// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-env node */ import path from 'path'; import { compose } from 'lodash/fp'; import { escapeRegExp, isString, isRegExp } from 'lodash'; export const APP_ROOT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..'); const PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN = /\+\d{7,12}(\d{3})/g; // The additional 0 in [04] and [089AB] are to include MY_STORY_ID const UUID_OR_STORY_ID_PATTERN = /[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[04][0-9A-F]{3}-[089AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{9}([0-9A-F]{3})/gi; const GROUP_ID_PATTERN = /(group\()([^)]+)(\))/g; const GROUP_V2_ID_PATTERN = /(groupv2\()([^=)]+)(=?=?\))/g; const CALL_LINK_ROOM_ID_PATTERN = /[0-9A-F]{61}([0-9A-F]{3})/gi; const CALL_LINK_ROOT_KEY_PATTERN = /([A-Z]{4})-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}/gi; const REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER = '[REDACTED]'; export type RedactFunction = (value: string) => string; export const _redactPath = (filePath: string): RedactFunction => { if (!isString(filePath)) { throw new TypeError("'filePath' must be a string"); } const filePathPattern = _pathToRegExp(filePath); return (text: string): string => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } if (!isRegExp(filePathPattern)) { return text; } return text.replace(filePathPattern, REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER); }; }; export const _pathToRegExp = (filePath: string): RegExp | undefined => { try { return new RegExp( // Any possible prefix that we want to include `(${escapeRegExp('file:///')})?${ // The rest of the file path filePath // Split by system path seperator ("/" or "\\") // (split by both for tests) .split(/\/|\\/) // Escape all special characters in each part .map(part => { // This segment may need to be URI encoded const urlEncodedPart = encodeURI(part); // If its the same, then we don't need to worry about it if (urlEncodedPart === part) { return escapeRegExp(part); } // Otherwise, we need to test against both return `(${escapeRegExp(part)}|${escapeRegExp(urlEncodedPart)})`; }) // Join the parts back together with any possible path seperator .join( `(${[ // Posix (Linux, macOS, etc.) path.posix.sep, // Windows path.win32.sep, // Windows (URI encoded) encodeURI(path.win32.sep), ] // Escape the parts for use in a RegExp (e.g. "/" -> "\/") .map(sep => escapeRegExp(sep)) // In case separators are repeated in the path (e.g. "\\\\") .map(sep => `${sep}+`) // Join all the possible separators together .join('|')})` ) }`, 'g' ); } catch (error) { return undefined; } }; // Public API export const redactPhoneNumbers = (text: string): string => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text.replace(PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN, `+${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}$1`); }; export const redactUuids = (text: string): string => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text.replace(UUID_OR_STORY_ID_PATTERN, `${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}$1`); }; export const redactGroupIds = (text: string): string => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text .replace( GROUP_ID_PATTERN, (_, before, id, after) => `${before}${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}${removeNewlines(id).slice( -3 )}${after}` ) .replace( GROUP_V2_ID_PATTERN, (_, before, id, after) => `${before}${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}${removeNewlines(id).slice( -3 )}${after}` ); }; export const redactCallLinkRoomIds = (text: string): string => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text.replace(CALL_LINK_ROOM_ID_PATTERN, `${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}$1`); }; export const redactCallLinkRootKeys = (text: string): string => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text.replace(CALL_LINK_ROOT_KEY_PATTERN, `${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}$1`); }; const createRedactSensitivePaths = ( paths: ReadonlyArray ): RedactFunction => { return compose(paths.map(filePath => _redactPath(filePath))); }; const sensitivePaths: Array = []; let redactSensitivePaths: RedactFunction = (text: string) => text; export const addSensitivePath = (filePath: string): void => { sensitivePaths.push(filePath); redactSensitivePaths = createRedactSensitivePaths(sensitivePaths); }; addSensitivePath(APP_ROOT_PATH); export const redactAll: RedactFunction = compose( (text: string) => redactSensitivePaths(text), redactGroupIds, redactPhoneNumbers, redactUuids, redactCallLinkRoomIds, redactCallLinkRootKeys ); const removeNewlines: RedactFunction = text => text.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '');