import * as React from 'react'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { boolean, date, select, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; import { ConversationListItem, MessageStatuses, Props, } from './ConversationListItem'; import { setup as setupI18n } from '../../js/modules/i18n'; import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); const story = storiesOf('Components/ConversationListItem', module); story.addDecorator(storyFn => (
)); const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial = {}): Props => ({ ...overrideProps, i18n, acceptedMessageRequest: boolean( 'acceptedMessageRequest', overrideProps.acceptedMessageRequest !== undefined ? overrideProps.acceptedMessageRequest : true ), isMe: boolean('isMe', overrideProps.isMe || false), avatarPath: text('avatarPath', overrideProps.avatarPath || ''), id: || '', isSelected: boolean('isSelected', overrideProps.isSelected || false), title: text('title', overrideProps.title || 'Some Person'), name: || 'Some Person', type: overrideProps.type || 'direct', onClick: action('onClick'), lastMessage: overrideProps.lastMessage || { text: text('lastMessage.text', 'Hi there!'), status: select( 'status', MessageStatuses.reduce((m, s) => ({ ...m, [s]: s }), {}), 'read' ), }, lastUpdated: date( 'lastUpdated', new Date(overrideProps.lastUpdated || - 5 * 60 * 1000) ), }); story.add('Name', () => { const props = createProps(); return ; }); story.add('Name and Avatar', () => { const props = createProps({ avatarPath: '/fixtures/kitten-1-64-64.jpg', }); return ; }); story.add('Conversation with Yourself', () => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: 'Just a second', status: 'read', }, name: 'Myself', title: 'Myself', isMe: true, }); return ; }); story.add('Message Statuses', () => { return => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: status, status, }, }); return ; }); }); story.add('Typing Status', () => { const props = createProps({ typingContact: { name: 'Someone Here', }, }); return ; }); story.add('With draft', () => { const props = createProps({ shouldShowDraft: true, draftPreview: "I'm in the middle of typing this...", }); return ; }); story.add('Deleted for everyone', () => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { status: 'sent', text: 'You should not see this!', deletedForEveryone: true, }, }); return ; }); story.add('Message Request', () => { const props = createProps({ acceptedMessageRequest: false, lastMessage: { text: 'A Message', status: 'delivered', }, }); return ; }); story.add('Unread', () => { const counts = [4, 10, 250]; return => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: 'Hey there!', status: 'delivered', }, unreadCount, }); return ; }); }); story.add('Selected', () => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: 'Hey there!', status: 'read', }, isSelected: true, }); return ; }); story.add('Emoji in Message', () => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: '🔥', status: 'read', }, }); return ; }); story.add('Link in Message', () => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: 'Download at', status: 'read', }, }); return ; }); story.add('Long Name', () => { const name = 'Long contact name. Esquire. The third. And stuff. And more! And more!'; const props = createProps({ name, title: name, }); return ; }); story.add('Long Message', () => { const messages = [ "Long line. This is a really really really long line. Really really long. Because that's just how it is", `Many lines. This is a many-line message. Line 2 is really exciting but it shouldn't be seen. Line three is even better. Line 4, well.`, ]; return => { const props = createProps({ lastMessage: { text: message, status: 'read', }, }); return ; }); }); story.add('Various Times', () => { const times: Array<[number, string]> = [ [ - 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 'Five hours ago'], [ - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 'One day ago'], [ - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 'One week ago'], [ - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 'One year ago'], ]; return[lastUpdated, messageText]) => { const props = createProps({ lastUpdated, lastMessage: { text: messageText, status: 'read', }, }); return ; }); }); story.add('Missing Date', () => { const props = createProps(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return ; }); story.add('Missing Message', () => { const props = createProps(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return ; }); story.add('Missing Text', () => { const props = createProps(); return ( ); }); story.add('Muted Conversation', () => { const props = createProps(); const muteExpiresAt = + 1000 * 60 * 60; return ; }); story.add('At Mention', () => { const props = createProps({ title: 'The Rebellion', type: 'group', lastMessage: { text: '@Leia Organa I know', status: 'read', }, }); return ; });