// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useCallback, useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import QR from 'qrcode-generator'; import { changeDpiBlob } from 'changedpi'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import type { SaveAttachmentActionCreatorType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import { UsernameLinkState } from '../state/ducks/usernameEnums'; import { ToastType } from '../types/Toast'; import type { ShowToastAction } from '../state/ducks/toast'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { IMAGE_PNG } from '../types/MIME'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { Button, ButtonVariant } from './Button'; import { Modal } from './Modal'; import { ConfirmationDialog } from './ConfirmationDialog'; import { Spinner } from './Spinner'; export type PropsType = Readonly<{ i18n: LocalizerType; link?: string; username: string; colorId?: number; usernameLinkState: UsernameLinkState; setUsernameLinkColor: (colorId: number) => void; resetUsernameLink: () => void; saveAttachment: SaveAttachmentActionCreatorType; showToast: ShowToastAction; onBack: () => void; }>; export type ColorMapEntryType = Readonly<{ fg: string; bg: string; }>; const ColorEnum = Proto.AccountRecord.UsernameLink.Color; const DEFAULT_PRESET: ColorMapEntryType = { fg: '#2449c0', bg: '#506ecd' }; export const COLOR_MAP: ReadonlyMap = new Map([ [ColorEnum.BLUE, DEFAULT_PRESET], [ColorEnum.WHITE, { fg: '#000000', bg: '#ffffff' }], [ColorEnum.GREY, { fg: '#464852', bg: '#6a6c74' }], [ColorEnum.OLIVE, { fg: '#73694f', bg: '#a89d7f' }], [ColorEnum.GREEN, { fg: '#55733f', bg: '#829a6e' }], [ColorEnum.ORANGE, { fg: '#d96b2d', bg: '#de7134' }], [ColorEnum.PINK, { fg: '#bb617b', bg: '#e67899' }], [ColorEnum.PURPLE, { fg: '#7651c5', bg: '#9c84cf' }], ]); const CLASS = 'UsernameLinkModalBody'; const AUTODETECT_TYPE_NUMBER = 0; const ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL = 'H'; const CENTER_CUTAWAY_PERCENTAGE = 32 / 184; const PRINT_WIDTH = 296; const DEFAULT_PRINT_HEIGHT = 324; const PRINT_SHADOW_BLUR = 4; const PRINT_CARD_RADIUS = 24; const PRINT_MAX_USERNAME_WIDTH = 222; const PRINT_USERNAME_LINE_HEIGHT = 25; const PRINT_USERNAME_Y = 269; const PRINT_QR_SIZE = 184; const PRINT_QR_Y = 48; const PRINT_QR_PADDING = 16; const PRINT_QR_PADDING_RADIUS = 12; const PRINT_DPI = 224; const PRINT_LOGO_SIZE = 36; type BlotchesPropsType = Readonly<{ className?: string; link: string; color: string; }>; function Blotches({ className, link, color }: BlotchesPropsType): JSX.Element { const qr = QR(AUTODETECT_TYPE_NUMBER, ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL); qr.addData(link); qr.make(); const size = qr.getModuleCount(); const center = size / 2; const radius = CENTER_CUTAWAY_PERCENTAGE * size; function hasPixel(x: number, y: number): boolean { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= size || y >= size) { return false; } const distanceFromCenter = Math.sqrt( (x - center + 0.5) ** 2 + (y - center + 0.5) ** 2 ); // Center and 1 dot away should remain clear for the logo placement. if (Math.ceil(distanceFromCenter) <= radius + 2) { return false; } return qr.isDark(x, y); } const path = []; for (let y = 0; y < size; y += 1) { for (let x = 0; x < size; x += 1) { if (!hasPixel(x, y)) { continue; } const onTop = hasPixel(x, y - 1); const onBottom = hasPixel(x, y + 1); const onLeft = hasPixel(x - 1, y); const onRight = hasPixel(x + 1, y); const roundTL = !onLeft && !onTop; const roundTR = !onTop && !onRight; const roundBR = !onRight && !onBottom; const roundBL = !onBottom && !onLeft; path.push( `M${2 * x} ${2 * y + 1}`, roundTL ? 'a1 1 0 0 1 1 -1' : 'v-1h1', roundTR ? 'a1 1 0 0 1 1 1' : 'h1v1', roundBR ? 'a1 1 0 0 1 -1 1' : 'v1h-1', roundBL ? 'a1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1' : 'h-1v-1', 'z' ); } } return ( ); } type CreateCanvasAndContextOptionsType = Readonly<{ width: number; height: number; devicePixelRatio?: number; }>; function createCanvasAndContext({ width, height, devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio, }: CreateCanvasAndContextOptionsType): [ OffscreenCanvas, OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D ] { const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas( devicePixelRatio * width, devicePixelRatio * height ); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); strictAssert(context, 'Failed to get 2d context'); // Retina support context.scale(devicePixelRatio, devicePixelRatio); // Font