function buildAddBannedMemberChange({ serviceId, group, }: { serviceId: ServiceIdString; group: ConversationAttributesType; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildAddBannedMemberChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const userIdCipherText = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId); const addMemberBannedAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberBannedAction(); addMemberBannedAction.added = new Proto.MemberBanned(); addMemberBannedAction.added.userId = userIdCipherText; actions.addMembersBanned = [addMemberBannedAction]; if (group.pendingAdminApprovalV2?.some(item => item.aci === serviceId)) { const deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction(); deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction.deletedUserId = userIdCipherText; actions.deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals = [ deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction, ]; } actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; return actions; } export function buildModifyMemberRoleChange({ serviceId, group, role, }: { serviceId: ServiceIdString; group: ConversationAttributesType; role: number; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error('buildMakeAdminChange: group was missing secretParams!'); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const userIdCipherText = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, serviceId); const toggleAdmin = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMemberRoleAction(); toggleAdmin.userId = userIdCipherText; toggleAdmin.role = role; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.modifyMemberRoles = [toggleAdmin]; return actions; } export function buildPromotePendingAdminApprovalMemberChange({ group, aci, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; aci: AciString; }): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildAddPendingAdminApprovalMemberChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(group.secretParams); const userIdCipher = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, aci); const promotePendingMember = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction(); promotePendingMember.userId = userIdCipher; promotePendingMember.role = MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT; actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; actions.promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals = [promotePendingMember]; return actions; } export type BuildPromoteMemberChangeOptionsType = Readonly<{ group: ConversationAttributesType; serverPublicParamsBase64: string; profileKeyCredentialBase64: string; isPendingPniAciProfileKey: boolean; }>; export function buildPromoteMemberChange({ group, profileKeyCredentialBase64, serverPublicParamsBase64, isPendingPniAciProfileKey = false, }: BuildPromoteMemberChangeOptionsType): Proto.GroupChange.Actions { const actions = new Proto.GroupChange.Actions(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( 'buildDisappearingMessagesTimerChange: group was missing secretParams!' ); } actions.version = (group.revision || 0) + 1; const clientZkProfileCipher = getClientZkProfileOperations( serverPublicParamsBase64 ); const presentation = createProfileKeyCredentialPresentation( clientZkProfileCipher, profileKeyCredentialBase64, group.secretParams ); if (isPendingPniAciProfileKey) { actions.promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey = [ { presentation, }, ]; } else { actions.promotePendingMembers = [ { presentation, }, ]; } return actions; } async function uploadGroupChange({ actions, group, inviteLinkPassword, }: { actions: Proto.GroupChange.IActions; group: ConversationAttributesType; inviteLinkPassword?: string; }): Promise<Proto.IGroupChange> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error('uploadGroupChange: group was missing secretParams!'); } if (!group.publicParams) { throw new Error('uploadGroupChange: group was missing publicParams!'); } return makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `uploadGroupChange/${logId}`, publicParams: group.publicParams, secretParams: group.secretParams, request: (sender, options) => sender.modifyGroup(actions, options, inviteLinkPassword), }); } export async function modifyGroupV2({ conversation, usingCredentialsFrom, createGroupChange, extraConversationsForSend, inviteLinkPassword, name, syncMessageOnly = false, }: { conversation: ConversationModel; usingCredentialsFrom: ReadonlyArray<ConversationModel>; createGroupChange: () => Promise<Proto.GroupChange.Actions | undefined>; extraConversationsForSend?: ReadonlyArray<string>; inviteLinkPassword?: string; name: string; syncMessageOnly?: boolean; }): Promise<void> { const logId = `${name}/${conversation.idForLogging()}`; if (!getIsGroupV2(conversation.attributes)) { throw new Error( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Called for non-GroupV2 conversation` ); } const startTime = Date.now(); const timeoutTime = startTime + MINUTE; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; let refreshedCredentials = false; for (let attempt = 0; attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS; attempt += 1) { log.info(`modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Starting attempt ${attempt}`); try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await window.waitForEmptyEventQueue(); // Fetch profiles for contacts that do not have credentials (or have // expired credentials) { const membersMissingCredentials = usingCredentialsFrom.filter(member => member.hasProfileKeyCredentialExpired() ); const logIds = membersMissingCredentials.map(member => member.idForLogging() ); if (logIds.length !== 0) { log.info(`modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Fetching profiles for ${logIds}`); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await Promise.all( membersMissingCredentials.map(member => member.getProfiles()) ); } log.info(`modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Queuing attempt ${attempt}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await conversation.queueJob('modifyGroupV2', async () => { log.info(`modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Running attempt ${attempt}`); const actions = await createGroupChange(); if (!actions) { log.warn( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: No change actions. Returning early.` ); return; } // The new revision has to be exactly one more than the current revision // or it won't upload properly, and it won't apply in maybeUpdateGroup const currentRevision = conversation.get('revision'); const newRevision = actions.version; if ((currentRevision || 0) + 1 !== newRevision) { throw new Error( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Revision mismatch - ${currentRevision} to ${newRevision}.` ); } // Upload. If we don't have permission, the server will return an error here. const groupChange = await uploadGroupChange({ actions, inviteLinkPassword, group: conversation.attributes, }); const groupChangeBuffer = Proto.GroupChange.encode(groupChange).finish(); const groupChangeBase64 = Bytes.toBase64(groupChangeBuffer); // Apply change locally, just like we would with an incoming change. This will // change conversation state and add change notifications to the timeline. await window.Signal.Groups.maybeUpdateGroup({ conversation, groupChange: { base64: groupChangeBase64, isTrusted: true, }, newRevision, }); const groupV2Info = conversation.getGroupV2Info({ includePendingMembers: true, extraConversationsForSend, }); strictAssert(groupV2Info, 'missing groupV2Info'); await conversationJobQueue.add({ type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.GroupUpdate, conversationId: conversation.id, groupChangeBase64, recipients: syncMessageOnly ? [] : groupV2Info.members.slice(), revision: groupV2Info.revision, }); }); // If we've gotten here with no error, we exit! log.info( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Update complete, with attempt ${attempt}!` ); break; } catch (error) { if (error.code === 409 && Date.now() <= timeoutTime) { log.info( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Conflict while updating. Trying again...` ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await conversation.fetchLatestGroupV2Data({ force: true }); } else if (error.code === 400 && !refreshedCredentials) { const logIds = usingCredentialsFrom.map(member => member.idForLogging() ); if (logIds.length !== 0) { log.warn( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Profile key credentials were not ` + `up-to-date. Updating profiles for ${logIds} and retrying` ); } for (const member of usingCredentialsFrom) { member.set({ profileKeyCredential: null, profileKeyCredentialExpiration: null, }); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await Promise.all( usingCredentialsFrom.map(member => member.getProfiles()) ); // Fetch credentials only once refreshedCredentials = true; } else if (error.code === 409) { log.error( `modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Conflict while updating. Timed out; not retrying.` ); // We don't wait here because we're breaking out of the loop immediately. void conversation.fetchLatestGroupV2Data({ force: true }); throw error; } else { const errorString = Errors.toLogFormat(error); log.error(`modifyGroupV2/${logId}: Error updating: ${errorString}`); throw error; } } } } // Utility export function idForLogging(groupId: string | undefined): string { return `groupv2(${groupId})`; } export function deriveGroupFields(masterKey: Uint8Array): GroupFields { if (masterKey.length !== MASTER_KEY_LENGTH) { throw new Error( `deriveGroupFields: masterKey had length ${masterKey.length}, ` + `expected ${MASTER_KEY_LENGTH}` ); } const cacheKey = Bytes.toBase64(masterKey); const cached = groupFieldsCache.get(cacheKey); if (cached) { return cached; } log.info('deriveGroupFields: cache miss'); const secretParams = deriveGroupSecretParams(masterKey); const publicParams = deriveGroupPublicParams(secretParams); const id = deriveGroupID(secretParams); const fresh = { id, secretParams, publicParams, }; groupFieldsCache.set(cacheKey, fresh); return fresh; } async function makeRequestWithTemporalRetry<T>({ logId, publicParams, secretParams, request, }: { logId: string; publicParams: string; secretParams: string; request: (sender: MessageSender, options: GroupCredentialsType) => Promise<T>; }): Promise<T> { const groupCredentials = getCheckedGroupCredentialsForToday( `makeRequestWithTemporalRetry/${logId}` ); const sender = window.textsecure.messaging; if (!sender) { throw new Error( `makeRequestWithTemporalRetry/${logId}: textsecure.messaging is not available!` ); } log.info(`makeRequestWithTemporalRetry/${logId}: starting`); const todayOptions = getGroupCredentials({ authCredentialBase64: groupCredentials.today.credential, groupPublicParamsBase64: publicParams, groupSecretParamsBase64: secretParams, serverPublicParamsBase64: window.getServerPublicParams(), }); try { return await request(sender, todayOptions); } catch (todayError) { if (todayError.code === TEMPORAL_AUTH_REJECTED_CODE) { log.warn( `makeRequestWithTemporalRetry/${logId}: Trying again with tomorrow's credentials` ); const tomorrowOptions = getGroupCredentials({ authCredentialBase64: groupCredentials.tomorrow.credential, groupPublicParamsBase64: publicParams, groupSecretParamsBase64: secretParams, serverPublicParamsBase64: window.getServerPublicParams(), }); return request(sender, tomorrowOptions); } throw todayError; } } export async function fetchMembershipProof({ publicParams, secretParams, }: { publicParams: string; secretParams: string; }): Promise<string | undefined> { // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); if (!publicParams) { throw new Error('fetchMembershipProof: group was missing publicParams!'); } if (!secretParams) { throw new Error('fetchMembershipProof: group was missing secretParams!'); } const response = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: 'fetchMembershipProof', publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, options) => sender.getGroupMembershipToken(options), }); return dropNull(response.token); } // Creating a group export async function createGroupV2( options: Readonly<{ name: string; avatar: undefined | Uint8Array; expireTimer: undefined | DurationInSeconds; conversationIds: ReadonlyArray<string>; avatars?: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>; refreshedCredentials?: boolean; }> ): Promise<ConversationModel> { const { name, avatar, expireTimer, conversationIds, avatars, refreshedCredentials = false, } = options; // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const masterKeyBuffer = getRandomBytes(32); const fields = deriveGroupFields(masterKeyBuffer); const groupId = Bytes.toBase64(fields.id); const logId = `groupv2(${groupId})`; const masterKey = Bytes.toBase64(masterKeyBuffer); const secretParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.secretParams); const publicParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.publicParams); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); if (ourConversation.hasProfileKeyCredentialExpired()) { log.info(`createGroupV2/${logId}: fetching our own credentials`); await ourConversation.getProfiles(); } const membersV2: Array<GroupV2MemberType> = [ { aci: ourAci, role: MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.ADMINISTRATOR, joinedAtVersion: 0, }, ]; const pendingMembersV2: Array<GroupV2PendingMemberType> = []; let uploadedAvatar: undefined | UploadedAvatarType; await Promise.all([ ...conversationIds.map(async conversationId => { const contact = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!contact) { assertDev( false, `createGroupV2/${logId}: missing local contact, skipping` ); return; } const contactServiceId = contact.getServiceId(); if (!contactServiceId) { assertDev( false, `createGroupV2/${logId}: missing service id; skipping` ); return; } // Refresh our local data to be sure if (contact.hasProfileKeyCredentialExpired()) { await contact.getProfiles(); } if (contact.get('profileKey') && contact.get('profileKeyCredential')) { strictAssert(isAciString(contactServiceId), 'profile key without ACI'); membersV2.push({ aci: contactServiceId, role: MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, joinedAtVersion: 0, }); } else { pendingMembersV2.push({ addedByUserId: ourAci, serviceId: contactServiceId, timestamp: Date.now(), role: MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, }); } }), (async () => { if (!avatar) { return; } uploadedAvatar = await uploadAvatar({ data: avatar, logId, publicParams, secretParams, }); })(), ]); if (membersV2.length + pendingMembersV2.length > getGroupSizeHardLimit()) { throw new Error( `createGroupV2/${logId}: Too many members! Member count: ${membersV2.length}, Pending member count: ${pendingMembersV2.length}` ); } const protoAndConversationAttributes = { name, // Core GroupV2 info revision: 0, publicParams, secretParams, // GroupV2 state accessControl: { attributes: ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, members: ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, addFromInviteLink: ACCESS_ENUM.UNSATISFIABLE, }, membersV2, pendingMembersV2, }; const groupProto = await buildGroupProto({ id: groupId, avatarUrl: uploadedAvatar?.key, ...protoAndConversationAttributes, }); try { await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `createGroupV2/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, requestOptions) => sender.createGroup(groupProto, requestOptions), }); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof HTTPError)) { throw error; } if (error.code !== 400 || refreshedCredentials) { throw error; } const logIds = conversationIds.map(conversationId => { const contact = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!contact) { return; } contact.set({ profileKeyCredential: null, profileKeyCredentialExpiration: null, }); return contact.idForLogging(); }); log.warn( `createGroupV2/${logId}: Profile key credentials were not ` + `up-to-date. Updating profiles for ${logIds} and retrying` ); return createGroupV2({ ...options, refreshedCredentials: true, }); } let avatarAttribute: ConversationAttributesType['avatar']; if (uploadedAvatar) { try { avatarAttribute = { url: uploadedAvatar.key, path: await window.Signal.Migrations.writeNewAttachmentData( uploadedAvatar.data ), hash: uploadedAvatar.hash, }; } catch (err) { log.warn( `createGroupV2/${logId}: avatar failed to save to disk. Continuing on` ); } } const now = Date.now(); const conversation = await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( groupId, 'group', { ...protoAndConversationAttributes, active_at: now, addedBy: ourAci, avatar: avatarAttribute, avatars, groupVersion: 2, masterKey, profileSharing: true, timestamp: now, needsStorageServiceSync: true, } ); await conversation.queueJob('storageServiceUploadJob', async () => { await storageServiceUploadJob(); }); const timestamp = Date.now(); const groupV2Info = conversation.getGroupV2Info({ includePendingMembers: true, }); strictAssert(groupV2Info, 'missing groupV2Info'); await conversationJobQueue.add({ type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.GroupUpdate, conversationId: conversation.id, recipients: groupV2Info.members.slice(), revision: groupV2Info.revision, }); const createdTheGroupMessage: MessageAttributesType = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', sourceServiceId: ourAci, conversationId: conversation.id, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), received_at_ms: timestamp, timestamp, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, sent_at: timestamp, groupV2Change: { from: ourAci, details: [{ type: 'create' }], }, }; await dataInterface.saveMessages([createdTheGroupMessage], { forceSave: true, ourAci, }); let model = new window.Whisper.Message(createdTheGroupMessage); model = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( model.id, model, 'createGroupV2' ); conversation.trigger('newmessage', model); if (expireTimer) { await conversation.updateExpirationTimer(expireTimer, { reason: 'createGroupV2', }); } return conversation; } // Migrating a group export async function hasV1GroupBeenMigrated( conversation: ConversationModel ): Promise<boolean> { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); const isGroupV1 = getIsGroupV1(conversation.attributes); if (!isGroupV1) { log.warn( `checkForGV2Existence/${logId}: Called for non-GroupV1 conversation!