// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { v4 as generateGuid } from 'uuid'; import { jsonToObject, sql } from '../../sql/util'; import { CallMode, CallDirection, CallType, DirectCallStatus, GroupCallStatus, callHistoryDetailsSchema, } from '../../types/CallDisposition'; import type { CallHistoryDetails } from '../../types/CallDisposition'; import type { CallHistoryDetailsFromDiskType, MessageWithCallHistoryDetails, } from '../../sql/migrations/89-call-history'; import { getCallIdFromEra } from '../../util/callDisposition'; import { isValidUuid } from '../../util/isValidUuid'; import { createDB, updateToVersion } from './helpers'; import type { WritableDB, MessageType } from '../../sql/Interface'; describe('SQL/updateToSchemaVersion89', () => { let db: WritableDB; beforeEach(() => { db = createDB(); updateToVersion(db, 88); }); afterEach(() => { db.close(); }); function getDirectCallHistoryDetails(options: { callId: string | null; noCallMode?: boolean; wasDeclined?: boolean; noTimestamps?: boolean; }): CallHistoryDetailsFromDiskType { return { callId: options.callId ?? undefined, callMode: options.noCallMode ? undefined : CallMode.Direct, wasDeclined: options.wasDeclined ?? false, wasIncoming: false, wasVideoCall: false, acceptedTime: undefined, endedTime: undefined, }; } function getGroupCallHistoryDetails(options: { eraId: string; noCallMode?: boolean; noTimestamps?: boolean; }): CallHistoryDetailsFromDiskType { return { eraId: options.eraId, callMode: options.noCallMode ? undefined : CallMode.Group, creatorUuid: generateGuid(), startedTime: options.noTimestamps ? undefined : Date.now(), }; } type Timestamps = Pick< MessageWithCallHistoryDetails, 'sent_at' | 'received_at_ms' | 'timestamp' >; function createCallHistoryMessage(options: { messageId: string; conversationId: string; callHistoryDetails: CallHistoryDetailsFromDiskType; timestamps?: Partial; }): MessageWithCallHistoryDetails { // @ts-expect-error Purposefully violating the type to test the migration const timestamps: Timestamps = options.timestamps ? options.timestamps : { sent_at: Date.now(), received_at_ms: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), }; const message: MessageWithCallHistoryDetails = { id: options.messageId, type: 'call-history', conversationId: options.conversationId, received_at: Date.now(), ...timestamps, callHistoryDetails: options.callHistoryDetails, }; const json = JSON.stringify(message); const [query, params] = sql` INSERT INTO messages (id, conversationId, type, json) VALUES ( ${message.id}, ${message.conversationId}, ${message.type}, ${json} ) `; db.prepare(query).run(params); return message; } function createConversation( type: 'private' | 'group', discoveredUnregisteredAt?: number ) { const id = generateGuid(); const serviceId = // Emulate older unregistered conversations type === 'private' && discoveredUnregisteredAt == null ? generateGuid() : null; const groupId = type === 'group' ? generateGuid() : null; const json = JSON.stringify({ type, id, serviceId, groupId, discoveredUnregisteredAt, }); const [query, params] = sql` INSERT INTO conversations (id, type, serviceId, groupId, json) VALUES (${id}, ${type}, ${serviceId}, ${groupId}, ${json}); `; db.prepare(query).run(params); return { id, serviceId, groupId }; } function getAllCallHistory() { const [selectHistoryQuery] = sql` SELECT * FROM callsHistory; `; return db .prepare(selectHistoryQuery) .all() .map(row => { return callHistoryDetailsSchema.parse({ ...row, // Not present at the time of migration, but required by zod startedById: null, endedTimestamp: null, }); }); } it('pulls out call history messages into the new table', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation1 = createConversation('private'); const conversation2 = createConversation('group'); const callId1 = '123'; const eraId2 = 'abc'; createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation1.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: callId1, }), }); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation2.id, callHistoryDetails: getGroupCallHistoryDetails({ eraId: eraId2, }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].callId, callId1); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[1].callId, getCallIdFromEra(eraId2)); }); it('migrates older messages without a callId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation = createConversation('private'); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: null, // no id }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 1); assert.isTrue(isValidUuid(callHistory[0].callId)); }); it('migrates older messages without a callMode', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation1 = createConversation('private'); const conversation2 = createConversation('group'); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation1.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: null, // no id noCallMode: true, }), }); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation2.id, callHistoryDetails: getGroupCallHistoryDetails({ eraId: 'abc', noCallMode: true, }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].mode, CallMode.Direct); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[1].mode, CallMode.Group); }); it('handles unique constraint violations', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation = createConversation('private'); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, // same conversation callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: '123', // same callId }), }); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, // same conversation callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: '123', // same callId }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 1); }); it('normalizes peerId to conversation.serviceId or conversation.groupId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation1 = createConversation('private'); const conversation2 = createConversation('group'); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation1.