// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { unlinkSync, createReadStream, createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { open } from 'fs/promises'; import { createDecipheriv, createCipheriv, createHash, createHmac, randomBytes, } from 'crypto'; import type { Decipher, Hash, Hmac } from 'crypto'; import { PassThrough, Transform, type Writable, Readable } from 'stream'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { ensureFile } from 'fs-extra'; import * as log from './logging/log'; import { HashType, CipherType } from './types/Crypto'; import { createName, getRelativePath } from './windows/attachments'; import { constantTimeEqual } from './Crypto'; import { appendPaddingStream, logPadSize } from './util/logPadding'; import { prependStream } from './util/prependStream'; import { appendMacStream } from './util/appendMacStream'; import { Environment } from './environment'; import type { AttachmentType } from './types/Attachment'; import type { ContextType } from './types/Message2'; import { strictAssert } from './util/assert'; import * as Errors from './types/errors'; import { isNotNil } from './util/isNotNil'; import { missingCaseError } from './util/missingCaseError'; // This file was split from ts/Crypto.ts because it pulls things in from node, and // too many things pull in Crypto.ts, so it broke storybook. const IV_LENGTH = 16; const KEY_LENGTH = 32; const DIGEST_LENGTH = 32; const HEX_DIGEST_LENGTH = DIGEST_LENGTH * 2; const ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH = 32; export class ReencyptedDigestMismatchError extends Error {} /** @private */ export const KEY_SET_LENGTH = KEY_LENGTH + ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH; export function _generateAttachmentIv(): Uint8Array { return randomBytes(IV_LENGTH); } export function generateAttachmentKeys(): Uint8Array { return randomBytes(KEY_SET_LENGTH); } export type EncryptedAttachmentV2 = { digest: Uint8Array; iv: Uint8Array; plaintextHash: string; ciphertextSize: number; }; export type DecryptedAttachmentV2 = { path: string; iv: Uint8Array; plaintextHash: string; }; export type PlaintextSourceType = | { data: Uint8Array } | { absolutePath: string }; export type HardcodedIVForEncryptionType = | { reason: 'test'; iv: Uint8Array; } | { reason: 'reencrypting-for-backup'; iv: Uint8Array; digestToMatch: Uint8Array; }; type EncryptAttachmentV2PropsType = { plaintext: PlaintextSourceType; keys: Readonly<Uint8Array>; dangerousIv?: HardcodedIVForEncryptionType; dangerousTestOnlySkipPadding?: boolean; }; export async function encryptAttachmentV2ToDisk( args: EncryptAttachmentV2PropsType ): Promise<EncryptedAttachmentV2 & { path: string }> { // Create random output file const relativeTargetPath = getRelativePath(createName()); const absoluteTargetPath = window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(relativeTargetPath); await ensureFile(absoluteTargetPath); let encryptResult: EncryptedAttachmentV2; try { encryptResult = await encryptAttachmentV2({ ...args, sink: createWriteStream(absoluteTargetPath), }); } catch (error) { safeUnlinkSync(absoluteTargetPath); throw error; } return { ...encryptResult, path: relativeTargetPath, }; } export async function encryptAttachmentV2({ keys, plaintext, dangerousIv, dangerousTestOnlySkipPadding, sink, }: EncryptAttachmentV2PropsType & { sink?: Writable; }): Promise<EncryptedAttachmentV2> { const logId = 'encryptAttachmentV2'; const { aesKey, macKey } = splitKeys(keys); if (dangerousIv) { if (dangerousIv.reason === 'test') { if (window.getEnvironment() !== Environment.Test) { throw new Error( `${logId}: Used dangerousIv with reason test outside tests!` ); } } else if (dangerousIv.reason === 'reencrypting-for-backup') { strictAssert( dangerousIv.digestToMatch.byteLength === DIGEST_LENGTH, `${logId}: Must provide valid digest to match if providing iv for re-encryption` ); log.info( `${logId}: using hardcoded iv because we are re-encrypting for backup` ); } else { throw missingCaseError(dangerousIv); } } if ( dangerousTestOnlySkipPadding && window.getEnvironment() !== Environment.Test ) { throw new Error( `${logId}: Used dangerousTestOnlySkipPadding outside tests!