` ); return false; } // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); const groupId = conversation.get('groupId'); if (!groupId) { throw new Error(`checkForGV2Existence/${logId}: No groupId!`); } const idBuffer = Bytes.fromBinary(groupId); const masterKeyBuffer = deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1(idBuffer); const fields = deriveGroupFields(masterKeyBuffer); try { await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getGroup/${logId}`, publicParams: Bytes.toBase64(fields.publicParams), secretParams: Bytes.toBase64(fields.secretParams), request: (sender, options) => sender.getGroup(options), }); return true; } catch (error) { const { code } = error; return code !== GROUP_NONEXISTENT_CODE; } } export function maybeDeriveGroupV2Id(conversation: ConversationModel): boolean { const isGroupV1 = getIsGroupV1(conversation.attributes); const groupV1Id = conversation.get('groupId'); const derived = conversation.get('derivedGroupV2Id'); if (!isGroupV1 || !groupV1Id || derived) { return false; } const v1IdBuffer = Bytes.fromBinary(groupV1Id); const masterKeyBuffer = deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1(v1IdBuffer); const fields = deriveGroupFields(masterKeyBuffer); const derivedGroupV2Id = Bytes.toBase64(fields.id); conversation.set({ derivedGroupV2Id, }); return true; } type WrappedGroupChangeType = Readonly<{ base64: string; isTrusted: boolean; }>; type MigratePropsType = Readonly<{ conversation: ConversationModel; newRevision?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; groupChange?: WrappedGroupChangeType; }>; export async function isGroupEligibleToMigrate( conversation: ConversationModel ): Promise<boolean> { if (!getIsGroupV1(conversation.attributes)) { return false; } const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const areWeMember = !conversation.get('left') && conversation.hasMember(ourAci); if (!areWeMember) { return false; } const members = conversation.get('members') || []; for (let i = 0, max = members.length; i < max; i += 1) { const identifier = members[i]; const contact = window.ConversationController.get(identifier); if (!contact) { return false; } if (!contact.getServiceId()) { return false; } } return true; } export async function getGroupMigrationMembers( conversation: ConversationModel ): Promise<{ droppedGV2MemberIds: Array<string>; membersV2: Array<GroupV2MemberType>; pendingMembersV2: Array<GroupV2PendingMemberType>; previousGroupV1Members: Array<string>; }> { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); if (!ourConversationId) { throw new Error( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: Couldn't fetch our own conversationId!` ); } const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); let areWeMember = false; let areWeInvited = false; const previousGroupV1Members = conversation.get('members') || []; const now = Date.now(); const memberLookup: Record<string, boolean> = {}; const membersV2: Array<GroupV2MemberType> = compact( await Promise.all( previousGroupV1Members.map(async e164 => { const contact = window.ConversationController.get(e164); if (!contact) { throw new Error( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: membersV2 - missing local contact for ${e164}, skipping.` ); } if ( !isMe(contact.attributes) && window.Flags.GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_ADD ) { log.warn( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: membersV2 - skipping ${e164} due to GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_ADD flag` ); return null; } const contactAci = contact.getAci(); if (!contactAci) { log.warn( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: membersV2 - missing aci for ${e164}, skipping.` ); return null; } if (!contact.get('profileKey')) { log.warn( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: membersV2 - missing profileKey for member ${e164}, skipping.` ); return null; } // Refresh our local data to be sure if (!contact.get('profileKeyCredential')) { await contact.getProfiles(); } if (!contact.get('profileKeyCredential')) { log.warn( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: membersV2 - no profileKeyCredential for ${e164}, skipping.` ); return null; } const conversationId = contact.id; if (conversationId === ourConversationId) { areWeMember = true; } memberLookup[conversationId] = true; return { aci: contactAci, role: MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.ADMINISTRATOR, joinedAtVersion: 0, }; }) ) ); const droppedGV2MemberIds: Array<string> = []; const pendingMembersV2: Array<GroupV2PendingMemberType> = compact( (previousGroupV1Members || []).map(e164 => { const contact = window.ConversationController.get(e164); if (!contact) { throw new Error( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: pendingMembersV2 - missing local contact for ${e164}, skipping.` ); } const conversationId = contact.id; // If we've already added this contact above, we'll skip here if (memberLookup[conversationId]) { return null; } if ( !isMe(contact.attributes) && window.Flags.GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_INVITE ) { log.warn( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: pendingMembersV2 - skipping ${e164} due to GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_INVITE flag` ); droppedGV2MemberIds.push(conversationId); return null; } const contactUuid = contact.getServiceId(); if (!contactUuid) { log.warn( `getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: pendingMembersV2 - missing uuid for ${e164}, skipping.` ); droppedGV2MemberIds.push(conversationId); return null; } if (conversationId === ourConversationId) { areWeInvited = true; } return { serviceId: contactUuid, timestamp: now, addedByUserId: ourAci, role: MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.ADMINISTRATOR, }; }) ); if (!areWeMember) { throw new Error(`getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: We are not a member!`); } if (areWeInvited) { throw new Error(`getGroupMigrationMembers/${logId}: We are invited!`); } return { droppedGV2MemberIds, membersV2, pendingMembersV2, previousGroupV1Members, }; } // This is called when the user chooses to migrate a GroupV1. It will update the server, // then let all members know about the new group. export async function initiateMigrationToGroupV2( conversation: ConversationModel ): Promise<void> { // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); try { await conversation.queueJob('initiateMigrationToGroupV2', async () => { const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; const isEligible = await isGroupEligibleToMigrate(conversation); const previousGroupV1Id = conversation.get('groupId'); if (!isEligible || !previousGroupV1Id) { throw new Error( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2: conversation is not eligible to migrate! ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); } const groupV1IdBuffer = Bytes.fromBinary(previousGroupV1Id); const masterKeyBuffer = deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1(groupV1IdBuffer); const fields = deriveGroupFields(masterKeyBuffer); const groupId = Bytes.toBase64(fields.id); const logId = `groupv2(${groupId})`; log.info( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2/${logId}: Migrating from ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); const masterKey = Bytes.toBase64(masterKeyBuffer); const secretParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.secretParams); const publicParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.publicParams); const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); if (!ourConversationId) { throw new Error( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2/${logId}: Couldn't fetch our own conversationId!` ); } const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.get(ourConversationId); if (!ourConversation) { throw new Error( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2/${logId}: cannot get our own conversation. Cannot migrate` ); } const { membersV2, pendingMembersV2, droppedGV2MemberIds, previousGroupV1Members, } = await getGroupMigrationMembers(conversation); if ( membersV2.length + pendingMembersV2.length > getGroupSizeHardLimit() ) { throw new Error( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2/${logId}: Too many members! Member count: ${membersV2.length}, Pending member count: ${pendingMembersV2.length}` ); } // Note: A few group elements don't need to change here: // - name // - expireTimer let avatarAttribute: ConversationAttributesType['avatar']; const avatarPath = conversation.attributes.avatar?.path; if (avatarPath) { const { hash, key } = await uploadAvatar({ logId, publicParams, secretParams, path: avatarPath, }); avatarAttribute = { url: key, path: avatarPath, hash, }; } const newAttributes = { ...conversation.attributes, avatar: avatarAttribute, // Core GroupV2 info revision: 0, groupId, groupVersion: 2, masterKey, publicParams, secretParams, // GroupV2 state accessControl: { attributes: ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, members: ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, addFromInviteLink: ACCESS_ENUM.UNSATISFIABLE, }, membersV2, pendingMembersV2, // Capture previous GroupV1 data for future use previousGroupV1Id, previousGroupV1Members, // Clear storage ID, since we need to start over on the storage service storageID: undefined, // Clear obsolete data derivedGroupV2Id: undefined, members: undefined, }; const groupProto = buildGroupProto({ ...newAttributes, avatarUrl: avatarAttribute?.url, }); try { await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `createGroup/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, options) => sender.createGroup(groupProto, options), }); } catch (error) { log.error( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2/${logId}: Error creating group:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } const groupChangeMessages: Array<GroupChangeMessageType> = []; groupChangeMessages.push({ ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v1-migration', invitedGV2Members: pendingMembersV2.map( ({ serviceId: uuid, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, uuid }; } ), droppedGV2MemberIds, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }); await updateGroup({ conversation, updates: { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys: new Map(), }, }); if (window.storage.blocked.isGroupBlocked(previousGroupV1Id)) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedGroup(groupId); } // Save these most recent updates to conversation updateConversation(conversation.attributes); }); } catch (error) { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); if (!getIsGroupV1(conversation.attributes)) { throw error; } const alreadyMigrated = await hasV1GroupBeenMigrated(conversation); if (!alreadyMigrated) { log.error( `initiateMigrationToGroupV2/${logId}: Group has not already been migrated, re-throwing error` ); throw error; } await respondToGroupV2Migration({ conversation, }); return; } const groupV2Info = conversation.getGroupV2Info({ includePendingMembers: true, }); strictAssert(groupV2Info, 'missing groupV2Info'); await conversationJobQueue.add({ type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.GroupUpdate, conversationId: conversation.id, recipients: groupV2Info.members.slice(), revision: groupV2Info.revision, }); } export async function waitThenRespondToGroupV2Migration( options: MigratePropsType ): Promise<void> { // First wait to process all incoming messages on the websocket await window.waitForEmptyEventQueue(); // Then wait to process all outstanding messages for this conversation const { conversation } = options; await conversation.queueJob('waitThenRespondToGroupV2Migration', async () => { try { // And finally try to migrate the group await respondToGroupV2Migration(options); } catch (error) { log.error( `waitThenRespondToGroupV2Migration/${conversation.idForLogging()}: respondToGroupV2Migration failure:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }); } export function buildMigrationBubble( previousGroupV1MembersIds: ReadonlyArray<string>, newAttributes: ConversationAttributesType ): GroupChangeMessageType { const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourPni = window.storage.user.getPni(); const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); // Assemble items to commemorate this event for the timeline.. const combinedConversationIds: Array<string> = [ ...(newAttributes.membersV2 || []).map(item => item.aci), ...(newAttributes.pendingMembersV2 || []).map(item => item.serviceId), ].map(serviceId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.lookupOrCreate({ serviceId, reason: 'buildMigrationBubble', }); strictAssert(conversation, `Conversation not found for ${serviceId}`); return conversation.id; }); const droppedMemberIds: Array<string> = difference( previousGroupV1MembersIds, combinedConversationIds ).filter(id => id && id !== ourConversationId); const invitedMembers = (newAttributes.pendingMembersV2 || []).filter( item => item.serviceId !== ourAci && !(ourPni && item.serviceId === ourPni) ); const areWeInvited = (newAttributes.pendingMembersV2 || []).some( item => item.serviceId === ourAci || (ourPni && item.serviceId === ourPni) ); return { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v1-migration', groupMigration: { areWeInvited, invitedMembers: invitedMembers.map(({ serviceId: uuid, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, uuid }; }), droppedMemberIds, }, }; } export function getBasicMigrationBubble(): GroupChangeMessageType { return { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v1-migration', groupMigration: { areWeInvited: false, invitedMembers: [], droppedMemberIds: [], }, }; } export async function joinGroupV2ViaLinkAndMigrate({ approvalRequired, conversation, inviteLinkPassword, revision, }: { approvalRequired: boolean; conversation: ConversationModel; inviteLinkPassword: string; revision: number; }): Promise<void> { const isGroupV1 = getIsGroupV1(conversation.attributes); const previousGroupV1Id = conversation.get('groupId'); if (!isGroupV1 || !previousGroupV1Id) { throw new Error( `joinGroupV2ViaLinkAndMigrate: Conversation is not GroupV1! ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); } // Derive GroupV2 fields const groupV1IdBuffer = Bytes.fromBinary(previousGroupV1Id); const masterKeyBuffer = deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1(groupV1IdBuffer); const fields = deriveGroupFields(masterKeyBuffer); const groupId = Bytes.toBase64(fields.id); const logId = idForLogging(groupId); log.info( `joinGroupV2ViaLinkAndMigrate/${logId}: Migrating from ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); const masterKey = Bytes.toBase64(masterKeyBuffer); const secretParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.secretParams); const publicParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.publicParams); // A mini-migration, which will not show dropped/invited members const newAttributes = { ...conversation.attributes, // Core GroupV2 info revision, groupId, groupVersion: 2, masterKey, publicParams, secretParams, groupInviteLinkPassword: inviteLinkPassword, addedBy: undefined, left: true, // Capture previous GroupV1 data for future use previousGroupV1Id: conversation.get('groupId'), previousGroupV1Members: conversation.get('members'), // Clear storage ID, since we need to start over on the storage service storageID: undefined, // Clear obsolete data derivedGroupV2Id: undefined, members: undefined, }; const groupChangeMessages: Array<GroupChangeMessageType> = [ { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v1-migration', groupMigration: { areWeInvited: false, invitedMembers: [], droppedMemberIds: [], }, }, ]; await updateGroup({ conversation, updates: { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys: new Map(), }, }); // Now things are set up, so we can go through normal channels await conversation.joinGroupV2ViaLink({ inviteLinkPassword, approvalRequired, }); } // This may be called from storage service, an out-of-band check, or an incoming message. // If this is kicked off via an incoming message, we want to do the right thing and hit // the log endpoint - the parameters beyond conversation are needed in that scenario. export async function respondToGroupV2Migration({ conversation, groupChange, newRevision, receivedAt, sentAt, }: MigratePropsType): Promise<void> { // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); const isGroupV1 = getIsGroupV1(conversation.attributes); const previousGroupV1Id = conversation.get('groupId'); if (!isGroupV1 || !previousGroupV1Id) { throw new Error( `respondToGroupV2Migration: Conversation is not GroupV1! ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); } const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const wereWePreviouslyAMember = conversation.hasMember(ourAci); // Derive GroupV2 fields const groupV1IdBuffer = Bytes.fromBinary(previousGroupV1Id); const masterKeyBuffer = deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1(groupV1IdBuffer); const fields = deriveGroupFields(masterKeyBuffer); const groupId = Bytes.toBase64(fields.id); const logId = idForLogging(groupId); log.info( `respondToGroupV2Migration/${logId}: Migrating from ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); const masterKey = Bytes.toBase64(masterKeyBuffer); const secretParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.secretParams); const publicParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.publicParams); const previousGroupV1Members = conversation.get('members'); const previousGroupV1MembersIds = conversation.getMemberIds(); // Skeleton of the new group state - not useful until we add the group's server state const attributes = { ...conversation.attributes, // Core GroupV2 info revision: 0, groupId, groupVersion: 2, masterKey, publicParams, secretParams, // Capture previous GroupV1 data for future use previousGroupV1Id, previousGroupV1Members, // Clear storage ID, since we need to start over on the storage service storageID: undefined, // Clear obsolete data derivedGroupV2Id: undefined, members: undefined, }; let firstGroupState: Proto.IGroup | null | undefined; try { const response: GroupLogResponseType = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getGroupLog/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, options) => sender.getGroupLog( { startVersion: 0, includeFirstState: true, includeLastState: false, maxSupportedChangeEpoch: SUPPORTED_CHANGE_EPOCH, }, options ), }); // Attempt to start with the first group state, only later processing future updates firstGroupState = response?.changes?.groupChanges?.