// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { FileHandle } from 'fs/promises'; import { readFile, open } from 'fs/promises'; import type { Readable } from 'stream'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { gunzip as nativeGunzip } from 'zlib'; import got from 'got'; import { chunk as lodashChunk, noop } from 'lodash'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import Dicer from '@indutny/dicer'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { wrapEventEmitterOnce } from '../util/wrapEventEmitterOnce'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import { getGotOptions } from './got'; import type { GotOptions } from './got'; import { checkIntegrity } from './util'; const gunzip = promisify(nativeGunzip); const SUPPORTED_VERSION = '2'; const MAX_SINGLE_REQ_RANGES = 50; // 20 bytes per range, ~1kb total per request const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5; type BlockMapFileJSONType = Readonly<{ version: string; files: ReadonlyArray< Readonly<{ name: string; offset: number; checksums: ReadonlyArray<string>; sizes: ReadonlyArray<number>; }> >; }>; export type BlockMapBlockType = Readonly<{ offset: number; size: number; checksum: string; }>; export type BlockMapType = ReadonlyArray<BlockMapBlockType>; export type DiffType = { action: 'download' | 'copy'; size: number; readOffset: number; writeOffset: number; }; export type ComputeDiffResultType = ReadonlyArray<Readonly<DiffType>>; export type PrepareDownloadResultType = Readonly<{ downloadSize: number; oldFile: string; newUrl: string; sha512: string; diff: ComputeDiffResultType; // This could be used by caller to avoid extra download of the blockmap newBlockMap: Buffer; }>; export type PrepareDownloadOptionsType = Readonly<{ oldFile: string; newUrl: string; sha512: string; }>; export type DownloadOptionsType = Readonly<{ statusCallback?: (downloadedSize: number) => void; logger?: LoggerType; // Testing gotOptions?: GotOptions; }>; export type DownloadRangesOptionsType = Readonly<{ url: string; output: FileHandle; ranges: ReadonlyArray<DiffType>; logger?: LoggerType; abortSignal?: AbortSignal; chunkStatusCallback: (chunkSize: number) => void; // Testing gotOptions?: GotOptions; }>; export function getBlockMapFileName(fileName: string): string { return `${fileName}.blockmap`; } export async function parseBlockMap(data: Buffer): Promise<BlockMapType> { const unpacked = await gunzip(data); const json: BlockMapFileJSONType = JSON.parse(unpacked.toString()); strictAssert( json.version === SUPPORTED_VERSION, `Unsupported blockmap version: ${json.version}` ); strictAssert( json.files.length === 1, `Unsupported blockmap file count: ${json.files.length}` ); const [file] = json.files; let { offset } = file; const blocks = new Array<BlockMapBlockType>(); for (const [i, checksum] of file.checksums.entries()) { const size = file.sizes[i]; strictAssert(size !== undefined, `missing block size: ${i}`); blocks.push({ offset, size, checksum, }); offset += size; } return blocks; } export function computeDiff( oldMap: BlockMapType, newMap: BlockMapType ): ComputeDiffResultType { const oldChecksums = new Map<string, Array<BlockMapBlockType>>(); for (const oldBlock of oldMap) { let list = oldChecksums.get(oldBlock.checksum); if (!list) { list = []; oldChecksums.set(oldBlock.checksum, list); } list.push(oldBlock); } const diff = new Array<DiffType>(); let writeOffset = 0; for (const newBlock of newMap) { const oldBlocks = oldChecksums.get(newBlock.checksum); if (oldBlocks) { const oldBlock = oldBlocks.shift(); strictAssert(oldBlock, 'Missing expected old block'); if (oldBlocks.length === 0) { oldChecksums.delete(newBlock.checksum); } strictAssert( oldBlock.size === newBlock.size, `Block size mismatch: ${newBlock.checksum}, ` + `${oldBlock.size} != ${newBlock.size}` ); diff.push({ action: 'copy', size: oldBlock.size, readOffset: oldBlock.offset, writeOffset, }); writeOffset += oldBlock.size; continue; } diff.push({ action: 'download', size: newBlock.size, readOffset: newBlock.offset, writeOffset, }); writeOffset += newBlock.size; } const optimizedDiff = new Array<DiffType>(); for (const entry of diff) { const last = optimizedDiff.length !== 0 ? optimizedDiff[optimizedDiff.length - 1] : undefined; const { action, readOffset, size } = entry; if ( !last || last.action !== action || last.readOffset + last.size !== readOffset ) { optimizedDiff.push(entry); continue; } last.size += size; } return optimizedDiff.filter(({ size }) => size !== 0); } export async function prepareDownload({ oldFile, newUrl, sha512, }: PrepareDownloadOptionsType): Promise<PrepareDownloadResultType> { const oldBlockMap = await parseBlockMap( await readFile(getBlockMapFileName(oldFile)) ); const newBlockMapData = await got( getBlockMapFileName(newUrl), await getGotOptions() ).buffer(); const newBlockMap = await parseBlockMap(newBlockMapData); const diff = computeDiff(oldBlockMap, newBlockMap); let downloadSize = 0; for (const { action, size } of diff) { if (action === 'download') { downloadSize += size; } } return { downloadSize, diff, oldFile, newUrl, newBlockMap: newBlockMapData, sha512, }; } export function isValidPreparedData( { oldFile, newUrl, sha512 }: PrepareDownloadResultType, options: PrepareDownloadOptionsType ): boolean { return ( oldFile === options.oldFile && newUrl === options.newUrl && sha512 === options.sha512 ); } export async function download( newFile: string, { diff, oldFile, newUrl, sha512 }: PrepareDownloadResultType, { statusCallback, logger, gotOptions }: DownloadOptionsType = {} ): Promise<void> { const input = await open(oldFile, 'r'); const output = await open(newFile, 'w'); const abortController = new AbortController(); const { signal: abortSignal } = abortController; const copyActions = diff.filter(({ action }) => action === 'copy'); const copyPromise: Promise<unknown> = Promise.all( copyActions.map(async ({ readOffset, size, writeOffset }) => { const chunk = Buffer.alloc(size); const { bytesRead } = await input.read( chunk, 0, chunk.length, readOffset ); strictAssert( bytesRead === size, `Not enough data to read from offset=${readOffset} size=${size}` ); if (abortSignal?.aborted) { return; } await output.write(chunk, 0, chunk.length, writeOffset); }) ); const downloadActions = diff.filter(({ action }) => action === 'download'); try { let downloadedSize = 0; await Promise.all([ copyPromise, downloadRanges({ url: newUrl, output, ranges: downloadActions, logger, abortSignal, gotOptions, chunkStatusCallback(chunkSize) { downloadedSize += chunkSize; if (!abortSignal.aborted) { statusCallback?.(downloadedSize); } }, }), ]); } catch (error) { abortController.abort(); throw error; } finally { await Promise.all([input.close(), output.close()]); } const checkResult = await checkIntegrity(newFile, sha512); strictAssert(checkResult.ok, checkResult.error ?? ''); } export async function downloadRanges( options: DownloadRangesOptionsType ): Promise<void> { const { ranges } = options; // If we have way too many ranges - split them up into multiple requests if (ranges.length > MAX_SINGLE_REQ_RANGES) { await pMap( lodashChunk(ranges, MAX_SINGLE_REQ_RANGES), subRanges => downloadRanges({ ...options, ranges: subRanges, }), { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); return; } // Request multiple ranges in a single request const { url, output, logger, abortSignal, chunkStatusCallback, gotOptions = await getGotOptions(), } = options; logger?.info('updater/downloadRanges: downloading ranges', ranges.length); // Map from `Content-Range` header value to respective DiffType object. const diffByRange = new Map<string, DiffType>(); for (const diff of ranges) { const { action, readOffset, size } = diff; strictAssert(action === 'download', 'Incorrect action type'); // NOTE: the range is inclusive, hence `size - 1` diffByRange.set(`${readOffset}-${readOffset + size - 1}`, diff); } const stream = got.stream(url, { ...gotOptions, headers: { ...gotOptions.headers, range: `bytes=${Array.from(diffByRange.keys()).join(',')}`, }, }); // Each `part` is a separate readable stream for one of the ranges const onPart = async (part: Dicer.PartStream): Promise<void> => { try { const diff = await takeDiffFromPart(part, diffByRange); await saveDiffStream({ diff, stream: part, abortSignal, output, chunkStatusCallback, }); } catch (error) { dicer.destroy(error); } }; let boundary: string; try { const [{ statusCode, headers }] = await wrapEventEmitterOnce( stream, 'response' ); strictAssert(statusCode === 206, `Invalid status code: ${statusCode}`); const match = headers['content-type']?.match( /^multipart\/byteranges;\s*boundary=([^\s;]+)/ ); // When the result is single range we might non-multipart response if (ranges.length === 1 && !match) { await saveDiffStream({ diff: ranges[0], stream, abortSignal, output, chunkStatusCallback, }); return; } // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring boundary = match[1]; } catch (error) { // Ignore further errors and destroy stream early stream.on('error', noop); stream.destroy(); throw error; } const dicer = new Dicer({ boundary }); const partPromises = new Array<Promise<void>>(); dicer.on('part', part => partPromises.push(onPart(part))); // Pipe the response stream fully into dicer await pipeline(stream, dicer); // Wait for individual parts to be fully written to FS await Promise.all(partPromises); if (abortSignal?.aborted) { return; } const missingRanges = Array.from(diffByRange.values()); if (missingRanges.length === 0) { return; } logger?.info( 'updater/downloadRanges: downloading missing ranges', diffByRange.size ); return downloadRanges({ ...options, ranges: missingRanges, }); } async function takeDiffFromPart( part: Dicer.PartStream, diffByRange: Map<string, DiffType> ): Promise<DiffType> { const [untypedHeaders] = await wrapEventEmitterOnce(part, 'header'); const headers = untypedHeaders as Record<string, Array<string>>; const contentRange = headers['content-range']; strictAssert(contentRange, 'Missing Content-Range header for the part'); const match = contentRange.join(', ').match(/^bytes\s+(\d+-\d+)/); strictAssert( match, `Invalid Content-Range header for the part: "${contentRange}"` ); const range = match[1]; const diff = diffByRange.get(range); strictAssert(diff, `Diff not found for range="${range}"`); diffByRange.delete(range); return diff; } async function saveDiffStream({ diff, stream, output, abortSignal, chunkStatusCallback, }: { diff: DiffType; stream: Readable; output: FileHandle; abortSignal?: AbortSignal; chunkStatusCallback: (chunkSize: number) => void; }): Promise<void> { let offset = 0; for await (const chunk of stream) { strictAssert( offset + chunk.length <= diff.size, 'Server returned more data than expected, ' + `written=${offset} ` + `newChunk=${chunk.length} ` + `maxSize=${diff.size}` ); if (abortSignal?.aborted) { return; } await output.write(chunk, 0, chunk.length, offset + diff.writeOffset); offset += chunk.length; // Check for signal again so that we don't invoke status callback when // aborted. if (abortSignal?.aborted) { return; } chunkStatusCallback(chunk.length); } strictAssert( offset === diff.size, `Not enough data to download from offset=${diff.readOffset} ` + `size=${diff.size}` ); }