// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only const fs = require('fs'); const _ = require('lodash'); const { execSync } = require('child_process'); const packageJson = require('../package.json'); const { isAdhoc } = require('../ts/util/version'); const { version } = packageJson; // You might be wondering why this file is necessary. It comes down to our desire to allow // side-by-side installation of production and adhoc builds. Electron-Builder uses // top-level data from package.json for many things, like the executable name, the // debian package name, the install directory under /opt on linux, etc. We tried // adding the ${channel} macro to these values, but Electron-Builder didn't like that. if (!isAdhoc(version)) { console.error(`Version '${version}' is not an adhoc version!`); process.exit(1); } const shortSha = execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD') .toString('utf8') .replace(/[\n\r]/g, ''); const dateTimeParts = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', hourCycle: 'h23', month: '2-digit', timeZone: 'GMT', year: 'numeric', }).formatToParts(new Date()); const dateTimeMap = new Map(); dateTimeParts.forEach(({ type, value }) => { dateTimeMap.set(type, value); }); const formattedDate = `${dateTimeMap.get('year')}${dateTimeMap.get( 'month' )}${dateTimeMap.get('day')}`; console.log( `prepare_adhoc_build(adhoc-${formattedDate}-${shortSha}): updating package.json` ); // ------- const NAME_PATH = 'name'; const PRODUCTION_NAME = 'signal-desktop'; const ADHOC_NAME = `signal-desktop-adhoc-${formattedDate}-${shortSha}`; const PRODUCT_NAME_PATH = 'productName'; const PRODUCTION_PRODUCT_NAME = 'Signal'; const ADHOC_PRODUCT_NAME = `Signal Adhoc ${formattedDate}.${shortSha}`; const APP_ID_PATH = 'build.appId'; const PRODUCTION_APP_ID = 'org.whispersystems.signal-desktop'; const ADHOC_APP_ID = `org.whispersystems.signal-desktop-adhoc-${formattedDate}-${shortSha}`; const DESKTOP_NAME_PATH = 'desktopName'; // Note: we're avoiding dashes in our .desktop name due to xdg-settings behavior // https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/issues/3602 const PRODUCTION_DESKTOP_NAME = 'signal.desktop'; const ADHOC_DESKTOP_NAME = `signaladhoc.${formattedDate}.${shortSha}.desktop`; // ------- function checkValue(object, objectPath, expected) { const actual = _.get(object, objectPath); if (actual !== expected) { throw new Error(`${objectPath} was ${actual}; expected ${expected}`); } } // ------ checkValue(packageJson, NAME_PATH, PRODUCTION_NAME); checkValue(packageJson, PRODUCT_NAME_PATH, PRODUCTION_PRODUCT_NAME); checkValue(packageJson, APP_ID_PATH, PRODUCTION_APP_ID); checkValue(packageJson, DESKTOP_NAME_PATH, PRODUCTION_DESKTOP_NAME); // ------- _.set(packageJson, NAME_PATH, ADHOC_NAME); _.set(packageJson, PRODUCT_NAME_PATH, ADHOC_PRODUCT_NAME); _.set(packageJson, APP_ID_PATH, ADHOC_APP_ID); _.set(packageJson, DESKTOP_NAME_PATH, ADHOC_DESKTOP_NAME); // ------- fs.writeFileSync('./package.json', JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, ' '));