[0]?.groupState; } catch (error) { if (error.code === GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE) { log.info( `respondToGroupV2Migration/${logId}: Failed to access log endpoint; fetching full group state` ); try { firstGroupState = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getGroup/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, options) => sender.getGroup(options), }); } catch (secondError) { if (secondError.code === GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE) { log.info( `respondToGroupV2Migration/${logId}: Failed to access state endpoint; user is no longer part of group` ); if (window.storage.blocked.isGroupBlocked(previousGroupV1Id)) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedGroup(groupId); } if (wereWePreviouslyAMember) { log.info( `respondToGroupV2Migration/${logId}: Upgrading group with migration/removed events` ); const ourNumber = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); await updateGroup({ conversation, receivedAt, sentAt, updates: { newAttributes: { // Because we're using attributes here, we upgrade this to a v2 group ...attributes, addedBy: undefined, left: true, members: (conversation.get('members') || []).filter( item => item !== ourAci && item !== ourNumber ), }, groupChangeMessages: [ { ...getBasicMigrationBubble(), readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }, { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { details: [ { type: 'member-remove' as const, aci: ourAci, }, ], }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, }, ], newProfileKeys: new Map(), }, }); return; } log.info( `respondToGroupV2Migration/${logId}: Upgrading group with migration event; no removed event` ); await updateGroup({ conversation, receivedAt, sentAt, updates: { newAttributes: attributes, groupChangeMessages: [ { ...getBasicMigrationBubble(), readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }, ], newProfileKeys: new Map(), }, }); return; } throw secondError; } } else { throw error; } } if (!firstGroupState) { throw new Error( `respondToGroupV2Migration/${logId}: Couldn't get a first group state!` ); } const groupState = decryptGroupState( firstGroupState, attributes.secretParams, logId ); const { newAttributes, newProfileKeys } = await applyGroupState({ group: attributes, groupState, }); // Generate notifications into the timeline const groupChangeMessages: Array<GroupChangeMessageType> = []; groupChangeMessages.push({ ...buildMigrationBubble(previousGroupV1MembersIds, newAttributes), readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }); const areWeInvited = (newAttributes.pendingMembersV2 || []).some( item => item.serviceId === ourAci ); const areWeMember = (newAttributes.membersV2 || []).some( item => item.aci === ourAci ); if (!areWeInvited && !areWeMember) { // Add a message to the timeline saying the user was removed. This shouldn't happen. groupChangeMessages.push({ ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { details: [ { type: 'member-remove' as const, aci: ourAci, }, ], }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, }); } // This buffer ensures that all migration-related messages are sorted above // any initiating message. We need to do this because groupChangeMessages are // already sorted via updates to sentAt inside of updateGroup(). const SORT_BUFFER = 1000; await updateGroup({ conversation, receivedAt, sentAt: sentAt ? sentAt - SORT_BUFFER : undefined, updates: { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys: profileKeysToMap(newProfileKeys), }, }); if (window.storage.blocked.isGroupBlocked(previousGroupV1Id)) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedGroup(groupId); } // Save these most recent updates to conversation updateConversation(conversation.attributes); // Finally, check for any changes to the group since its initial creation using normal // group update codepaths. await maybeUpdateGroup({ conversation, groupChange, newRevision, receivedAt, sentAt, }); } // Fetching and applying group changes type MaybeUpdatePropsType = Readonly<{ conversation: ConversationModel; newRevision?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; dropInitialJoinMessage?: boolean; force?: boolean; groupChange?: WrappedGroupChangeType; }>; const FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * MINUTE; export async function waitThenMaybeUpdateGroup( options: MaybeUpdatePropsType, { viaFirstStorageSync = false } = {} ): Promise<void> { const { conversation } = options; if (conversation.isBlocked()) { log.info( `waitThenMaybeUpdateGroup: Group ${conversation.idForLogging()} is blocked, returning early` ); return; } // First wait to process all incoming messages on the websocket await window.waitForEmptyEventQueue(); // Then make sure we haven't fetched this group too recently const { lastSuccessfulGroupFetch = 0 } = conversation; if ( !options.force && isMoreRecentThan(lastSuccessfulGroupFetch, FIVE_MINUTES) ) { const waitTime = lastSuccessfulGroupFetch + FIVE_MINUTES - Date.now(); log.info( `waitThenMaybeUpdateGroup/${conversation.idForLogging()}: group update ` + `was fetched recently, skipping for ${waitTime}ms` ); return; } // Then wait to process all outstanding messages for this conversation await conversation.queueJob('waitThenMaybeUpdateGroup', async () => { try { // And finally try to update the group await maybeUpdateGroup(options, { viaFirstStorageSync }); conversation.lastSuccessfulGroupFetch = Date.now(); } catch (error) { log.error( `waitThenMaybeUpdateGroup/${conversation.idForLogging()}: maybeUpdateGroup failure:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }); } export async function maybeUpdateGroup( { conversation, dropInitialJoinMessage, groupChange, newRevision, receivedAt, sentAt, }: MaybeUpdatePropsType, { viaFirstStorageSync = false } = {} ): Promise<void> { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); try { // Ensure we have the credentials we need before attempting GroupsV2 operations await maybeFetchNewCredentials(); const updates = await getGroupUpdates({ group: conversation.attributes, serverPublicParamsBase64: window.getServerPublicParams(), newRevision, groupChange, dropInitialJoinMessage, }); await updateGroup( { conversation, receivedAt, sentAt, updates }, { viaFirstStorageSync } ); } catch (error) { log.error( `maybeUpdateGroup/${logId}: Failed to update group:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } } async function updateGroup( { conversation, receivedAt, sentAt, updates, }: { conversation: ConversationModel; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; updates: UpdatesResultType; }, { viaFirstStorageSync = false } = {} ): Promise<void> { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); const { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys } = updates; const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourPni = window.textsecure.storage.user.getPni(); const startingRevision = conversation.get('revision'); const endingRevision = newAttributes.revision; const wasMemberOrPending = conversation.hasMember(ourAci) || conversation.isMemberPending(ourAci) || (ourPni && conversation.isMemberPending(ourPni)); const isMemberOrPending = !newAttributes.left || newAttributes.pendingMembersV2?.some( item => item.serviceId === ourAci || item.serviceId === ourPni ); const isMemberOrPendingOrAwaitingApproval = isMemberOrPending || newAttributes.pendingAdminApprovalV2?.some(item => item.aci === ourAci); const isInitialDataFetch = !isNumber(startingRevision) && isNumber(endingRevision); // Ensure that all generated messages are ordered properly. // Before the provided timestamp so update messages appear before the // initiating message, or after now(). const finalReceivedAt = receivedAt || incrementMessageCounter(); const initialSentAt = sentAt || Date.now(); // GroupV1 -> GroupV2 migration changes the groupId, and we need to update our id-based // lookups if there's a change on that field. const previousId = conversation.get('groupId'); const idChanged = previousId && previousId !== newAttributes.groupId; // By updating activeAt we force this conversation into the left pane if this is the // first time we've fetched data about it, and we were able to fetch its name. Nobody // likes to see Unknown Group in the left pane. After first fetch, we rely on normal // message activity (including group change messages) to set the timestamp properly. let activeAt = conversation.get('active_at') || null; if ( !viaFirstStorageSync && isMemberOrPendingOrAwaitingApproval && isInitialDataFetch && newAttributes.name ) { activeAt = initialSentAt; } // Save all synthetic messages describing group changes let syntheticSentAt = initialSentAt - (groupChangeMessages.length + 1); const timestamp = Date.now(); const changeMessagesToSave = groupChangeMessages.map(changeMessage => { // We do this to preserve the order of the timeline. We only update sentAt to ensure // that we don't stomp on messages received around the same time as the message // which initiated this group fetch and in-conversation messages. syntheticSentAt += 1; return { ...changeMessage, conversationId: conversation.id, received_at: finalReceivedAt, received_at_ms: syntheticSentAt, sent_at: syntheticSentAt, timestamp, }; }); const contactsWithoutProfileKey = new Array<ConversationModel>(); // Capture profile key for each member in the group, if we don't have it yet for (const [aci, profileKey] of newProfileKeys) { const contact = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate(aci, 'private'); if ( !isMe(contact.attributes) && profileKey && profileKey.length > 0 && contact.get('profileKey') !== profileKey ) { contactsWithoutProfileKey.push(contact); drop(contact.setProfileKey(profileKey)); } } let profileFetches: Promise<Array<void>> | undefined; if (contactsWithoutProfileKey.length !== 0) { log.info( `updateGroup/${logId}: fetching ` + `${contactsWithoutProfileKey.length} missing profiles` ); profileFetches = Promise.all( contactsWithoutProfileKey.map(contact => contact.getProfiles()) ); } // If we've been added by a blocked contact, then schedule a task to leave group const justAdded = !wasMemberOrPending && isMemberOrPending; const addedBy = newAttributes.pendingMembersV2?.find( item => item.serviceId === ourAci || item.serviceId === ourPni )?.addedByUserId || newAttributes.addedBy; if (justAdded && addedBy) { const adder = window.ConversationController.get(addedBy); if (adder && adder.isBlocked()) { log.warn( `updateGroup/${logId}: Added to group by blocked user ${adder.idForLogging()}. Scheduling group leave.` ); // Wait for empty queue to make it more likely the group update succeeds const waitThenLeave = async () => { log.warn(`waitThenLeave/${logId}: Waiting for empty event queue.`); await window.waitForEmptyEventQueue(); log.warn( `waitThenLeave/${logId}: Empty event queue, starting group leave.` ); await conversation.leaveGroupV2(); log.warn(`waitThenLeave/${logId}: Leave complete.`); }; // Cannot await here, would infinitely block queue drop(waitThenLeave()); // Return early to discard group changes resulting from the blocked user's action. return; } } // We update group membership last to ensure that all notifications are in place before // the group updates happen on the model. if (changeMessagesToSave.length > 0) { try { if (contactsWithoutProfileKey && contactsWithoutProfileKey.length > 0) { await Promise.race([profileFetches, sleep(30 * SECOND)]); log.info( `updateGroup/${logId}: timed out or finished fetching ${contactsWithoutProfileKey.length} profiles` ); } } catch (error) { log.error( `updateGroup/${logId}: failed to fetch missing profiles`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } await appendChangeMessages(conversation, changeMessagesToSave); } conversation.set({ ...newAttributes, active_at: activeAt, }); if (idChanged) { conversation.trigger('idUpdated', conversation, 'groupId', previousId); } // Save these most recent updates to conversation await updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } // Exported for testing export function _mergeGroupChangeMessages( first: MessageAttributesType | undefined, second: MessageAttributesType ): MessageAttributesType | undefined { if (!first) { return undefined; } if (first.type !== 'group-v2-change' || second.type !== first.type) { return undefined; } const { groupV2Change: firstChange } = first; const { groupV2Change: secondChange } = second; if (!firstChange || !secondChange) { return undefined; } if (firstChange.details.length !== 1 && secondChange.details.length !== 1) { return undefined; } const [firstDetail] = firstChange.details; const [secondDetail] = secondChange.details; let isApprovalPending: boolean; if (secondDetail.type === 'admin-approval-add-one') { isApprovalPending = true; } else if (secondDetail.type === 'admin-approval-remove-one') { isApprovalPending = false; } else { return undefined; } const { aci } = secondDetail; strictAssert(aci, 'admin approval message should have aci'); let updatedDetail; // Member was previously added and is now removed if ( !isApprovalPending && firstDetail.type === 'admin-approval-add-one' && firstDetail.aci === aci ) { updatedDetail = { type: 'admin-approval-bounce' as const, aci, times: 1, isApprovalPending, }; // There is an existing bounce event - merge this one into it. } else if ( firstDetail.type === 'admin-approval-bounce' && firstDetail.aci === aci && firstDetail.isApprovalPending === !isApprovalPending ) { updatedDetail = { type: 'admin-approval-bounce' as const, aci, times: firstDetail.times + (isApprovalPending ? 0 : 1), isApprovalPending, }; } else { return undefined; } return { ...first, groupV2Change: { ...first.groupV2Change, details: [updatedDetail], }, }; } // Exported for testing export function _isGroupChangeMessageBounceable( message: MessageAttributesType ): boolean { if (message.type !== 'group-v2-change') { return false; } const { groupV2Change } = message; if (!groupV2Change) { return false; } if (groupV2Change.details.length !== 1) { return false; } const [first] = groupV2Change.details; if ( first.type === 'admin-approval-add-one' || first.type === 'admin-approval-bounce' ) { return true; } return false; } async function appendChangeMessages( conversation: ConversationModel, messages: ReadonlyArray<MessageAttributesType> ): Promise<void> { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); log.info( `appendChangeMessages/${logId}: processing ${messages.length} messages` ); const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); let lastMessage = await dataInterface.getLastConversationMessage({ conversationId: conversation.id, }); if (lastMessage && !_isGroupChangeMessageBounceable(lastMessage)) { lastMessage = undefined; } const mergedMessages = []; let previousMessage = lastMessage; for (const message of messages) { const merged = _mergeGroupChangeMessages(previousMessage, message); if (!merged) { if (previousMessage && previousMessage !== lastMessage) { mergedMessages.push(previousMessage); } previousMessage = message; continue; } previousMessage = merged; log.info( `appendChangeMessages/${logId}: merged ${message.id} into ${merged.id}` ); } if (previousMessage && previousMessage !== lastMessage) { mergedMessages.push(previousMessage); } // Update existing message if (lastMessage && mergedMessages[0]?.id === lastMessage?.id) { const [first, ...rest] = mergedMessages; strictAssert(first !== undefined, 'First message must be there'); log.info(`appendChangeMessages/${logId}: updating ${first.id}`); await dataInterface.saveMessage(first, { ourAci, // We don't use forceSave here because this is an update of existing // message. }); log.info( `appendChangeMessages/${logId}: saving ${rest.length} new messages` ); await dataInterface.saveMessages(rest, { ourAci, forceSave: true, }); } else { log.info( `appendChangeMessages/${logId}: saving ${mergedMessages.length} new messages` ); await dataInterface.saveMessages(mergedMessages, { ourAci, forceSave: true, }); } let newMessages = 0; for (const changeMessage of mergedMessages) { const existing = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$getById(changeMessage.id); // Update existing message if (existing) { strictAssert( changeMessage.id === lastMessage?.id, 'Should only update group change that was already in the database' ); existing.set(changeMessage); continue; } let model = new window.Whisper.Message(changeMessage); model = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( model.id, model, 'appendChangeMessages' ); conversation.trigger('newmessage', model); newMessages += 1; } // We updated the message, but didn't add new ones - refresh left pane if (!newMessages && mergedMessages.length > 0) { await conversation.updateLastMessage(); void conversation.updateUnread(); } } type GetGroupUpdatesType = Readonly<{ dropInitialJoinMessage?: boolean; group: ConversationAttributesType; serverPublicParamsBase64: string; newRevision?: number; groupChange?: WrappedGroupChangeType; }>; async function getGroupUpdates({ dropInitialJoinMessage, group, serverPublicParamsBase64, newRevision, groupChange: wrappedGroupChange, }: GetGroupUpdatesType): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); log.info(`getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Starting...`); const currentRevision = group.revision; const isFirstFetch = !isNumber(group.revision); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const isInitialCreationMessage = isFirstFetch && newRevision === 0; const weAreAwaitingApproval = (group.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).find( item => item.aci === ourAci ); const isOneVersionUp = isNumber(currentRevision) && isNumber(newRevision) && newRevision === currentRevision + 1; if ( window.Flags.GV2_ENABLE_SINGLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING && wrappedGroupChange && isNumber(newRevision) && (isInitialCreationMessage || weAreAwaitingApproval || isOneVersionUp) ) { log.info(`getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Processing just one change`); const groupChangeBuffer = Bytes.fromBase64(wrappedGroupChange.base64); const groupChange = Proto.GroupChange.decode(groupChangeBuffer); const isChangeSupported = !isNumber(groupChange.changeEpoch) || groupChange.changeEpoch <= SUPPORTED_CHANGE_EPOCH; if (isChangeSupported) { if (!wrappedGroupChange.isTrusted) { strictAssert( groupChange.serverSignature, 'Server signature must be present in untrusted group change' ); strictAssert( groupChange.actions, 'Actions must be present in untrusted group change' ); try { verifyNotarySignature( serverPublicParamsBase64, groupChange.actions, groupChange.serverSignature ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: verifyNotarySignature failed, ` + 'dropping the message', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return { newAttributes: group, groupChangeMessages: [], newProfileKeys: new Map(), }; } } return updateGroupViaSingleChange({ group, newRevision, groupChange, }); } log.info( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Failing over; group change unsupported` ); } if ( (!isFirstFetch || isNumber(newRevision)) && window.Flags.GV2_ENABLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING ) { try { return await updateGroupViaLogs({ group, newRevision, }); } catch (error) { const nextStep = isFirstFetch ? `fetching logs since ${newRevision}` : 'fetching full state'; if (error.code === TEMPORAL_AUTH_REJECTED_CODE) { // We will fail over to the updateGroupViaState call below log.info( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Temporal credential failure, now ${nextStep}` ); } else if (error.code === GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE) { // We will fail over to the updateGroupViaState call below log.info( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Log access denied, now ${nextStep}` ); } else { throw error; } } } if (window.Flags.GV2_ENABLE_STATE_PROCESSING) { try { return await updateGroupViaState({ dropInitialJoinMessage, group, }); } catch (error) { if (error.code === TEMPORAL_AUTH_REJECTED_CODE) { log.info( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Temporal credential failure. Failing; we don't know if we have access or not.` ); throw error; } else if (error.code === GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE) { // We will fail over to the updateGroupViaPreJoinInfo call below log.info( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: Failed to get group state. Attempting to fetch pre-join information.` ); } else { throw error; } } } if (window.Flags.GV2_ENABLE_PRE_JOIN_FETCH) { try { return await updateGroupViaPreJoinInfo({ group, }); } catch (error) { if (error.code === GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE) { return generateLeftGroupChanges(group); } if (error.code === GROUP_NONEXISTENT_CODE) { return generateLeftGroupChanges(group); } // If we get another temporal failure, we'll fail and try again later. throw error; } } log.warn( `getGroupUpdates/${logId}: No processing was legal! Returning empty changeset.` ); return { newAttributes: group, groupChangeMessages: [], newProfileKeys: new Map(), }; } async function updateGroupViaPreJoinInfo({ group, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; }): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const { publicParams, secretParams } = group; if (!secretParams) { throw new Error( 'updateGroupViaPreJoinInfo: group was missing secretParams!' ); } if (!publicParams) { throw new Error( 'updateGroupViaPreJoinInfo: group was missing publicParams!' ); } // No password, but if we're already pending approval, we can access this without it. const inviteLinkPassword = undefined; const preJoinInfo = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getPreJoinInfo/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, options) => sender.getGroupFromLink(inviteLinkPassword, options), }); const approvalRequired = preJoinInfo.addFromInviteLink === Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ADMINISTRATOR; // If the group doesn't require approval to join via link, then we should never have // gotten here. if (!approvalRequired) { return generateLeftGroupChanges(group); } const newAttributes: ConversationAttributesType = { ...group, description: decryptGroupDescription( dropNull(preJoinInfo.descriptionBytes), secretParams ), name: decryptGroupTitle(dropNull(preJoinInfo.title), secretParams), left: true, members: group.members || [], pendingMembersV2: group.pendingMembersV2 || [], pendingAdminApprovalV2: [ { aci: ourAci, timestamp: Date.now(), }, ], revision: dropNull(preJoinInfo.version), temporaryMemberCount: preJoinInfo.memberCount || 1, }; await applyNewAvatar(dropNull(preJoinInfo.avatar), newAttributes, logId); return { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages: extractDiffs({ old: group, current: newAttributes, dropInitialJoinMessage: false, }), newProfileKeys: new Map(), }; } async function updateGroupViaState({ dropInitialJoinMessage, group, }: { dropInitialJoinMessage?: boolean; group: ConversationAttributesType; }): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); const { publicParams, secretParams } = group; if (!secretParams) { throw new Error('updateGroupViaState: group was missing secretParams!'); } if (!publicParams) { throw new Error('updateGroupViaState: group was missing publicParams!'); } const groupState = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getGroup/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, request: (sender, requestOptions) => sender.getGroup(requestOptions), }); const decryptedGroupState = decryptGroupState( groupState, secretParams, logId ); const oldVersion = group.revision; const newVersion = decryptedGroupState.version; log.info( `getCurrentGroupState/${logId}: Applying full group state, from version ${oldVersion} to ${newVersion}.` ); const { newAttributes, newProfileKeys } = await applyGroupState({ group, groupState: decryptedGroupState, }); return { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages: extractDiffs({ old: group, current: newAttributes, dropInitialJoinMessage, }), newProfileKeys: profileKeysToMap(newProfileKeys), }; } async function updateGroupViaSingleChange({ group, groupChange, newRevision, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; groupChange: Proto.IGroupChange; newRevision: number; }): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const previouslyKnewAboutThisGroup = isNumber(group.revision) && group.membersV2?.length; const wasInGroup = !group.left; const singleChangeResult: UpdatesResultType = await integrateGroupChange({ group, groupChange, newRevision, }); const nowInGroup = !singleChangeResult.newAttributes.left; // If we were just added to the group (for example, via a join link), we go fetch the // entire group state to make sure we're up to date. Note: we fetch the group state // via the log endpoint to stay at newRevision. if (!wasInGroup && nowInGroup) { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); log.info( `updateGroupViaSingleChange/${logId}: Just joined group; fetching entire state for revision ${newRevision}.` ); const { newAttributes, newProfileKeys, groupChangeMessages: catchupMessages, } = await updateGroupViaLogs({ group: singleChangeResult.newAttributes, newRevision, }); const groupChangeMessages = [...singleChangeResult.groupChangeMessages]; // If we've just been added to a group we were previously in, we do want to show // a summary instead of nothing. if ( groupChangeMessages.length > 0 && previouslyKnewAboutThisGroup && catchupMessages.length > 0 ) { groupChangeMessages.push({ ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { details: [ { type: 'summary', }, ], }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, // For simplicity, since we don't know who this change is from here, always Seen seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }); } // We discard any change events that come out of this full group fetch, but we do // keep the final group attributes generated, as well as any new members. return { groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys: new Map([ ...singleChangeResult.newProfileKeys, ...newProfileKeys, ]), newAttributes, }; } return singleChangeResult; } async function updateGroupViaLogs({ group, newRevision, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; newRevision: number | undefined; }): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); const { publicParams, secretParams } = group; if (!publicParams) { throw new Error('updateGroupViaLogs: group was missing publicParams!'); } if (!secretParams) { throw new Error('updateGroupViaLogs: group was missing secretParams!'); } log.info( `updateGroupViaLogs/${logId}: Getting group delta from ` + `${group.revision ?? '?'} to ${newRevision ?? '?'} for group ` + `groupv2(${group.groupId})...` ); const currentRevision = group.revision; let includeFirstState = true; // The range is inclusive so make sure that we always request the revision // that we are currently at since we might want the latest full state in // `integrateGroupChanges`. let revisionToFetch = isNumber(currentRevision) ? currentRevision : undefined; let response; const changes: Array<Proto.IGroupChanges> = []; do { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop response = await makeRequestWithTemporalRetry({ logId: `getGroupLog/${logId}`, publicParams, secretParams, // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func request: (sender, requestOptions) => sender.getGroupLog( { startVersion: revisionToFetch, includeFirstState, includeLastState: true, maxSupportedChangeEpoch: SUPPORTED_CHANGE_EPOCH, }, requestOptions ), }); changes.push(response.changes); if (response.end) { revisionToFetch = response.end + 1; } includeFirstState = false; } while ( response.end && (newRevision === undefined || response.end < newRevision) ); // Would be nice to cache the unused groupChanges here, to reduce server roundtrips return integrateGroupChanges({ changes, group, newRevision, }); } async function generateLeftGroupChanges( group: ConversationAttributesType ): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); log.info(`generateLeftGroupChanges/${logId}: Starting...`); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourPni = window.storage.user.getCheckedPni(); const { masterKey, groupInviteLinkPassword } = group; let { revision } = group; try { if (masterKey && groupInviteLinkPassword) { log.info( `generateLeftGroupChanges/${logId}: Have invite link. Attempting to fetch latest revision with it.` ); const preJoinInfo = await getPreJoinGroupInfo( groupInviteLinkPassword, masterKey ); revision = dropNull(preJoinInfo.version); } } catch (error) { log.warn( 'generateLeftGroupChanges: Failed to fetch latest revision via group link. Code:', error.code ); } const newAttributes: ConversationAttributesType = { ...group, addedBy: undefined, membersV2: (group.membersV2 || []).filter(member => member.aci !== ourAci), pendingMembersV2: (group.pendingMembersV2 || []).filter( member => member.serviceId !== ourAci && member.serviceId !== ourPni ), pendingAdminApprovalV2: (group.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).filter( member => member.aci !== ourAci ), left: true, revision, }; return { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages: extractDiffs({ current: newAttributes, old: group, }), newProfileKeys: new Map(), }; } function getGroupCredentials({ authCredentialBase64, groupPublicParamsBase64, groupSecretParamsBase64, serverPublicParamsBase64, }: { authCredentialBase64: string; groupPublicParamsBase64: string; groupSecretParamsBase64: string; serverPublicParamsBase64: string; }): GroupCredentialsType { const authOperations = getClientZkAuthOperations(serverPublicParamsBase64); const presentation = getAuthCredentialPresentation( authOperations, authCredentialBase64, groupSecretParamsBase64 ); return { groupPublicParamsHex: Bytes.toHex( Bytes.fromBase64(groupPublicParamsBase64) ), authCredentialPresentationHex: Bytes.toHex(presentation), }; } async function integrateGroupChanges({ group, newRevision, changes, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; newRevision: number | undefined; changes: ReadonlyArray<Proto.IGroupChanges>; }): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); let attributes = group; const finalMessages: Array<Array<GroupChangeMessageType>> = []; const finalNewProfileKeys = new Map<AciString, string>(); const imax = changes.length; for (let i = 0; i < imax; i += 1) { const { groupChanges } = changes[i]; if (!groupChanges) { continue; } const jmax = groupChanges.length; for (let j = 0; j < jmax; j += 1) { const changeState = groupChanges[j]; const { groupChange, groupState } = changeState; if (!groupChange && !groupState) { log.warn( 'integrateGroupChanges: item had neither groupState nor groupChange. Skipping.' ); continue; } try { const { newAttributes, groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys, // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop } = await integrateGroupChange({ group: attributes, newRevision, groupChange: dropNull(groupChange), groupState: dropNull(groupState), }); attributes = newAttributes; finalMessages.push(groupChangeMessages); for (const [aci, profileKey] of newProfileKeys) { finalNewProfileKeys.set(aci, profileKey); } } catch (error) { log.error( `integrateGroupChanges/${logId}: Failed to apply change log, continuing to apply remaining change logs.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } } // If this is our first fetch, we will collapse this down to one set of messages const isFirstFetch = !isNumber(group.revision); if (isFirstFetch) { // The first array in finalMessages is from the first revision we could process. It // should contain a message about how we joined the group. const joinMessages = finalMessages[0]; const alreadyHaveJoinMessage = joinMessages && joinMessages.length > 0; // There have been other changes since that first revision, so we generate diffs for // the whole of the change since then, likely without the initial join message. const otherMessages = extractDiffs({ old: group, current: attributes, dropInitialJoinMessage: alreadyHaveJoinMessage, }); const groupChangeMessages = alreadyHaveJoinMessage ? [joinMessages[0], ...otherMessages] : otherMessages; return { newAttributes: attributes, groupChangeMessages, newProfileKeys: finalNewProfileKeys, }; } return { newAttributes: attributes, groupChangeMessages: flatten(finalMessages), newProfileKeys: finalNewProfileKeys, }; } async function integrateGroupChange({ group, groupChange, groupState, newRevision, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; groupChange?: Proto.IGroupChange; groupState?: Proto.IGroup; newRevision: number | undefined; }): Promise<UpdatesResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); if (!group.secretParams) { throw new Error( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Group was missing secretParams!` ); } if (!groupChange && !groupState) { throw new Error( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Neither groupChange nor groupState received!` ); } const isFirstFetch = !isNumber(group.revision); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const weAreAwaitingApproval = (group.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).find( item => item.aci === ourAci ); // These need to be populated from the groupChange. But we might not get one! let isChangeSupported = false; let isSameVersion = false; let isMoreThanOneVersionUp = false; let groupChangeActions: undefined | Proto.GroupChange.IActions; let decryptedChangeActions: undefined | DecryptedGroupChangeActions; let sourceServiceId: undefined | ServiceIdString; if (groupChange) { groupChangeActions = Proto.GroupChange.Actions.decode( groupChange.actions || new Uint8Array(0) ); // Version is higher that what we have in the incoming message if ( groupChangeActions.version && newRevision !== undefined && groupChangeActions.version > newRevision ) { log.info( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Skipping ` + `${groupChangeActions.version}, newRevision is ${newRevision}` ); return { newAttributes: group, groupChangeMessages: [], newProfileKeys: new Map(), }; } decryptedChangeActions = decryptGroupChange( groupChangeActions, group.secretParams, logId ); strictAssert( decryptedChangeActions !== undefined, 'Should have decrypted group actions' ); ({ sourceServiceId } = decryptedChangeActions); strictAssert(sourceServiceId, 'Should have source service id'); isChangeSupported = !isNumber(groupChange.changeEpoch) || groupChange.changeEpoch <= SUPPORTED_CHANGE_EPOCH; // Version is lower or the same as what we currently have if (group.revision !== undefined && groupChangeActions.version) { if (groupChangeActions.version < group.revision) { log.info( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Skipping stale version` + `${groupChangeActions.version}, current ` + `revision is ${group.revision}` ); return { newAttributes: group, groupChangeMessages: [], newProfileKeys: new Map(), }; } if (groupChangeActions.version === group.revision) { isSameVersion = true; } else if ( groupChangeActions.version !== group.revision + 1 || (!isNumber(group.revision) && groupChangeActions.version > 0) ) { isMoreThanOneVersionUp = true; } } } let attributes = group; const aggregatedChangeMessages = []; const finalNewProfileKeys = new Map<AciString, string>(); const canApplyChange = groupChange && isChangeSupported && !isSameVersion && !isFirstFetch && (!isMoreThanOneVersionUp || weAreAwaitingApproval); // Apply the change first if (canApplyChange) { if (!sourceServiceId || !groupChangeActions || !decryptedChangeActions) { throw new Error( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Missing necessary information that should have come from group actions` ); } log.info( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Applying group change actions, ` + `from version ${group.revision} to ${groupChangeActions.version}` ); const { newAttributes, newProfileKeys, promotedAciToPniMap } = await applyGroupChange({ group, actions: decryptedChangeActions, sourceServiceId, }); const groupChangeMessages = extractDiffs({ old: attributes, current: newAttributes, sourceServiceId, promotedAciToPniMap, }); attributes = newAttributes; aggregatedChangeMessages.push(groupChangeMessages); for (const [aci, profileKey] of profileKeysToMap(newProfileKeys)) { finalNewProfileKeys.set(aci, profileKey); } } // Apply the group state afterwards to verify that we didn't miss anything if (groupState) { log.info( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: Applying full group state, ` + `from version ${group.revision} to ${groupState.version}`, { isChangePresent: Boolean(groupChange), isChangeSupported, isFirstFetch, isSameVersion, isMoreThanOneVersionUp, weAreAwaitingApproval, } ); const decryptedGroupState = decryptGroupState( groupState, group.secretParams, logId ); const { newAttributes, newProfileKeys: newProfileKeysList, otherChanges, } = await applyGroupState({ group: attributes, groupState: decryptedGroupState, sourceServiceId: isFirstFetch ? sourceServiceId : undefined, }); const groupChangeMessages = extractDiffs({ old: attributes, current: newAttributes, sourceServiceId: isFirstFetch ? sourceServiceId : undefined, }); const newProfileKeys = profileKeysToMap(newProfileKeysList); if ( canApplyChange && (groupChangeMessages.length !== 0 || newProfileKeys.size !== 0 || otherChanges) ) { assertDev( groupChangeMessages.length === 0, 'Fallback group state processing should not kick in' ); log.warn( `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: local state was different from ` + 'the remote final state. ' + `Got ${groupChangeMessages.length} change messages, ` + `${newProfileKeys.size} updated members, and ` + `otherChanges=${otherChanges}` ); } attributes = newAttributes; aggregatedChangeMessages.push(groupChangeMessages); for (const [aci, profileKey] of newProfileKeys) { finalNewProfileKeys.set(aci, profileKey); } } else { strictAssert( canApplyChange, `integrateGroupChange/${logId}: No group state, but we can't apply changes!` ); } return { newAttributes: attributes, groupChangeMessages: aggregatedChangeMessages.flat(), newProfileKeys: finalNewProfileKeys, }; } function extractDiffs({ current, dropInitialJoinMessage, old, sourceServiceId, promotedAciToPniMap, }: { current: ConversationAttributesType; dropInitialJoinMessage?: boolean; old: ConversationAttributesType; sourceServiceId?: ServiceIdString; promotedAciToPniMap?: ReadonlyMap<AciString, PniString>; }): Array<GroupChangeMessageType> { const logId = idForLogging(old.groupId); const details: Array<GroupV2ChangeDetailType> = []; const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ourPni = window.storage.user.getPni(); const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; let areWeInGroup = false; let serviceIdKindInvitedToGroup: ServiceIdKind | undefined; let areWePendingApproval = false; let whoInvitedUsUserId = null; function isUs(serviceId: ServiceIdString): boolean { return serviceId === ourAci || serviceId === ourPni; } function keepOnlyOurAdds( list: Array<GroupV2ChangeDetailType> ): Array<GroupV2ChangeDetailType> { return list.filter( item => (item.type === 'member-add-from-invite' && isUs(item.aci)) || (item.type === 'member-add-from-link' && isUs(item.aci)) || (item.type === 'member-add-from-admin-approval' && isUs(item.aci)) || (item.type === 'member-add' && isUs(item.aci)) ); } // access control if ( current.accessControl && old.accessControl && old.accessControl.attributes !== undefined && old.accessControl.attributes !== current.accessControl.attributes ) { details.push({ type: 'access-attributes', newPrivilege: current.accessControl.attributes, }); } if ( current.accessControl && old.accessControl && old.accessControl.members !== undefined && old.accessControl.members !== current.accessControl.members ) { details.push({ type: 'access-members', newPrivilege: current.accessControl.members, }); } const linkPreviouslyEnabled = isAccessControlEnabled( old.accessControl?.addFromInviteLink ); const linkCurrentlyEnabled = isAccessControlEnabled( current.accessControl?.addFromInviteLink ); if (!linkPreviouslyEnabled && linkCurrentlyEnabled) { details.push({ type: 'group-link-add', privilege: current.accessControl?.addFromInviteLink || ACCESS_ENUM.ANY, }); } else if (linkPreviouslyEnabled && !linkCurrentlyEnabled) { details.push({ type: 'group-link-remove', }); } else if ( linkPreviouslyEnabled && linkCurrentlyEnabled && old.accessControl?.addFromInviteLink !== current.accessControl?.addFromInviteLink ) { details.push({ type: 'access-invite-link', newPrivilege: current.accessControl?.addFromInviteLink || ACCESS_ENUM.ANY, }); } // avatar if ( Boolean(old.avatar) !== Boolean(current.avatar) || old.avatar?.hash !== current.avatar?.hash ) { details.push({ type: 'avatar', removed: !current.avatar, }); } // name if (old.name !== current.name) { details.push({ type: 'title', newTitle: current.name, }); } // groupInviteLinkPassword // Note: we only capture link resets here. Enable/disable are controlled by the // accessControl.addFromInviteLink if ( old.groupInviteLinkPassword && current.groupInviteLinkPassword && old.groupInviteLinkPassword !== current.groupInviteLinkPassword ) { details.push({ type: 'group-link-reset', }); } // description if (old.description !== current.description) { details.push({ type: 'description', removed: !current.description, description: current.description, }); } // No disappearing message timer check here - see below // membersV2 const oldMemberLookup = new Map<AciString, GroupV2MemberType>( (old.membersV2 || []).map(member => [member.aci, member]) ); const didWeStartInGroup = Boolean(ourAci && oldMemberLookup.has(ourAci)); const oldPendingMemberLookup = new Map< ServiceIdString, GroupV2PendingMemberType >((old.pendingMembersV2 || []).map(member => [member.serviceId, member])); const oldPendingAdminApprovalLookup = new Map< AciString, GroupV2PendingAdminApprovalType >((old.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).map(member => [member.aci, member])); const currentPendingMemberSet = new Set<ServiceIdString>( (current.pendingMembersV2 || []).map(member => member.serviceId) ); const aciToPniMap = new Map(promotedAciToPniMap?.entries()); if (ourAci && ourPni) { aciToPniMap.set(ourAci, ourPni); } const pniToAciMap = new Map<PniString, AciString>(); for (const [aci, pni] of aciToPniMap) { pniToAciMap.set(pni, aci); } (current.membersV2 || []).forEach(currentMember => { const { aci } = currentMember; const uuidIsUs = isUs(aci); if (uuidIsUs) { areWeInGroup = true; } const oldMember = oldMemberLookup.get(aci); if (!oldMember) { let pendingMember = oldPendingMemberLookup.get(aci); const pni = aciToPniMap.get(aci); if (!pendingMember && pni) { pendingMember = oldPendingMemberLookup.get(pni); // Someone's ACI just joined (wasn't a member before) and their PNI // disappeared from the invite list. Treat this as a promotion from PNI // to ACI and pretend that the PNI wasn't pending so that we won't // generate a pending-add-one notification below. if (pendingMember && !currentPendingMemberSet.has(pni)) { oldPendingMemberLookup.delete(pni); } } if (pendingMember) { details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-invite', aci, inviter: pendingMember.addedByUserId, }); } else if (currentMember.joinedFromLink) { details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-link', aci, }); } else if (currentMember.approvedByAdmin) { details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-admin-approval', aci, }); } else { details.push({ type: 'member-add', aci, }); } } else if (oldMember.role !== currentMember.role) { details.push({ type: 'member-privilege', aci, newPrivilege: currentMember.role, }); } // We don't want to generate an admin-approval-remove event for this newly-added // member. But we don't know for sure if this is an admin approval; for that we // consulted the approvedByAdmin flag saved on the member. oldPendingAdminApprovalLookup.delete(aci); // If we capture a pending remove here, it's an 'accept invitation', and we don't // want to generate a pending-remove event for it oldPendingMemberLookup.delete(aci); // This deletion makes it easier to capture removals oldMemberLookup.delete(aci); }); const removedMemberIds = Array.from(oldMemberLookup.keys()); removedMemberIds.forEach(aci => { details.push({ type: 'member-remove', aci, }); }); // pendingMembersV2 let lastPendingServiceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; let pendingCount = 0; (current.pendingMembersV2 || []).forEach(currentPendingMember => { const { serviceId } = currentPendingMember; const oldPendingMember = oldPendingMemberLookup.get(serviceId); if (isUs(serviceId)) { if (serviceId === ourAci) { serviceIdKindInvitedToGroup = ServiceIdKind.ACI; } else if (serviceIdKindInvitedToGroup === undefined) { serviceIdKindInvitedToGroup = ServiceIdKind.PNI; } whoInvitedUsUserId = currentPendingMember.addedByUserId; } if (!oldPendingMember) { lastPendingServiceId = serviceId; pendingCount += 1; } // This deletion makes it easier to capture removals oldPendingMemberLookup.delete(serviceId); }); if (pendingCount > 1) { details.push({ type: 'pending-add-many', count: pendingCount, }); } else if (pendingCount === 1) { if (lastPendingServiceId) { details.push({ type: 'pending-add-one', serviceId: lastPendingServiceId, }); } else { log.warn( `extractDiffs/${logId}: pendingCount was 1, no last conversationId available` ); } } // Note: The only members left over here should be people who were moved from the // pending list but also not added to the group at the same time. const removedPendingMemberIds = Array.from(oldPendingMemberLookup.keys()); if (removedPendingMemberIds.length > 1) { const firstUuid = removedPendingMemberIds[0]; const firstRemovedMember = oldPendingMemberLookup.get(firstUuid); strictAssert( firstRemovedMember !== undefined, 'First removed member not found' ); const inviter = firstRemovedMember.addedByUserId; const allSameInviter = removedPendingMemberIds.every( id => oldPendingMemberLookup.get(id)?.addedByUserId === inviter ); details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-many', count: removedPendingMemberIds.length, inviter: allSameInviter ? inviter : undefined, }); } else if (removedPendingMemberIds.length === 1) { const serviceId = removedPendingMemberIds[0]; const removedMember = oldPendingMemberLookup.get(serviceId); strictAssert(removedMember !== undefined, 'Removed member not found'); details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-one', serviceId, inviter: removedMember.addedByUserId, }); } // pendingAdminApprovalV2 (current.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).forEach( currentPendingAdminAprovalMember => { const { aci } = currentPendingAdminAprovalMember; const oldPendingMember = oldPendingAdminApprovalLookup.get(aci); if (aci === ourAci) { areWePendingApproval = true; } if (!oldPendingMember) { details.push({ type: 'admin-approval-add-one', aci, }); } // This deletion makes it easier to capture removals oldPendingAdminApprovalLookup.delete(aci); } ); // Note: The only members left over here should be people who were moved from the // pendingAdminApproval list but also not added to the group at the same time. const removedPendingAdminApprovalIds = Array.from( oldPendingAdminApprovalLookup.keys() ); removedPendingAdminApprovalIds.forEach(aci => { details.push({ type: 'admin-approval-remove-one', aci, }); }); // announcementsOnly if (Boolean(old.announcementsOnly) !== Boolean(current.announcementsOnly)) { details.push({ type: 'announcements-only', announcementsOnly: Boolean(current.announcementsOnly), }); } // Note: currently no diff generated for bannedMembersV2 changes // final processing let message: GroupChangeMessageType | undefined; let timerNotification: GroupChangeMessageType | undefined; const firstUpdate = !isNumber(old.revision); const isFromUs = ourAci === sourceServiceId; const justJoinedGroup = !firstUpdate && !didWeStartInGroup && areWeInGroup; const from = (sourceServiceId && isPniString(sourceServiceId) && pniToAciMap.get(sourceServiceId)) || sourceServiceId; // Here we hardcode initial messages if this is our first time processing data for this // group. Ideally we can collapse it down to just one of: 'you were added', // 'you were invited', or 'you created.' if (firstUpdate && serviceIdKindInvitedToGroup !== undefined) { // Note, we will add 'you were invited' to group even if dropInitialJoinMessage = true message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { from: whoInvitedUsUserId || from, details: [ { type: 'pending-add-one', serviceId: window.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId( serviceIdKindInvitedToGroup ), }, ], }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: isFromUs ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }; } else if (firstUpdate && areWePendingApproval) { message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { from: ourAci, details: [ { type: 'admin-approval-add-one', aci: ourAci, }, ], }, }; } else if (firstUpdate && dropInitialJoinMessage) { // None of the rest of the messages should be added if dropInitialJoinMessage = true message = undefined; } else if ( firstUpdate && current.revision === 0 && sourceServiceId === ourAci ) { message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { from, details: [ { type: 'create', }, ], }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: isFromUs ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }; } else if (firstUpdate && areWeInGroup) { const filteredDetails = keepOnlyOurAdds(details); strictAssert( filteredDetails.length === 1, 'extractDiffs/firstUpdate: Should be only one self-add!' ); message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { from, details: filteredDetails, }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: isFromUs ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }; } else if (firstUpdate && current.revision === 0) { message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { from, details: [ { type: 'create', }, ], }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: isFromUs ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }; } else if (justJoinedGroup) { const filteredDetails = keepOnlyOurAdds(details); strictAssert( filteredDetails.length === 1, 'extractDiffs/justJoinedGroup: Should be only one self-add!' ); // If we've dropped other changes, we collapse them into a single summary if (details.length > 1) { filteredDetails.push({ type: 'summary', }); } message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', sourceServiceId, groupV2Change: { from, details: filteredDetails, }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: isFromUs ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }; } else if (details.length > 0) { message = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'group-v2-change', sourceServiceId, groupV2Change: { from, details, }, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: isFromUs ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }; } // This is checked differently, because it needs to be its own entry in the timeline, // with its own icon, etc. if ( // Turn on or turned off Boolean(old.expireTimer) !== Boolean(current.expireTimer) || // Still on, but changed value (Boolean(old.expireTimer) && Boolean(current.expireTimer) && old.expireTimer !== current.expireTimer) ) { const expireTimer = current.expireTimer || DurationInSeconds.ZERO; log.info( `extractDiffs/${logId}: generating change notification for new ${expireTimer} timer` ); timerNotification = { ...generateBasicMessage(), type: 'timer-notification', sourceServiceId, flags: Proto.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE, expirationTimerUpdate: { expireTimer, sourceServiceId, }, }; } const result = compact([message, timerNotification]); log.info( `extractDiffs/${logId} complete, generated ${result.length} change messages` ); return result; } function profileKeysToMap(items: ReadonlyArray<GroupChangeMemberType>) { const map = new Map<AciString, string>(); for (const { aci, profileKey } of items) { map.set(aci, Bytes.toBase64(profileKey)); } return map; } type GroupChangeMemberType = { profileKey: Uint8Array; aci: AciString; }; type GroupApplyResultType = { newAttributes: ConversationAttributesType; newProfileKeys: Array<GroupChangeMemberType>; otherChanges: boolean; }; type GroupApplyChangeResultType = GroupApplyResultType & { promotedAciToPniMap: Map<AciString, PniString>; }; async function applyGroupChange({ actions, group, sourceServiceId, }: { actions: DecryptedGroupChangeActions; group: ConversationAttributesType; sourceServiceId: ServiceIdString; }): Promise<GroupApplyChangeResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const version = actions.version || 0; const result = { ...group }; const newProfileKeys: Array<GroupChangeMemberType> = []; const promotedAciToPniMap = new Map<AciString, PniString>(); const members: Record<AciString, GroupV2MemberType> = fromPairs( (result.membersV2 || []).map(member => [member.aci, member]) ); const pendingMembers: Record<ServiceIdString, GroupV2PendingMemberType> = fromPairs( (result.pendingMembersV2 || []).map(member => [member.serviceId, member]) ); const pendingAdminApprovalMembers: Record< AciString, GroupV2PendingAdminApprovalType > = fromPairs( (result.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).map(member => [member.aci, member]) ); const bannedMembers = new Map<ServiceIdString, GroupV2BannedMemberType>( (result.bannedMembersV2 || []).map(member => [member.serviceId, member]) ); if (result.temporaryMemberCount) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange(${logId}): temporaryMemberCount is set, and should not be!