// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import type { DraftBodyRanges } from '../types/BodyRange'; import type { LinkPreviewType } from '../types/message/LinkPreviews'; import type { MessageAttributesType, QuotedMessageType, } from '../model-types.d'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment'; import { ErrorWithToast } from '../types/ErrorWithToast'; import { SendStatus } from '../messages/MessageSendState'; import { ToastType } from '../types/Toast'; import type { AciString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { canEditMessage, isWithinMaxEdits } from './canEditMessage'; import { conversationJobQueue, conversationQueueJobEnum, } from '../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import { concat, filter, map, repeat, zipObject, find } from './iterables'; import { getConversationIdForLogging } from './idForLogging'; import { isQuoteAMatch } from '../messages/helpers'; import { getMessageById } from '../messages/getMessageById'; import { handleEditMessage } from './handleEditMessage'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from './incrementMessageCounter'; import { isGroupV1 } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import { isNotNil } from './isNotNil'; import { isSignalConversation } from './isSignalConversation'; import { strictAssert } from './assert'; import { timeAndLogIfTooLong } from './timeAndLogIfTooLong'; import { makeQuote } from './makeQuote'; import { getMessageSentTimestamp } from './getMessageSentTimestamp'; const SEND_REPORT_THRESHOLD_MS = 25; export async function sendEditedMessage( conversationId: string, { body, bodyRanges, preview, quoteSentAt, quoteAuthorAci, targetMessageId, }: { body?: string; bodyRanges?: DraftBodyRanges; preview: Array; quoteSentAt?: number; quoteAuthorAci?: AciString; targetMessageId: string; } ): Promise { const { messaging } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(messaging, 'messaging not available'); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); strictAssert(conversation, 'no conversation found'); const idLog = `sendEditedMessage(${getConversationIdForLogging( conversation.attributes )})`; const targetMessage = await getMessageById(targetMessageId); strictAssert(targetMessage, 'could not find message to edit'); if (isGroupV1(conversation.attributes)) { log.warn(`${idLog}: can't send to gv1`); return; } if (isSignalConversation(conversation.attributes)) { log.warn(`${idLog}: can't send to Signal`); return; } if ( !canEditMessage(targetMessage.attributes) || !isWithinMaxEdits(targetMessage.attributes) ) { throw new ErrorWithToast( `${idLog}: cannot edit`, ToastType.CannotEditMessage ); } const timestamp = Date.now(); const targetSentTimestamp = getMessageSentTimestamp( targetMessage.attributes, { log, } ); log.info(`${idLog}: edited(${timestamp}) original(${targetSentTimestamp})`); conversation.clearTypingTimers(); // Can't send both preview and attachments const attachments = preview && preview.length ? [] : targetMessage.get('attachments') || []; const fixNewAttachment = ( attachment: AttachmentType, temporaryDigest: string ): AttachmentType => { // Check if this is an existing attachment or a new attachment coming // from composer if (attachment.digest) { return attachment; } // Generated semi-unique digest so that `handleEditMessage` understand // it is a new attachment return { ...attachment, digest: `${temporaryDigest}:${attachment.path}`, }; }; let quote: QuotedMessageType | undefined; if (quoteSentAt !== undefined && quoteAuthorAci !== undefined) { const existingQuote = targetMessage.get('quote'); // Keep the quote if unchanged. if (quoteSentAt === existingQuote?.id) { quote = existingQuote; } else { const messages = await DataReader.getMessagesBySentAt(quoteSentAt); const matchingMessage = find(messages, item => isQuoteAMatch(item, conversationId, { id: quoteSentAt, authorAci: quoteAuthorAci, }) ); if (matchingMessage) { quote = await makeQuote(matchingMessage); } } } const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const fromId = ourConversation.id; // Create the send state for later use const recipientMaybeConversations = map( conversation.getRecipients(), identifier => window.ConversationController.get(identifier) ); const recipientConversations = filter(recipientMaybeConversations, isNotNil); const recipientConversationIds = concat( map(recipientConversations, c => c.id), [fromId] ); const sendStateByConversationId = zipObject( recipientConversationIds, repeat({ status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: timestamp, }) ); // An ephemeral message that we just use to handle the edit const tmpMessage: MessageAttributesType = { attachments: attachments?.map((attachment, index) => fixNewAttachment(attachment, `attachment:${index}`) ), body, bodyRanges, conversationId, preview: preview?.map((entry, index) => { const image = entry.image && fixNewAttachment(entry.image, `preview:${index}`); if (entry.image === image) { return entry; } return { ...entry, image, }; }), id: generateUuid(), quote, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), received_at_ms: timestamp, sendStateByConversationId, sent_at: timestamp, timestamp, type: 'outgoing', }; // Takes care of putting the message in the edit history, replacing the // main message's values, and updating the conversation's properties. await handleEditMessage(targetMessage.attributes, { conversationId, fromId, fromDevice: window.storage.user.getDeviceId() ?? 1, message: tmpMessage, }); // Reset send state prior to send targetMessage.set({ sendStateByConversationId }); // Inserting the send into a job and saving it to the message await timeAndLogIfTooLong( SEND_REPORT_THRESHOLD_MS, () => conversationJobQueue.add( { type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.NormalMessage, conversationId, messageId: targetMessageId, revision: conversation.get('revision'), editedMessageTimestamp: timestamp, }, async jobToInsert => { log.info( `${idLog}: saving message ${targetMessageId} and job ${jobToInsert.id}` ); await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(targetMessage.attributes, { jobToInsert, }); } ), duration => `${idLog}: db save took ${duration}ms` ); // Does the same render dance that models/conversations does when we call // enqueueMessageForSend. Calls redux actions, clears drafts, unarchives, and // updates storage service if needed. await timeAndLogIfTooLong( SEND_REPORT_THRESHOLD_MS, async () => { conversation.beforeMessageSend({ message: targetMessage.attributes, dontClearDraft: false, dontAddMessage: true, now: timestamp, }); }, duration => `${idLog}: batchDispatch took ${duration}ms` ); await DataWriter.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); }