` ); } const iv = dangerousIv?.iv || _generateAttachmentIv(); const plaintextHash = createHash(HashType.size256); const digest = createHash(HashType.size256); let ciphertextSize: number | undefined; try { const source = 'data' in plaintext ? Readable.from([Buffer.from(plaintext.data)]) : createReadStream(plaintext.absolutePath); await pipeline( [ source, peekAndUpdateHash(plaintextHash), dangerousTestOnlySkipPadding ? undefined : appendPaddingStream(), createCipheriv(CipherType.AES256CBC, aesKey, iv), prependIv(iv), appendMacStream(macKey), peekAndUpdateHash(digest), measureSize(size => { ciphertextSize = size; }), sink ?? new PassThrough().resume(), ].filter(isNotNil) ); } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to encrypt attachment`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } const ourPlaintextHash = plaintextHash.digest('hex'); const ourDigest = digest.digest(); strictAssert( ourPlaintextHash.length === HEX_DIGEST_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to generate plaintext hash!` ); strictAssert( ourDigest.byteLength === DIGEST_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to generate ourDigest!` ); strictAssert(ciphertextSize != null, 'Failed to measure ciphertext size!'); if (dangerousIv?.reason === 'reencrypting-for-backup') { if (!constantTimeEqual(ourDigest, dangerousIv.digestToMatch)) { throw new ReencyptedDigestMismatchError( `${logId}: iv was hardcoded for backup re-encryption, but digest does not match` ); } } return { digest: ourDigest, iv, plaintextHash: ourPlaintextHash, ciphertextSize, }; } type DecryptAttachmentOptionsType = Readonly<{ ciphertextPath: string; idForLogging: string; aesKey: Readonly<Uint8Array>; macKey: Readonly<Uint8Array>; size: number; theirDigest: Readonly<Uint8Array>; outerEncryption?: { aesKey: Readonly<Uint8Array>; macKey: Readonly<Uint8Array>; }; }>; export async function decryptAttachmentV2( options: DecryptAttachmentOptionsType ): Promise<DecryptedAttachmentV2> { const { idForLogging, macKey, aesKey, ciphertextPath, theirDigest, outerEncryption, } = options; const logId = `decryptAttachmentV2(${idForLogging})`; // Create random output file const relativeTargetPath = getRelativePath(createName()); const absoluteTargetPath = window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(relativeTargetPath); const digest = createHash(HashType.size256); const hmac = createHmac(HashType.size256, macKey); const plaintextHash = createHash(HashType.size256); let theirMac: Uint8Array | undefined; // When downloading from backup there is an outer encryption layer; in that case we // need to decrypt the outer layer and check its MAC let theirOuterMac: Uint8Array | undefined; const outerHmac = outerEncryption ? createHmac(HashType.size256, outerEncryption.macKey) : undefined; const maybeOuterEncryptionGetIvAndDecipher = outerEncryption ? getIvAndDecipher(outerEncryption.aesKey) : undefined; const maybeOuterEncryptionGetMacAndUpdateMac = outerHmac ? getMacAndUpdateHmac(outerHmac, theirOuterMacValue => { theirOuterMac = theirOuterMacValue; }) : undefined; let readFd; let writeFd; let iv: Uint8Array | undefined; try { try { readFd = await open(ciphertextPath, 'r'); } catch (cause) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Read path doesn't exist`, { cause }); } try { await ensureFile(absoluteTargetPath); writeFd = await open(absoluteTargetPath, 'w'); } catch (cause) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Failed to create write path`, { cause }); } await pipeline( [ readFd.createReadStream(), maybeOuterEncryptionGetMacAndUpdateMac, maybeOuterEncryptionGetIvAndDecipher, peekAndUpdateHash(digest), getMacAndUpdateHmac(hmac, theirMacValue => { theirMac = theirMacValue; }), getIvAndDecipher(aesKey, theirIv => { iv = theirIv; }), trimPadding(options.size), peekAndUpdateHash(plaintextHash), writeFd.createWriteStream(), ].filter(isNotNil) ); } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to decrypt attachment`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); safeUnlinkSync(absoluteTargetPath); throw error; } finally { await Promise.all([readFd?.close(), writeFd?.close()]); } const ourMac = hmac.digest(); const ourDigest = digest.digest(); const ourPlaintextHash = plaintextHash.digest('hex'); strictAssert( ourMac.byteLength === ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to generate ourMac!