` ); } // version?: number; result.revision = version; // addMembers?: Array<GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberAction>; (actions.addMembers || []).forEach(addMember => { const { added } = addMember; if (!added || !added.userId) { throw new Error('applyGroupChange: addMember.added is missing'); } const addedUuid = added.userId; if (members[addedUuid]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add member failed; already in members.` ); return; } members[addedUuid] = { aci: addedUuid, role: added.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, joinedAtVersion: version, joinedFromLink: addMember.joinFromInviteLink || false, }; if (pendingMembers[addedUuid]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Removing newly-added member from pendingMembers.` ); delete pendingMembers[addedUuid]; } // Capture who added us if (ourAci && sourceServiceId && addedUuid === ourAci) { result.addedBy = sourceServiceId; } if (added.profileKey) { newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey: added.profileKey, aci: added.userId, }); } }); // deleteMembers?: Array<GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberAction>; (actions.deleteMembers || []).forEach(deleteMember => { const { deletedUserId } = deleteMember; if (!deletedUserId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: deleteMember.deletedUserId is missing' ); } if (members[deletedUserId]) { delete members[deletedUserId]; } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to remove member failed; was not in members.` ); } }); // modifyMemberRoles?: Array<GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMemberRoleAction>; (actions.modifyMemberRoles || []).forEach(modifyMemberRole => { const { role, userId } = modifyMemberRole; if (!role || !userId) { throw new Error('applyGroupChange: modifyMemberRole had a missing value'); } if (members[userId]) { members[userId] = { ...members[userId], role, }; } else { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: modifyMemberRole tried to modify nonexistent member' ); } }); // modifyMemberProfileKeys?: // Array<GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMemberProfileKeyAction>; (actions.modifyMemberProfileKeys || []).forEach(modifyMemberProfileKey => { const { profileKey, aci } = modifyMemberProfileKey; if (!profileKey || !aci) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: modifyMemberProfileKey had a missing value' ); } if (aci === sourceServiceId || !hasProfileKey(aci)) { newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey, aci, }); } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to modify member profile key ` + 'failed; sourceServiceId is not the same as change aci' ); } }); // addPendingMembers?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingProfileKeyAction // >; (actions.addPendingMembers || []).forEach(addPendingMember => { const { added } = addPendingMember; if (!added || !added.member || !added.member.userId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: addPendingMembers had a missing value' ); } const addedUserId = added.member.userId; if (isAciString(addedUserId) && members[addedUserId]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add pendingMember failed; was already in members.` ); return; } if (pendingMembers[addedUserId]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add pendingMember failed; was already in pendingMembers.` ); return; } pendingMembers[addedUserId] = { serviceId: addedUserId, addedByUserId: added.addedByUserId, timestamp: added.timestamp, role: added.member.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, }; }); // deletePendingMembers?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingProfileKeyAction // >; (actions.deletePendingMembers || []).forEach(deletePendingMember => { const { deletedUserId } = deletePendingMember; if (!deletedUserId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: deletePendingMember.deletedUserId is null!' ); } if (pendingMembers[deletedUserId]) { delete pendingMembers[deletedUserId]; } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to remove pendingMember failed; was not in pendingMembers.` ); } }); // promotePendingMembers?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingProfileKeyAction // >; (actions.promotePendingMembers || []).forEach(promotePendingMember => { const { profileKey, aci } = promotePendingMember; if (!profileKey || !aci) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: promotePendingMember had a missing value' ); } const previousRecord = pendingMembers[aci]; if (pendingMembers[aci]) { delete pendingMembers[aci]; } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to promote pendingMember failed; was not in pendingMembers.` ); } if (members[aci]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to promote pendingMember failed; was already in members.` ); return; } members[aci] = { aci, joinedAtVersion: version, role: previousRecord.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, }; newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey, aci, }); }); // promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingPniAciProfileKeyAction // >; (actions.promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey || []).forEach( promotePendingMember => { const { profileKey, aci, pni } = promotePendingMember; if (!profileKey || !aci || !pni) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: promotePendingMember had a missing value' ); } const previousRecord = pendingMembers[pni]; promotedAciToPniMap.set(aci, pni); if (pendingMembers[pni]) { delete pendingMembers[pni]; } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to promote pendingMember failed; was not in pendingMembers.` ); } if (members[aci]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to promote pendingMember failed; was already in members.` ); return; } members[aci] = { aci, joinedAtVersion: version, role: previousRecord.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, }; newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey, aci, }); } ); // modifyTitle?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyTitleAction; if (actions.modifyTitle) { const { title } = actions.modifyTitle; if (title && title.content === 'title') { result.name = dropNull(title.title); } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Clearing group title due to missing data.` ); result.name = undefined; } } // modifyAvatar?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAvatarAction; if (actions.modifyAvatar) { const { avatar } = actions.modifyAvatar; await applyNewAvatar(dropNull(avatar), result, logId); } // modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer?: // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyDisappearingMessagesTimerAction; if (actions.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer) { const disappearingMessagesTimer: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob | undefined = actions.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer.timer; if ( disappearingMessagesTimer && disappearingMessagesTimer.content === 'disappearingMessagesDuration' ) { const duration = disappearingMessagesTimer.disappearingMessagesDuration; result.expireTimer = duration == null ? undefined : DurationInSeconds.fromSeconds(duration); } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Clearing group expireTimer due to missing data.` ); result.expireTimer = undefined; } } result.accessControl = result.accessControl || { members: ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, attributes: ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, addFromInviteLink: ACCESS_ENUM.UNSATISFIABLE, }; // modifyAttributesAccess?: // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAttributesAccessControlAction; if (actions.modifyAttributesAccess) { result.accessControl = { ...result.accessControl, attributes: actions.modifyAttributesAccess.attributesAccess || ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, }; } // modifyMemberAccess?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMembersAccessControlAction; if (actions.modifyMemberAccess) { result.accessControl = { ...result.accessControl, members: actions.modifyMemberAccess.membersAccess || ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, }; } // modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess?: // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAddFromInviteLinkAccessControlAction; if (actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess) { result.accessControl = { ...result.accessControl, addFromInviteLink: actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess.addFromInviteLinkAccess || ACCESS_ENUM.UNSATISFIABLE, }; } // addMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction // >; (actions.addMemberPendingAdminApprovals || []).forEach( pendingAdminApproval => { const { added } = pendingAdminApproval; if (!added) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: modifyMemberProfileKey had a missing value' ); } if (members[added.userId]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add pending admin approval failed; was already in members.` ); return; } if (pendingMembers[added.userId]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add pending admin approval failed; was already in pendingMembers.` ); return; } if (pendingAdminApprovalMembers[added.userId]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add pending admin approval failed; was already in pendingAdminApprovalMembers.` ); return; } pendingAdminApprovalMembers[added.userId] = { aci: added.userId, timestamp: added.timestamp, }; if (added.profileKey) { newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey: added.profileKey, aci: added.userId, }); } } ); // deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction // >; (actions.deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals || []).forEach( deleteAdminApproval => { const { deletedUserId } = deleteAdminApproval; if (!deletedUserId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: deleteAdminApproval.deletedUserId is null!' ); } if (pendingAdminApprovalMembers[deletedUserId]) { delete pendingAdminApprovalMembers[deletedUserId]; } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to remove pendingAdminApproval failed; was not in pendingAdminApprovalMembers.` ); } } ); // promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction // >; (actions.promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals || []).forEach( promoteAdminApproval => { const { userId, role } = promoteAdminApproval; if (!userId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupChange: promoteAdminApproval had a missing value' ); } if (pendingAdminApprovalMembers[userId]) { delete pendingAdminApprovalMembers[userId]; } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to promote pendingAdminApproval failed; was not in pendingAdminApprovalMembers.` ); } if (pendingMembers[userId]) { delete pendingAdminApprovalMembers[userId]; log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Deleted pendingAdminApproval from pendingMembers.` ); } if (members[userId]) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to promote pendingMember failed; was already in members.` ); return; } members[userId] = { aci: userId, joinedAtVersion: version, role: role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, approvedByAdmin: true, }; } ); // modifyInviteLinkPassword?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyInviteLinkPasswordAction; if (actions.modifyInviteLinkPassword) { const { inviteLinkPassword } = actions.modifyInviteLinkPassword; if (inviteLinkPassword) { result.groupInviteLinkPassword = inviteLinkPassword; } else { result.groupInviteLinkPassword = undefined; } } // modifyDescription?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyDescriptionAction; if (actions.modifyDescription) { const { descriptionBytes } = actions.modifyDescription; if (descriptionBytes && descriptionBytes.content === 'descriptionText') { result.description = dropNull(descriptionBytes.descriptionText); } else { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Clearing group description due to missing data.` ); result.description = undefined; } } if (actions.modifyAnnouncementsOnly) { const { announcementsOnly } = actions.modifyAnnouncementsOnly; result.announcementsOnly = announcementsOnly; } if (actions.addMembersBanned && actions.addMembersBanned.length > 0) { actions.addMembersBanned.forEach(member => { if (bannedMembers.has(member.serviceId)) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to add banned member failed; was already in banned list.` ); return; } bannedMembers.set(member.serviceId, member); }); } if (actions.deleteMembersBanned && actions.deleteMembersBanned.length > 0) { actions.deleteMembersBanned.forEach(serviceId => { if (!bannedMembers.has(serviceId)) { log.warn( `applyGroupChange/${logId}: Attempt to remove banned member failed; was not in banned list.` ); return; } bannedMembers.delete(serviceId); }); } if (ourAci) { result.left = !members[ourAci]; } if (result.left) { result.addedBy = undefined; } // Go from lookups back to arrays result.membersV2 = values(members); result.pendingMembersV2 = values(pendingMembers); result.pendingAdminApprovalV2 = values(pendingAdminApprovalMembers); result.bannedMembersV2 = Array.from(bannedMembers.values()); return { newAttributes: result, newProfileKeys, otherChanges: false, promotedAciToPniMap, }; } export async function decryptGroupAvatar( avatarKey: string, secretParamsBase64: string ): Promise<Uint8Array> { const sender = window.textsecure.messaging; if (!sender) { throw new Error( 'decryptGroupAvatar: textsecure.messaging is not available!' ); } const ciphertext = await sender.getGroupAvatar(avatarKey); const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParamsBase64); const plaintext = decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, ciphertext); const blob = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode(plaintext); if (blob.content !== 'avatar') { throw new Error( `decryptGroupAvatar: Returned blob had incorrect content: ${blob.content}` ); } const avatar = dropNull(blob.avatar); if (!avatar) { throw new Error('decryptGroupAvatar: Returned blob had no avatar set!'); } return avatar; } // Overwriting result.avatar as part of functionality /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ export async function applyNewAvatar( newAvatar: string | undefined, result: Pick<ConversationAttributesType, 'avatar' | 'secretParams'>, logId: string ): Promise<void> { try { // Avatar has been dropped if (!newAvatar && result.avatar) { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData(result.avatar.path); result.avatar = undefined; } // Group has avatar; has it changed? if (newAvatar && (!result.avatar || result.avatar.url !== newAvatar)) { if (!result.secretParams) { throw new Error('applyNewAvatar: group was missing secretParams!'); } const data = await decryptGroupAvatar(newAvatar, result.secretParams); const hash = computeHash(data); if (result.avatar?.hash === hash) { log.info( `applyNewAvatar/${logId}: Hash is the same, but url was different. Saving new url.` ); result.avatar = { ...result.avatar, url: newAvatar, }; return; } if (result.avatar) { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData(result.avatar.path); } const path = await window.Signal.Migrations.writeNewAttachmentData(data); result.avatar = { url: newAvatar, path, hash, }; } } catch (error) { log.warn( `applyNewAvatar/${logId} Failed to handle avatar, clearing it`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); if (result.avatar && result.avatar.path) { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData(result.avatar.path); } result.avatar = undefined; } } /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ function profileKeyHasChanged( userId: ServiceIdString, newProfileKey: Uint8Array ) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(userId); if (!conversation) { return true; } const existingBase64 = conversation.get('profileKey'); if (!existingBase64) { return true; } const newBase64 = Bytes.toBase64(newProfileKey); return newBase64 !== existingBase64; } function hasProfileKey(userId: ServiceIdString) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(userId); if (!conversation) { return false; } const existingBase64 = conversation.get('profileKey'); return existingBase64 !== undefined; } async function applyGroupState({ group, groupState, sourceServiceId, }: { group: ConversationAttributesType; groupState: DecryptedGroupState; sourceServiceId?: ServiceIdString; }): Promise<GroupApplyResultType> { const logId = idForLogging(group.groupId); const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; const version = groupState.version || 0; const result = { ...group }; const newProfileKeys: Array<GroupChangeMemberType> = []; // Used to capture changes not already expressed in group notifications or profile keys let otherChanges = false; // Used to detect changes in these lists const members: Record<string, GroupV2MemberType> = fromPairs( (result.membersV2 || []).map(member => [member.aci, member]) ); const pendingMembers: Record<string, GroupV2PendingMemberType> = fromPairs( (result.pendingMembersV2 || []).map(member => [member.serviceId, member]) ); const pendingAdminApprovalMembers: Record< string, GroupV2PendingAdminApprovalType > = fromPairs( (result.pendingAdminApprovalV2 || []).map(member => [member.aci, member]) ); const bannedMembers = new Map<string, GroupV2BannedMemberType>( (result.bannedMembersV2 || []).map(member => [member.serviceId, member]) ); // version result.revision = version; // title // Note: During decryption, title becomes a GroupAttributeBlob const { title } = groupState; if (title && title.content === 'title') { result.name = dropNull(title.title); } else { result.name = undefined; } // avatar await applyNewAvatar(dropNull(groupState.avatar), result, logId); // disappearingMessagesTimer // Note: during decryption, disappearingMessageTimer becomes a GroupAttributeBlob const { disappearingMessagesTimer } = groupState; if ( disappearingMessagesTimer && disappearingMessagesTimer.content === 'disappearingMessagesDuration' ) { const duration = disappearingMessagesTimer.disappearingMessagesDuration; result.expireTimer = duration == null ? undefined : DurationInSeconds.fromSeconds(duration); } else { result.expireTimer = undefined; } // accessControl const { accessControl } = groupState; result.accessControl = { attributes: (accessControl && accessControl.attributes) || ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, members: (accessControl && accessControl.members) || ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER, addFromInviteLink: (accessControl && accessControl.addFromInviteLink) || ACCESS_ENUM.UNSATISFIABLE, }; // Optimization: we assume we have left the group unless we are found in members result.left = true; const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); // members const wasPreviouslyAMember = (result.membersV2 || []).some( item => item.aci !