// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import URL from 'url'; import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent'; import { RequestInit, Response, Headers } from 'node-fetch'; import { client as WebSocketClient } from 'websocket'; import qs from 'querystring'; import EventListener from 'events'; import { AbortableProcess } from '../util/AbortableProcess'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { explodePromise } from '../util/explodePromise'; import { BackOff, FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS } from '../util/BackOff'; import { getUserAgent } from '../util/getUserAgent'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { sleep } from '../util/sleep'; import { SocketStatus } from '../types/SocketStatus'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import WebSocketResource, { WebSocketResourceOptions, IncomingWebSocketRequest, } from './WebsocketResources'; import { ConnectTimeoutError, HTTPError } from './Errors'; import { handleStatusCode, translateError } from './Utils'; import { WebAPICredentials, IRequestHandler } from './Types.d'; // TODO: remove once we move away from ArrayBuffers const FIXMEU8 = Uint8Array; const TEN_SECONDS = 10 * durations.SECOND; const FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * durations.MINUTE; export type SocketManagerOptions = Readonly<{ url: string; certificateAuthority: string; version: string; proxyUrl?: string; }>; // This class manages two websocket resources: // // - Authenticated WebSocketResource which uses supplied WebAPICredentials and // automatically reconnects on closed socket (using back off) // - Unauthenticated WebSocketResource that is created on the first outgoing // unauthenticated request and is periodically rotated (5 minutes since first // activity on the socket). // // Incoming requests on authenticated resource are funneled into the registered // request handlers (`registerRequestHandler`) or queued internally until at // least one such request handler becomes available. // // Incoming requests on unauthenticated resource are not currently supported. // WebSocketResource is responsible for their immediate termination. export class SocketManager extends EventListener { private backOff = new BackOff(FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS); private authenticated?: AbortableProcess; private unauthenticated?: AbortableProcess; private unauthenticatedExpirationTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; private credentials?: WebAPICredentials; private readonly proxyAgent?: ProxyAgent; private status = SocketStatus.CLOSED; private requestHandlers = new Set(); private incomingRequestQueue = new Array(); private isOffline = false; constructor(private readonly options: SocketManagerOptions) { super(); if (options.proxyUrl) { this.proxyAgent = new ProxyAgent(options.proxyUrl); } } public getStatus(): SocketStatus { return this.status; } // Update WebAPICredentials and reconnect authenticated resource if // credentials changed public async authenticate(credentials: WebAPICredentials): Promise { if (this.isOffline) { throw new HTTPError('SocketManager offline', { code: 0, headers: {}, stack: new Error().stack, }); } const { username, password } = credentials; if (!username && !password) { window.log.warn( 'SocketManager authenticate was called without credentials' ); return; } if ( this.credentials && this.credentials.username === username && this.credentials.password === password && this.authenticated ) { try { await this.authenticated.getResult(); } catch (error) { window.log.warn( 'SocketManager: failed to wait for existing authenticated socket ' + ` due to error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } return; } this.credentials = credentials; window.log.info('SocketManager: connecting authenticated socket'); this.setStatus(SocketStatus.CONNECTING); const process = this.connectResource({ path: '/v1/websocket/', query: { login: username, password }, resourceOptions: { keepalive: { path: '/v1/keepalive' }, handleRequest: (req: IncomingWebSocketRequest): void => { this.queueOrHandleRequest(req); }, }, }); // Cancel previous connect attempt or close socket this.authenticated?.abort(); this.authenticated = process; const reconnect = async (): Promise => { const timeout = this.backOff.getAndIncrement(); window.log.info( 'SocketManager: reconnecting authenticated socket ' + `after ${timeout}ms` ); await sleep(timeout); if (this.isOffline) { window.log.info( 'SocketManager: cancelled reconnect because we are offline' ); return; } if (this.authenticated) { window.log.info( 'SocketManager: authenticated socket already reconnected' ); return; } strictAssert(this.credentials !== undefined, 'Missing credentials'); try { await this.authenticate(this.credentials); } catch (error) { window.log.info( 'SocketManager: authenticated socket failed to reconect ' + `due to error ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); return reconnect(); } }; let authenticated: WebSocketResource; try { authenticated = await process.getResult(); this.setStatus(SocketStatus.OPEN); } catch (error) { window.log.warn( 'SocketManager: authenticated socket connection failed with ' + `error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); // The socket was deliberately closed, don't follow up if (this.authenticated !== process) { return; } this.dropAuthenticated(process); if (error instanceof HTTPError) { const { code } = error; if (code === 401 || code === 403) { this.emit('authError', error); return; } if (code !== 500 && code !