import moment from 'moment'; import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; // Only applies in the english locales, but it ensures that the format // is what we want. function replaceSuffix(time: string) { return time.replace(/ PM$/, 'pm').replace(/ AM$/, 'am'); } const getExtendedFormats = (i18n: LocalizerType) => ({ y: 'lll', M: `${i18n('timestampFormat_M') || 'MMM D'} LT`, d: 'ddd LT', }); const getShortFormats = (i18n: LocalizerType) => ({ y: 'll', M: i18n('timestampFormat_M') || 'MMM D', d: 'ddd', }); function isToday(timestamp: moment.Moment) { const today = moment().format('ddd'); const targetDay = moment(timestamp).format('ddd'); return today === targetDay; } function isYear(timestamp: moment.Moment) { const year = moment().format('YYYY'); const targetYear = moment(timestamp).format('YYYY'); return year === targetYear; } export function formatRelativeTime( rawTimestamp: number | Date, options: { extended?: boolean; i18n: LocalizerType } ): string { const { extended, i18n } = options; const formats = extended ? getExtendedFormats(i18n) : getShortFormats(i18n); const timestamp = moment(rawTimestamp); const now = moment(); const diff = moment.duration(now.diff(timestamp)); if (diff.years() >= 1 || !isYear(timestamp)) { return replaceSuffix(timestamp.format(formats.y)); } if (diff.months() >= 1 || diff.days() > 6) { return replaceSuffix(timestamp.format(formats.M)); } if (diff.days() >= 1 || !isToday(timestamp)) { return replaceSuffix(timestamp.format(formats.d)); } if (diff.hours() >= 1) { return i18n('hoursAgo', [String(diff.hours())]); } if (diff.minutes() >= 1) { return i18n('minutesAgo', [String(diff.minutes())]); } return i18n('justNow'); }