== ourAci ); if (groupState.members) { result.membersV2 = groupState.members.map(member => { if (member.userId === ourAci) { result.left = false; // Capture who added us if we were previously not in group if ( sourceServiceId && !wasPreviouslyAMember && isNumber(member.joinedAtVersion) && member.joinedAtVersion === version ) { result.addedBy = sourceServiceId; } } if (!isValidRole(member.role)) { throw new Error( `applyGroupState: Member had invalid role ${member.role}` ); } const previousMember = members[member.userId]; if (member.profileKey && !hasProfileKey(member.userId)) { newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey: member.profileKey, aci: member.userId, }); } else if ( member.profileKey && profileKeyHasChanged(member.userId, member.profileKey) ) { log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.userId} had different profileKey` ); otherChanges = true; } else if (!previousMember) { otherChanges = true; } if ( previousMember && previousMember.joinedAtVersion !== member.joinedAtVersion ) { otherChanges = true; log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.userId} had different joinedAtVersion` ); } // Note: role changes will be reflected in group update messages return { role: member.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, joinedAtVersion: member.joinedAtVersion, aci: member.userId, }; }); } // membersPendingProfileKey if (groupState.membersPendingProfileKey) { result.pendingMembersV2 = groupState.membersPendingProfileKey.map( member => { if (!member.member || !member.member.userId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupState: Member pending profile key did not have an associated userId' ); } if (!member.addedByUserId) { throw new Error( 'applyGroupState: Member pending profile key did not have an addedByUserID' ); } if (!isValidRole(member.member.role)) { throw new Error( `applyGroupState: Member pending profile key had invalid role ${member.member.role}` ); } const previousMember = pendingMembers[member.member.userId]; otherChanges = true; if ( previousMember && previousMember.addedByUserId !== member.addedByUserId ) { otherChanges = true; log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.member.userId} had different addedByUserId` ); } if (previousMember && previousMember.timestamp !== member.timestamp) { otherChanges = true; log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.member.userId} had different timestamp` ); } if (previousMember && previousMember.role !== member.member.role) { otherChanges = true; log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.member.userId} had different role` ); } return { addedByUserId: member.addedByUserId, serviceId: member.member.userId, timestamp: member.timestamp, role: member.member.role || MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT, }; } ); } // membersPendingAdminApproval if (groupState.membersPendingAdminApproval) { result.pendingAdminApprovalV2 = groupState.membersPendingAdminApproval.map( member => { const previousMember = pendingAdminApprovalMembers[member.userId]; if (member.profileKey && !hasProfileKey(member.userId)) { newProfileKeys.push({ profileKey: member.profileKey, aci: member.userId, }); } else if ( member.profileKey && profileKeyHasChanged(member.userId, member.profileKey) ) { log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.userId} had different profileKey` ); otherChanges = true; } else if (!previousMember) { otherChanges = true; } if (previousMember && previousMember.timestamp !== member.timestamp) { otherChanges = true; log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.userId} had different timestamp` ); } return { aci: member.userId, timestamp: member.timestamp, }; } ); } // inviteLinkPassword const { inviteLinkPassword } = groupState; if (inviteLinkPassword) { result.groupInviteLinkPassword = inviteLinkPassword; } else { result.groupInviteLinkPassword = undefined; } // descriptionBytes const { descriptionBytes } = groupState; if (descriptionBytes && descriptionBytes.content === 'descriptionText') { result.description = dropNull(descriptionBytes.descriptionText); } else { result.description = undefined; } // announcementsOnly result.announcementsOnly = groupState.announcementsOnly; // membersBanned result.bannedMembersV2 = groupState.membersBanned?.map(member => { const previousMember = bannedMembers.get(member.serviceId); if (!previousMember) { otherChanges = true; } if (previousMember && previousMember.timestamp !== member.timestamp) { otherChanges = true; log.warn( `applyGroupState(${logId}): Member ${member.serviceId} had different timestamp` ); } return member; }); if (result.left) { result.addedBy = undefined; } if (result.temporaryMemberCount) { log.info(`applyGroupState(${logId}): Clearing temporaryMemberCount`); result.temporaryMemberCount = undefined; } return { newAttributes: result, newProfileKeys, otherChanges, }; } function isValidRole(role?: number): role is number { const MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM = Proto.Member.Role; return ( role === MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.ADMINISTRATOR || role === MEMBER_ROLE_ENUM.DEFAULT ); } function isValidAccess(access?: number): access is number { const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; return access === ACCESS_ENUM.ADMINISTRATOR || access === ACCESS_ENUM.MEMBER; } function isValidLinkAccess(access?: number): access is number { const ACCESS_ENUM = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; return ( access === ACCESS_ENUM.UNKNOWN || access === ACCESS_ENUM.ANY || access === ACCESS_ENUM.ADMINISTRATOR || access === ACCESS_ENUM.UNSATISFIABLE ); } function isValidProfileKey(buffer?: Uint8Array): boolean { return Boolean(buffer && buffer.length === 32); } function normalizeTimestamp(timestamp: Long | null | undefined): number { if (!timestamp) { return 0; } const asNumber = timestamp.toNumber(); const now = Date.now(); if (!asNumber || asNumber > now) { return now; } return asNumber; } type DecryptedGroupChangeActions = { version?: number; sourceServiceId?: ServiceIdString; addMembers?: ReadonlyArray<{ added: DecryptedMember; joinFromInviteLink: boolean; }>; deleteMembers?: ReadonlyArray<{ deletedUserId: AciString; }>; modifyMemberRoles?: ReadonlyArray<{ userId: AciString; role: Proto.Member.Role; }>; modifyMemberProfileKeys?: ReadonlyArray<{ profileKey: Uint8Array; aci: AciString; }>; addPendingMembers?: ReadonlyArray<{ added: DecryptedMemberPendingProfileKey; }>; deletePendingMembers?: ReadonlyArray<{ // This might be a PNI deletedUserId: ServiceIdString; }>; promotePendingMembers?: ReadonlyArray<{ profileKey: Uint8Array; aci: AciString; }>; promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey?: ReadonlyArray<{ profileKey: Uint8Array; aci: AciString; pni: PniString; }>; modifyTitle?: { title?: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob; }; modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer?: { timer?: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob; }; addMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: ReadonlyArray<{ added: DecryptedMemberPendingAdminApproval; }>; deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: ReadonlyArray<{ deletedUserId: AciString; }>; promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: ReadonlyArray<{ userId: AciString; role: Proto.Member.Role; }>; modifyInviteLinkPassword?: { inviteLinkPassword?: string; }; modifyDescription?: { descriptionBytes?: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob; }; modifyAnnouncementsOnly?: { announcementsOnly: boolean; }; addMembersBanned?: ReadonlyArray<GroupV2BannedMemberType>; // This might be a PNI deleteMembersBanned?: ReadonlyArray<ServiceIdString>; } & Pick< Proto.GroupChange.IActions, | 'modifyAttributesAccess' | 'modifyMemberAccess' | 'modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess' | 'modifyAvatar' >; function decryptGroupChange( actions: Readonly<Proto.GroupChange.IActions>, groupSecretParams: string, logId: string ): DecryptedGroupChangeActions { const result: DecryptedGroupChangeActions = { version: dropNull(actions.version), }; const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(groupSecretParams); if (actions.sourceUserId && actions.sourceUserId.length !== 0) { try { result.sourceServiceId = decryptServiceId( clientZkGroupCipher, actions.sourceUserId ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt sourceServiceId.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } if (!result.sourceServiceId || !isServiceIdString(result.sourceServiceId)) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Invalid sourceServiceId. Clearing sourceServiceId.` ); result.sourceServiceId = undefined; } } else { throw new Error('decryptGroupChange: Missing sourceServiceId'); } // addMembers?: Array<GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberAction>; result.addMembers = compact( (actions.addMembers || []).map(addMember => { strictAssert( addMember.added, 'decryptGroupChange: AddMember was missing added field!' ); const decrypted = decryptMember( clientZkGroupCipher, addMember.added, logId ); if (!decrypted) { return null; } return { added: decrypted, joinFromInviteLink: Boolean(addMember.joinFromInviteLink), }; }) ); // deleteMembers?: Array<GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberAction>; result.deleteMembers = compact( (actions.deleteMembers || []).map(deleteMember => { const { deletedUserId } = deleteMember; strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(deletedUserId), 'decryptGroupChange: deleteMember.deletedUserId was missing' ); let userId: AciString; try { userId = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, deletedUserId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt deleteMembers.deletedUserId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } return { deletedUserId: userId }; }) ); // modifyMemberRoles?: Array<GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMemberRoleAction>; result.modifyMemberRoles = compact( (actions.modifyMemberRoles || []).map(modifyMember => { strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(modifyMember.userId), 'decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberRole.userId was missing' ); let userId: AciString; try { userId = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, modifyMember.userId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt modifyMemberRole.userId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } const role = dropNull(modifyMember.role); if (!isValidRole(role)) { throw new Error( `decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberRole had invalid role ${modifyMember.role}` ); } return { role, userId, }; }) ); // modifyMemberProfileKeys?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMemberProfileKeyAction // >; result.modifyMemberProfileKeys = compact( (actions.modifyMemberProfileKeys || []).map(modifyMemberProfileKey => { let { userId, profileKey: encryptedProfileKey } = modifyMemberProfileKey; // TODO: DESKTOP-3816 if (Bytes.isEmpty(userId) || Bytes.isEmpty(encryptedProfileKey)) { const { presentation } = modifyMemberProfileKey; strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(presentation), 'decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberProfileKeys.presentation was missing' ); const decodedPresentation = decodeProfileKeyCredentialPresentation(presentation); ({ userId, profileKey: encryptedProfileKey } = decodedPresentation); } strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberProfileKeys.userId was missing' ); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(encryptedProfileKey), 'decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberProfileKeys.profileKey was missing' ); let aci: AciString; let profileKey: Uint8Array; try { aci = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, userId); profileKey = decryptProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher, encryptedProfileKey, aci ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt ` + 'modifyMemberProfileKeys.userId/profileKey. Dropping member.', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } if (!isValidProfileKey(profileKey)) { throw new Error( 'decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberProfileKey had invalid profileKey' ); } return { aci, profileKey }; }) ); // addPendingMembers?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingProfileKeyAction // >; result.addPendingMembers = compact( (actions.addPendingMembers || []).map(addPendingMember => { strictAssert( addPendingMember.added, 'decryptGroupChange: addPendingMember was missing added field!' ); const decrypted = decryptMemberPendingProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher, addPendingMember.added, logId ); if (!decrypted) { return null; } return { added: decrypted, }; }) ); // deletePendingMembers?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingProfileKeyAction // >; result.deletePendingMembers = compact( (actions.deletePendingMembers || []).map(deletePendingMember => { const { deletedUserId } = deletePendingMember; strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(deletedUserId), 'decryptGroupChange: deletePendingMembers.deletedUserId was missing' ); let userId: ServiceIdString; try { userId = decryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, deletedUserId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt deletePendingMembers.deletedUserId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } if (!isServiceIdString(userId)) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Dropping deletePendingMember due to invalid deletedUserId` ); return null; } return { deletedUserId: userId, }; }) ); // promotePendingMembers?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingProfileKeyAction // >; result.promotePendingMembers = compact( (actions.promotePendingMembers || []).map(promotePendingMember => { let { userId, profileKey: encryptedProfileKey } = promotePendingMember; // TODO: DESKTOP-3816 if (Bytes.isEmpty(userId) || Bytes.isEmpty(encryptedProfileKey)) { const { presentation } = promotePendingMember; strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(presentation), 'decryptGroupChange: promotePendingMember.presentation was missing' ); const decodedPresentation = decodeProfileKeyCredentialPresentation(presentation); ({ userId, profileKey: encryptedProfileKey } = decodedPresentation); } strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'decryptGroupChange: promotePendingMembers.userId was missing' ); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(encryptedProfileKey), 'decryptGroupChange: promotePendingMembers.profileKey was missing' ); let aci: AciString; let profileKey: Uint8Array; try { aci = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, userId); profileKey = decryptProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher, encryptedProfileKey, aci ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt ` + 'promotePendingMembers.userId/profileKey. Dropping member.', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } if (!isValidProfileKey(profileKey)) { throw new Error( 'decryptGroupChange: promotePendingMembers had invalid profileKey' ); } return { aci, profileKey }; }) ); // promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingPniAciProfileKeyAction // >; result.promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey = compact( (actions.promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey || []).map( promotePendingMember => { strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(promotePendingMember.userId), 'decryptGroupChange: ' + 'promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey.userId was missing' ); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(promotePendingMember.pni), 'decryptGroupChange: ' + 'promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey.pni was missing' ); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(promotePendingMember.profileKey), 'decryptGroupChange: ' + 'promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey.profileKey was missing' ); let aci: AciString; let pni: PniString; let profileKey: Uint8Array; try { aci = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, promotePendingMember.userId); pni = decryptPni(clientZkGroupCipher, promotePendingMember.pni); profileKey = decryptProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher, promotePendingMember.profileKey, aci ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } if (!isValidProfileKey(profileKey)) { throw new Error( 'decryptGroupChange: promoteMembersPendingPniAciProfileKey ' + 'had invalid profileKey' ); } return { aci, pni, profileKey, }; } ) ); // modifyTitle?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyTitleAction; if (actions.modifyTitle) { const { title } = actions.modifyTitle; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(title)) { try { result.modifyTitle = { title: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, title) ), }; } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt modifyTitle.title`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } else { result.modifyTitle = {}; } } // modifyAvatar?