` ); strictAssert( theirMac != null && theirMac.byteLength === ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to find theirMac!` ); strictAssert( ourDigest.byteLength === DIGEST_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to generate ourDigest!` ); strictAssert( ourPlaintextHash.length === HEX_DIGEST_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to generate file hash!` ); if (!constantTimeEqual(ourMac, theirMac)) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Bad MAC`); } if (!constantTimeEqual(ourDigest, theirDigest)) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Bad digest`); } strictAssert( iv != null && iv.byteLength === IV_LENGTH, `${logId}: failed to find their iv` ); if (outerEncryption) { strictAssert(outerHmac, 'outerHmac must exist'); const ourOuterMac = outerHmac.digest(); strictAssert( ourOuterMac.byteLength === ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to generate ourOuterMac!` ); strictAssert( theirOuterMac != null && theirOuterMac.byteLength === ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH, `${logId}: Failed to find theirOuterMac!` ); if (!constantTimeEqual(ourOuterMac, theirOuterMac)) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Bad outer encryption MAC`); } } return { path: relativeTargetPath, iv, plaintextHash: ourPlaintextHash, }; } /** * Splits the keys into aes and mac keys. */ type AttachmentEncryptionKeysType = { aesKey: Uint8Array; macKey: Uint8Array; }; export function splitKeys(keys: Uint8Array): AttachmentEncryptionKeysType { strictAssert( keys.byteLength === KEY_SET_LENGTH, `attachment keys must be ${KEY_SET_LENGTH} bytes, got ${keys.byteLength}` ); const aesKey = keys.subarray(0, KEY_LENGTH); const macKey = keys.subarray(KEY_LENGTH, KEY_SET_LENGTH); return { aesKey, macKey }; } /** * Updates a hash of the stream without modifying it. */ function peekAndUpdateHash(hash: Hash) { return new Transform({ transform(chunk, _encoding, callback) { try { hash.update(chunk); callback(null, chunk); } catch (error) { callback(error); } }, }); } /** * Updates an hmac with the stream except for the last ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH * bytes. The last ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH bytes are passed to the callback. */ export function getMacAndUpdateHmac( hmac: Hmac, onTheirMac: (theirMac: Uint8Array) => void ): Transform { // Because we don't have a view of the entire stream, we don't know when we're // at the end. We need to omit the last ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH bytes from // `hmac.update` so we only push what we know is not the mac. let maybeMacBytes = Buffer.alloc(0); function updateWithKnownNonMacBytes() { let knownNonMacBytes = null; if (maybeMacBytes.byteLength > ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH) { knownNonMacBytes = maybeMacBytes.subarray(0, -ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH); maybeMacBytes = maybeMacBytes.subarray(-ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH); hmac.update(knownNonMacBytes); } return knownNonMacBytes; } return new Transform({ transform(chunk, _encoding, callback) { try { maybeMacBytes = Buffer.concat([maybeMacBytes, chunk]); const knownNonMac = updateWithKnownNonMacBytes(); callback(null, knownNonMac); } catch (error) { callback(error); } }, flush(callback) { try { onTheirMac(maybeMacBytes); callback(null, null); } catch (error) { callback(error); } }, }); } /** * Gets the IV from the start of the stream and creates a decipher. * Then deciphers the rest of the stream. */ export function getIvAndDecipher( aesKey: Uint8Array, onFoundIv?: (iv: Buffer) => void ): Transform { let maybeIvBytes: Buffer | null = Buffer.alloc(0); let decipher: Decipher | null = null; return new Transform({ transform(chunk, _encoding, callback) { try { // If we've already initialized the decipher, just pass the chunk through. if (decipher != null) { callback(null, decipher.update(chunk)); return; } // Wait until we have enough bytes to get the iv to initialize the // decipher. maybeIvBytes = Buffer.concat([maybeIvBytes, chunk]); if (maybeIvBytes.byteLength < IV_LENGTH) { callback(null, null); return; } // Once we have enough bytes, initialize the decipher and pass the // remainder of the bytes through. const iv = maybeIvBytes.subarray(0, IV_LENGTH); const remainder = maybeIvBytes.subarray(IV_LENGTH); onFoundIv?.