// Copyright 2017-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // NOTE: Temporarily allow `then` until we convert the entire file to `async` / `await`: /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ import { join } from 'path'; import split2 from 'split2'; import { readdirSync, createReadStream, unlinkSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'; import type { BrowserWindow } from 'electron'; import { app, ipcMain as ipc } from 'electron'; import pinoms from 'pino-multi-stream'; import pino from 'pino'; import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import { filter, flatten, map, pick, sortBy } from 'lodash'; import readFirstLine from 'firstline'; import { read as readLastLines } from 'read-last-lines'; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import { createStream } from 'rotating-file-stream'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import * as log from './log'; import { Environment, getEnvironment } from '../environment'; import type { FetchLogIpcData, LogEntryType } from './shared'; import { LogLevel, cleanArgs, getLogLevelString, isLogEntry } from './shared'; declare global { // We want to extend `Console`, so we need an interface. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax interface Console { _log: typeof console.log; _warn: typeof console.warn; _error: typeof console.error; } } const MAX_LOG_LINES = 1000000; let globalLogger: undefined | pino.Logger; let shouldRestart = false; const isRunningFromConsole = Boolean(process.stdout.isTTY) || getEnvironment() === Environment.Test; export async function initialize( getMainWindow: () => undefined | BrowserWindow ): Promise { if (globalLogger) { throw new Error('Already called initialize!'); } const basePath = app.getPath('userData'); const logPath = join(basePath, 'logs'); mkdirp.sync(logPath); let appMetrics = app.getAppMetrics(); setInterval(() => { // CPU stats are computed since the last call to `getAppMetrics`. appMetrics = app.getAppMetrics(); }, 30 * durations.SECOND).unref(); try { await cleanupLogs(logPath); } catch (error) { const errorString = `Failed to clean logs; deleting all. Error: ${error.stack}`; console.error(errorString); await deleteAllLogs(logPath); mkdirp.sync(logPath); // If we want this log entry to persist on disk, we need to wait until we've // set up our logging infrastructure. setTimeout(() => { console.error(errorString); }, 500); } const logFile = join(logPath, 'main.log'); const stream = createStream(logFile, { interval: '1d', rotate: 3, }); const onClose = () => { globalLogger = undefined; if (shouldRestart) { initialize(getMainWindow); } }; stream.on('close', onClose); stream.on('error', onClose); const streams: pinoms.Streams = []; streams.push({ stream }); if (isRunningFromConsole) { streams.push({ level: 'debug' as const, stream: process.stdout, }); } const logger = pinoms({ streams, timestamp: pino.stdTimeFunctions.isoTime, }); ipc.removeHandler('fetch-log'); ipc.handle('fetch-log', async () => { const mainWindow = getMainWindow(); if (!mainWindow) { logger.info('Logs were requested, but the main window is missing'); return; } let data: FetchLogIpcData; try { const [logEntries, rest] = await Promise.all([ fetchLogs(logPath), fetchAdditionalLogData(mainWindow), ]); data = { logEntries, appMetrics, ...rest, }; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Problem loading log data: ${error.stack}`); return; } return data; }); ipc.removeHandler('delete-all-logs'); ipc.handle('delete-all-logs', async () => { // Restart logging when the streams will close shouldRestart = true; try { await deleteAllLogs(logPath); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Problem deleting all logs: ${error.stack}`); } }); globalLogger = logger; return log; } async function deleteAllLogs(logPath: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { rimraf( logPath, { disableGlob: true, }, error => { if (error) { return reject(error); } return resolve(); } ); }); } async function cleanupLogs(logPath: string) { const now = new Date(); const earliestDate = new Date( Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate() - 3) ); try { const remaining = await eliminateOutOfDateFiles(logPath, earliestDate); const files = filter(remaining, file => !file.start && file.end); if (!files.length) { return; } await eliminateOldEntries(files, earliestDate); } catch (error) { console.error( 'Error cleaning logs; deleting and starting over from scratch.', error.stack ); // delete and re-create the log directory await deleteAllLogs(logPath); mkdirp.sync(logPath); } } // Exported for testing only. export function isLineAfterDate(line: string, date: Readonly): boolean { if (!line) { return false; } try { const data = JSON.parse(line); return new Date(data.time).getTime() > date.getTime(); } catch (e) { console.log('error parsing log line', e.stack, line); return false; } } // Exported for testing only. export function eliminateOutOfDateFiles( logPath: string, date: Readonly ): Promise< Array<{ path: string; start: boolean; end: boolean; }> > { const files = readdirSync(logPath); const paths = files.map(file => join(logPath, file)); return Promise.all( map(paths, target => Promise.all([readFirstLine(target), readLastLines(target, 2)]).then( results => { const start = results[0]; const end = results[1].split('\n'); const file = { path: target, start: isLineAfterDate(start, date), end: isLineAfterDate(end[end.length - 1], date) || isLineAfterDate(end[end.length - 2], date), }; if (!file.start && !file.end) { unlinkSync(file.path); } return file; } ) ) ); } // Exported for testing only. export async function eliminateOldEntries( files: ReadonlyArray<{ path: string }>, date: Readonly ): Promise { await Promise.all( map(files, file => fetchLog(file.path).then(lines => { const recent = filter(lines, line => new Date(line.time) >= date); const text = map(recent, line => JSON.stringify(line)).join('\n'); return writeFileSync(file.path, `${text}\n`); }) ) ); } // Exported for testing only. export async function fetchLog(logFile: string): Promise> { const results = new Array(); const rawStream = createReadStream(logFile); const jsonStream = rawStream.pipe( split2(line => { try { return JSON.parse(line); } catch (e) { return undefined; } }) ); // Propagate fs errors down to the json stream so that for loop below handles // them. rawStream.on('error', error => jsonStream.emit('error', error)); for await (const line of jsonStream) { const result = line && pick(line, ['level', 'time', 'msg']); if (!isLogEntry(result)) { continue; } results.push(result); if (results.length > MAX_LOG_LINES) { results.shift(); } } return results; } // Exported for testing only. export function fetchLogs(logPath: string): Promise> { const files = readdirSync(logPath); const paths = files.map(file => join(logPath, file)); // creating a manual log entry for the final log result const fileListEntry: LogEntryType = { level: LogLevel.Info, time: new Date().toISOString(), msg: `Loaded this list of log files from logPath: ${files.join(', ')}`, }; return Promise.all(paths.map(fetchLog)).then(results => { const data = flatten(results); data.push(fileListEntry); return sortBy(data, logEntry => logEntry.time); }); } export const fetchAdditionalLogData = ( mainWindow: BrowserWindow ): Promise> => new Promise(resolve => { mainWindow.webContents.send('additional-log-data-request'); ipc.once('additional-log-data-response', (_event, data) => { resolve(data); }); }); function logAtLevel(level: LogLevel, ...args: ReadonlyArray) { if (globalLogger) { const levelString = getLogLevelString(level); globalLogger[levelString](cleanArgs(args)); } else if (isRunningFromConsole && !process.stdout.destroyed) { console._log(...args); } } // This blows up using mocha --watch, so we ensure it is run just once if (!console._log) { log.setLogAtLevel(logAtLevel); console._log = console.log; console.log = log.info; console._error = console.error; console.error = log.error; console._warn = console.warn; console.warn = log.warn; }