config context.font = `600 20px/${PRINT_USERNAME_LINE_HEIGHT}px Inter`; context.textAlign = 'center'; context.textBaseline = 'top'; // Experimental Chrome APIs ( context as unknown as { letterSpacing: number; } ).letterSpacing = -0.34; ( context as unknown as { textRendering: string; } ).textRendering = 'optimizeLegibility'; context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; return [canvas, context]; } type GetLogoCanvasOptionsType = Readonly<{ fgColor: string; imageUrl?: string; devicePixelRatio?: number; }>; async function getLogoCanvas({ fgColor, imageUrl = 'images/signal-qr-logo.svg', devicePixelRatio, }: GetLogoCanvasOptionsType): Promise { const img = new Image(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { img.addEventListener('load', resolve); img.addEventListener('error', () => reject(new Error('Failed to load image')) ); img.src = imageUrl; }); const [canvas, context] = createCanvasAndContext({ width: PRINT_LOGO_SIZE, height: PRINT_LOGO_SIZE, devicePixelRatio, }); context.fillStyle = fgColor; context.fillRect(0, 0, PRINT_LOGO_SIZE, PRINT_LOGO_SIZE); context.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'; context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, PRINT_LOGO_SIZE, PRINT_LOGO_SIZE); return canvas; } function splitUsername(username: string): Array { const result = new Array(); const [, context] = createCanvasAndContext({ width: 1, height: 1 }); // Compute number of lines and height of username for (let i = 0, last = 0; i < username.length; i += 1) { const part = username.slice(last, i); if (context.measureText(part).width > PRINT_MAX_USERNAME_WIDTH) { result.push(username.slice(last, i - 1)); last = i - 1; } else if (i === username.length - 1) { result.push(username.slice(last)); } } return result; } type GenerateImageURLOptionsType = Readonly<{ link: string; username: string; colorId: number; bgColor: string; fgColor: string; // For testing logoUrl?: string; devicePixelRatio?: number; }>; // Exported for testing export async function _generateImageBlob({ link, username, colorId, bgColor, fgColor, logoUrl, devicePixelRatio, }: GenerateImageURLOptionsType): Promise { const usernameLines = splitUsername(username); const usernameHeight = PRINT_USERNAME_LINE_HEIGHT * usernameLines.length; const isWhiteBackground = colorId === ColorEnum.WHITE; const padding = isWhiteBackground ? PRINT_SHADOW_BLUR : 0; const totalHeight = DEFAULT_PRINT_HEIGHT - PRINT_USERNAME_LINE_HEIGHT + usernameHeight; const [canvas, context] = createCanvasAndContext({ width: PRINT_WIDTH + 2 * padding, height: totalHeight + 2 * padding, devicePixelRatio, }); // Draw card context.save(); if (isWhiteBackground) { context.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)'; context.shadowBlur = PRINT_SHADOW_BLUR; } context.fillStyle = bgColor; context.beginPath(); context.roundRect( padding, padding, PRINT_WIDTH, totalHeight, PRINT_CARD_RADIUS ); context.fill(); context.restore(); // Draw padding around QR code context.save(); context.fillStyle = '#fff'; const sizeWithPadding = PRINT_QR_SIZE + 2 * PRINT_QR_PADDING; context.beginPath(); context.roundRect( padding + (PRINT_WIDTH - sizeWithPadding) / 2, padding + PRINT_QR_Y - PRINT_QR_PADDING, sizeWithPadding, sizeWithPadding, PRINT_QR_PADDING_RADIUS ); context.fill(); if (isWhiteBackground) { context.lineWidth = 2; context.strokeStyle = '#e9e9e9'; context.stroke(); } context.restore(); // Draw username context.fillStyle = isWhiteBackground ? '#000' : '#fff'; for (const [i, line] of usernameLines.entries()) { context.fillText( line, padding + PRINT_WIDTH / 2, PRINT_USERNAME_Y + i * PRINT_USERNAME_LINE_HEIGHT ); } // Draw logo context.drawImage( await getLogoCanvas({ fgColor, imageUrl: logoUrl, devicePixelRatio }), padding + (PRINT_WIDTH - PRINT_LOGO_SIZE) / 2, padding + PRINT_QR_Y + (PRINT_QR_SIZE - PRINT_LOGO_SIZE) / 2, PRINT_LOGO_SIZE, PRINT_LOGO_SIZE ); // Draw QR code const svg = renderToStaticMarkup(Blotches({ link, color: fgColor })); const svgURL = `data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${encodeURIComponent(svg)}`; const img = new Image(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { img.addEventListener('load', resolve); img.addEventListener('error', () => reject(new Error('Failed to load image')) ); img.src = svgURL; }); context.drawImage( img, padding + (PRINT_WIDTH - PRINT_QR_SIZE) / 2, PRINT_QR_Y + padding, PRINT_QR_SIZE, PRINT_QR_SIZE ); const blob = await canvas.convertToBlob({ type: 'image/png' }); return changeDpiBlob(blob, PRINT_DPI); } type UsernameLinkColorRadioPropsType = Readonly<{ i18n: LocalizerType; index: number; colorId: number; fgColor: string; bgColor: string; isSelected: boolean; onSelect: (colorId: number) => void; }>; function UsernameLinkColorRadio({ i18n, index, colorId, fgColor, bgColor, isSelected, onSelect, }: UsernameLinkColorRadioPropsType): JSX.Element { const className = `${CLASS}__colors__radio`; const onClick = useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); onSelect(colorId); }, [colorId, onSelect] ); const onRef = useCallback( (elem: HTMLButtonElement | null): void => { if (elem) { // Note that these cannot be set through html attributes elem.style.setProperty('--bg-color', bgColor); elem.style.setProperty('--fg-color', fgColor); } }, [fgColor, bgColor] ); const isWhiteBackground = colorId === ColorEnum.WHITE; return ( ); } type UsernameLinkColorsPropsType = Readonly<{ i18n: LocalizerType; value: number; onChange: (colorId: number) => void; onSave: () => void; onCancel: () => void; }>; function UsernameLinkColors({ i18n, value, onChange, onSave, onCancel, }: UsernameLinkColorsPropsType): JSX.Element { const className = `${CLASS}__colors`; const normalizedValue = value === ColorEnum.UNKNOWN ? ColorEnum.BLUE : value; return (
{[...COLOR_MAP.entries()].map(([colorId, { fg, bg }], index) => { return ( ); })}
); } export function UsernameLinkModalBody({ i18n, link, username, usernameLinkState, colorId: initialColorId = ColorEnum.UNKNOWN, setUsernameLinkColor, resetUsernameLink, saveAttachment, showToast, onBack, }: PropsType): JSX.Element { const [pngData, setPngData] = useState(); const [showColors, setShowColors] = useState(false); const [confirmReset, setConfirmReset] = useState(false); const [colorId, setColorId] = useState(initialColorId); const { fg: fgColor, bg: bgColor } = COLOR_MAP.get(colorId) ?? DEFAULT_PRESET; const isWhiteBackground = colorId === ColorEnum.WHITE; const onCardRef = useCallback( (elem: HTMLDivElement | null): void => { if (elem) { // Note that these cannot be set through html attributes elem.style.setProperty('--bg-color', bgColor); elem.style.setProperty('--fg-color', fgColor); elem.style.setProperty( '--text-color', isWhiteBackground ? '#000' : '#fff' ); } }, [bgColor, fgColor, isWhiteBackground] ); useEffect(() => { let isAborted = false; async function run() { if (!link) { return; } const blob = await _generateImageBlob({ link, username, colorId, bgColor, fgColor, }); const arrayBuffer = await blob.arrayBuffer(); if (isAborted) { return; } setPngData(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)); } drop(run()); return () => { isAborted = true; }; }, [link, username, colorId, bgColor, fgColor]); const onSave = useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!pngData) { return; } saveAttachment({ data: pngData, fileName: 'signal-username-qr-code.png', contentType: IMAGE_PNG, size: pngData.length, }); }, [saveAttachment, pngData] ); const onStartColorChange = useCallback((e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); setShowColors(true); }, []); const onCopyLink = useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); if (link) { drop(window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(link)); showToast({ toastType: ToastType.CopiedUsernameLink }); } }, [link, showToast] ); const onCopyUsername = useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); drop(window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(username)); showToast({ toastType: ToastType.CopiedUsername }); }, [username, showToast] ); // Color change sub modal const onUsernameLinkColorChange = useCallback((newColor: number) => { setColorId(newColor); }, []); const onUsernameLinkColorSave = useCallback(() => { setUsernameLinkColor(colorId); setShowColors(false); }, [setUsernameLinkColor, colorId]); const onUsernameLinkColorCancel = useCallback(() => { setShowColors(false); setColorId(initialColorId); }, [initialColorId]); // Reset sub modal const onClickReset = useCallback(() => { setConfirmReset(true); }, []); const onCancelReset = useCallback(() => { setConfirmReset(false); }, []); const onConfirmReset = useCallback(() => { setConfirmReset(false); resetUsernameLink(); }, [resetUsernameLink]); const info = ( <>
); return (
{usernameLinkState === UsernameLinkState.Ready && link ? ( <>
) : ( )}
{!showColors && (
{confirmReset && ( {i18n('icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__reset__confirm')} )} {showColors ? ( ) : ( info )}
); }