(iv); maybeIvBytes = null; // free memory decipher = createDecipheriv(CipherType.AES256CBC, aesKey, iv); callback(null, decipher.update(remainder)); } catch (error) { callback(error); } }, flush(callback) { try { strictAssert(decipher != null, 'decipher must be set'); callback(null, decipher.final()); } catch (error) { callback(error); } }, }); } /** * Truncates the stream to the target size. */ function trimPadding(size: number) { let total = 0; return new Transform({ transform(chunk, _encoding, callback) { const chunkSize = chunk.byteLength; const sizeLeft = size - total; if (sizeLeft >= chunkSize) { total += chunkSize; callback(null, chunk); } else if (sizeLeft > 0) { total += sizeLeft; callback(null, chunk.subarray(0, sizeLeft)); } else { callback(null, null); } }, }); } export function measureSize(onComplete: (size: number) => void): Transform { let totalBytes = 0; const passthrough = new PassThrough(); passthrough.on('data', chunk => { totalBytes += chunk.length; }); passthrough.on('end', () => { onComplete(totalBytes); }); return passthrough; } export function getAttachmentCiphertextLength(plaintextLength: number): number { const paddedPlaintextSize = logPadSize(plaintextLength); return ( IV_LENGTH + getAesCbcCiphertextLength(paddedPlaintextSize) + ATTACHMENT_MAC_LENGTH ); } export function getAesCbcCiphertextLength(plaintextLength: number): number { const AES_CBC_BLOCK_SIZE = 16; return ( (1 + Math.floor(plaintextLength / AES_CBC_BLOCK_SIZE)) * AES_CBC_BLOCK_SIZE ); } /** * Prepends the iv to the stream. */ function prependIv(iv: Uint8Array) { strictAssert( iv.byteLength === IV_LENGTH, `prependIv: iv should be ${IV_LENGTH} bytes, got ${iv.byteLength} bytes` ); return prependStream(iv); } /** * Called during message schema migration. New messages downloaded should have * plaintextHash added automatically during decryption / writing to file system. */ export async function addPlaintextHashToAttachment( attachment: AttachmentType, { getAbsoluteAttachmentPath }: ContextType ): Promise<AttachmentType> { if (!attachment.path) { return attachment; } const plaintextHash = await getPlaintextHashForAttachmentOnDisk( getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(attachment.path) ); if (!plaintextHash) { log.error('addPlaintextHashToAttachment: Failed to generate hash'); return attachment; } return { ...attachment, plaintextHash, }; } export async function getPlaintextHashForAttachmentOnDisk( absolutePath: string ): Promise<string | undefined> { let readFd; try { try { readFd = await open(absolutePath, 'r'); } catch (error) { log.error('addPlaintextHashToAttachment: Target path does not exist'); return undefined; } const hash = createHash(HashType.size256); await pipeline(readFd.createReadStream(), hash); const plaintextHash = hash.digest('hex'); if (!plaintextHash) { log.error( 'addPlaintextHashToAttachment: no hash generated from file; is the file empty?' ); return; } return plaintextHash; } catch (error) { log.error('addPlaintextHashToAttachment: error during file read', error); return undefined; } finally { await readFd?.close(); } } export function getPlaintextHashForInMemoryAttachment( data: Uint8Array ): string { return createHash(HashType.size256).update(data).digest('hex'); } /** * Unlinks a file without throwing an error if it doesn't exist. * Throws an error if it fails to unlink for any other reason. */ export function safeUnlinkSync(filePath: string): void { try { unlinkSync(filePath); } catch (error) { // Ignore if file doesn't exist if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { log.error('Failed to unlink', error); throw error; } } }