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: '123', }), }); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation2.id, callHistoryDetails: getGroupCallHistoryDetails({ eraId: 'abc', }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].peerId, conversation1.serviceId); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[1].peerId, conversation2.groupId); }); it('migrates older unregistered conversations with no serviceId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation = createConversation('private', Date.now()); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: '123', }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].peerId, conversation.id); }); it('migrates call-history messages with no timestamp', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); const conversation = createConversation('private', Date.now()); const timestampCases = { noTimestamps: { sent_at: undefined, received_at_ms: undefined, timestamp: undefined, }, onlyTimestamp: { sent_at: undefined, received_at_ms: undefined, timestamp: 1, }, onlySentAt: { sent_at: 2, received_at_ms: undefined, timestamp: undefined, }, onlyReceivedAt: { sent_at: undefined, received_at_ms: 3, timestamp: undefined, }, } satisfies Record>; for (const [id, timestamps] of Object.entries(timestampCases)) { createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: id, noTimestamps: true, }), timestamps, }); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, callHistoryDetails: getGroupCallHistoryDetails({ eraId: id, noTimestamps: true, }), timestamps, }); } updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 8); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].timestamp, 0); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[1].timestamp, 0); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[2].timestamp, 1); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[3].timestamp, 1); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[4].timestamp, 2); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[5].timestamp, 2); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[6].timestamp, 3); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[7].timestamp, 3); }); describe('clients with schema version 87', () => { function createCallHistoryTable() { const [query] = sql` CREATE TABLE callsHistory ( callId TEXT PRIMARY KEY, peerId TEXT NOT NULL, -- conversation id (legacy) | uuid | groupId | roomId ringerId TEXT DEFAULT NULL, -- ringer uuid mode TEXT NOT NULL, -- enum "Direct" | "Group" type TEXT NOT NULL, -- enum "Audio" | "Video" | "Group" direction TEXT NOT NULL, -- enum "Incoming" | "Outgoing -- Direct: enum "Pending" | "Missed" | "Accepted" | "Deleted" -- Group: enum "GenericGroupCall" | "OutgoingRing" | "Ringing" | "Joined" | "Missed" | "Declined" | "Accepted" | "Deleted" status TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE (callId, peerId) ON CONFLICT FAIL ); `; db.exec(query); } function insertCallHistory(callHistory: CallHistoryDetails) { const [query, params] = sql` INSERT INTO callsHistory ( callId, peerId, ringerId, mode, type, direction, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ${callHistory.callId}, ${callHistory.peerId}, ${callHistory.ringerId}, ${callHistory.mode}, ${callHistory.type}, ${callHistory.direction}, ${callHistory.status}, ${callHistory.timestamp} ); `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function getMessages() { const [query] = sql` SELECT json FROM messages; `; return db .prepare(query) .all() .map(row => { return jsonToObject(row.json); }); } it('migrates existing peerId to conversation.serviceId or conversation.groupId', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); createCallHistoryTable(); const conversation1 = createConversation('private'); const conversation2 = createConversation('group'); insertCallHistory({ callId: '123', peerId: conversation1.id, ringerId: null, mode: CallMode.Direct, type: CallType.Audio, direction: CallDirection.Incoming, status: DirectCallStatus.Accepted, timestamp: Date.now(), // Not present at the time of migration startedById: null, endedTimestamp: null, }); insertCallHistory({ callId: 'abc', peerId: conversation2.id, ringerId: null, mode: CallMode.Group, type: CallType.Group, direction: CallDirection.Incoming, status: GroupCallStatus.Accepted, timestamp: Date.now(), // Not present at the time of migration startedById: null, endedTimestamp: null, }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].peerId, conversation1.serviceId); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[1].peerId, conversation2.groupId); }); it('migrates duplicate call history where the first was already migrated', () => { updateToVersion(db, 88); createCallHistoryTable(); const conversation = createConversation('private'); insertCallHistory({ callId: '123', peerId: conversation.id, ringerId: null, mode: CallMode.Direct, type: CallType.Audio, direction: CallDirection.Incoming, status: DirectCallStatus.Pending, timestamp: Date.now() - 1000, // Not present at the time of migration startedById: null, endedTimestamp: null, }); createCallHistoryMessage({ messageId: generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, callHistoryDetails: getDirectCallHistoryDetails({ callId: '123', wasDeclined: true, }), }); updateToVersion(db, 89); const callHistory = getAllCallHistory(); assert.strictEqual(callHistory.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(callHistory[0].status, DirectCallStatus.Declined); const messages = getMessages(); assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(messages[0].type, 'call-history'); assert.strictEqual(messages[0].callId, '123'); assert.notProperty(messages[0], 'callHistoryDetails'); }); }); });