== -1) { // No reconnect attempt should be made return; } } reconnect(); return; } window.log.info('SocketManager: connected authenticated socket'); window.logAuthenticatedConnect?.(); this.backOff.reset(); authenticated.addEventListener('close', ({ code, reason }): void => { if (this.authenticated !== process) { return; } window.log.warn( 'SocketManager: authenticated socket closed ' + `with code=${code} and reason=${reason}` ); this.dropAuthenticated(process); if (code === 3000) { // Intentional disconnect return; } reconnect(); }); } // Either returns currently connecting/active authenticated // WebSocketResource or connects a fresh one. public async getAuthenticatedResource(): Promise { if (!this.authenticated) { strictAssert(this.credentials !== undefined, 'Missing credentials'); await this.authenticate(this.credentials); } strictAssert(this.authenticated !== undefined, 'Authentication failed'); return this.authenticated.getResult(); } // Creates new WebSocketResource for AccountManager's provisioning public async getProvisioningResource( handler: IRequestHandler ): Promise { return this.connectResource({ path: '/v1/websocket/provisioning/', resourceOptions: { handleRequest: (req: IncomingWebSocketRequest): void => { handler.handleRequest(req); }, keepalive: { path: '/v1/keepalive/provisioning' }, }, }).getResult(); } // Fetch-compatible wrapper around underlying unauthenticated/authenticated // websocket resources. This wrapper supports only limited number of features // of node-fetch despite being API compatible. public async fetch(url: string, init: RequestInit): Promise { const headers = new Headers(init.headers); let resource: WebSocketResource; if (this.isAuthenticated(headers)) { resource = await this.getAuthenticatedResource(); } else { resource = await this.getUnauthenticatedResource(); await this.startUnauthenticatedExpirationTimer(resource); } const { path } = URL.parse(url); strictAssert(path, "Fetch can't have empty path"); const { method = 'GET', body, timeout } = init; let bodyBytes: Uint8Array | undefined; if (body === undefined) { bodyBytes = undefined; } else if (body instanceof Uint8Array) { bodyBytes = body; } else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer) { bodyBytes = new FIXMEU8(body); } else if (typeof body === 'string') { bodyBytes = Bytes.fromString(body); } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported body type: ${typeof body}`); } const { status, message: statusText, response, headers: flatResponseHeaders, } = await resource.sendRequest({ verb: method, path, body: bodyBytes, headers: Array.from(headers.entries()).map(([key, value]) => { return `${key}:${value}`; }), timeout, }); const responseHeaders: Array<[string, string]> = flatResponseHeaders.map( header => { const [key, value] = header.split(':', 2); strictAssert(value !== undefined, 'Invalid header!'); return [key, value]; } ); return new Response(response, { status, statusText, headers: responseHeaders, }); } public registerRequestHandler(handler: IRequestHandler): void { this.requestHandlers.add(handler); const queue = this.incomingRequestQueue; if (queue.length === 0) { return; } window.log.info( `SocketManager: processing ${queue.length} queued incoming requests` ); this.incomingRequestQueue = []; for (const req of queue) { this.queueOrHandleRequest(req); } } public unregisterRequestHandler(handler: IRequestHandler): void { this.requestHandlers.delete(handler); } // Force keep-alive checks on WebSocketResources public async check(): Promise { if (this.isOffline) { return; } window.log.info('SocketManager.check'); await Promise.all([ SocketManager.checkResource(this.authenticated), SocketManager.checkResource(this.unauthenticated), ]); } // Puts SocketManager into "online" state and reconnects the authenticated // WebSocketResource (if there are valid credentials) public async onOnline(): Promise { window.log.info('SocketManager.onOnline'); this.isOffline = false; if (this.credentials) { await this.authenticate(this.credentials); } } // Puts SocketManager into "offline" state and gracefully disconnects both // unauthenticated and authenticated resources. public async onOffline(): Promise { window.log.info('SocketManager.onOffline'); this.isOffline = true; const { authenticated, unauthenticated } = this; if (authenticated) { authenticated.abort(); this.dropAuthenticated(authenticated); } if (unauthenticated) { unauthenticated.abort(); this.dropUnauthenticated(unauthenticated); } } public async logout(): Promise { const { authenticated } = this; if (authenticated) { authenticated.abort(); this.dropAuthenticated(authenticated); } this.credentials = undefined; } // // Private // private setStatus(status: SocketStatus): void { if (this.status === status) { return; } this.status = status; this.emit('statusChange'); } private async getUnauthenticatedResource(): Promise { if (this.isOffline) { throw new HTTPError('SocketManager offline', { code: 0, headers: {}, stack: new Error().stack, }); } if (this.unauthenticated) { return this.unauthenticated.getResult(); } window.log.info('SocketManager: connecting unauthenticated socket'); const process = this.connectResource({ path: '/v1/websocket/', resourceOptions: { keepalive: { path: '/v1/keepalive' }, }, }); this.unauthenticated = process; let unauthenticated: WebSocketResource; try { unauthenticated = await this.unauthenticated.getResult(); } catch (error) { window.log.info( 'SocketManager: failed to connect unauthenticated socket ' + ` due to error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); this.dropUnauthenticated(process); throw error; } window.log.info('SocketManager: connected unauthenticated socket'); unauthenticated.addEventListener('close', ({ code, reason }): void => { if (this.unauthenticated !