// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { sleep } from '../../util/sleep'; import { MINUTE } from '../../util/durations'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { ProfileService } from '../../services/profiles'; import { generateAci } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { HTTPError } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; describe('util/profiles', () => { const SERVICE_ID_1 = generateAci(); const SERVICE_ID_2 = generateAci(); const SERVICE_ID_3 = generateAci(); const SERVICE_ID_4 = generateAci(); const SERVICE_ID_5 = generateAci(); beforeEach(async () => { await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( SERVICE_ID_1, 'private' ); await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( SERVICE_ID_2, 'private' ); await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( SERVICE_ID_3, 'private' ); await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( SERVICE_ID_4, 'private' ); await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( SERVICE_ID_5, 'private' ); }); describe('clearAll', () => { it('Cancels all in-flight requests', async () => { const getProfileWithLongDelay = async () => { await sleep(MINUTE); }; const service = new ProfileService(getProfileWithLongDelay); const promise1 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_1, null); const promise2 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_2, null); const promise3 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_3, null); const promise4 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_4, null); service.clearAll('testing'); await assert.isRejected(promise1, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise2, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise3, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise4, 'job cancelled'); }); }); describe('pause', () => { it('pauses the queue', async () => { let runCount = 0; const getProfileWithIncrement = () => { runCount += 1; return Promise.resolve(); }; const service = new ProfileService(getProfileWithIncrement); // Queued and immediately started due to concurrency = 3 drop(service.get(SERVICE_ID_1, null)); drop(service.get(SERVICE_ID_2, null)); drop(service.get(SERVICE_ID_3, null)); // Queued but only run after paused queue restarts const lastPromise = service.get(SERVICE_ID_4, null); const pausePromise = service.pause(5); assert.strictEqual(runCount, 3, 'as pause starts'); await pausePromise; await lastPromise; assert.strictEqual(runCount, 4, 'after last promise'); }); }); describe('get', () => { it('throws if we are currently paused', async () => { let runCount = 0; const getProfileWithIncrement = () => { runCount += 1; return Promise.resolve(); }; const service = new ProfileService(getProfileWithIncrement); const pausePromise = service.pause(5); // None of these are even queued const promise1 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_1, null); const promise2 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_2, null); const promise3 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_3, null); const promise4 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_4, null); await assert.isRejected(promise1, 'paused queue'); await assert.isRejected(promise2, 'paused queue'); await assert.isRejected(promise3, 'paused queue'); await assert.isRejected(promise4, 'paused queue'); await pausePromise; assert.strictEqual(runCount, 0); }); for (const code of [413, 429] as const) { it(`clears all outstanding jobs if we get a ${code}, then pauses`, async () => { let runCount = 0; const getProfileWhichThrows = async () => { runCount += 1; const error = new HTTPError(`fake ${code}`, { code, headers: { 'retry-after': '1', }, }); throw error; }; const service = new ProfileService(getProfileWhichThrows); // Queued and immediately started due to concurrency = 3 const promise1 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_1, null); const promise2 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_2, null); const promise3 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_3, null); // Never started, but queued const promise4 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_4, null); assert.strictEqual(runCount, 3, 'before await'); await assert.isRejected(promise1, `fake ${code}`); // Never queued const promise5 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_5, null); await assert.isRejected(promise2, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise3, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise4, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise5, 'paused queue'); assert.strictEqual(runCount, 3, 'after await'); }); } it('clears all outstanding jobs if we get a -1', async () => { let runCount = 0; const getProfileWhichThrows = async () => { runCount += 1; const error = new HTTPError('fake -1', { code: -1, headers: {}, }); throw error; }; const service = new ProfileService(getProfileWhichThrows); // Queued and immediately started due to concurrency = 3 const promise1 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_1, null); const promise2 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_2, null); const promise3 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_3, null); // Never started, but queued const promise4 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_4, null); assert.strictEqual(runCount, 3, 'before await'); await assert.isRejected(promise1, 'fake -1'); // Queued, because we aren't pausing const promise5 = service.get(SERVICE_ID_5, null); await assert.isRejected(promise2, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise3, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise4, 'job cancelled'); await assert.isRejected(promise5, 'fake -1'); assert.strictEqual(runCount, 4, 'after await'); }); }); });