// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { PlaintextContent } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { handleMessageSend } from '../../util/handleMessageSend'; import { getSendOptions } from '../../util/getSendOptions'; import { isDirectConversation } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../../protobuf'; import { handleMultipleSendErrors, maybeExpandErrors, } from './handleMultipleSendErrors'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../../models/conversations'; import type { ConversationQueueJobBundle, ResendRequestJobData, } from '../conversationJobQueue'; import { isConversationUnregistered } from '../../util/isConversationUnregistered'; import { OutgoingIdentityKeyError, UnregisteredUserError, } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import type { DecryptionErrorEventData } from '../../textsecure/messageReceiverEvents'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { startAutomaticSessionReset } from '../../util/handleRetry'; function failoverToLocalReset( logger: LoggerType, options: Pick< DecryptionErrorEventData, 'senderUuid' | 'senderDevice' | 'timestamp' > ) { logger.error('Failing over to local reset'); startAutomaticSessionReset(options); } export async function sendResendRequest( conversation: ConversationModel, { isFinalAttempt, messaging, shouldContinue, timeRemaining, log, }: ConversationQueueJobBundle, data: ResendRequestJobData ): Promise { const { contentHint, groupId, plaintext: plaintextBase64, receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate, timestamp, } = data; if (!shouldContinue) { log.info('Ran out of time. Giving up on sending resend request'); failoverToLocalReset(log, data); return; } log.info( `starting resend request send to ${conversation.idForLogging()} with timestamp ${timestamp}` ); if (!isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes)) { log.error('conversation is not direct, cancelling job.'); return; } if (isConversationUnregistered(conversation.attributes)) { log.error('conversation is unregistered, cancelling job.'); failoverToLocalReset(log, data); return; } // Note: we will send to blocked users, to those still in message request state, etc. // Any needed blocking should still apply once the decryption error is fixed. const senderUuid = conversation.get('uuid'); if (!senderUuid) { log.error('conversation was missing a uuid, cancelling job.'); failoverToLocalReset(log, data); return; } const plaintext = PlaintextContent.deserialize( Buffer.from(plaintextBase64, 'base64') ); const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; // We run this job on the queue for the individual sender we want the resend from, but // the original message might have been sent in a group - and that's where we'll put // the error or placeholder. const groupConversationId = window.ConversationController.get(groupId)?.id; const targetConversationId = groupConversationId ?? conversation.get('id'); try { const options = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes); await handleMessageSend( messaging.sendMessageProtoAndWait({ timestamp, recipients: [senderUuid], proto: plaintext, contentHint: ContentHint.DEFAULT, groupId, options, urgent: false, }), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'retryRequest' } ); // Now that we've successfully sent, represent this to the user. Three options: // 1. We believe that it could be successfully re-sent, so we'll add a placeholder. if (contentHint === ContentHint.RESENDABLE) { const { retryPlaceholders } = window.Signal.Services; strictAssert(retryPlaceholders, 'sendResendRequest: adding placeholder'); log.info('contentHint is RESENDABLE, adding placeholder'); const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); const selectedId = state.conversations.selectedConversationId; const wasOpened = selectedId === targetConversationId; await retryPlaceholders.add({ conversationId: targetConversationId, receivedAt: receivedAtDate, receivedAtCounter, sentAt: timestamp, senderUuid, wasOpened, }); return; } // 2. This message cannot be resent. We'll show no error and trust the other side to // reset their session. if (contentHint === ContentHint.IMPLICIT) { log.info('contentHint is IMPLICIT, adding no timeline item.'); return; } // 3. We don't know what kind of message this was, and add an eror log.warn('No contentHint, adding error in conversation immediately'); drop( conversation.queueJob('addDeliveryIssue', async () => { await conversation.addDeliveryIssue({ receivedAt: receivedAtDate, receivedAtCounter, senderUuid, sentAt: timestamp, }); }) ); } catch (error: unknown) { if ( error instanceof OutgoingIdentityKeyError || error instanceof UnregisteredUserError ) { log.info( 'Group send failures were all OutgoingIdentityKeyError or UnregisteredUserError. Cancelling job.' ); return; } if (isFinalAttempt) { failoverToLocalReset(log, data); } await handleMultipleSendErrors({ errors: maybeExpandErrors(error), isFinalAttempt, log, timeRemaining, toThrow: error, }); } }