== process) { return; } window.log.warn( 'SocketManager: unauthenticated socket closed ' + `with code=${code} and reason=${reason}` ); this.dropUnauthenticated(process); }); return this.unauthenticated.getResult(); } private connectResource({ path, resourceOptions, query = {}, timeout = TEN_SECONDS, }: { path: string; resourceOptions: WebSocketResourceOptions; query?: Record; timeout?: number; }): AbortableProcess { const fixedScheme = this.options.url .replace('https://', 'wss://') .replace('http://', 'ws://'); const headers = { 'User-Agent': getUserAgent(this.options.version), }; const client = new WebSocketClient({ tlsOptions: { ca: this.options.certificateAuthority, agent: this.proxyAgent, }, maxReceivedFrameSize: 0x210000, }); const queryWithDefaults = { agent: 'OWD', version: this.options.version, ...query, }; client.connect( `${fixedScheme}${path}?${qs.encode(queryWithDefaults)}`, undefined, undefined, headers ); const { stack } = new Error(); const { promise, resolve, reject } = explodePromise(); const timer = setTimeout(() => { reject(new ConnectTimeoutError('Connection timed out')); client.abort(); }, timeout); let resource: WebSocketResource | undefined; client.on('connect', socket => { clearTimeout(timer); resource = new WebSocketResource(socket, resourceOptions); resolve(resource); }); client.on('httpResponse', async response => { clearTimeout(timer); const statusCode = response.statusCode || -1; await handleStatusCode(statusCode); const error = new HTTPError( 'connectResource: invalid websocket response', { code: statusCode || -1, headers: {}, stack, } ); const translatedError = translateError(error); strictAssert( translatedError, '`httpResponse` event cannot be emitted with 200 status code' ); reject(translatedError); }); client.on('connectFailed', e => { clearTimeout(timer); reject( new HTTPError('connectResource: connectFailed', { code: -1, headers: {}, response: e.toString(), stack, }) ); }); return new AbortableProcess( `SocketManager.connectResource(${path})`, { abort() { if (resource) { window.log.warn(`SocketManager closing socket ${path}`); resource.close(3000, 'aborted'); } else { window.log.warn(`SocketManager aborting connection ${path}`); clearTimeout(timer); client.abort(); } }, }, promise ); } private static async checkResource( process?: AbortableProcess ): Promise { if (!process) { return; } const resource = await process.getResult(); resource.forceKeepAlive(); } private dropAuthenticated( process: AbortableProcess ): void { if (this.authenticated !== process) { return; } this.incomingRequestQueue = []; this.authenticated = undefined; this.setStatus(SocketStatus.CLOSED); } private dropUnauthenticated( process: AbortableProcess ): void { if (this.unauthenticated !== process) { return; } this.unauthenticated = undefined; if (!this.unauthenticatedExpirationTimer) { return; } clearTimeout(this.unauthenticatedExpirationTimer); this.unauthenticatedExpirationTimer = undefined; } private async startUnauthenticatedExpirationTimer( expected: WebSocketResource ): Promise { const process = this.unauthenticated; strictAssert( process !== undefined, 'Unauthenticated socket must be connected' ); const unauthenticated = await process.getResult(); strictAssert( unauthenticated === expected, 'Unauthenticated resource should be the same' ); if (this.unauthenticatedExpirationTimer) { return; } window.log.info( 'SocketManager: starting expiration timer for unauthenticated socket' ); this.unauthenticatedExpirationTimer = setTimeout(async () => { window.log.info( 'SocketManager: shutting down unauthenticated socket after timeout' ); unauthenticated.shutdown(); // The socket is either deliberately closed or reconnected already if (this.unauthenticated !== process) { return; } this.dropUnauthenticated(process); try { await this.getUnauthenticatedResource(); } catch (error) { window.log.warn( 'SocketManager: failed to reconnect unauthenticated socket ' + `due to error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } }, FIVE_MINUTES); } private queueOrHandleRequest(req: IncomingWebSocketRequest): void { if (this.requestHandlers.size === 0) { this.incomingRequestQueue.push(req); window.log.info( 'SocketManager: request handler unavailable, ' + `queued request. Queue size: ${this.incomingRequestQueue.length}` ); return; } for (const handlers of this.requestHandlers) { try { handlers.handleRequest(req); } catch (error) { window.log.warn( 'SocketManager: got exception while handling incoming request, ' + `error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } } } private isAuthenticated(headers: Headers): boolean { if (!this.credentials) { return false; } const authorization = headers.get('Authorization'); if (!authorization) { return false; } const [basic, base64] = authorization.split(/\s+/, 2); if (basic.toLowerCase() !== 'basic' || !base64) { return false; } const [username, password] = Bytes.toString(Bytes.fromBase64(base64)).split( ':', 2 ); return ( username === this.credentials.username && password === this.credentials.password ); } // EventEmitter types public on(type: 'authError', callback: (error: HTTPError) => void): this; public on(type: 'statusChange', callback: () => void): this; public on( type: string | symbol, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any listener: (...args: Array) => void ): this { return super.on(type, listener); } public emit(type: 'authError', error: HTTPError): boolean; public emit(type: 'statusChange'): boolean; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any public emit(type: string | symbol, ...args: Array): boolean { return super.emit(type, ...args); } }