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAvatarAction; // Note: decryption happens during application of the change, on download of the avatar result.modifyAvatar = actions.modifyAvatar; // modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer?: // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyDisappearingMessagesTimerAction; if (actions.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer) { const { timer } = actions.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(timer)) { try { result.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer = { timer: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, timer) ), }; } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer.timer`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } else { result.modifyDisappearingMessagesTimer = {}; } } // modifyAttributesAccess?: // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAttributesAccessControlAction; if (actions.modifyAttributesAccess) { const attributesAccess = dropNull( actions.modifyAttributesAccess.attributesAccess ); strictAssert( isValidAccess(attributesAccess), `decryptGroupChange: modifyAttributesAccess.attributesAccess was not valid: ${actions.modifyAttributesAccess.attributesAccess}` ); result.modifyAttributesAccess = { attributesAccess, }; } // modifyMemberAccess?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyMembersAccessControlAction; if (actions.modifyMemberAccess) { const membersAccess = dropNull(actions.modifyMemberAccess.membersAccess); strictAssert( isValidAccess(membersAccess), `decryptGroupChange: modifyMemberAccess.membersAccess was not valid: ${actions.modifyMemberAccess.membersAccess}` ); result.modifyMemberAccess = { membersAccess, }; } // modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess?: // GroupChange.Actions.ModifyAddFromInviteLinkAccessControlAction; if (actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess) { const addFromInviteLinkAccess = dropNull( actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess.addFromInviteLinkAccess ); strictAssert( isValidLinkAccess(addFromInviteLinkAccess), `decryptGroupChange: modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess.addFromInviteLinkAccess was not valid: ${actions.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess.addFromInviteLinkAccess}` ); result.modifyAddFromInviteLinkAccess = { addFromInviteLinkAccess, }; } // addMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.AddMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction // >; result.addMemberPendingAdminApprovals = compact( (actions.addMemberPendingAdminApprovals || []).map( addPendingAdminApproval => { const { added } = addPendingAdminApproval; strictAssert( added, 'decryptGroupChange: addPendingAdminApproval was missing added field!' ); const decrypted = decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval( clientZkGroupCipher, added, logId ); if (!decrypted) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt addPendingAdminApproval.added. Dropping member.` ); return null; } return { added: decrypted }; } ) ); // deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.DeleteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction // >; result.deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals = compact( (actions.deleteMemberPendingAdminApprovals || []).map( deletePendingApproval => { const { deletedUserId } = deletePendingApproval; strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(deletedUserId), 'decryptGroupChange: deletePendingApproval.deletedUserId was missing' ); let aci: AciString; try { aci = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, deletedUserId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt deletePendingApproval.deletedUserId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } return { deletedUserId: aci }; } ) ); // promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals?: Array< // GroupChange.Actions.PromoteMemberPendingAdminApprovalAction // >; result.promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals = compact( (actions.promoteMemberPendingAdminApprovals || []).map( promoteAdminApproval => { const { userId } = promoteAdminApproval; strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'decryptGroupChange: promoteAdminApproval.userId was missing' ); let decryptedUserId: AciString; try { decryptedUserId = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, userId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt promoteAdminApproval.userId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } const role = dropNull(promoteAdminApproval.role); if (!isValidRole(role)) { throw new Error( `decryptGroupChange: promoteAdminApproval had invalid role ${promoteAdminApproval.role}` ); } return { role, userId: decryptedUserId }; } ) ); // modifyInviteLinkPassword?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyInviteLinkPasswordAction; if (actions.modifyInviteLinkPassword) { const { inviteLinkPassword: password } = actions.modifyInviteLinkPassword; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(password)) { result.modifyInviteLinkPassword = { inviteLinkPassword: Bytes.toBase64(password), }; } else { result.modifyInviteLinkPassword = {}; } } // modifyDescription?: GroupChange.Actions.ModifyDescriptionAction; if (actions.modifyDescription) { const { descriptionBytes } = actions.modifyDescription; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(descriptionBytes)) { try { result.modifyDescription = { descriptionBytes: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, descriptionBytes) ), }; } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: Unable to decrypt modifyDescription.descriptionBytes`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } else { result.modifyDescription = {}; } } // modifyAnnouncementsOnly if (actions.modifyAnnouncementsOnly) { const { announcementsOnly } = actions.modifyAnnouncementsOnly; result.modifyAnnouncementsOnly = { announcementsOnly: Boolean(announcementsOnly), }; } // addMembersBanned if (actions.addMembersBanned && actions.addMembersBanned.length > 0) { result.addMembersBanned = actions.addMembersBanned .map(item => { if (!item.added || !item.added.userId) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: addMembersBanned had a blank entry` ); return null; } const serviceId = decryptServiceId( clientZkGroupCipher, item.added.userId ); const timestamp = normalizeTimestamp(item.added.timestamp); return { serviceId, timestamp }; }) .filter(isNotNil); } // deleteMembersBanned if (actions.deleteMembersBanned && actions.deleteMembersBanned.length > 0) { result.deleteMembersBanned = actions.deleteMembersBanned .map(item => { if (!item.deletedUserId) { log.warn( `decryptGroupChange/${logId}: deleteMembersBanned had a blank entry` ); return null; } return decryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, item.deletedUserId); }) .filter(isNotNil); } return result; } export function decryptGroupTitle( title: Uint8Array | undefined, secretParams: string ): string | undefined { const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); if (!title || !title.length) { return undefined; } const blob = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, title) ); if (blob && blob.content === 'title') { return dropNull(blob.title); } return undefined; } export function decryptGroupDescription( description: Uint8Array | undefined, secretParams: string ): string | undefined { const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); if (!description || !description.length) { return undefined; } const blob = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, description) ); if (blob && blob.content === 'descriptionText') { return dropNull(blob.descriptionText); } return undefined; } type DecryptedGroupState = { title?: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob; disappearingMessagesTimer?: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob; accessControl?: { attributes: number; members: number; addFromInviteLink: number; }; version?: number; members?: ReadonlyArray<DecryptedMember>; membersPendingProfileKey?: ReadonlyArray<DecryptedMemberPendingProfileKey>; membersPendingAdminApproval?: ReadonlyArray<DecryptedMemberPendingAdminApproval>; inviteLinkPassword?: string; descriptionBytes?: Proto.GroupAttributeBlob; avatar?: string; announcementsOnly?: boolean; membersBanned?: Array<GroupV2BannedMemberType>; }; function decryptGroupState( groupState: Readonly<Proto.IGroup>, groupSecretParams: string, logId: string ): DecryptedGroupState { const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(groupSecretParams); const result: DecryptedGroupState = {}; // title if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(groupState.title)) { try { result.title = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, groupState.title) ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupState/${logId}: Unable to decrypt title. Clearing it.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } // avatar // Note: decryption happens during application of the change, on download of the avatar // disappearing message timer if ( groupState.disappearingMessagesTimer && groupState.disappearingMessagesTimer.length ) { try { result.disappearingMessagesTimer = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob( clientZkGroupCipher, groupState.disappearingMessagesTimer ) ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupState/${logId}: Unable to decrypt disappearing message timer. Clearing it.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } // accessControl { const { accessControl } = groupState; strictAssert(accessControl, 'No accessControl field found'); const attributes = accessControl.attributes ?? Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN; const members = accessControl.members ?? Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN; const addFromInviteLink = accessControl.addFromInviteLink ?? Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN; strictAssert( isValidAccess(attributes), `decryptGroupState: Access control for attributes is invalid: ${attributes}` ); strictAssert( isValidAccess(members), `decryptGroupState: Access control for members is invalid: ${members}` ); strictAssert( isValidLinkAccess(addFromInviteLink), `decryptGroupState: Access control for invite link is invalid: ${addFromInviteLink}` ); result.accessControl = { attributes, members, addFromInviteLink, }; } // version const version = groupState.version ?? 0; strictAssert( isNumber(version), `decryptGroupState: Expected version to be a number or null; it was ${groupState.version}` ); result.version = version; // members if (groupState.members) { result.members = compact( groupState.members.map((member: Proto.IMember) => decryptMember(clientZkGroupCipher, member, logId) ) ); } // membersPendingProfileKey if (groupState.membersPendingProfileKey) { result.membersPendingProfileKey = compact( groupState.membersPendingProfileKey.map( (member: Proto.IMemberPendingProfileKey) => decryptMemberPendingProfileKey(clientZkGroupCipher, member, logId) ) ); } // membersPendingAdminApproval if (groupState.membersPendingAdminApproval) { result.membersPendingAdminApproval = compact( groupState.membersPendingAdminApproval.map( (member: Proto.IMemberPendingAdminApproval) => decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval(clientZkGroupCipher, member, logId) ) ); } // inviteLinkPassword if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(groupState.inviteLinkPassword)) { result.inviteLinkPassword = Bytes.toBase64(groupState.inviteLinkPassword); } // descriptionBytes if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(groupState.descriptionBytes)) { try { result.descriptionBytes = Proto.GroupAttributeBlob.decode( decryptGroupBlob(clientZkGroupCipher, groupState.descriptionBytes) ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptGroupState/${logId}: Unable to decrypt descriptionBytes. Clearing it.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } // announcementsOnly const { announcementsOnly } = groupState; result.announcementsOnly = Boolean(announcementsOnly); // membersBanned const { membersBanned } = groupState; if (membersBanned && membersBanned.length > 0) { result.membersBanned = membersBanned .map(item => { if (!item.userId) { log.warn( `decryptGroupState/${logId}: membersBanned had a blank entry` ); return null; } const serviceId = decryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, item.userId); const timestamp = item.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0; return { serviceId, timestamp }; }) .filter(isNotNil); } else { result.membersBanned = []; } result.avatar = dropNull(groupState.avatar); return result; } type DecryptedMember = Readonly<{ userId: AciString; profileKey: Uint8Array; role: Proto.Member.Role; joinedAtVersion: number; }>; function decryptMember( clientZkGroupCipher: ClientZkGroupCipher, member: Readonly<Proto.IMember>, logId: string ): DecryptedMember | undefined { // userId strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(member.userId), 'decryptMember: Member had missing userId' ); let userId: AciString; try { userId = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, member.userId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptMember/${logId}: Unable to decrypt member userid. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return undefined; } // profileKey strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(member.profileKey), 'decryptMember: Member had missing profileKey' ); const profileKey = decryptProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher, member.profileKey, userId ); if (!isValidProfileKey(profileKey)) { throw new Error('decryptMember: Member had invalid profileKey'); } // role const role = dropNull(member.role); if (!isValidRole(role)) { throw new Error(`decryptMember: Member had invalid role ${member.role}`); } return { userId, profileKey, role, joinedAtVersion: dropNull(member.joinedAtVersion) ?? 0, }; } type DecryptedMemberPendingProfileKey = { addedByUserId: AciString; timestamp: number; member: { userId: ServiceIdString; role?: Proto.Member.Role; }; }; function decryptMemberPendingProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher: ClientZkGroupCipher, member: Readonly<Proto.IMemberPendingProfileKey>, logId: string ): DecryptedMemberPendingProfileKey | undefined { // addedByUserId strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(member.addedByUserId), 'decryptMemberPendingProfileKey: Member had missing addedByUserId' ); let addedByUserId: AciString; try { addedByUserId = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, member.addedByUserId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptMemberPendingProfileKey/${logId}: Unable to decrypt pending member addedByUserId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return undefined; } // timestamp const timestamp = normalizeTimestamp(member.timestamp); if (!member.member) { log.warn( `decryptMemberPendingProfileKey/${logId}: Dropping pending member due to missing member details` ); return undefined; } const { userId, profileKey } = member.member; strictAssert( Bytes.isEmpty(profileKey), 'decryptMemberPendingProfileKey: member has profileKey' ); // userId strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'decryptMemberPendingProfileKey: Member had missing member.userId' ); let decryptedUserId: ServiceIdString; try { decryptedUserId = decryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, userId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptMemberPendingProfileKey/${logId}: Unable to decrypt pending member userId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return undefined; } // role const role = dropNull(member.member.role); strictAssert( isValidRole(role), `decryptMemberPendingProfileKey: Member had invalid role ${role}` ); return { addedByUserId, timestamp, member: { userId: decryptedUserId, role, }, }; } type DecryptedMemberPendingAdminApproval = { userId: AciString; profileKey?: Uint8Array; timestamp: number; }; function decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval( clientZkGroupCipher: ClientZkGroupCipher, member: Readonly<Proto.IMemberPendingAdminApproval>, logId: string ): DecryptedMemberPendingAdminApproval | undefined { // timestamp const timestamp = normalizeTimestamp(member.timestamp); const { userId, profileKey } = member; // userId strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval: Missing userId' ); let decryptedUserId: AciString; try { decryptedUserId = decryptAci(clientZkGroupCipher, userId); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval/${logId}: Unable to decrypt pending member userId. Dropping member.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return undefined; } // profileKey let decryptedProfileKey: Uint8Array | undefined; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(profileKey)) { try { decryptedProfileKey = decryptProfileKey( clientZkGroupCipher, profileKey, decryptedUserId ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval/${logId}: Unable to decrypt profileKey. Dropping profileKey.`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } if (!isValidProfileKey(decryptedProfileKey)) { log.warn( `decryptMemberPendingAdminApproval/${logId}: Dropping profileKey, since it was invalid` ); decryptedProfileKey = undefined; } } return { timestamp, userId: decryptedUserId, profileKey: decryptedProfileKey, }; } export function getMembershipList( conversationId: string ): Array<{ aci: AciString; uuidCiphertext: Uint8Array }> { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('getMembershipList: cannot find conversation'); } const secretParams = conversation.get('secretParams'); if (!secretParams) { throw new Error('getMembershipList: no secretParams'); } const clientZkGroupCipher = getClientZkGroupCipher(secretParams); return conversation.getMembers().map(member => { const aci = member.getCheckedAci('getMembershipList: member has no aci'); const uuidCiphertext = encryptServiceId(clientZkGroupCipher, aci); return { aci, uuidCiphertext }; }); }